Resources for Working At Scale

Resources developed by the Hygiene Improvement Project and its partners to support working at scale for improvement in hygiene and sanitation practices.

FileAt-Scale Hygiene and Sanitation in Ethiopia and Madagascar - Experiences and Lessons Learned

This document reviews the USAID Hygiene Improvement Project’s overall approach to “at-scale” hygiene and sanitation improvement, describes HIP’s two at-scale applications in Ethiopia and Madagascar, and reflects on the scale experiences and their lessons for future at-scale applications. Includes an at-scale framework and tools for potential implementers in the annex. (Annex resources are available below.)

HIP At-Scale Hygiene and Sanitation - Experiences and Lessons Learned.pdf  (1.7 MB)

FileToolkit for At Scale Hygiene Improvement in Amhara, Ethiopia, May 2010

Toolkit for At Scale Hygiene Improvement in Amhara, Ethiopia_May 2010_edition.pdf  (782.9 kB)

FileWhole System in the Room Mapping Tool

WSR WASH Mapping Tool.pdf  (116.6 kB)

FileWhole System in the Room Strategizing Tool

WSR Strategizing Tools.pdf  (451.2 kB)

FileWhole System in the Room Partner and Coalition Handout (Worksheet and Checklist)

WSR Partnership and Coalition Handout.pdf  (79.0 kB)

FileEvaluation Grid for Assessing WASH-Friendly Schools

Evaluation Grid for Assessing WASH-Friendly Schools.pdf  (148.9 kB)