On HIP, rationale, team etc.
HIP focused on promoting sustainable, at-scale improvements of three key hygiene practices in at least 2 countries and through selected, strategic activities. While the HIP project has ended, many of the activities started by HIP will continue under the USAID-funded WASHplus project.
HIP at a glance
HIP is the latest generation of USAID health investments in water and sanitation intended to reduce diarrheal disease and improve child health. HIP brings a strong focus on sustainable improvements at scale in three key hygiene practices: safe feces disposal, hand washing with soap and safe storage and treatment of water at point-of-use.
Scale is reached when multiple stakeholders and interventions saturate the same targets with needed activities to adopt and sustain the key hygiene practices that reduce diarrheal disease among a large enough population to have health impact.
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HIP Brochure in English
HIP Brochure English.pdf (334.1 kB)
HIP Brochure in French
HIP Brochure French.pdf (343.9 kB)
HIP PowerPoint
This PowerPoint describes HIP's approach to hygiene improvement
About HIP.ppt (4.6 MB)
Who's who
Read about who's who in the HIP team and collaborating agencies / organisations.
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Key HIP Documents
HIP has produced a number of key documents to share its overall approach and report on accomplishements throughout the implementation of this five-year project (2005-2009). HIP's has developed a Five-Year Strategy to elaborate its strategic approach and serve as a guide for the implementation of activites during the life of the project. In addition, HIP produces an annual report each year to share highlights of the past year as well as plans for future activities.
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HIP partnering organizations
HIP is led by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), partnering with ARD, Inc., the Manoff Group Inc. and the International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) based in the Netherlands.
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