
Learn about hygiene behavior change and capacity development. Exchange knowledge. Strengthen your capacity to create hygiene programs.

ArticleAbout learning

HIP will create opportunities for people to discuss and debate critical issues around hygiene improvement and behavior change through electronic conferences and webinars. Where appropriate, HIP will foster communities of practice to come together on specific issues.

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FolderHIP Webinars Recordings

You can listen to recorded versions of HIP's webinars.

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FolderJanuary 2007 MBO E-conference

Measuring the impact of efforts to promote household water treatment and storage practices will help determine if behavior change programs are effective and worthy of continuous financial support by the development community in general, including governments, donors and the private sector (both nonprofit and commercial). From January 22-31, the Hygiene Improvement Project sought the input from key specialists in the field of water treatment and storage as well as behavior change to assist them in developing indicators to effectively measure behaviors associated with household water treatment and storage.

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Folder2006 HWTS E-Conference

From May 12-22, 2006, HIP held an e-conference that discussed two themes: 1) Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage: What can the poor afford? and 2) How do programs promote water treatment and ensure that the government continues to supply improved drinking water sources? This report summarizes the e-conference discussions.

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