What can the poor afford?
Michael Lea - Saturday 13 May 2006Hello all,
Introduction: I'm Michael Lea, clearinghouse editor for treatment technologies providing household water security.
Key Point: Importance of having credit, micro-finance, and HWTS micro-enterprise projects.
A recent BBC article feature an innovative POU technology, LifeStraw: 700 gallon lifespan, priced approx. $3.50 US. A spokesperson for a UK NGO criticized the device as overly expensive.
I agree, HWTS is a major investment when immediate family needs of food and other essentials is the first priority for someone earning $1.00 to $2.00 US or less per day. The poorest of the poor are not employed at all. Highlighting the importance of women-oriented credit, micro-finance, and micro-enterprise HWTS projects.
Michael (Canada)
BBC story link: [http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/004389.html]
LifeStraw link: [http://www.index2005.dk/Members/dafude/bodyObject]
Clearinghouse: [www.jalmandir.com]