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mike commeh - Monday 22 May 2006Joachim Ibeziako Ezeji, i don\t believe the poor can not afford anything. there are various strategies to help them be able to afford something, in this case HWTS to provide clean and save drinking water. it has become clear to me that it is only when one really understand and want something that you pursue it. so how do we get the poor to want and understand their water issue for them to pursue it with various creative approaches? so let us not make mistake by generalising or stereotyping the poor. i made a comment earlier that ghanaians can be poor but they love style and class i mean beauty quality things. so you see one can bring a good product but if it is not good looking, forget it. i had that experience myself concern Nnsupa ceramic water filters and now we are reaping the results. and as we imporve on the product and maintain the cost, we know hopefully we meet the MDG half way.