ceramic filters

Reid Harvey - Monday 22 May 2006

Micky raises some important points and I'd like to address the issue of argyria. It appears to be well documented that there is no deleterious health effect from ingesting silver, however, among those studying this metal there are frequent reminders about the cosmetic condition argyria. Argyria comes from ingesting massive amounts of silver compounds, or the metal, and manifests itself in the skin turning to a gray or blue color.

In the U.S., for example, silver in a ceramic filter is primarily governed by the Environmental Protection Agency, and this is accepted as okay. However the ingesting of silver is under the Food and Drug Administration and this is taboo. I would urge participants to avoid any link between the use of silver in a filter and the use as a health remedy.

We need to study and document that silver is not getting into the filtered water. Note that argyria is a very rare condition and that this only appears to be a problem for people who are white. Most whites are not so susceptible and the celebrated case is that of Rosemary Jacobs, whose site is easily found in a search. For many year Rosemary used silver nitrate nose drops, as a remedy for alergies, however she asserts that she had acquired this condition through the use of a colloidal silver preparation. I believe that any further discussion of ingesting silver would be appropriate in a different forum and that we should regard the exploration of this topic as if this were a walk through a mine field.

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