number of liters of water treated

Oluwafemi Odediran - Thursday 25 January 2007

I am sorry for joining the discussion so late and I apologise if my comment has already been made.

One of the reasons for promoting POU is the general understanding that most "safe" water from source gets contaminated either through transportation from source (handpump, standpost, etc) to the house, or through unhygienic storage/handling at home. Therefore, using "number of liters of water treated" may not be realistic measure of consumption of safe water or safe storage of the treated water. I would like to see that the indicator captures safe storage. Or is the discussion focussed only on treatment?

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Orlando Hernandez - Friday 26 January 2007

No, the conference does not focus only on water treatment. As indicated in the discussion paper, there are three distinct behaviors related to household water treatment and storage:

treatment and

What are your thoughts are the break down of POU practices into these three elements?

Do any of the indicators proposed capture the three components?

Should all three be captured?

How do we best capture them?

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