29 April 2014 – SuSanA/SEI webinar on “Adding missing links in sanitation value chains” with BMGF grantees
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) with assistance of a team led by Stockholm Environment Institute is inviting you to the 7th webinar with Gates Foundation sanitation grantees. Topic of the webinar is “Adding missing links in sanitation value chains” Date/Time: Tuesday 29 April 2014, 16:30 … Continue reading →
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Videos of exhibits at Reinvent the Toilet Fair India (21-22 March 2014) provided by SEI & SuSanA now available
Videos of exhibits at Reinvent the Toilet Fair India (21-22 March 2014) provided by SEI & SuSanA now available Stockholm Environment Institute has announced that videos with grantees about their exhibits that were taken at the Reinvent the Toilet Fair … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on Child Feces Disposal
Issue 140 April 4, 2014 | Focus on Child Feces Disposal A recent blog post by the SHARE project states that the feces of children may be particularly important in fecal-oral transmission since children are more susceptible to diseases such as diarrhea and … Continue reading →
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Interventions to improve disposal of child faeces for preventing diarrhoea and STH infection
Interventions to improve disposal of child faeces for preventing diarrhoea and soil-transmitted helminth infection, (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD011055. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD011055. Order information Authors: Majorin F, Torondel B, Ka Seen Chan G, Clasen TF. Objectives: … Continue reading →
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Save the Date: April 11 Webcast from Sanitation and Water for All High Level Meeting
On April 11, the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) partnership will hold its High Level Meeting 2014 in Washington, D.C. SWA is a global partnership of over 90 developing country governments, donors, civil society organizations and other development partners … Continue reading →
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THE URBAN PROGRAMMING GUIDE: How to design and implement a pro-poor urban WASH programme
Improving water, sanitation and hygiene services to low-income urban areas is a highly challenging and complex task. Traditional approaches have often failed to work. We need new approaches and fresh thinking. We need governments, donors and sector professionals genuinely committed … Continue reading →
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Waste not: Egypt’s refuse collectors regain role at heart of Cairo society
Waste not: Egypt’s refuse collectors regain role at heart of Cairo society | Source/complete article: The Guardian, March 27 2014 | Excerpts - Zabaleen waste pickers are finally being re-integrated into the city’s services, a decade after they were sidelined. For the waste pickers … Continue reading →
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2014 WASH Sustainability Forum
The fifth in the series of WASH Sustainability Forums will be held on June 30th & July 1st at the RAI in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. As past Forums have focused on concepts of sustainability, this event will advance progress by … Continue reading →
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BRAC WASH releases video on faecal sludge management
The BRAC WASH programme has released a short video about their ongoing study in Bangladesh on the use of faecal sludge from double pit latrines as organic fertiliser. The final evaluation of BRAC WASH I programme identified pit emptying and the … Continue reading →
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Team Sanivation Wins Best Toilet Award!
From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Best toilet award goes to…a group of Georgia Tech undergraduate students called Team Sanivation! The students have been working with our Global WASH team and the nonprofit Sanivation and won the … Continue reading →
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WASHplus – WASH/Nutrition Literature Update – March 2014
WASH/Nutrition Literature Update – March 2014 The March 2014 literature update includes details on an upcoming USAID-sponsored WASH nutrition presentation on April 1, 2014, and the March 2014 issue of USAID’s Global Waters magazine with descriptions of USAID WASH and … Continue reading →
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Unilever Lifebuoy Handwashing Campaign Reduces Diarrhea
Unilever Lifebuoy Handwashing Campaign Reduces Diarrhea from 36& to 5% in Indian Village March 2014 – Unilever’s health soap Lifebuoy has this month announced the results of its Help A Child Reach 5 handwashing programmes launched in Thesgora, India, noting … Continue reading →
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WEDC – A Collection of Contemporary Toilet Designs
A Collection of Contemporary Toilet Designs, 2014. Download, pdf | Order print version Author: Rod Shaw, ed. This collection is the result of the findings of EOOS research which was supported by Sandec, the Department of Water and Sanitation in … Continue reading →
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IRC showcasing WASHCost Calculator at Reinvent the Toilet Fair: India
IRC’s WASHCost Project will be one of approximately 50 exhibits that will be on display during the two-day Reinvent the Toilet Fair: India. IRC will present the WASHCost Calculator; an online tool that helps professionals to plan for WASH services that are … Continue reading →
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Preventing violence linked to WASH: practitioners’ toolkit
Poorly designed and located water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions can increase people’s vulnerability to violence. This can range from sexual harassment when practicing open defecation or collecting water, to staff demanding sexual favours in exchange for access to WASH facilities. … Continue reading →
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Why women’s involvement in water and sanitation development is important
Women in WASH Last week on March 8 was International Women’s Day (IWD). This year’s theme was “Inspiring Change”. Four women inspiring change in the WASH sector came together during the World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, in September last … Continue reading →
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Editorial – The elusive effect of water and sanitation on the global burden of disease
Editorial – The elusive effect of water and sanitation on the global burden of disease. Tropical Medicine and International Health, Feb 2014. PDF Version | Enhanced article(HTML) by Wolf-Peter Schmidt, Department of Disease Control, Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School … Continue reading →
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12 March – SuSanA–WASHtech webinar on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF)
12 March -16h00 : SuSanA–WASHtech webinar on Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) SuSanA secretariat and WASHtech invites you to participate in a webinar that will present and discuss the Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) developed during the WASHtech project: www.washtechnologies.net When: 16h00 CET on … Continue reading →
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#KeepTheHinWASH: Hygiene being left out from Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Hygiene is missing from an important United Nations document on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will be submitted to the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly. Several organisations including End Water Poverty, WaterAid, Practical Action and Helvetas have written … Continue reading →
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UN partners WSSCC and OHCHR gather diverse stakeholders to foreground sanitation, rights and dignity for women
Grass-roots activists shared inspirational experiences on reducing female circumcision in Senegal, raising awareness of lesbian and transgender issues in Nepal and working for the dignity of sex workers in India at a special meeting at the United Nations headquarters in … Continue reading →
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UN Women and Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council in partnership to improve access to hygiene and sanitation for women and girls Louga, 9 March 2014 – On the margins of International Women’s Day commemorations across Senegal and West and Central Africa, … Continue reading →
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Towards total sanitation workshop report – key findings
How can Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and other programmatic approaches be integrated into a service-led rural sanitation delivery? This was the topic that attracted around 70 practitioners from 16 different countries to Cotonu, Benin in November 2013 for a … Continue reading →
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Study examines sustainability of CLTS programmes in Africa
Despite the widespread implementation of Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) programs and many claims of success, there has been very little systematic investigation into their sustainability. A new study, which aims to change that, is creating a stir in the WASH sector. A … Continue reading →
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Study Highlights Limited Progress in WASH Access Among Sub-Saharan African Cities
George Washington University Study Highlights Limited Progress in Water and Sanitation Access Among Major Sub-Saharan African Cities | Source: George Washington University, School of Public Health | Sub-Saharan Africa’s urban population is predicted to nearly triple by 2050, increasing from … Continue reading →
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A gender-inclusive approach in practice: communal sanitation
WSUP believes that the issue of gender inclusion is fundamental to effective WASH service provision. To mark International Women’s Day and to recognise the importance of this issue, we have produced a new Practice Note which provides a contextual background … Continue reading →
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Cartoon contest – break the silence about toilets and sanitation in India!
With your creativity we want to break the silence about toilets and sanitation in India! The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) and GIZ together with Goethe Institute Max Müller, the Indian Institute for Cartoonists and EAWAG/Sandec invite creative minds to submit … Continue reading →
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Tender for external evaluation WASH Facility: Sierra Leone
Adam Smith International are procuring for external evaluators (consultants or firm) to evaluate the Sierra Leone WASH Facility. The Facility, which has a total budget of £5 million (US$ 8.4 million), is managed and administered by Adam Smith International, on behalf of DfID … Continue reading →
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“SuperAmma” campaign results in significant improvements in people’s handwashing behaviour
“SuperAmma” campaign results in significant improvements in people’s handwashing behaviour | Source: SHARE, Feb 27 2014 | A unique handwashing campaign jointly funded by SHARE and the Wellcome Trust has shown for the first time that using emotional motivators – … Continue reading →
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Toilets, trash and social status: the top 10 emergency hygiene challenges
Toilets, trash and social status: the top 10 emergency hygiene challenges | Source/Complete article: Kathy Migiro, Thomson Reuters Foundation | Feb 17 2014 Excerpts: NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – More than 900 beneficiaries, field practitioners and donors named their most … Continue reading →
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Child Feces Disposal Practices in Rural Orissa: A Cross Sectional Study
Child Feces Disposal Practices in Rural Orissa: A Cross Sectional Study. PLoS One, Feb 2014. Full text Fiona Majorin, et al Background – An estimated 2.5 billion people worldwide lack access to improved sanitation facilities. While large-scale programs in some … Continue reading →
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AMCOW training consultancy on sanitation & hygiene policy development
The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) needs the services of a training service provider to carry out a sanitation and hygiene policy training needs analysis and training of focal persons in Burundi, Chad, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe. The aim of this small … Continue reading →
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Tropical plant Moringa provides alternative to soap for handwashing
SHARE-funded research [1] has found that Moringa oleifera, a common plant in many tropical and subtropical countries, can be an effective handwashing product if used in the correct concentration. Laboratory tests show that the plant has antibacterial activity against different … Continue reading →
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Benin – Behaviour change, a must for improved sanitation
Benin – Behaviour change, a must for improved sanitation | Source/complete article: Edmund Smith-Asante | Graphic.com – 21 February 2014 Excerpts - Benin’s Minister of Health, Professor Dorothéme Kinde Gazard, has called on African nations to lay emphasis on behaviour change communication, … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on WASH-related disesases
Issue 135 February 21, 2014 | Focus on WASH-Related Diseases This issue contains recent studies and reports on several WASH-related diseases: neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), malnutrition, cholera, diarrhea, fluorosis, and malaria. Some of the resources include: a WASH and NTDs global manual and country … Continue reading →
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Valerie Curtis – Don’t Look, Don’t Touch! Brains and behaviour from a disgust perspective
Don’t Look, Don’t Touch! Brains and behaviour from a disgust perspective, by Valerie Curtis, Ph.D. | Source/complete article: Psychology Today. Valerie Curtis, Ph.D., is a Disgustologist and Director of the Hygiene Centre at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Disgust Has … Continue reading →
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WSSCC Executive Director Chris Williams highlights key water, sanitation and hygiene challenges and opportunities during UN Post-2015 thematic debate
WSSCC Executive Director Christopher Williams was a key speaker on day one of the Thematic Debate on ‘Water, Sanitation, and Sustainable Energy in the Post-2015 Development Agenda’ convened in New York at UN Headquarters on 18-19 February 2014. Dr. Williams … Continue reading →
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Journalists gather in Cotonou to place spotlight on African commitments to water and sanitation
Less than a year from the deadline for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), journalists in Africa are casting a critical eye on the progress in water, sanitation and hygiene improvements being achieved by African governments, and the on-going challenges in … Continue reading →
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RFP for Global Sanitation Fund Executing Agency in Kenya
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council and its Global Sanitation Fund have issued a Request for Proposals for an Executing Agency to manage and coordinate its planned grant in Kenya. The overall goal of the GSF programme in Kenya … Continue reading →
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Can you imagine not being able to go to school because you’re on your period?
Can you imagine not being able to go to school because you’re on your period? | Source/complete article: Women24, Feb 10, 2014. Excerpt - Sue Barnes’ Project Dignity allows girls and young women in townships and rural areas to keep … Continue reading →
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International conference on public services in the global South
Cape Town, the city where “poo has become a politcial issue“, is hosting an international conference on “Putting Public in Public Services: Research, Action and Equity in the Global South” from 13-16 April 2014 . Organised by the Municipal Services Project, the … Continue reading →
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Garbage clinical insurance wins sustainability entrepreneur prize
Garbage Clinical Insurance: Young Indonesian Doctor Receives Award From Prince of Wales | Source/complete article – Establishment Post, Feb 12, 2014. Excerpts – Gamal Albinsaid, a young Indonesian doctor, has recently been awarded the inaugural “Prince of Wales Young Sustainability … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on WASH and Design Thinking
Issue 133 February 7, 2014 | Focus on WASH and Design Thinking Design thinking is an interesting approach to problem solving. Clark Kellogg, from the University of California, Berkeley and Collective Invention, states “Unlike most previous problem solving approaches, it is human-centric, collaborative, and … Continue reading →
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25 February 2014 – SuSanA/SEI webinar on Productive Sanitation with BMGF grantees
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) with assistance of a team led by Stockholm Environment Institute is inviting you to the 6th webinar with Gates Foundation sanitation grantees. Topic of the webinar is “Productive sanitation“ Date/Time: Tuesday 25 February 2014, 16:30 – 17:15 (CET – Central European … Continue reading →
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WASH Advocacy Day at the US Capitol, March 13
Join together for greater U.S. leadership on safe drinking water and sanitation, Advocacy Day at the US Capitol, March 13. US residents who support safe drinking water and safe sanitation (WASH) for the world’s poorest people can join us to meet … Continue reading →
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UNICEF – Handwashing Promotion: Monitoring and Evaluation Module
Handwashing Promotion: Monitoring and Evaluation Module, 2013. UNICEF. Full text, pdf Prepared by Jelena Vujcic, MPH and Pavani K. Ram, MD, University at Buffalo. This guide will walk you through planning and implementing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for your handwashing … Continue reading →
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Rural sanitation market in India worth US$ 25 billion
Monitor Deloitte has estimated that the demand for rural toilets in India could be worth INR 500-700 billion (US$ 10-14 billion), with an INR 300-450 billion (US$ 6-9 billion) financing opportunity. This is one of key key highlights from their recent white … Continue reading →
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Cairo: Finding its own way in waste collection
Cairo: Finding its own way in waste collection – Danish Architecture Centre | Source/complete article: Sustainable Cities, Jan 2014 Excerpts – For decades, much of Cairo’s waste has been resourcefully collected and reused by a poor working class known as … Continue reading →
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WSP promoted CLTS approach in Indonesia criticised
A highly critical article in Development and Change argues that the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach, which the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) has promoted in Indonesia, is not only “inadequate” but also “echoes coercive, race-based colonial public health practices”. Authors Dr Susan … Continue reading →
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Brazil: toilet protest on Ipanema beach against sewage pollution
In the wake of the World Cup and the Olympics, activists in Brazil are taking to the streets (and the beaches) demanding more investment in neglected public services like sanitation. Activist group Meu Rio (My Rio) sat on lavatories on Ipanema … Continue reading →
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Latrine lighting in emergencies: innovation challenge
The Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) has US$ 20,000 on offer for a proposal for an economical, sustainable lighting system for latrines in refugee or displaced persons camps. Communal latrine facilities in camps are often underutilised at night when it is … Continue reading →
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Seminar on monitoring of decentralised WASH services in West Africa
This is a bilingual seminar on Monitoring the decentralised delivery of WASH services in rural areas and small towns in West Africa in Ouagagoudou, Burkina Faso organised by IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and pS-Eau. Date: 07 – 09 April 2014 Designed … Continue reading →
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How to Trigger for Handwashing with Soap
How to Trigger for Handwashing with Soap. Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights, Issue 02, January 2014. Full text, pdf Author: Jolly Ann Maulit for UNICEF Malawi The Open Defecation Free (ODF) Malawi 2015 Strategy and National Hand Washing Campaign have … Continue reading →
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Jan 2014 – WASH/Nutrition Literature Updates
WASH/Nutrition Literature Update – January 2014 This update contains recent studies and reports on WASH and nutrition issues plus updates on new publications and resources from members of the USAID Community of Practice on WASH and Nutrition. Please contact WASHplus … Continue reading →
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Assessment of Beliefs and Practices Relating to Menstrual Hygiene of Adolescent Girls in Lebanon
Assessment of Beliefs and Practices Relating to Menstrual Hygiene of Adolescent Girls in Lebanon. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (IJHSR), 2013; 3(12): 75-88. Full text Authors: Tania Santina, Nancy Wehbe, Fouad M. Ziade, Mona Nehme. Abstract Introduction: Poor … Continue reading →
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A ‘Losing Prospect’ Argument for Changing Sanitation Behaviour
A ‘Losing Prospect’ Argument for Changing Sanitation Behaviour | Source/complete article& references: Nidi Khurana, End Poverty in South Asia – Jan 15, 2014. Excerpts: Fact #1: One in six people still defecate in the open. Fact #2: Most of them … Continue reading →
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Jan 21, 2014 – SuSanA/SEI webinar – Innovation in resource recovery and reuse
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) with the assistance of a team from Stockholm Environment Institute is happy to announce that the 5th Webinar with Gates Foundation sanitation grantees and SuSanA members will take place on 21 January. Topic of the … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on Microfinance
Issue 128 January 3, 2014 | Focus on Microfinance Many thanks to Blake McKinlay from iDE for suggesting the topic for this issue and for sharing an interesting study in Cambodia on determining the impact microfinance has on the uptake of latrines. Other … Continue reading →
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Global Sanitation Fund in Malawi
Global Sanitation Fund in Malawi, by Rochelle Holm, Ph.D., PMP, Mzuzu University, Centre of Excellence in Water and Sanitation and SMART Centre Manager. Email: rochelledh@hotmail.com. Global Sanitation Fund in Malawi Website The Global Sanitation Fund programme in Malawi is aimed at implementing sanitation and … Continue reading →
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Get your 2014 Toilet Calendar
A toilet made from beer cans (August) and Mahatma Gandhi’s toilet (September) are both featured in defeatDD’s 2014 “Places We Go” toilet calender. You can download and print the calendar for free. All the entries submitted to the “Places We … Continue reading →
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Microfinance as a potential cataylst for improved sanitation
Microfinance allows middle- and lower-income households to invest in desirable sanitation products, so that public funding can be freed up to reach the poorest, according to Water for People (WfP). In a new report [1], WfP reviews their experiences in … Continue reading →
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A Market Led, Evidence Based Approach to Rural Sanitation
Monitor Inclusive Markets, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has written a white paper titled “A Market Led, Evidence Based Approach to Rural Sanitation” on supply side market-based approaches to scale rural sanitation in India, based mainly … Continue reading →
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Impact of WASH in improving health of school children reviewed
More attention should be given to the assessment of nutrition practices when assessing the impact of WASH on the health of school children. We also don’t know enough about the long term impact of WASH interventions on child health. These … Continue reading →
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Wastewater treatment made simple … by a 5-year-old
Five-year-old Wally has built a wastewater treatment plant with Lego. Watch him explain how it works. Filed under: North America, Wastewater Management Tagged: Lego, videos, wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment plants
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New DIV Grantee will Test the “Tiger Toilet” that uses Worms for Good!
The Tiger Roars: New DIV Grantee will Test the “Tiger Toilet” that uses Worms for Good! | Complete article/source: USAID Development Innovation Ventures Excerpts – DIV is delighted to announce a new Stage 1 award of over $170,000 to Bear Valley Ventures … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on Inclusive WASH
Issue 127 December 20, 2013 | Focus on Inclusive WASH Many thanks to Shamila Jansz from WaterAid who contributed many of the reports, training materials, etc. to this issue on inclusive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). The resources fall under the following categories: … Continue reading →
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India, Madhya Pradesh: sanitation campaign humiliates women, say critics
A government campaign to stop open defecation in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has been criticised for using humiliation to change behaviour. Journalist M. Poornima writes that the ambitious scheme called ‘Maryada Abhiyan’ (Hindi for dignity), “gives little of … Continue reading →
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Campaign uses “Slum Britain art” for fundraising
A UK charity has set images of iconic landmarks like Buckingham Palace in typical South Asian slums for its latest campaign to tackle urban poverty. Practical Action’s Safer Cities Christmas appeal aims to provide clean water, sanitation and safe housing … Continue reading →
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Oxfam – Proposals to design, develop sanitation system for flood areas
Oxfam America – International call for Proposals to design and develop an innovative sanitation technology system for flood and flood-prone areas by firms or companies. Background – Oxfam America is an international NGO, and member of the Oxfam International confederation … Continue reading →
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Improved Sanitation and Its Impact on Children: An Exploration of Sanergy
Improved Sanitation and Its Impact on Children: An Exploration of Sanergy. Impact Case Study No. 2, 2013. (Full text) Esper, H., London, T., and Kanchwala, Y. The William Davidson Institute. We explore the impacts that Sanergy, a venture providing sanitation facilities and … Continue reading →
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USAID – Freshwater Conservation and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Integration Guidelines
Freshwater Conservation and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Integration Guidelines: A Framework for Implementation in sub-Saharan Africa, 2013. Full text Janet Edmond, et al. Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group, Conservation International, and The Nature Conservancy. The purpose of this document is to provide … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Community-Led Total Sanitation
Issue 126 December 13, 2013 | Focus on Community-Led Total Sanitation This issue updates the May 2013 Weekly on CLTS with more recent reports and other resources. Included are presentations from a sanitation workshop in Benin, reviews of CLTS successes and shortcomings, a … Continue reading →
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WASH Sustainability Index Tool Webinar with Helen Petach, Harold Lockwood & Ryan Schweitzer
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) See on www.youtube.comFiled under: Uncategorized
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USAID TRAction – Call for abstracts on househol…
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus USAID TRAction – Call for abstracts on household air pollution The USAID Translating Research into Action (TRAction) Project, which supports implementation science to identify best practices and ensure that evidence can be applied in practice, … Continue reading →
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Diane Coffey – No shame in a simple pit latrine
No shame in a simple pit latrine - Complete article/source – Diane Coffey, RICE Institute, Dec 11 2013. Excerpts - Today I just want to take a couple of minutes to share a short story about a modest pit latrine. Amit and … Continue reading →
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December 2013 WASH/Nutrition Literature Update
Below are updates on news and events from members of the USAID Community of Practice (COP) on WASH and Nutrition and links to recent studies and reports added to the WASH/Nutrition Library. Please send an email if you have a recent publication … Continue reading →
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Bringing Design Thinking To Social Problems, Ideo.org Focuses On The People In Need
Bringing Design Thinking To Social Problems, Ideo.org Focuses On The People In Need | Complete article: FastCoexist, Dec 2013 | The nonprofit spin-off of the huge design firm takes on issues like sanitation and clean cook stoves from the unique … Continue reading →
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AND THE WINNER IS….Community-led Total Sanitation in Himachal Pradesh
Water and Sanitation Program - The Indian state of Himachal Pradesh has made good progress in achieving rural sanitation outcomes and is well recognized as a high performer at an all-India level. Like other states, Himachal Pradesh also implemented the Total … Continue reading →
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Toilet takes up seat at the UN
At the first official UN celebration of World Toilet Day on 19 November 2013, a “mobile” toilet takes over the seat of Yemen at the UN headquarters in New York. Listen to the podcast of the UN Seminar and panel … Continue reading →
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Undoing inequity: water, sanitation and hygiene programmes that deliver for all
WaterAid is currently carrying out a SHARE-funded action research project in Zambia and Uganda in collaboration with WEDC and the Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre (LCD), called Undoing Inequity: water, sanitation and hygiene programmes that deliver for all. The project … Continue reading →
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IRC launches reference guide on non-sewered sanitation
Sanitation experts at IRC have compiled the first version of a reference guide on low-cost sanitation for non-sewered service models, SanPack for short. Dr Christine Sijbesma and Joep Verhagen have collected materials that cover services for all stages of the … Continue reading →
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Using technology to map Nairobi slums for more toilets, less trash
Q+A – Using technology to map Nairobi slums for more toilets, less trash | Source: Katy Migiro, Reuters, Nov 28, 2013 | NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Nearly seven out of 10 residents of Nairobi’s slums use shared toilets or pit latrines … Continue reading →
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Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar UNICEF ambassador for hygiene & sanitation in South Asia
Recently-retired Indian cricket legend SachinTendulkar has become UNICEF Ambassador for South Asia to promote hygiene and sanitation in the region over the next two years. “I was disheartened to know was that 1600 children die everyday because of diarrhoeal infected … Continue reading →
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The bathroom and kitchen of the future
How will urban households deal with hygiene, wastewater and solid waste in 2050? The solution, according to the combined vision of Veolia Environnement and the London School of Economics (LSE), lies in “a circular economy based on continuous reuse”. In a home free … Continue reading →
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India, Bihar: if you want to be elected, get a toilet first
First we had “no toilet, no bride“, now you need a toilet to be elected in India. At least that’s what chief minister Nitish Kumar is proposing for his state Bihar. He made the announcement on World Toilet Day, 19 … Continue reading →
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BRAC WASH latrines will power business to turn faecal waste into energy
The BRAC WASH programme in Bangladesh is to conduct detailed planning to convert faecal matter from pit latrines into commercially viable fertiliser, biogas and electricity. The aim is to complete the sanitation chain by making material from millions of pit … Continue reading →
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USAID TRAction – Call for abstracts on household air pollution — Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) Updates
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus USAID TRAction – Call for abstracts on household air pollution The USAID Translating Research into Action (TRAction) Project, which supports implementation science to identify best practices and ensure that evidence can be applied in practice, … Continue reading →
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See on Scoop.it – WASHplus POSITIVE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES IN PROGRAMS FOR WOMENS AND CHILD NUTRITION IN BANGLADESH: SCALING UP TIPPY-TAPS | 20th International Congress of Nutrition , Granada, Spain, September 15–20, 2013. E. Williams1, Y. See on blogs.washplus.orgFiled under: Uncategorized
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Orlando Hernandez, WASHplus – World Toilet Day
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Orlando Hernandez, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist with the USAID WASHplus project, provides a description of WASHplus sanitation activities in Africa a… See on www.youtube.comFiled under: Uncategorized
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USAID Announces Grants for Fuel-Efficient Cookstove Distribution in Kenya | U.S. Agency for International Development
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced today three awards made through the $1 million Fuel-efficient Cookstove Distribution in Kenya Grants Competition, a major component of USAID’s Developing a Sustainable… See on www.usaid.govFiled under: Uncategorized
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See on Scoop.it – WASHplus EVIDENCE LINKING HANDWASHING TO IMPROVED CHILD FEEDING OUTCOME | 20th International Congress of Nutrition , Granada, Spain, September 15–20, 2013 Link to the presentation on the Alive & Thrive website L. See on blogs.washplus.orgFiled under: … Continue reading →
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Akvopedia Sustainability Portal launched
Akvopedia has launched a new water and sanitation portal on sustainability. Developed by Akvo in collaboration with IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, the portal provides simple outlines of sustainability frameworks, such as the IRC’s Triple-S framework, as well as the … Continue reading →
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We Can’t Wait – Governments, civil society and business should work together to tackle sanitation for women’s health; say Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Unilever and WaterAid Dowwload the report here. A collaborative approach between governments, civil society and … Continue reading →
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Why World Toilet Day 2013 matters: unblocking constipated progress on sanitation
Why World Toilet Day 2013 matters: unblocking constipated progress on sanitation Author: Julian Doczi, Research Officer – Water Policy, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK, j.doczi@odi.org.uk A few months ago, the sanitation world received a welcome boost when the UN … Continue reading →
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“Poo, Pee and be Happy” sculpture unveiled in Singapore for World Toilet Day
A sculpture representing the World Toilet Day logo has been unveiled on Singapore’s Marina Barrage. Commissioned by the World Toilet Organization, the sculpture’s title “Evolution of Man: Poo Pee Happy” represents the evolution from cave man to civilised man, who … Continue reading →
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This World Toilet Day sing #ThankYouToilet with WaterAid!
Join Louie the Loo to celebrate the little guy in the corner – your toilet! Did you know he’s a life-saver, and where toilets don’t exist, thousands die?Filed under: Campaigns and Events Tagged: WaterAid, World Toilet Day 2013
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on World Toilet Day 2013
World Toilet Day (WTD) is observed annually on November 19. The purpose of this international day is to break the taboo around toilets and draw attention to the global sanitation challenge. Resources in this issue include links to WTD events, … Continue reading →
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Is there a sustainable business case for sanitation?
The business case for sanitation in developing countries is testified by the thousands of small scale entrepreneurs springing up to tackle problems of open defecation and process faecal waste and urine. Will these businesses be profitable and sustainable? Can they … Continue reading →
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Sanergy from Nairobi wins first Sarphati Sanitation Award
Sanergy won the first Sarphati Santation Award because in the past two years it has built 242 sanitation facilities run by 130 local entrepreneurs from Nairobi’s slums, who earn US$ 2,000 per year in income for their families while providing … Continue reading →
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Launch of Cochrane Review on WASH and Chilhood Undernutrition
Launch of Cochrane Review on WASH and Chilhood Undernutrition – Nov 6, 2013. | Source: SHARE The UK Launch of the Cochrane Review on WASH and Childhood Undernutrition was held yesterday at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine … Continue reading →
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Robin Nagle: What I discovered in New York City trash
New York City residents produce 11,000 tons of garbage every day. Every day! This astonishing statistic is just one of the reasons Robin Nagle started a research project with the city’s Department of Sanitation. She walked the routes, operated mechanical … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on WASH Sustainability | Sanitation …
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus The “Costing Sustainable Services” online course was developed to assist governments, NGOs, donors, and individuals to plan and budget for sustainable and equitable WASH services, using a life-cycle cost approach. See on sanitationupdates.wordpress.comFiled under: Uncategorized
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on WASH and Gender | Sanitation Updates
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Gender is an important issue in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). In most societies women have the primary responsibility for managing the household water supply, sanitation, and health. Water is necessary not only for … … Continue reading →
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WASHplus’ Orlando Hernandez on WASH and Behavior Change
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus See on www.youtube.comFiled under: Uncategorized
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100 issues of the WASHplus Weekly – March 2011 to May 4, 2013 …
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Includes links to the past 100 issues of the WASHplus Weekly on various sanitation and other topics … See on sanitationupdates.wordpress.comFiled under: Uncategorized
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USAID Policy Paper: Sustainable Service Delivery in an Urbanized World — Urban Health Updates
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Sustainable Service Delivery in an Increasingly Urbanized World: USAID Policy Paper, 2013. USAID. See on blogs.washplus.orgFiled under: Uncategorized
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WASHplus Weekly: A Handwashing Update | Sanitation Updates
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Hygiene and sanitation practices amongst residents of three long‐term refugee camps in Thailand, Ethiopia and Kenya. Trop Med Int Health 17(9):1133‐1141.(Abstract); Bowen A, Agboatwalla M, Luby S, Tobery T, Ayers T, … See on sanitationupdates.wordpress.comFiled … Continue reading →
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Mapping sustainability assessment tools to support sustainable water and sanitation service delivery
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Mapping sustainability assessment tools to support sustainable water and sanitation service delivery, 2013. 2013_WP6_SustainabilityAssessmentTools.pdf (1,000.92 kB) Authors: Julia Boulenouar, Ryan… See on sanitationupdates.wordpress.comFiled under: Uncategorized
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The future of global health is urban health : The Lancet
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus The future of global health is urban health. By – Gerry V Stimson (Is the future of #globalhealth urban health? See on www.thelancet.comFiled under: Uncategorized
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New Technologies Reduce Health Risks From Traditional Clay Stoves
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus It is a problem that affects more than a third of the world’s population but often goes unnoticed. Across the world, nearly 2.5 billion people routinely use wood or dried dung mixed with stra… See … Continue reading →
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Mobile DNA kit helps Haiti manage sanitation
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus What does the coastal community of Bolinas, Calif., have in common with the impoverished island nation of Haiti? See on www.rdmag.comFiled under: Uncategorized
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SuperAmma campaign for changing hand washing behavior
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Launched by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and others the SuperAmma campaign is the culmination of years of behavioural science research to inculcate the habit of handwashing w… See on sanitationupdates.wordpress.comFiled under: … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly-Focus on the health impacts of WASH interventions
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Issue 121 November 1, 2013 | Focus on the Health Impacts of WASH Interventions This issue updates the May 2013 Weekly on WASH-related diseases. Included are links to four reports, seven journal art… See on sanitationupdates.wordpress.comFiled … Continue reading →
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Undoing Inequity – Investigating the Cost of Inclusive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Service Delivery
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus This video investigates the cost of having in place inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene services in Uganda. A team of WaterAid and partner staff carried out an accessibility audit on water and … See on … Continue reading →
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WHO – Considerations for Policy Development and Scaling-Up HWTS with Communicable Disease Prevention Efforts — Household Drinking Water Quality...
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Considerations for Policy Development and Scaling-Up Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage with Communicable Disease Prevention Efforts, 2013. World Health Organization. See on blogs.washplus.orgFiled under: Uncategorized
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Women entrepreneurs in Cambodia embracing green…
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Cooking is essential–and what you cook with, too. In Cambodia, women entrepreneurs are taking up cookstove production, making hundreds of improved cookstoves every month, reducing their wood consumption and increasing their income. See on www.scoop.itFiled … Continue reading →
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Household Water Chlorination Reduces Incidence of Diarrhea — Household Drinking Water Quality Updates
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Household Water Chlorination Reduces Incidence of Diarrhea among Under-Five Children in Rural Ethiopia: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE, Oct. 2013. Full text Bezatu Mengistie, et al. See on blogs.washplus.orgFiled under: Uncategorized
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Unpacking the evidence on firewood and charcoal in Africa | Agroforestry World Blog
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus A literature review of the status of fuelwood and charcoal in sub-Saharan Africa done by ICRAF and partners under CGIAR Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry. See on blog.worldagroforestry.orgFiled under: Uncategorized
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SootSwap: Helping rural India adapt to use of clean cook stoves – The Economic Times
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Clean cook stoves cost between Rs 3k- 6k each & are currently out of reach for the estimated 3bn people worldwide living on less than $2 a day. See on economictimes.indiatimes.comFiled under: Uncategorized
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Can Improved Cooking Stoves Work? The Nepal Chulo Experience — Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) Updates
See on Scoop.it – WASHplus Can Improved Cooking Stoves Work? The Nepal Chulo Experience, 2013. Full text D DWANDE, et al. What motivates rural households to switch from older cooking methods to newer, more improved, ones? See on blogs.washplus.orgFiled under: … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly-Focus on the health impacts of WASH interventions
Issue 121 November 1, 2013 | Focus on the Health Impacts of WASH Interventions This issue updates the May 2013 Weekly on WASH-related diseases. Included are links to four reports, seven journal articles plus 14 Weeklies on WASH and various health … Continue reading →
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SuperAmma campaign for changing hand washing behavior
Launched by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and others the SuperAmma campaign is the culmination of years of behavioural science research to inculcate the habit of handwashing with soap. We designed a communication campaign based on the … Continue reading →
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Undoing Inequity – Investigating the Cost of Inclusive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Service Delivery
This video investigates the cost of having in place inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene services in Uganda. A team of WaterAid and partner staff carried out an accessibility audit on water and sanitation facilities constructed by the community in the … Continue reading →
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Mapping sustainability assessment tools to support sustainable water and sanitation service delivery
Mapping sustainability assessment tools to support sustainable water and sanitation service delivery, 2013. 2013_WP6_SustainabilityAssessmentTools.pdf (1,000.92 kB) Authors: Julia Boulenouar, Ryan Schweitzer and Harold Lockwood. Water Services That Last. This paper reviews five different sustainability assessment tools that are currently … Continue reading →
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Reaching the unreached in South Asia with sanitation [video]
New video launched by the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) during SACOSAN V in Nepal. Including examples from Nepal, India and Pakistan, the video points to the Colombo Declaration through which governments from the region have committed themselves to improving … Continue reading →
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Domestic water and sanitation as water security: monitoring, concepts and strategy
Domestic water and sanitation as water security: monitoring, concepts and strategy. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 13 November 2013. Full text David J. Bradley and Jamie K. Bartram Domestic water and sanitation provide examples of a situation where long-term, target-driven … Continue reading →
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South Asian Conference on Sanitation: Country Papers
The fifth SACOSAN will be hosted by Nepal from 22-24 October 2013 in Kathmandu with motto of “Sanitation for All:All for Sanitation.” Conference website Country Papers Bangladesh Country Paper India Country Paper Maldives Country Paper Pakistan Country Paper Sri Lanka … Continue reading →
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UN: Treated Waste Could be ‘Gold Mine’
UN: Treated Waste Could be ‘Gold Mine’ | Source: Environmental Leader – Oct 10 2013 Recycling and waste treatment can be a “gold mine,” perhaps literally, according to a UN report that finds treated waste can be put to profitable use. For … Continue reading →
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WaterSHED – Microfinance boosts latrine purchases in rural Cambodia
Microfinance boosts latrine purchases in rural Cambodia | Source: WaterSHED, Sept 27, 2013 | An innovative way to integrate micro-finance and sanitation marketing is resulting in a truly Hands-Off success story and helping to scale up access to safe toilets … Continue reading →
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Annotated Bibliography of 2013 Handwashing Studies
An Annotated Bibliography of 2013 Handwashing Studies This annotated bibliography was compiled by WASHplus and contains citations and abstracts to 20 peer-review handwashing studies that were published from January through September 2013. Links are also provided to the abstract or … Continue reading →
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Designing a handwashing station for infrastructure-restricted communities in Bangladesh
Designing a handwashing station for infrastructure-restricted communities in Bangladesh using the integrated behavioural model for water, sanitation and hygiene interventions (IBM-WASH). BMC Public Health 2013, 13:877 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-877 Full text Kristyna RS Hulland, et al. Background – In Bangladesh diarrhoeal disease … Continue reading →
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An ideal sanitation solution
An ideal sanitation solution | Source: The Hindu-Sept 27 2013 | In TPPF you revisit a technology developed and fine-tuned in India decades ago and which still continues to be relevant for the sanitation sector, feels - S. Vishwanath Of … Continue reading →
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Temples to toilets: Global Interfaith WASH Alliance launched
In 2012, when Indian Minister Jairam Ramesh remarked that “the country needs more toilets than temples”, he was stripped of his additional post as Minister of State for Drinking Water and Sanitation [1]. Not all religious leaders object to linking temples … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on Management of Health Care Waste
Issue 118 September 27, 2013 | Focus on Management of Health Care Waste To reduce the burden of disease, health care waste needs sound management. The unsafe disposal of health care waste (for example, contaminated syringes and needles) poses public health … Continue reading →
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RTI International – A Better Toilet for a Cleaner World
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – RTI International has been awarded a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a toilet for use in developing nations that converts human waste into burnable fuel, stored energy and disinfected, non-potable … Continue reading →
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India, urban sanitation, and the toilet challenge
India, urban sanitation, and the toilet challenge, 2013. Full text Elledge, M.F., McClatchey, M. RTI International. This research brief builds upon a literature review and stakeholder interviews in India on urban sanitation to examine the public policy landscape for sanitation … Continue reading →
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Designing a handwashing station for infrastructure-restricted communities in Bangladesh
Designing a handwashing station for infrastructure-restricted communities in Bangladesh using the integrated behavioural model for water, sanitation and hygiene interventions (IBM-WASH). BMC Public Health, Sept 2013, 13:877. Full text Kristyna RS, et al. Background – In Bangladesh diarrhoeal disease and … Continue reading →
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Achieving sustainability: encouraging local government investment
Substantial local government investment is essential for sustainable services, but difficult to achieve. Barriers include institutional lack of clarity over responsibilities (particularly in sanitation provision), weak capacity to collect and manage revenues, unpredictable transfers from national to local government, and … Continue reading →
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Extended call for abstracts: West Africa Workshop “Towards sustainable total sanitation”:
West Africa Learning and Exchange Workshop “Towards sustainable total sanitation” Cotonou, Benin, 12-14 November 2013 Organised by: IRC, UNICEF, WaterAid and SNV This workshop targets sanitation practitioners that have hands-on experience with the implementation of Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) programmes … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on WASH & Nutrition
Issue 117 – September 20, 2013 | Focus on WASH and Nutrition This issue contains some of the most recent studies and resources that discuss the integration of WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) with nutrition. Included are a recent webinar on … Continue reading →
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Achieving sustainability: guiding entrepreneurs to independence
Supporting entrepreneurs to start up viable sanitation businesses can be relatively straightforward. However, challenges typically arise in the transition from donor-supported start-up to true independence. This Practice Note looks at the obstacles that need to be overcome in growing start-up … Continue reading →
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Nepal: first municipality achieves “Total Behaviour Change”
A municipality in western-central Nepal has been the first in the country to achieve Total Behaviour Change (TBC) in Hygiene and Sanitation. TBC refers to a set of water, sanitation and hygiene behaviours and practices that lead to long term community … Continue reading →
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Making hygiene the central issue
I’ve just had the luxury of sitting down and reading a pile of reports that have been accumulating over the last few months. A group of these relates to the clear links between sanitation and under-nutrition, especially, how the prevalence … Continue reading →
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WSUP Call for Expressions of Interest (EOIs)
Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) seeks a world-class research team to design and implement a research project around triggering increased city-level public finance for pro-poor sanitation improvements. This will likely be located in 3 WSUP programme cities, … Continue reading →
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USAID Webinar on Environmental Enteropathy and WASH!
Thank you to all who attended the USAID Webinar on Environmental Enteropathy and WASH! You can find a recording of the webinar and materials from our presenters, Laura Smith from Cornell University and Helen Petach from USAID, at www.fsnnetwork.org. Are you … Continue reading →
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Big business pledge for access to WASH @ workplace
Investing in employee WASH = healthy and more productive employees. This simple business logic inspired WBCSD, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, to launch a “Pledge for Access to Safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene at the Workplace”. Big names like Nestlé, Greif, … Continue reading →
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Asian Development Bank and Gates Foundation set up new sanitation trust fund
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have set up a joint trust fund to expand non-sewered sanitation and septage management solutions across Asia. The Gates Foundation will invest US$ 15 million into the new Sanitation … Continue reading →
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Tapping the Market: Opportunities for Domestic Investments in Sanitation for the Poor
Tapping the Market: Opportunities for Domestic Investments in Sanitation for the Poor, 2013. Conference Edition. Full text, pdf World Bank; WSP; IFIC. The current market for improved on-site sanitation services in the four countries is large: supplying new systems and … Continue reading →
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Online Course “Governance in Urban Sanitation”
The Local Development Programme of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) announces the next session of the e-learning course Governance in Urban Sanitation, to be conducted from 23 September to 29 November 2013. The course aims to … Continue reading →
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Aug. 31, 2013 – 17th Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) Meeting!!!
Celebration of the past and present, while strategising for the future of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) on 31 August Be part of one of the most vibrant Alliances in the sanitation sector and participate in the 17th SuSanA meeting … Continue reading →
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Thai researcher reinvents toilets for urban poor
Thai researcher reinvents toilets for urban poor | Source: Ishani Bose, dna – Aug 18, 2013 | Dr Koottatep aims to create a toilet that converts waste water into power, biogas. Studies show that while 900 million people in India … Continue reading →
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Rose George. Let’s talk crap. Seriously
Filed under: Dignity and Social Development, Multimedia, Progress on Sanitation Tagged: Rose George
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No Menstrual Hygiene For Indian Women Holds Economy Back
No Menstrual Hygiene For Indian Women Holds Economy Back | Source: Natasha Khan & Ketaki Gokhale, Bloomberg – Jul 24, 2013 Sushma Devi, a mother of three in Northern India, stores her “moon cup” on the window sill of the … Continue reading →
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Harold Lockwood – USAID and Rotary International adopt innovative sustainability monitoring tool
USAID and Rotary International adopt innovative sustainability monitoring tool | Source: Harold Lockwood, Water Services That Last – August 12, 2013 | This is great news and fantastic to see USAID adopting and promoting this approach which aims to really … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Sanitation Marketing
Issue 112 August 16, 2013 | Focus on Sanitation Marketing This issue focuses on sanitation marketing. Several sources define sanitation marketing as an emerging field that applies social and commercial marketing approaches to scale up the supply and demand for … Continue reading →
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Turning sweat into drinking water for Unicef
Unicef Sweden is using a “Sweat Machine” to help raise awareness and funds for drinking water projects. Visitors at the Gothia Cup youth soccer tournament in Gothenburg in July handed in their sweaty shirt after a workout on an exercise … Continue reading →
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Improving Access to WASH: Is the Answer Individual Behavioral Change?
Improving Access to Water and Sanitation: Is the Answer Individual Behavioral Change? | Source: Dr. John Akudago, Pacific Institute - June 25, 2013 | Born and raised in rural Africa where I spent my youthful life, open defecation was not only … Continue reading →
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SACOSAN-V – South Asian Conference on Sanitation – new date
The date of SACOSAN-V has been pre-poned from 11-13 November to 22-24 October 2013. Organised by the Nepal Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS), the theme of SACOSAN-V is ”Sanitation for All: All for Sanitation”. … Continue reading →
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Creative measures improve sanitation programmes in eight African countries
Eight African countries are creatively achieving the goals of community led total sanitation programmes (CLTS) including one idea in Malawi where handwashing is monitored according to the health of tree seedlings planted beneath water outlets. In Zambia several schools have … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Cholera Prevention and Control
Issue 111 August 9, 2013 | Cholera Prevention and Control This issue updates the August 2012 Weekly with studies and resources published in 2013 on cholera prevention and control. Included are the latest statistics from WHO on the number of cholera … Continue reading →
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Toxic waste’s health impact in Asia similar to malaria’s
Toxic waste’s health impact in Asia similar to malaria’s |Source: Prime Sarmiento, SciDev Net, Aug 7, 2013| Toxic waste is an under-recognised major global health burden comparable to outdoor air pollution and malaria, according to a study. The paper says … Continue reading →
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Will data linking open defecation to undernutrition force change?
Will data linking open defecation to undernutrition force change? {Source: Mark Tran, The Guardian, Aug 1, 2013} Studies show a link between open defecation and stunted development, but merely building toilets may not be the answer More people have mobile … Continue reading →
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A cross sectional survey of knowledge, attitude and practices related to house flies among dairy farmers
A cross sectional survey of knowledge, attitude and practices related to house flies among dairy farmers in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2013, 9:18 Full text Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan. et al. Background: House flies are of major public … Continue reading →
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From WEDC – 2013 updates of WHO technical notes for emergencies
WHO Technical Notes for Emergencies, 2013 Please click the links below to view pdfs of the World Health Organization Technical Notes for Emergencies. Cleaning and disinfecting wells Cleaning and disinfecting boreholes Cleaning and disinfecting water storage tanks and tankers Rehabilitating small-scale … Continue reading →
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Will a “cottage industry” approach make emergency WASH more sustainable?
An NGO is employing a self-help “cottage industry model” to introduce water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in refugee camps. Instead of relying on handouts, refugees are offered a steady wage to participate in the improvement of their own living conditions. … Continue reading →
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SHARE – Realising the right to sanitation: International and comparative perspectives
Workshop report: Realising the right to sanitation: International and comparative perspectives, 2013. Full text SHARE. SHARE, WaterAid and the Law, Environment and Development Centre (LEDC) at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) organised a one-and-a-half day workshop … Continue reading →
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Research call for commercially viable processing of pit latrine contents
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre announces a research call for: Commercially viable processing of pit latrine contents: using a mix of human faeces, chicken manure and silage material. This call is part of the BRAC WASH II programme in which … Continue reading →
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Sanitation for All – UN resolution on World Toilet Day – it’s Official
The General Assembly has just passed a resolution proposed by the Government of Singapore on Sanitation for All and the establishment of November 19th as World Toilet Day. The full resolution will become available later today. For updates follow @team_toilet on Twitter. … Continue reading →
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Getting hygiene messages with your tea
Tea stalls are a common phenomenon in Bangladesh, it is a place where people gather not just for tea, but to hang out and talk freely about whatever is important to them. Male field workers in the BRAC WASH programme have started visiting these stalls to discuss sanitation and hygiene practices. Continue reading →
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Characteristics of latrines in central Tanzania and their relation to fly catches.
Characteristics of latrines in central Tanzania and their relation to fly catches. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 18;8(7). Full text Irish S, Aiemjoy K, Torondel B, Abdelahi F, Ensink JH. The disposal of human excreta in latrines is an important step … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on Food Hygiene
Issue 108 | July 19, 2013 | Focus on Food Hygiene This issue contains studies and resources on food hygiene from 2012 and 2013. Included are studies on weaning foods, food hygiene in households, food hygiene in schools and informal … Continue reading →
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What happens when the pit latrine is full?
Faecal sludge management seems to be the flavour of the month. Now it is the theme of the July edition of Waterlines. In the editorial Prof. Richard Carter writes: In the typical population densities of urban slums, a sludge volume … Continue reading →
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Two young scientists break down plastics with bacteria
Miranda Wang and Jeanny Yao have identified a new bacteria that breaks down nasty compounds called phthalates, common to flexible plastics and linked to health problems. And they’re still teenagers. Filed under: Progress on Sanitation Tagged: plastics, solid wastes
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USAID-Rotary International – WASH Sustainability Index Tool
International H2O Collaboration The USAID-Rotary International H2O Collaboration was launched in March 2009, and the first round of pilot projects were finalized in 2012 in the Dominican Republic, Ghana, and the Philippines. The central goal of this collaboration between Rotary … Continue reading →
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The Economic Returns of Sanitation Interventions in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Research Brief: The Economic Returns of Sanitation Interventions in Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 2013. Full text, pdf Water and Sanitation Program. Key Messages Sanitation interventions have very favorable socio-economic returns to households and society, contributing to improved health, clean environment, … Continue reading →
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Liberia: Government, USAID-Iwash Score Big CLTS Success
Liberia: Government, USAID-Iwash Score Big CLTS Success |Source, July 15, 2013| A total of sixty one communities in Bong, Lofa and Nimba counties have been declared Open Defecation Free (ODF) after a meticulous process conducted by the government of Liberia … Continue reading →
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Gates Foundation-DfID partnering on sustainable sanitation for the urban poor
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the UK Department for International Development (DfID) have initiated a partnership to focus on solutions for the sustainable provision of sanitation to the urban poor. They are jointly seeking proposals to test … Continue reading →
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Call for Expressions of Interest (EOIs)
Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) seeks a world-class research team to design and implement a research project in Dhaka (Bangladesh) around the effectiveness of large-scale sanitation promotion strategies to improve usage and maintenance of existing communal toilet … Continue reading →
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Design Contest on Public Urinal Systems for Emergency Situations
The Emergency Sanitation Project, a collaboration between IFRC, WASTE and Oxfam GB, has launched a design contest for public urinals. The urinals should be attractive and safe to use, lightweight to transport by air to emergency situations and easy to … Continue reading →
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Online forum discusses Gates Foundation sanitation grants
Milestone reached – 50 grants showcased on online discussion forum as part of sanitation project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Source: SEI News, July 5, 2013 | Sanitation experts and enthusiasts around the world from the … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Menstrual Hygiene Management
Issue 107 | July 12, 2013 | Focus on Menstrual Hygiene Management, 2nd Edition This issue updates the August 2012 Weekly on menstrual hygiene management (MHM). It includes an upcoming conference, a toolkit from WaterAid, a review of the health … Continue reading →
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Nov 21, 2013 – Virtual Menstrual Hygiene Management in WASH in Schools Conference
November 21, 2013 – 2nd Annual Virtual Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in WASH in Schools (WinS) Conference Background: The 2nd annual virtual MHM conference will provide an opportunity to share MHM lessons learned with the WASH in Schools (WinS) community … Continue reading →
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WSSCC Developing Roster of Senior Consultants for Sanitation and Hygiene Programming Support
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is currently recruiting to populate a roster of Senior Consultants Sanitation and Hygiene Programming Support. Placement on the roster will enable consultants to be contracted on a retainer basis to provide support … Continue reading →
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Handwashing With Soap Can Help Us Achieve the Millennium Development Goals
Handwashing With Soap Can Help Us Achieve the Millennium Development Goals by Myriam Sidibe, Global Social Mission Director, Unilever-Lifebuoy | Source: Huffington Post blog, July 6, 2013 Being able to live a clean, active and healthy life should be a … Continue reading →
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How much does it cost to build a traditional latrine?
A new video by IRC’s WASHCost project examines the full costs of building traditional latrines in Mozambique. Cost data is essential for planning by the governments. In Mozambique, this is done by local authorities. There are many challenges in getting … Continue reading →
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Full-chain sanitation services that last
2.6 billion people are waiting for a toilet and the faecal sludge of an additional 1.5 billion people never gets treated. In the face of these indeed formidable challenges, the sanitation sector seems to have forgotten to celebrate the growing … Continue reading →
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Trash Dance – The Movie
All over the world, “unseen men and women [...] do the work that most of us do not want to do”: collecting our waste. Seldom, do they get a chance to be in the limelight. In 2008, former scavengers from … Continue reading →
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Call for Nominations Sarphati Sanitation Award 2013
The Sarphati Sanitation Award is a biennial international award honouring the outstanding contribution of an individual or organisation to the global sanitation and public health challenge through entrepreneurship. The first Sarphati Sanitation Award will be presented on 5 November 2013 during … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Behavior Change in WASH Programs
Issue 106 | July 3, 2013 | Focus on Behavior Change This issue contains 2013 studies and resources on behavior change in water, sanitation, and hygiene programs. Included are a USAID-sponsored event and webinar on behavior change and an interview … Continue reading →
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WEDC – WASH posters prepared for the WEDC conference
WEDC has prepared excellent posters/fact sheets on WASH topics for its conference in Kenya. The posters are listed below and also on the WEDC website. Results 1 – 10 of 32: (Number of pages: 4) Poster 001: Latrine slabs (2013) Reed, … Continue reading →
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USAID, World Vision, WASHplus – Behavior Change in WASH Programs
Watch the webcast of USAID’s discussion on “Behavior Change in WASH Programs: From Barriers and Access to Application and Use.” Featuring Chris Holmes, Merri Weinger and Jenny Datoo, USAID; Ron Clemmer, World Vision; and Orlando Hernandez, WASHplus/FHI 360. Filed under: … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on Sanitation for Preschool-Age Children
Issue 105 | June 28, 2013 | Focus on Sanitation for Preschool-Age Children This issue focuses on sanitation for infants and preschool-age children. Many cultures consider the stools of infants harmless, or less harmful than those of adults. However, because … Continue reading →
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WaterAid Australia positions – Program Effectiveness Manager & Equity and Inclusion Officer
Program Effectiveness Manager WaterAid Australia is looking for a motivated and experienced Program Effectiveness Manager to join the leadership group of the International Programs department. This is an exciting, new opportunity in our small and dynamic team for someone who … Continue reading →
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ADB workshop on innovative wastewater management in Bangladesh
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is organising an “Action Planning Workshop on Promoting Innovations in Wastewater Management in Bangladesh” in Khulna from 1-3 July 2013. This is the follow-up of a conference held in January 2013 when the ADB launched its Promoting … Continue reading →
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Call for abstracts: West Africa Workshop “Towards sustainable total sanitation”:
West Africa Learning and Exchange Workshop “Towards sustainable total sanitation” Cotonou, Benin, 12-14 November 2013 Organised by: IRC, UNICEF, WaterAid and SNV This workshop targets sanitation practitioners that have hands-on experience with the implementation of Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) programmes … Continue reading →
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Community-driven sanitation improvement in deprived urban neighbourhoods
Community-driven sanitation improvement in deprived urban neighbourhoods: Meeting the challenges of local collective action, co-production, affordability and a trans-sectoral approach, 2013. Full text, pdf Gordon McGranahan. There is an international consensus that urban sanitary conditions are in great need of … Continue reading →
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Get to scale in urban sanitation!
Scale-up of urban sanitation remains an elusive goal in most low-income cities. Donor interventions are often macro-investments without adequate attention to low-income communities, or small pilots that do not address the challenges of scale. Taking urban sanitation to scale requires … Continue reading →
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Water, sanitation, hygiene and enteric infections in children
Water, sanitation, hygiene and enteric infections in children. Arch Dis Child doi:10.1136/archdischild-2011-301528 Full text Joe Brown, Sandy Cairncross, Jeroen H J Ensink Correspondence info: Dr Jeroen H J Ensink, Environmental Health Group, Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School … Continue reading →
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Extra Food Means Nothing to Stunted Kids With Bad Water
Extra Food Means Nothing to Stunted Kids With Bad Water: Health | Source: Adi Narayan, Bloomberg-Jun 12, 2013 | Aameena Mohammed gives her 20-month-old daughter Daslim Banu plenty to eat. The girl’s mother supplements breast milk with eggs, soup and rice … Continue reading →
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Latin American and Caribbean countries agree on joint sanitation monitoring
Delegates attending LatinoSan 2013 have agreed to set up a Latin-American and Caribbean Observatory on Sanitation. The observatory will monitor progress on sanitation in those countries that have signed up to the LatinoSan initiative. Sub-regional and national sanitation scorecards are already … Continue reading →
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George Washington University Study Documents Variability in Changes to Open Defecation among Sub-Saharan African Countries
Exploring changes in open defecation prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa based on national level indices Link to study About 215 million people in sub-Saharan Africa still defecate in fields, forests or out in the open, a practice that puts people and … Continue reading →
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Community-Led Total Sanitation in East Asia and Pacific: Progress, Lessons and Directions
Community-Led Total Sanitation in East Asia and Pacific: Progress, Lessons and Directions, 2013. Full text, pdf UNICEF, Plan, WaterAid and Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is a community-wide behaviour change approach to stop open defecation which … Continue reading →
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Evaluating the potential of microfinance for sanitation in India
Evaluating the potential of microfinance for sanitation in India, 2013. Full text, pdf Sophie Trémolet, T V S Ravi Kumar. SHARE. This case study investigates how household financing for sanitation can be mobilised via microfinance institutions and commercial banks in … Continue reading →
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Evaluating the potential of microfinance for sanitation in Tanzania
Evaluating the potential of microfinance for sanitation in Tanzania, 2013. Full text, pdf Sophie Trémolet, George Muruka. SHARE. The objectives of the case study are to investigate how household financing for sanitation can be mobilised via microfinance institutions, community banks and … Continue reading →
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100% access by design: a financial tool for urban sanitation
Reliably assessing the cost of different sanitation solutions is a key urban planning challenge. This Practice Note describes an Excel-based financial analysis tool which generates reliable costings of different options for achieving 100% sanitation access across low-income and non-low-income areas. … Continue reading →
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Final Report from Celebrating Womanhood: Menstrual Hygiene Management conference
WSSCC is pleased to announce publication of Celebrating Womanhood: How better menstrual hygiene management is the path to better health, dignity and business, the final report from the International Women’s Day event arranged in Geneva in March 2013 by WSSCC. … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly on WASH-Related Diseases
This issue contains recent studies and resources on several WASH-related diseases: cholera, dengue, diarrhea, leptospirosis, neglected tropical diseases, malnutrition, and typhoid. Included are a just-published UNICEF cholera toolkit, an updated review of WASH-related diseases from DfID, typhoid case studies from … Continue reading →
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WASH for Life grants for the HappyTap and six other innovations
The HappyTap, a low-cost handwashing device for the Vietnamese market, is one of seven innovations to receive a grant from the WASH for Life Partnership. This US$ 17 million initiative is co-funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and … Continue reading →
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Sanitation innovator Peter Morgan named 2013 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate
Dr. Peter Morgan has been named the 2013 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate for his work to protect the health and lives of millions of people through improved sanitation and water technologies. | Source: Stockholm International Water Institute | H.M. King Carl … Continue reading →
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New Global Study Pinpoints Main Causes of Childhood Diarrheal Diseases
New Global Study Pinpoints Main Causes of Childhood Diarrheal Diseases, Suggests Effective Solutions A new international study published today in The Lancet provides the clearest picture yet of the impact and most common causes of diarrheal diseases, the second leading … Continue reading →
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Developing and Monitoring Protocol for the Elimination of Open Defecation
Developing and Monitoring Protocol for the Elimination of Open Defecation in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2013. UNICEF. Link to full text, pdf Eliminating open defecation is increasingly seen as a key health outcome, with links to reduced stunting, improved educational and positive … Continue reading →
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WSA signs up with Malaysian firm for technical support on sanitation
Water Sanitation for Africa (WSA) has signed a memorandum of understanding with Malaysian firm Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd for technical know-how and consultancy services in sewerage management in African countries. WSA selected Indah Water “to be in a technical … Continue reading →
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UNICEF – Cholera Toolkit 2013
Cholera Toolkit 2013. UNICEF. Toolkit website The UNICEF Cholera Toolkit aims to provide UNICEF Offices, counterparts and partners with one source of information for prevention (or risk reduction) and control of cholera outbreaks, preparedness, response and recovery – including integration … Continue reading →
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Request for Proposals: “GSF Mid-Term Evaluation Consulting Services”
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) has specified in its Medium Term Strategic Plan 2012-2016 that all programmes funded by WSSCC’s Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) are subject to independent mid-term and five-year evaluations. These evaluations are aligned with … Continue reading →
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Kiribati’s North Tarawa declared first open defecation free island in the Pacific
North Tarawa in Kiribati is the first island in the Pacific to be declared open defecation free, thanks to the “Kiriwatsan I Project”. The Ministry of Public Works is implementing this project with technical support from UNICEF and funding from the … Continue reading →
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UNICEF launches groundbreaking cholera toolkit
To tackle the alarming resurgence of cholera, UNICEF has launched a new comprehensive Cholera Toolkit on 15 May 2013. The toolkit launch [...] will be the culmination of a thorough review of existing guidance and global consultation with UNICEF at … Continue reading →
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May #MENSTRAVAGANZA – WASH United’s menstrual hygiene campaign
“If women can have moustaches we can all talk about menstruation”. With this message WASH United kicked off May MENSTRAVAGANZA, a 28-day campaign to raise awareness and break the silence around menstruation and menstrual hygiene. Messages are posted on the campaign … Continue reading →
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India, Bihar: rapes ’caused by lack of toilets’
The lack of safe toilets for women and girls is often linked to an increased risk of sexual harassment and rape. Earlier studies [1] from Kenya, Uganda and India, and now a recent BBC news item are some of the few sources … Continue reading →
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Sri Lanka: new partnership tackles fecal sludge management
An international research institute is helping the government of Sri Lanka to improve septage management in the country. On 8 May 2013, the Colombo-based International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage signed a Memorandum … Continue reading →
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Sanitation promotion history: US New Deal posters
During the Great Depression in the 1930s, the US Government launched a series of economic programmes collectively known as the New Deal. The largest of these programmes, run by WPA, the Works Progress Administration (renamed in 1939 as the Work Projects … Continue reading →
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100 issues of the WASHplus Weekly – March 2011 to May 4, 2013
Below are links to the past 100 issues of the WASHplus Weekly on various sanitation and other topics. We welcome suggestions on how to make the Weekly more useful. 2013 May 4: Water & Food Security Apr 26: Focus on Cookstoves & … Continue reading →
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Rose George – Reflections on menstrual hygiene management
Published on May 3, 2013 - Presentation by Rose George (journalist and author of ‘The Big Necessity’ http://www.rosegeorge.com) at “Making connections: Women, sanitation and health” event. Filed under: Dignity and Social Development, Sanitation and Health Tagged: Rose George
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SHARE – Making connections: Women, sanitation and health
Filed under: Multimedia, Sanitary Facilities, Sanitation and Health Tagged: women's health
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Save Lives, Clean your Hands – BRAC video
The BRAC WASH programme in Bangladesh has produced a new handwashing promotion video. It shows slides of handwashing promotion sessions for different groups (children, adolescent girls, women, men), as well as for schools, village WASH committees and mosques (imams). The video was … Continue reading →
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100th issue of the WASHplus Weekly
Below are links to the 100 issues of the WASHplus Weekly that have been compiled since March 2011 on WASH and Indoor Air Pollution issues. We welcome suggestions for future Weekly topics and also any suggestions on how to make it … Continue reading →
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Educational cartoon boosts worm infection prevention
Educational cartoon boosts worm infection prevention | Source: News-Medical, Apr 29, 2013 | Researchers in China have found that a health education package targeted at schoolchildren can improve hygiene behaviors and reduce the incidence of soil-transmitted helminth infection. The study, published in … Continue reading →
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Review of the Health and Social Effects of Menstrual Hygiene Management
A Systematic Review of the Health and Social Effects of Menstrual Hygiene Management. PLoS ONE 8(4) 2013. Full text Sumpter C, Torondel B Background – Differing approaches to menstrual hygiene management (MHM) have been associated with a wide range of … Continue reading →
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How to … design a sanitation app
How to … design a sanitation app | Source: The Guardian, March 22, 2013 | Trémolet Consulting won the London leg of the 2012 Sanitation Hackathon. The team explain how to take your mobile app idea from concept to creation … Continue reading →
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Joint conference on small water/wastewater systems & resource oriented sanitation
12th Specialised Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems and 4th Specialised Conference on Resource Oriented Sanitation 02-04 November 2014, Muscat, Oman Website: www.iwahq.org/1wr/events/iwa-events/2014/swws-2014.html Organised by: International Water Association (IWA) Small water and wastewater treatment plants play an important role in … Continue reading →
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Latinosan Panamá 2013 – 3rd Latin American Sanitation Conference, 29-31 May 2013
The Republic of Panama is organizing the Third Latin American Sanitation Conference on 29-31 May 2013. The theme is: “Universal Sanitation: New Challenges, New Opportunities”. Latinosan is held every three years. Latinosan 2013 consists of two events: a technical conference and a meeting … Continue reading →
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UNICEF/Malawi: CLTS Triggering Tools: How to Trigger for Hand Washing with Soap
UNICEF/Malawi: CLTS Triggering Tools: How to Trigger for Hand Washing with Soap, March 2013. Link to full-text, pdf An Excerpt: The tools outlined by this document were developed based on actual field research in testing, done as a collaborative effort … Continue reading →
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May 8, 2013 Webinar – Removing Barriers to WASH by the RWSN equity and inclusion group
The RWSN equity and inclusion group is pleased to announce its latest webinar on Removing Barriers to WASH. If you would like to attend, please inform ShamilaJansz@wateraid.org. For more details, see below: Description: WEDC and WaterAid have developed a new … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: A Handwashing Update
Issue 97 | April 19, 2013 | A Hand Washing Update The Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap (PPPHW) gave WASHplus permission to share this summary of recent hand washing literature that was recently prepared for the partnership. It … Continue reading →
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CARE Water + Impact Report: Walking the Walk
CARE Water + Impact Report: Walking the Walk, 2013. Link to full text CARE. Summary – CARE has provided water+ services to developing countries for over 55 years and is currently working on more than 180 such projects in over … Continue reading →
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WSP Launches Handwashing with Soap Toolkit
Improving handwashing with soap practices can save children’s lives by reducing preventable diseases like diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. Despite its effectiveness in reducing disease, handwashing with soap is uncommon in many countries. The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) conducted … Continue reading →
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Lancet – Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhea
Articles in this series can be downloaded at no charge, but registration is required: Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhea. Lancet, April 12, 2013 Link Summary The Lancet Series on Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhoea, led by Aga Khan University, Pakistan, provides evidence for … Continue reading →
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Equity of Access to WASH in Schools: A Comparative Study of Policy and Service Delivery
Equity of Access to WASH in Schools: A Comparative Study of Policy and Service Delivery in Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, Uganda and Uzbekistan. Full text, pdf Emory University; Unicef. EXCERPTS Understanding the mechanisms by which children are excluded from … Continue reading →
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WaterAid Australia – Seeking Program Effectiveness Manager
WaterAid Australia have exciting news! We are recruiting for a Program Effectiveness Manager to join the leadership group of the International Programs department in Melbourne. We are looking for an experienced and passionate individual to support program staff in Southeast … Continue reading →
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Hybrid management models: blending community and private management
A clear distinction is generally made between community and private management of water and sanitation services. This distinction reflects the different motivations, values, attitudes and approaches generally associated with each type of provider. In WSUP programmes, the local context is … Continue reading →
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Clean the World Adds 2 New Board Members
Clean the World Adds 2 New Board Members: Laura Schwartz and Kelly Cohen to Help Promote Life-Saving Mission | Source: Marketwatch, April 2, 2013 | ORLANDO, Fla., Apr 02, 2013 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Clean the World announces the appointment of … Continue reading →
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RFP: Research for Hygiene Behavioural Change among School Children in the Philippines
UNICEF has issued a request for proposal for “Research for Hygiene Behavioural Change among School Children in the Philippines”. The aim of the consultancy to “craft a simple, scalable and sustainable strategy, program and tools based on the EHCP [Essential … Continue reading →
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What have the Romans and aid every done for anyone? Apart from clean water, sanitation and …
Inspired by Monty Python’s “What have Romans every done for us” scene – (“Apart from sanitation, the aqueducts and roads” …), Save the Children have released a mock anti-aid video called “What Has Aid Ever Done For Anyone? Apart from…”. … Continue reading →
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India, New Delhi: garbage trucks to be fitted with GPS and radio devices
Big brother will soon be watching over garbage truck drivers in East Delhi once the local municipal corporation installs an electronic tracking system. The East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) plans to install global positioning system (GPS) and radio frequency identification … Continue reading →
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WEDC & WSP online learning course – Rural Sanitation at Scale
The Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) of Loughborough University, UK, in partnership with the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) of the World Bank, recently developed a self-paced online course that addresses the important global challenges facing the water and … Continue reading →
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Sustaining sanitation – Pan European Networks interviews Joep Verhagen
In an interview with Pan European Networks, IRC Senior Sanitation Specialist Joep Verhagen explains how sanitation efforts need to begin to increase their focus on sustainability. EU aid for water and sanitation hit a record €1.6bn in 2009, but in March 2012 the … Continue reading →
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WaterAid – Everyone, everywhere: A vision for water, sanitation and hygiene post-2015
Everyone, everywhere: A vision for water, sanitation and hygiene post-2015, 2013. WaterAid. Everyone, everywhere: A vision for water, sanitation and hygiene post-2015, outlines WaterAid’s vision for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in the post-2015 framework. Published on World Water Day … Continue reading →
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Sanitation as a business – the poor will have to wait
Providing toilets to the poorest may be “dear to the hearts of many non-profits, aid agencies and governments” but if you want to involve business you have to start with the better-off families first. So says business woman and sanitation … Continue reading →
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Matt Damon continues his global crusade for toilets
As a follow-up to his “toilet strike” last month, actor Matt Damon narrates a new water.org video promoting sanitation and clean water that was released on World Water Day. “Quick, what invention saved the most lives in human history? The … Continue reading →
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Global Sanitation Fund helps 1.4 million people gain improved sanitation
The Global Sanitation Fund Progress Report 2012, a new report from the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), details programmatic results, reporting methodology and financial data from Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) programmes in Africa and Asia. In 10 countries … Continue reading →
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Top 10 Finalists of the Sanitation Hackathon App Challenge announced
On World WaterDay, 22 March, the World Bank announced the Top 10 Finalists of the Sanitation Hackathon App Challenge. The challenge is a follow-up to the Sanitation Hackathon, which attracted over 1,100 developers in December 2012 to solve sanitation problems. The … Continue reading →
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Pit Latrines and Their Impacts on Groundwater Quality: A Systematic Review
Pit Latrines and Their Impacts on Groundwater Quality: A Systematic Review. Environ Health Perspect, March 22, 2013. doi:10.1289/ehp.1206028 Full text Jay P. Graham and Matthew L. Polizzotto. Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Department of Global Health, George Washington … Continue reading →
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BRAC WASH offers to help half a million Indian imams promote hygiene
On WaterCouch.tv, Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp shares a practical example of international water cooperation that emerged during the 2013 World Water Day celebrations in The Hague, The Netherlands. In one of the sessions, BRAC WASH programme director Dr Babar Kabir explained that … Continue reading →
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Jay Graham – Selling toilets in Cambodia: WaterSHED style
Filed under: Campaigns and Events, East Asia & Pacific, Hygiene Promotion Tagged: Cambodia, sanitation marketing, WaterSHED
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Empirical Study of Urban WASH Impacts: Research on the Relationship of Population Density and Neighborhood-Level Sanitation…
Empirical Study of Urban WASH Impacts: Research on the Relationship of Population Density and Neighborhood-Level Sanitation Access to Fecal-Associated Health Impacts RFA#:WASH2013-001 Status:Posted:March 18, 2013 Questions Due:Monday, April 1, 2013, 5:00pm (EST) Applications Due: Monday, April 29, 2013, 5:00pm (EST) … Continue reading →
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Desk Review Study of Urban WASH Impacts: Research on the Relationship of Population Density…
Desk Review Study of Urban WASH Impacts: Research on the Relationship of Population Density and Neighborhood-Level Sanitation Access to Fecal-Associated Health Impacts RFA#:WASH2013-002 Status:Current Posted:March 18, 2013 Questions Due:Monday, April 1, 2013, 5:00pm (EST) Applications Due:Monday, April 29, 2013, 5:00pm … Continue reading →
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Water and sanitation crusader killed in Karachi attack
Perveen Rahman, director of the Orangi Pilot Project Research and Training Institute (OPP-RTI), was shot dead in Karachi, Pakistan, on Wednesday 13 March 2013. The internationally acclaimed and widely replicated project that she led, succeeded in bringing low-cost sanitation to Karachi’s … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on WASH Sustainability
Issue 92 | March 15, 2013 | Focus on WASH Sustainability This issue contains notices of upcoming events and links to recent studies, reports, and blog posts on WASH sustainability. The IRC Water and Sanitation Center’s Triple-S project states that … Continue reading →
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Designing effective contracts for small-scale service providers in urban water and sanitation
Extending water and sanitation services to the urban poor will often involve contractual relationships between small-scale entrepreneurs and municipalities or utilities. The expectation is that poor communities are more likely to receive improved services when delivery is formalised under contractual … Continue reading →
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Why must cheap be so ugly?
Everywhere in the world, even the poorest families try to beautify their houses. Then why are low-cost latrines often so ugly, ask IRC’s Christine Sijbesma and Erick Baetings. Christine: Ever since I have been working in the lower cost end … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on WASH and Gender
Issue 91 | March 8, 2013 | Focus on Gender Issues March 8, 2013, is International Women’s Day, a day that has been observed since the early 1900s. Gender is an important issue in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). In … Continue reading →
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International Women’s Day in Asia: celebrating women in sanitation
In a new video, Mayadevi and Kaman (Nepal), Toan and Thinh (VietNam) and Tshering, Drukda, Tashi and Deschen (Bhutan) share stories about women’s participation, leadership and their changing roles in promoting sanitation and hygiene in Nepal, Bhutan and Viet Nam. The video … Continue reading →
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Request for Proposals: The effects of poor sanitation on women and girls in India
The SHARE Research Consortium and the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) have joined together to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) with a total value of £400,000 for research on sanitation and women in India. Four priority research … Continue reading →
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Transforming women’s lives: WaterAid video for International Women’s Day
“Men never come to collect water as it is a woman’s responsibility to provide water and prepare food”. Shanti Devi (35), Gopalpur Mushari, India March 8th is International Women’s Day. WaterAid has launched a new promotional video “Transforming women’s lives” … Continue reading →
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New Sanitation Figures Compete with Official UN Statistics: 6 in 10 Lack Proper Facilities
New Sanitation Figures Compete with Official UN Statistics: 6 in 10 Lack Proper Facilities | Source: by Brett Walton, Circle of Blue, Feb 26, 2013 Official United Nations figures claim that 2.5 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation. But new … Continue reading →
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USAID RFA – Research on the Relationship of Population Density and Neighborhood-Level Sanitation
Research on the Relationship of Population Density and Neighborhood-Level Sanitation Access to Fecal-Associated Health Impacts RFA #: WASH2013-001 Status: Upcoming Posted: February 25, 2013 Questions Due: Comments Due: March 11, 2013 TRAction is anticipating the release of an RFA to … Continue reading →
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Participatory monitoring in the BRAC WASH II programme in Bangladesh
Reblogged from WASH news Asia & Pacific: “What is good about the monitoring system that we are using is that it is participatory so that respondents also get knowledge”, says Senior Sector Specialist Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Mahjabeen Ahmed of … Continue reading →
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Getting communities engaged in water and sanitation projects: participatory design and consumer feedback
Community engagement in water and sanitation service delivery is key for ensuring project sustainability and accountability. This Topic Brief looks at community engagement approaches used by WSUP in three cities within the African Cities for the Future (ACF) programme: Antananarivo … Continue reading →
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WaterAid – Keeping promises: why African leaders need now to deliver on their past water and sanitation commitments
210 million more Africans lack access to sanitation than in 1990 | Source: WaterAid-Feb 18, 2013 African Governments are failing to keep their funding promises on sanitation, a new WaterAid report has revealed. The report warns that unless investment is increased, … Continue reading →
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Call for Information and Participation: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Gender Based Violence
WaterAid is creating a practitioner’s best practice resource to help reduce gender based violence (GBV) related to sanitation, hygiene and water (WASH) in development, humanitarian and transitional contexts. The team is interested to be in contact with any organisation or … Continue reading →
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SHARE – Request for proposals: The effects of poor sanitation on girls and women in India
Feb 21, 2013 – The SHARE Research Consortium is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for research into the effects of poor sanitation on girls and women in India. Proposals must be led or co-led by an Indian research institution and must address … Continue reading →
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An interview with Babar Kabir on the BRAC WASH programme
Reblogged from WASH news Asia & Pacific: Babar Kabir is the Senior Director at BRAC and programme director of the BRAC WASH programme. He talks to IRC's Joep Verhagen about this huge programme, the importance of the Village WASH Committee, … Continue reading →
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Sustaining sanitation services costs 5-20 times more than building a latrine
Sustaining sanitation is much more expensive than building latrines. The 20-year cost of sustaining a basic level sanitation service per person in certain countries is anywhere from 5-20 times the cost per person of building the latrine in the first … Continue reading →
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Fecal Sludge Management: A smelly but fruitful business!
Today, 2.1 billion people in urban areas use non-sewered (or on-site) sanitation facilities. While much of the work in rural areas is focused on creating and sustaining open defecation free communities and generating demand for communities to construct toilets, the … Continue reading →
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Sanitation – Let’s talk about poo
Sanitation – Let’s talk about poo | Source: IRIN News | Oct. 22, 2012 LONDON, 22 October 2012 (IRIN) – Enter the dignified portals of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine this week, and the first thing you … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on Waste Pickers
Issue 75 October 19, 2012 | Focus on Waste Pickers This week’s issue contains reports, videos and blog posts that discuss the health, environmental and other issues that affect waste pickers. According to the Global Alliance of Waste Pickers, the term … Continue reading →
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Getting it right : improving maternal health through water, sanitation & hygiene
“Some very basic elements of human development related to water, sanitation and hygiene that were accepted in the 19th and early 20th centuries are still unavailable to a large proportion of pregnant women in the 21st century”, write the authors … Continue reading →
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SanMark Community of Practice website
The Sanitation Marketing (SanMark) Community of Practice is a WASH Reference Group initiative supported by the AusAID Innovations Fund and managed by WaterAid Australia. The WASH Reference Group is an Australian-based Community of Practice comprising 25 organisations working on water, … Continue reading →
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Wherever the Need puts sanitation first (video)
Wherever the Need has produced a simple, but effective sanitation promotion video narrated by Baroness Glenys Kinnock. Wherever the Need is a small UK-based charity with projects in India, Kenya and Sierra Leone. Their latest activity is the introduction of income-generating … Continue reading →
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External funding for WASH in Schools does not necessarily undermine national & local commitment
A narrow majority of participants in an e-debate did not think that external funding for WASH in Schools undermines national and local commitment. From 1 - 12 October 2012, 15 participants discussed the issue of external funding in the second of three e-debates inspired by the SWASH+ Project. One of the participants adequately summarised the debate noting “It is difficult to place oneself on the yes or no side of this argument. In an ideal situation – that most of us are striving for – school WASH would be provided by governments. This is the end game, but we are clearly not there yet.” Continue reading →
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WASH by numbers: the latest on cost benchmarks, economic returns and handwashing
One of the most quoted WASH statistics was recently “downgraded”. For every $1 invested in water and sanitation, not $8 but “only” $4 is returned in economic returns through increased productivity. This recalculation [1], says the World Health Organization, is … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Global Handwashing Day 2012 Special Edition
Issue 74 October 12, 2012 | Global Handwashing Day 2012 Special Edition For Global Handwashing Day 2012, this Weekly issue contains a literature review of 2012 handwashing studies that was compiled by the Global Public-Private Partnership on Handwashing. The review summarizes studies on … Continue reading →
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Sanitation surcharges collected through water bills: a way forward for financing pro-poor sanitation?
Market-driven models for sanitation in low-income areas are of unquestionable importance, but there is broad consensus that the market needs to be supported by some sort of public revenue stream. One approach to revenue generation is to include a sanitation … Continue reading →
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Diarrhea and dengue control in rural primary schools in Colombia
Diarrhea and dengue control in rural primary schools in Colombia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2012, 13:182 doi:10.1186/1745-6215-13-182 Full text, pdf Hans J Overgaard, et al. Background – Diarrheal diseases and dengue fever are major global health … Continue reading →
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Hi-tech toilets save lives – and mean big business
Hi-tech toilets save lives – and mean big business | Source: Matthew Wall, BBC Business News | Oct 8, 2012 In a world where 2.5 billion people still do not have access to basic sanitation facilities, and 1.5 million children … Continue reading →
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Worms Clean Toxic Metals from Indian Soil
Worms Clean Toxic Metals from Indian Soil | Source: Ben Barber, Huffington Post | Oct 8, 2012 Worms, those squishy animals sought after by fishermen for bait and early birds for nutrition, have not got a new occupation — treating … Continue reading →
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“We don’t talk about it at all !” The taboo of menstruation in rural Maharashtra
“We don’t talk about it at all !” The taboo of menstruation in rural Maharashtra, a major deterrent in achieving menstrual hygiene | Source: Urmila Chanam, IndiaWaterPortal, Oct 2, 2012 Priyanka, 13 and a chirpy adolescent girl studying in a … Continue reading →
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Re-inventing toilet talk in India with cricket and Bollywood
Re-inventing toilet talk in India with cricket and Bollywood India is the reigning World Cricket Champion. But with 626 million Indians using fields, vacant lots or railroad tracks as their toilet, India is also the world’s open defecation capital, resulting … Continue reading →
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USA: sanitation workers campaign against Mitt Romney
“We’re kind of like the invisible people. He doesn’t realize, you know, the service we provide,” says sanitation worker Richard Hayes, who has picked up the trash at Mitt Romney’s US$ 12 million Californian house. Hayes and fellow sanitation worker … Continue reading →
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Gates Foundation announces new round of grants for on-site sanitation
The Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is inviting innovators to send letters of inquiry for round 3 of the Reinvent The Toilet Challenge. Successful applicants will receive grants to design, prototype and test on-site, … Continue reading →
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“Poo-free” films win Golden Poo Awards 2012
You will not see any real poo in the two short films that won the 2012 Golden Poo Awards today. A relief for those who find the sight of the real thing offensive, but unlikely a prime concern of the 2.6 … Continue reading →
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Does external funding for WASH in Schools undermine national and local commitment? Join the debate
You are invited to join the second in a series of three e-debates on WASH in Schools, inspired by lessons from the SWASH+ Project. It will take place from 1-5 October on ircwash.createdebate.com The key question that we are raising … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: WASH and Household Energy Entrepreneurs
Issue 72 September 28, 2012 | Focus on Entrepreneurship in WASH and Household Energy This issue contains some of the latest news and announcements about the role of entrepreneurs in providing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and household energy products and … Continue reading →
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US philanthropist aims to build 1 million toilets
The number of US philanthropists with a passion for sanitation has now doubled. Following in the footsteps of Bill Gates who launched Reinventing the Toilet, “Chief Toilet Hacker” John Kluge aims to provide 1 million toilets in the developing world. … Continue reading →
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Golden Poo Award Finalist – Bum Bay
Sanitation Updates’ favourite to win the 2012 Golden Poo Award for best short film has to be Bum Bay. Set to the tune of the 1969 Indo-pop hit “Bombay Meri Hai” – transformed to “Bum Bay Meri Hai” – we … Continue reading →
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The business of the honey-suckers in Bengaluru (India) – new IRC publication
A new IRC paper explores some contributions being made by honey-sucker tanker operators — that renders a small-scale sanitation service informally and within the private sector — on waste (faecal) extraction and, in some cases, reuse. Operating outside the legal … Continue reading →
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Global Handwashing Day celebrates 5th anniversary on 15 October
Global Handwashing Day is a global celebration of handwashing with soap involving over 200 million people in over 100 countries worldwide In 2012, Global Handwashing Day will share its 5th anniversary with over 121 million children who are also celebrating … Continue reading →
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African Sanitation Think Tank to be launched at high level meeting
Water and Sanitation for Africa (WSA) will launch the African Sanitation Think Tank (ASTT) at a high level forum in Senegal this December. The aim of the think thank is show how sanitation policies can be translated into action on the … Continue reading →
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Videos and more from the vibrant Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) meeting during Stockholm World Water week
Sustainable sanitation experts and enthusiast gathered at the SuSanA meeting in Stockholm two weeks ago where they exchanged experiences from their global programmes, networked and begun conversations about future collaboration. The meeting material, which includes videos of the presentations, powerpoint … Continue reading →
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The JMP Post-2015 indicators on WASH in schools are a step in the right direction
The JMP Post-2015 Working Groups have proposed targets and indicators for WASH in schools to be included in future global monitoring of water, sanitation and hygiene. Have they got it right or should they start again from scratch? Overall, most participants … Continue reading →
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Making sanitation subsidies effective: an IRC summer debate
By Carmen da Silva Wells Every year, diarrhoea kills more children in developing countries than AIDS, malaria and measles combined (Pruss-Ustun 2008). Sanitation subsidies are a common tool used to motivate households to construct toilets. This seems an obvious response: many … Continue reading →
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Peepoo toilets in flood emergencies in Sindh, Pakistan and Kisumu, Kenya
Filed under: Africa, East Asia & Pacific, Emergency Sanitation, Multimedia Tagged: Kenya, Pakistan, Peepoo
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Living without sanitary sewers in Latin America
Rojas, F. (2012). Living without sanitary sewers in Latin America – The business of collecting fecal sludge in four Latin American cities. World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), Latin America and the Caribbean. Full text The present report spotlights … Continue reading →
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Cash Rewards Spur Poor Communities to Pay for Sanitation Projects
Cash Rewards Spur Poor Communities to Pay for Sanitation Projects | Source: by Nicole Wallace, Philanthropy.com – Sept 11, 2012 An international aid charity is taking an unorthodox approach to helping people in Cambodia and Vietnam improve sanitation and hygiene: … Continue reading →
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WaterAid Australia – Towards Inclusive WASH: Sharing evidence and experience from the field.
Towards Inclusive WASH: Sharing evidence and experience from the field, 2012. WaterAid Australia. This new publication is a record of the WASH sector’s efforts to achieve equity and inclusion in programming around the world. The publication includes one keynote paper … Continue reading →
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WaterAid Australia – Towards Inclusive WASH: Sharing evidence and experience from the field.
Towards Inclusive WASH: Sharing evidence and experience from the field, 2012. WaterAid Australia. This new publication is a record of the WASH sector’s efforts to achieve equity and inclusion in programming around the world. The publication includes one keynote paper … Continue reading →
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Effective hygiene promotion works – right?
Many people, especially children, are still becoming ill and even dying due to unsafe hygienic behaviour. Good behaviour – using a hygienic toilet, washing hands with soap, safely managing drinking water – are typical behaviours resulting from effective water, sanitation … Continue reading →
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Effective hygiene promotion works – right?
Many people, especially children, are still becoming ill and even dying due to unsafe hygienic behaviour. Good behaviour – using a hygienic toilet, washing hands with soap, safely managing drinking water – are typical behaviours resulting from effective water, sanitation … Continue reading →
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Zimbabwean sanitation and human rights advocate Nomathemba Neseni dies
“Sanitation is a passion, not a job,” said Noma Neseni last year at the Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene in Mumbai, India. “I became a human rights commissioner because of toilets. What is gender equality or poverty alleviation when … Continue reading →
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Zimbabwean sanitation and human rights advocate Nomathemba Neseni dies
“Sanitation is a passion, not a job,” said Noma Neseni last year at the Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene in Mumbai, India. “I became a human rights commissioner because of toilets. What is gender equality or poverty alleviation when … Continue reading →
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Join the e-debate: Are the JMP Post-2015 indicators on WASH in Schools a step in the right direction?
Do you want to influence the global Post-2015 WASH agenda? Do you want to ensure that WASH in Schools gets the prominence it deserves? If you do, then join the e-debate on the JMP Post-2015 indicators for WASH in schools. … Continue reading →
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Join the e-debate: Are the JMP Post-2015 indicators on WASH in Schools a step in the right direction?
Do you want to influence the global Post-2015 WASH agenda? Do you want to ensure that WASH in Schools gets the prominence it deserves? If you do, then join the e-debate on the JMP Post-2015 indicators for WASH in schools. … Continue reading →
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WASHplus – Integrating Sanitation into Services for People Living HIV/AIDS
Integrating Sanitation into Services for People Living HIV/AIDS, 2012. C-Change; WASHplus. Full-text, pdf (4MB) The new PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) strategy calls for a comprehensive, multisectoral approach that expands access to prevention, care, and treatment in ways … Continue reading →
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WASHplus – Integrating Sanitation into Services for People Living HIV/AIDS
Integrating Sanitation into Services for People Living HIV/AIDS, 2012. C-Change; WASHplus. Full-text, pdf (4MB) The new PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) strategy calls for a comprehensive, multisectoral approach that expands access to prevention, care, and treatment in ways … Continue reading →
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New progress report on the Global Sanitation Fund
At this week’s World Water Week in Stockholm, the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is releasing a report presenting the latest results from the ongoing implementation by national partners of its Global Sanitation Fund (GSF). As of 30 … Continue reading →
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New progress report on the Global Sanitation Fund
At this week’s World Water Week in Stockholm, the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is releasing a report presenting the latest results from the ongoing implementation by national partners of its Global Sanitation Fund (GSF). As of 30 … Continue reading →
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Dry Toilet 2012 Conference in Tampere
Finnish cartoonist Seppo has produced this great cartoon about the Dry Toilet 2012 Conference in Tampere, which ends today. If there is a shortage of clean water, it may not be a wise idea to to pee and poo into it. … Continue reading →
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Dry Toilet 2012 Conference in Tampere
Finnish cartoonist Seppo has produced this great cartoon about the Dry Toilet 2012 Conference in Tampere, which ends today. If there is a shortage of clean water, it may not be a wise idea to to pee and poo into it. … Continue reading →
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George Washington University – Global Partnerships for Healthy Homes Initiative
The Global Partnerships for Healthy Homes Initiative (GPH2I) is a multi-disciplinary research initiative launched by the Institute for Corporate Responsibility in partnership with The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services and Trachtenberg School of Public Policy … Continue reading →
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George Washington University – Global Partnerships for Healthy Homes Initiative
The Global Partnerships for Healthy Homes Initiative (GPH2I) is a multi-disciplinary research initiative launched by the Institute for Corporate Responsibility in partnership with The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services and Trachtenberg School of Public Policy … Continue reading →
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SWASH+ Website Launch – 6 Years of School WASH Research Have Come Together!
From: Julie Straw, MPH CARE USA Water Team SWASH+ is an action-research and advocacy project focused on increasing the scale, impact and sustainability of school water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions in Kenya. Since September 2006, SWASH+ has collaborated with … Continue reading →
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SWASH+ Website Launch – 6 Years of School WASH Research Have Come Together!
From: Julie Straw, MPH CARE USA Water Team SWASH+ is an action-research and advocacy project focused on increasing the scale, impact and sustainability of school water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions in Kenya. Since September 2006, SWASH+ has collaborated with … Continue reading →
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Kenya – WASH in Schools Lessons Learned
Source – WASHfunders Blog, Aug 17, 2012 Editor’s Note: This guest post was authored by Malaika Cheney-Coker, the learning and influencing advisor of the Water Team at CARE USA. Her work includes support on internal and external communications, the application and use … Continue reading →
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Kenya – WASH in Schools Lessons Learned
Source – WASHfunders Blog, Aug 17, 2012 Editor’s Note: This guest post was authored by Malaika Cheney-Coker, the learning and influencing advisor of the Water Team at CARE USA. Her work includes support on internal and external communications, the application and use … Continue reading →
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WSA partnership director Ms Juanita During dies at 41
Ms Juanita During, the Director of Partnership, Advocacy and Communications at Water and Sanitation for Africa (WSA) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, died on 16 August after a brief illness. A Nigerian national, Ms During was head of governance at WaterAid … Continue reading →
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WSA partnership director Ms Juanita During dies at 41
Ms Juanita During, the Director of Partnership, Advocacy and Communications at Water and Sanitation for Africa (WSA) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, died on 16 August after a brief illness. A Nigerian national, Ms During was head of governance at WaterAid … Continue reading →
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Gates awards US$ 3.4 million in new sanitation grants
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a second round of Reinvent the Toilet Challenge grants totaling nearly US$ 3.4 million. The announcement took place on 14 August during the Reinvent the Toilet Fair in Seattle, USA. Winning grants: … Continue reading →
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Gates awards US$ 3.4 million in new sanitation grants
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a second round of Reinvent the Toilet Challenge grants totaling nearly US$ 3.4 million. The announcement took place on 14 August during the Reinvent the Toilet Fair in Seattle, USA (see also … Continue reading →
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Caltech’s prize-winning solar-powered toilet – video
A video demonstrates the working of the prototype of the solar-powered toilet that won the first prize of US$ 100,000 in the Reinventing the Toilet Challenge issued by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Solar-Powered Self-contained Human Waste Water … Continue reading →
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Caltech’s prize-winning solar-powered toilet – video
A video demonstrates the working of the prototype of the solar-powered toilet that won the first prize of US$ 100,000 in the Reinventing the Toilet Challenge issued by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Solar-Powered Self-contained Human Waste Water … Continue reading →
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Join the Sanitation Marketing Community of Practice
Welcome to the Sanitation Marketing Community of Practice! Are you a WASH practitioner currently working on Sanitation Marketing activities? Do you find yourself struggling to find others you can talk to about the practical issues you face – like how … Continue reading →
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Join the Sanitation Marketing Community of Practice
Welcome to the Sanitation Marketing Community of Practice! Are you a WASH practitioner currently working on Sanitation Marketing activities? Do you find yourself struggling to find others you can talk to about the practical issues you face – like how … Continue reading →
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Winners of the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge
August 14, 2012 | By Bill Gates Today I attended the Reinvent the Toilet Fair— a fascinating learning experience and an important step in providing safe sanitation for everyone in the world. A year ago, the foundation launched an initiative … Continue reading →
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Winners of the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge
August 14, 2012 | By Bill Gates Today I attended the Reinvent the Toilet Fair— a fascinating learning experience and an important step in providing safe sanitation for everyone in the world. A year ago, the foundation launched an initiative … Continue reading →
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Six journalists win prestigious media awards geared towards improving reporting on water, sanitation and hygiene
Geneva/Stockholm, 15 August 2012 – Six journalists were named today as winners of the “WASH Media Awards” competition for their excellence in reporting on water, sanitation and hygiene-related (WASH) issues. The journalists and their winning entries are: … Continue reading →
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Six journalists win prestigious media awards geared towards improving reporting on water, sanitation and hygiene
Geneva/Stockholm, 15 August 2012 – Six journalists were named today as winners of the “WASH Media Awards” competition for their excellence in reporting on water, sanitation and hygiene-related (WASH) issues. The journalists and their winning entries are: Alain Tossounon (Benin): … Continue reading →
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6 years of school WASH research have come together!
SWASH+ is an action-research and advocacy project focused on increasing the scale, impact and sustainability of school water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions in Kenya. Since September 2006, SWASH+ has worked in 185 primary schools in four districts in Nyanza … Continue reading →
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6 years of school WASH research have come together!
SWASH+ is an action-research and advocacy project focused on increasing the scale, impact and sustainability of school water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions in Kenya. Since September 2006, SWASH+ has worked in 185 primary schools in four districts in Nyanza … Continue reading →
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Oxfam publishes advice on handling a cholera outbreak – but are we right?
Source: Oxfam Policy and Practice Blog, Aug 13, 2012, by Elizabeth Lamond, HSP Public Health Engineer Coordinator Oxfam’s Cholera Outbreak Guidelines were developed as an internal resource, but today we are sharing them externally in order to seek input from the international … Continue reading →
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Oxfam publishes advice on handling a cholera outbreak – but are we right?
Source: Oxfam Policy and Practice Blog, Aug 13, 2012, by Elizabeth Lamond, HSP Public Health Engineer Coordinator Oxfam’s Cholera Outbreak Guidelines were developed as an internal resource, but today we are sharing them externally in order to seek input from the international … Continue reading →
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Sustainable sanitation experts meet at the SWWW, 31 Aug and 1 Sept
Experts and supporters of sustainable sanitation will be gathering at the end of the Stockholm World Water Week (SWWW) on Friday 31 August and Saturday 1 September 2012 for the 16th Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) meeting. The agenda of these … Continue reading →
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Sustainable sanitation experts meet at the SWWW, 31 Aug and 1 Sept
Experts and supporters of sustainable sanitation will be gathering at the end of the Stockholm World Water Week (SWWW) on Friday 31 August and Saturday 1 September 2012 for the 16th Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) meeting. The agenda of these … Continue reading →
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WSSCC announces new Executive Director
Mr Chris Williams, a development practitioner with over twenty-five years of experience in international organizations in Africa, Asia and the Americas and with training in economics and sociology, will take up office as the next Executive Director of the Water … Continue reading →
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WSSCC announces new Executive Director
Mr Chris Williams, a development practitioner with over twenty-five years of experience in international organizations in Africa, Asia and the Americas and with training in economics and sociology, will take up office as the next Executive Director of the Water … Continue reading →
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WSSCC announces new Executive Director
Mr Chris Williams, a development practitioner with over twenty-five years of experience in international organizations in Africa, Asia and the Americas and with training in economics and sociology, will take up office as the next Executive Director of the Water … Continue reading →
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Policy Lessons from Implementing India’s Total Sanitation Campaign
Policy Lessons from Implementing India’s Total Sanitation Campaign, 2012. Full text, pdf Dean Spears, Princeton University Ending widespread open defecation and pursuing feasible methods of safe excreta disposal must be top policy priorities for India. This paper draws policy lessons … Continue reading →
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Policy Lessons from Implementing India’s Total Sanitation Campaign
Policy Lessons from Implementing India’s Total Sanitation Campaign, 2012. Full text, pdf Dean Spears, Princeton University Ending widespread open defecation and pursuing feasible methods of safe excreta disposal must be top policy priorities for India. This paper draws policy lessons … Continue reading →
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Aug 14, 2012 – “Reinvent the Toilet” awards from the Gates Foundation
On August 14, Bill Gates will present the “Re-invent the Toilet Challenge“ awards. Last year, the Gates Foundation issued this challenge to create a toilet without piped-in water, a sewer connection, or outside electricity—all for less than 5 cents per user a day. … Continue reading →
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Aug 14, 2012 – “Reinvent the Toilet” awards from the Gates Foundation
On August 14, Bill Gates will present the “Re-invent the Toilet Challenge“ awards. Last year, the Gates Foundation issued this challenge to create a toilet without piped-in water, a sewer connection, or outside electricity—all for less than 5 cents per user a day. … Continue reading →
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Recognising and dealing with informal influences in water and sanitation services delivery
Donor-funded water and sanitation improvement programmes tend to focus on and operate within the formal frameworks put in place by municipal or national governments. These frameworks broadly comprise the rules, laws and official policies that govern water and sanitation services … Continue reading →
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Recognising and dealing with informal influences in water and sanitation services delivery
Donor-funded water and sanitation improvement programmes tend to focus on and operate within the formal frameworks put in place by municipal or national governments. These frameworks broadly comprise the rules, laws and official policies that govern water and sanitation services … Continue reading →
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Water and Sanitation in Schools: A Systematic Review of the Health and Educational Outcomes
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2012, 9(8), 2772-2787 Water and Sanitation in Schools: A Systematic Review of the Health and Educational Outcomes Full-text Christian Jasper1 , Thanh-Tam Le2 and Jamie Bartram1, 1 The Water Institute, Gillings School of Global … Continue reading →
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Water and Sanitation in Schools: A Systematic Review of the Health and Educational Outcomes
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2012, 9(8), 2772-2787 Water and Sanitation in Schools: A Systematic Review of the Health and Educational Outcomes Full-text Christian Jasper1 , Thanh-Tam Le2 and Jamie Bartram1, 1 The Water Institute, Gillings School of Global … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on Menstrual Hygiene Management
Issue 65 August 3, 2012 | Focus on Menstrual Hygiene Management This issue updates the October 28, 2011, weekly on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) with 2012 resources and information. These include a WEDC MHM fact sheet, an update on PATH MHM … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on Menstrual Hygiene Management
Issue 65 August 3, 2012 | Focus on Menstrual Hygiene Management This issue updates the October 28, 2011, weekly on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) with 2012 resources and information. These include a WEDC MHM fact sheet, an update on PATH MHM … Continue reading →
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Delegated management of water and sanitation services in urban areas: experiences from Kumasi, Ghana
Historically, water and sanitation service providers in low-income countries have struggled to accommodate rapid urban expansion, and particularly to serve the poor in peri-urban areas. One way to approach these challenges is to develop alternative approaches to service delivery, incorporating … Continue reading →
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Delegated management of water and sanitation services in urban areas: experiences from Kumasi, Ghana
Historically, water and sanitation service providers in low-income countries have struggled to accommodate rapid urban expansion, and particularly to serve the poor in peri-urban areas. One way to approach these challenges is to develop alternative approaches to service delivery, incorporating … Continue reading →
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Treatment Wetlands – Sustainable Sanitation Practice, July 2012
Treatment Wetlands – Sustainable Sanitation Practice, July 2012 (Full text, pdf) Natural wetlands have been used for wastewater treatment for centuries. In many cases, however, the reasoning behind this use was disposal, rather than treatment and the wetland simply served as … Continue reading →
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Treatment Wetlands – Sustainable Sanitation Practice, July 2012
Treatment Wetlands – Sustainable Sanitation Practice, July 2012 (Full text, pdf) Natural wetlands have been used for wastewater treatment for centuries. In many cases, however, the reasoning behind this use was disposal, rather than treatment and the wetland simply served as … Continue reading →
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SHARE – Small-scale finance for water and sanitation
Small-scale finance for water and sanitation, 2012. SHARE. Full-text, pdf This report identifies ways in which governments and External Support Agencies can increase access to finance for small-scale WATSAN providers, by channelling public funding to support the market and leverage … Continue reading →
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SHARE – Small-scale finance for water and sanitation
Small-scale finance for water and sanitation, 2012. SHARE. Full-text, pdf This report identifies ways in which governments and External Support Agencies can increase access to finance for small-scale WATSAN providers, by channelling public funding to support the market and leverage … Continue reading →
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Help a local journalist examine the sustainability of a water and sanitation project in Benin
Journalist Pacôme Tomètissi wants to revisit the fishing communities of Lake Nokoué in Benin to examine the sustainability of a 5 million euro EU-funded water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) project. You can support his endeavour via the crowdfunding new website … Continue reading →
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Help a local journalist examine the sustainability of a water and sanitation project in Benin
Journalist Pacôme Tomètissi wants to revisit the fishing communities of Lake Nokoué in Benin to examine the sustainability of a 5 million euro EU-funded water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) project. You can support his endeavour via the crowdfunding new website … Continue reading →
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Potential PhD in Menstrual Hygiene Management at WEDC, Loughborough University
The Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), UK, is exploring the possibility of supporting a student to carry out PhD research related to Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). In some exceptional cases, funding for international students may be considered under the … Continue reading →
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Potential PhD in Menstrual Hygiene Management at WEDC, Loughborough University
The Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), UK, is exploring the possibility of supporting a student to carry out PhD research related to Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). In some exceptional cases, funding for international students may be considered under the … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on HIV/AIDS and WASH
Issue 63 July 20, 2012 | Focus on HIV/AIDS and WASH This issue contains resources on 2012 HIV/AIDS and WASH events, reports and country studies and updates the July 2011 WASHplus Weekly issue. Resources in this issue include links to … Continue reading →
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IRC research calls on BRAC WASH II Programme
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre is happy to announce two research calls in the field of sanitation: Low-cost sanitation technologies for areas with high groundwater tables Faecal sludge secondary treatment options These calls are part of the BRAC WASH … Continue reading →
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India’s sanitation emergency – Al Jazeera
New Delhi promised to build hundreds of public toilets for the 2010 Commonwealth Games. Only 9 were built, and none of them are functioning. This short report from Al Jazeera’s Sohail Rahman highlights the fact that over 50 per cent … Continue reading →
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WSP – What Does It Take to Scale Up Rural Sanitation?
What Does It Take to Scale Up Rural Sanitation? 2012. Water and Sanitation Program. Full-text (pdf) A new WSP working paper, What Does It Take to Scale Up Rural Sanitation? shares lessons and best practices that were identified to: • … Continue reading →
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July 25 – Community-based approaches to meeting the basic WASH needs of families affected by HIV
Invitation – POOP AND PEOPLE/TAPS AND TOILETS: COMMUNITY-BASED APPROACHES TO MEETING THE MOST BASIC WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE NEEDS OF FAMILIES AFFECTED BY HIV International AIDS Conference (You do not need to be registered for the conference to attend the … Continue reading →
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Togo – children design handwashing stations
Filed under: Africa, Hygiene Promotion, Multimedia Tagged: handwashing, Togo, unicef
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Philanthropic toilet paper: “Who Gives a Crap” raises money for sanitation
After sitting on the toilet for 50 hours, Australian social entrepreneur Simon Griffiths raised AU$ 50,000 {US$ 51,000) through crowdfunding for a new line of philanthropic toilet paper. Griffiths plans to donate 50% of the profits from the sale of … Continue reading →
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Philanthropic toilet paper: “Who Gives a Crap” raises money for sanitation
After sitting on the toilet for 50 hours, Australian social entrepreneur Simon Griffiths raised AU$ 50,000 {US$ 51,000) through crowdfunding for a new line of philanthropic toilet paper. Griffiths plans to donate 50% of the profits from the sale of … Continue reading →
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Pakistan – Low Cost Handmade Sanitary Pads! From Design to Production
Low Cost Handmade Sanitary Pads! From Design to Production A Step Forward in Menstrual Hygiene Promotion in Pakistan, 2012. Download full-text (pdf) By Hina Israr & Syed Shah Nasir, IRSP-Pakistan ABSTRACT: “In order to manage the basic phenomena of menstruation, sanitary materials … Continue reading →
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Pakistan – Low Cost Handmade Sanitary Pads! From Design to Production
Low Cost Handmade Sanitary Pads! From Design to Production A Step Forward in Menstrual Hygiene Promotion in Pakistan, 2012. Download full-text (pdf) By Hina Israr & Syed Shah Nasir, IRSP-Pakistan ABSTRACT: “In order to manage the basic phenomena of menstruation, sanitary materials … Continue reading →
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Invitation for Prequalification for the Role of the GSF Executing Agency (EA) in Burkina Faso
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), on behalf of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) intends to pre-qualify suppliers and/or firms for the role of the GSF Executing Agency (EA) in Burkina Faso. The EA will … Continue reading →
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Invitation for Prequalification for the Role of the GSF Executing Agency (EA) in Burkina Faso
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), on behalf of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) intends to pre-qualify suppliers and/or firms for the role of the GSF Executing Agency (EA) in Burkina Faso. The EA will … Continue reading →
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WEDC fact sheet – Menstruation hygiene management for schoolgirls in low-income countries
WEDC has produced a usual fact sheet on the problems experienced by menstruating schoolgirls in low-income countries. Although its focus is predominantly sub-Saharan Africa, many of the issues raised are relevant to girls in most low-income countries, although there may … Continue reading →
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WEDC fact sheet – Menstruation hygiene management for schoolgirls in low-income countries
WEDC has produced a usual fact sheet on the problems experienced by menstruating schoolgirls in low-income countries. Although its focus is predominantly sub-Saharan Africa, many of the issues raised are relevant to girls in most low-income countries, although there may … Continue reading →
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Menstrual hygiene management firmly on the agenda of regional workshops
The third bi-annual Asia Sanitation and Hygiene Practitioners’ workshop, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 31 January to 2 February 2012, reported notable progress in implementing menstrual hygiene into WASH programmes. In 2008, menstrual hygiene management was signalled as a neglected area in … Continue reading →
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Menstrual hygiene management firmly on the agenda of regional workshops
The third bi-annual Asia Sanitation and Hygiene Practitioners’ workshop, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 31 January to 2 February 2012, reported notable progress in implementing menstrual hygiene into WASH programmes. In 2008, menstrual hygiene management was signalled as a neglected area in … Continue reading →
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Measuring WASH and food hygiene practices – post 2015 goals
A new paper reviews the case for the importance of hand, food and menstrual hygiene as candidates for post-MDG goal and target setting. Of the three themes, handwashing with soap at key times is the one which has been the subject … Continue reading →
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Measuring WASH and food hygiene practices – post 2015 goals
A new paper reviews the case for the importance of hand, food and menstrual hygiene as candidates for post-MDG goal and target setting. Of the three themes, handwashing with soap at key times is the one which has been the subject … Continue reading →
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Bangladesh: government cuts water and sanitation budget by US$ 121 million
The Bangladesh government has reduced its allocation for water and sanitation by around 10 billion taka (US$ 121 million) in the proposed 2012-13 budget. This is 29 per cent less than in 2011-2012. Just two months earlier at the SWA … Continue reading →
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Bangladesh: government cuts water and sanitation budget by US$ 121 million
The Bangladesh government has reduced its allocation for water and sanitation by around 10 billion taka (US$ 121 million) in the proposed 2012-13 budget. This is 29 per cent less than in 2011-2012. Just two months earlier at the SWA … Continue reading →
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How Mobile Games Can Help Improve Sanitation
How Mobile Games Can Help Improve Sanitation More than 2.5 billion people, many of them in Africa and South Asia, face grave sanitation challenges. In many of these countries, people are more likely to own a cell phone than a … Continue reading →
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How Mobile Games Can Help Improve Sanitation
How Mobile Games Can Help Improve Sanitation More than 2.5 billion people, many of them in Africa and South Asia, face grave sanitation challenges. In many of these countries, people are more likely to own a cell phone than a … Continue reading →
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Productive sanitation – the honey suckers of Bengaluru
The dumping of untreated faecal sludge in urban areas has been described as an ecological time bomb. In African cities, typically less than 15 percent of residents are served by centralised sewage systems, and figures for Asian countries are not … Continue reading →
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Productive sanitation – the honey suckers of Bengaluru
The dumping of untreated faecal sludge in urban areas has been described as an ecological time bomb. In African cities, typically less than 15 percent of residents are served by centralised sewage systems, and figures for Asian countries are not … Continue reading →
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UNDP to establish Global Centre for Public Service Excellence in Singapore
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Singapore government have agreed to set up a global centre to help developing countries strengthen their public services. The Global Centre for Public Service Excellence will be based in Singapore by the … Continue reading →
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UNDP to establish Global Centre for Public Service Excellence in Singapore
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Singapore government have agreed to set up a global centre to help developing countries strengthen their public services. The Global Centre for Public Service Excellence will be based in Singapore by the … Continue reading →
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The ‘Tampon King’ who sparked a period of change for India’s women
Source: The Independent, June 29, 2012, by Andrew Buncombe He was cast out by his fellow villagers, who believed he had gone mad, but now, Arunachalam Muruganantham is pioneering a positive change in women’s health. When Arunachalam Muruganantham spotted his … Continue reading →
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The ‘Tampon King’ who sparked a period of change for India’s women
Source: The Independent, June 29, 2012, by Andrew Buncombe He was cast out by his fellow villagers, who believed he had gone mad, but now, Arunachalam Muruganantham is pioneering a positive change in women’s health. When Arunachalam Muruganantham spotted his … Continue reading →
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Is the UK’s recognition of right to sanitation half-hearted?
In a statement issued on 27 June 2012, the UK Government officially recognises sanitation as a human right under international law. However, in their interpretation of this right, the government excludes “the collection and transport of human waste”. It also … Continue reading →
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Is the UK’s recognition of right to sanitation half-hearted?
In a statement issued on 27 June 2012, the UK Government officially recognises sanitation as a human right under international law. However, in their interpretation of this right, the government excludes “the collection and transport of human waste”. It also … Continue reading →
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Why Mr Khombe is building ecosan latrines for his neighbours
The poor villagers of Kaniche in Malawi can’t afford to buy fertilizer. That’s why villager elder, Chair of the Village Development Committee, local headman and community mason Mr. Khombe has built 30 ecosan latrines for his neighbours. Mr. Khombe features in WaterAid’s … Continue reading →
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Why Mr Khombe is building ecosan latrines for his neighbours
The poor villagers of Kaniche in Malawi can’t afford to buy fertilizer. That’s why villager elder, Chair of the Village Development Committee, local headman and community mason Mr. Khombe has built 30 ecosan latrines for his neighbours. Mr. Khombe features in WaterAid’s … Continue reading →
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Pneumonia and diarrhoea: Tackling the deadliest diseases for the world’s poorest children
Pneumonia and diarrhoea: Tackling the deadliest diseases for the world’s poorest children, 2012. Full-text (pdf) UNICEF This report makes a remarkable and compelling argument for tackling two of the leading killers of children under age 5: pneumonia and diarrhoea. By … Continue reading →
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Pneumonia and diarrhoea: Tackling the deadliest diseases for the world’s poorest children
Pneumonia and diarrhoea: Tackling the deadliest diseases for the world’s poorest children, 2012. Full-text (pdf) UNICEF This report makes a remarkable and compelling argument for tackling two of the leading killers of children under age 5: pneumonia and diarrhoea. By … Continue reading →
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Performance of a novel, on-site, worm based sanitation system for peri-urbanvenvironments
Assessment of the performance of a novel, on-site, worm based sanitation system for peri-urbanvenvironments, 2012. (Full-text) pdf F. F. Kassam This study evaluates how effective a worm based sanitation system is in reducing the rate at which solid waste accumulates and … Continue reading →
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Performance of a novel, on-site, worm based sanitation system for peri-urbanvenvironments
Assessment of the performance of a novel, on-site, worm based sanitation system for peri-urbanvenvironments, 2012. (Full-text) pdf F. F. Kassam This study evaluates how effective a worm based sanitation system is in reducing the rate at which solid waste accumulates and … Continue reading →
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PATH – Developing an Affordable Sanitary Pad
Developing an Affordable Sanitary PadPATH’s solution is to develop and advance low-cost menstrual management options for girls and women in low-resource settings. Our finding from focus group discussions and literature reviews indicate that girls and women are interested in disposable products that offer better absorbency and have a cheaper price tag than available options. There are also reusable options (cloth pads and menstrual cups) that can last for several years. These approaches require a higher up-front cost, access to clean water and soap, and thorough drying—resources that are not always available in poor communities. We are currently exploring a hybrid concept (i.e., a combination of a reusable, fluidresistant sleeve with a disposable, absorbent core) to address the growing challenge of disposing of plastic-lined pads and to reduce the cost. This hybrid option could also offer girls and women the flexibility of using a variety of absorbent materials that are available to them.Link - http://www.path.org/publications/files/TS_update_san_pad.pdf Continue reading →
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PATH – Developing an Affordable Sanitary Pad
Developing an Affordable Sanitary PadPATH’s solution is to develop and advance low-cost menstrual management options for girls and women in low-resource settings. Our finding from focus group discussions and literature reviews indicate that girls and women are interested in disposable products that offer better absorbency and have a cheaper price tag than available options. There are also reusable options (cloth pads and menstrual cups) that can last for several years. These approaches require a higher up-front cost, access to clean water and soap, and thorough drying—resources that are not always available in poor communities. We are currently exploring a hybrid concept (i.e., a combination of a reusable, fluidresistant sleeve with a disposable, absorbent core) to address the growing challenge of disposing of plastic-lined pads and to reduce the cost. This hybrid option could also offer girls and women the flexibility of using a variety of absorbent materials that are available to them.Link - http://www.path.org/publications/files/TS_update_san_pad.pdf Continue reading →
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HSBC launches US$ 100 million water and sanitation partnership with WaterAid, WWF and Earthwatch
British multinational bank HSBC has launched a new US$ 100 million, five year partnership with WaterAid, WWF and the Earthwatch Institute. The HSBC Water Programme will bring safe water and improved sanitation to over a million people; tackle water risks … Continue reading →
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HSBC launches US$ 100 million water and sanitation partnership with WaterAid, WWF and Earthwatch
British multinational bank HSBC has launched a new US$ 100 million, five year partnership with WaterAid, WWF and the Earthwatch Institute. The HSBC Water Programme will bring safe water and improved sanitation to over a million people; tackle water risks … Continue reading →
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Links to WASHplus Weeklies on Sanitation
Below are links to WASHplus Weeklies on sanitation-related topics: 06/01/2012 - A WASHplus Weekly: Focus on WASH-Related Diseases 05/11/2012 - A WASHplus Weekly: Update on Sludge Management 04/20/2012 - A WASHplus Weekly: Focus on Small-Scale WASH Service Providers 04/13/2012 - A WASHplus Weekly: Hygiene … Continue reading →
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Links to WASHplus Weeklies on Sanitation
Below are links to WASHplus Weeklies on sanitation-related topics: 06/01/2012 - A WASHplus Weekly: Focus on WASH-Related Diseases 05/11/2012 - A WASHplus Weekly: Update on Sludge Management 04/20/2012 - A WASHplus Weekly: Focus on Small-Scale WASH Service Providers 04/13/2012 - A WASHplus Weekly: Hygiene … Continue reading →
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UN Sanitation Drive to 2015 – Sanitation Slogan Contest
We need a slogan to help kick off the Sanitation Drive to 2015 – a short and snappy catchphrase which will capture the campaign concept and spark curiosity and imagination. Share your creativity and help come up with a fantastic … Continue reading →
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UN Sanitation Drive to 2015 – Sanitation Slogan Contest
We need a slogan to help kick off the Sanitation Drive to 2015 – a short and snappy catchphrase which will capture the campaign concept and spark curiosity and imagination. Share your creativity and help come up with a fantastic … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on WASH-Related Diseases
Issue 58 June 1, 2012 | Focus on WASH-Related Diseases The World Health Organization lists more than 20 diseases that are related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) conditions. This issue focuses on three of those: cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on WASH-Related Diseases
Issue 58 June 1, 2012 | Focus on WASH-Related Diseases The World Health Organization lists more than 20 diseases that are related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) conditions. This issue focuses on three of those: cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid … Continue reading →
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India: minister invites Gates Foundation to help find solutions to sanitation problems
The Ministry of Rural Development has invited the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to partner with it in finding solutions to the sanitation problems in India, where 50 per cent of the country’s 1.1 billion people still practice open defecation. … Continue reading →
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India: minister invites Gates Foundation to help find solutions to sanitation problems
The Ministry of Rural Development has invited the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to partner with it in finding solutions to the sanitation problems in India, where 50 per cent of the country’s 1.1 billion people still practice open defecation. … Continue reading →
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Sanitation Matters: Health & Hygiene-Focus on handwashing
Sanitation Matters: Health & Hygiene – Focus on Handwashing, April 2012 issue (Full-text) pdf Water Information Network, South Africa. Contents: A Tool For Measuring The Effectiveness Of Handwashing 3-7 Five Best Practices Of Hygiene Promotion Interventions In the WASH Sector … Continue reading →
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Sanitation Matters: Health and Hygiene – Focus on Handwashing
Sanitation Matters: Health and Hygiene – Focus on Handwashing, April 2012 issue (Full-text) pdf Water Information Network, South Africa. Contents: A Tool For Measuring The Effectiveness Of Handwashing 3-7 Five Best Practices Of Hygiene Promotion Interventions In the WASH Sector … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – WASH and IAP Integration
Issue 57 May 25, 2012 | Focus on the Integration of WASH and the Prevention of Indoor Air Pollution This issue updates the April 22, 2011, weekly with more recent news and studies. A recent Lancet article stated that an integrated multisector approach can lead … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – WASH and IAP Integration
Issue 57 May 25, 2012 | Focus on the Integration of WASH and the Prevention of Indoor Air Pollution This issue updates the April 22, 2011, weekly with more recent news and studies. A recent Lancet article stated that an integrated multisector approach can lead … Continue reading →
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Video Resource: What’s working in urban water and sanitation?
Water and sanitation services, as we all know, remain grossly deficient in slum districts of cities throughout the less-developed world. Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) has produced a series of short videos relevant for everybody working to improve … Continue reading →
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Video Resource: What’s working in urban water and sanitation?
Water and sanitation services, as we all know, remain grossly deficient in slum districts of cities throughout the less-developed world. Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) has produced a series of short videos relevant for everybody working to improve … Continue reading →
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Emptying pits: a serious business
Filed under: Africa, Economic Benefits, Sanitary Facilities Tagged: entrepreneurs, Mozambique, pit latrine emptying
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Emptying pits: a serious business
Filed under: Africa, Economic Benefits, Sanitary Facilities Tagged: entrepreneurs, Mozambique, pit latrine emptying
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Mobile toilets: Convenience truths
The surprisingly innovative portable-loo business PORTABLE toilets have come a long way since Britain first imported them from America 25 years ago. The beech panelling, wraparound mirrors, plasma-screen televisions and sumptuous toiletries of some modern trailers would not be out … Continue reading →
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Mobile toilets: Convenience truths
The surprisingly innovative portable-loo business PORTABLE toilets have come a long way since Britain first imported them from America 25 years ago. The beech panelling, wraparound mirrors, plasma-screen televisions and sumptuous toiletries of some modern trailers would not be out … Continue reading →
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Nairobi’s Garbage Dump Pits Pickers Against Neighbors
Source: David Conrad – Pulitzer Center Blog – May 14, 2012 Weighted with two heavy sacks of discarded milk bags and meat bones slung across her back, a plastic bag of rotted cabbage in her hand, Rahab Ruguru walks through … Continue reading →
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Nairobi’s Garbage Dump Pits Pickers Against Neighbors
Source: David Conrad – Pulitzer Center Blog – May 14, 2012 Weighted with two heavy sacks of discarded milk bags and meat bones slung across her back, a plastic bag of rotted cabbage in her hand, Rahab Ruguru walks through … Continue reading →
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This website collects information on urban waste management with an emphasis on low and middle income Countries. There are links to relevant sites, tools, events, news and organisations. Information can be accessed by different waste management processes and topics, waste … Continue reading →
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This website collects information on urban waste management with an emphasis on low and middle income Countries. There are links to relevant sites, tools, events, news and organisations. Information can be accessed by different waste management processes and topics, waste … Continue reading →
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Loo and behold: Collection of potty ideas
Source – Henna Rakheja, May 16, 2012 – Deccan Herald Reading your morning paper? Done with nature’s call? Now explore a place which in all likelihood will pull your eyes out and have your fingers itching to reach for your … Continue reading →
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Loo and behold: Collection of potty ideas
Source – Henna Rakheja, May 16, 2012 – Deccan Herald Reading your morning paper? Done with nature’s call? Now explore a place which in all likelihood will pull your eyes out and have your fingers itching to reach for your … Continue reading →
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Commercial productive use of faecal sludge in Bengaluru, India
Waste is a resource in the wrong place. People who have no sewer connection do go to the toilet though urban authorities seem to think differently given the neglect of the multitude of sanitation self-service models that have emerged in … Continue reading →
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Commercial productive use of faecal sludge in Bengaluru, India
Waste is a resource in the wrong place. People who have no sewer connection do go to the toilet though urban authorities seem to think differently given the neglect of the multitude of sanitation self-service models that have emerged in … Continue reading →
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First ever National Sustainable Sanitation Conference in Haiti
Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) and UNICEF are organising Haiti’s first ever National Sustainable Sanitation Conference. It will be held in Port-au-Prince on 12-13 June 2012. The conference aims to share information about innovative waste treatment technologies such as composting … Continue reading →
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Sustainable Sanitation Alliance presence at Africa Water Week
SuSanA is co-convening Session 7 entitled “Sustainable sanitation and the role of hygiene in the value chain” of Sub-theme 1 (“Water and Sanitation for Development”) and is convening two side events: “Inspired by SuSanA: Development partners strengthen their focus on … Continue reading →
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13 Loneliest Outhouses on Earth
When you gotta go, you gotta go. And answering nature’s call – any time, anywhere – is certainly what the builders of these remote outhouses seem to have had in mind. Often situated in incredibly scenic locations, some of these … Continue reading →
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Bollywood actress becomes India’s sanitation brand ambassador
Vidya Balan, who received the Best Actress National Film Award for her role in 2011 Bollywood hit ‘The Dirty Picture’, will now play a role to alter the real dirty picture in India. Union Minister of Rural Development Jairam Ramesh … Continue reading →
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National level Workshop on Appropriate Toilet Technology, Gramalaya, Tiruchirapalli, India
Indian NGO Gramalaya is organising a National level Workshop on Appropriate Toilet Technology from 9-11 May 2012 in Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, with the support of Arghyam, Bangalore and UNICEF, Chennai. In this participatory workshop, field workers will be joined by … Continue reading →
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SuSanA – Compilation of 13 factsheets on key sustainable sanitation topics
Compilation of 13 factsheets on key sustainable sanitation topics, 2012. Link to download publication This factsheet book is a compilation of 13 thematic factsheets which were produced by the eleven SuSanA working groups. What makes these factsheets special is that … Continue reading →
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Sanitation at the 4th Africa Water Week, 14-18 May 2012, Cairo, Egypt
Marking the 10th anniversary of the formation of the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW), the 4th Africa Water Week will celebrate AMCOW’s achievements and reflect on opportunities for achieving water security and adequate sanitation in Africa. Over 1,000 participants … Continue reading →
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NG Explorer Digs Into a 4-Year-Old Latrine
Posted by Lauren Ward in Explorers Journal on May 2, 2012. Three National Geographic Emerging Explorers have teamed up for a one-of-a-kind project in Africa. Sasha Kramer of SOIL will integrate her group’s work transforming human waste into a valuable agricultural resource and Dino Martins’ natural … Continue reading →
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A Challenge Paper on Water and Sanitation
A Challenge Paper on Water and Sanitation – 2012 Full-text (pdf) by Frank Rijsberman and Alix Zwane and released by the Copenhagen Consensus Center. The world has met the Millennium Development Goal on the provision of clean drinking water five … Continue reading →
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Disney’s 1940s sanitation and hygiene promotion films
In the 1940s, the Walt Disney Studios produced a series of educational films on sanitation and hygiene promotion for developing countries. The films, in the Health for the Americas series, were aimed at Latin America. They were commissioned by the … Continue reading →
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Prince of Orange sets royal record for toilet bowl throwing
A Dutch royal record for toilet bowl throwing was set today during the Queen’s Day celebrations in Rhenen. HRH Willem-Alexander threw an orange toilet bowl further than his fellow princes to clinch the royal title. Willem-Alexander attributed his success to … Continue reading →
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The Application of Ecological Sanitation for Excreta Disposal in Disaster Relief
The Application of Ecological Sanitation for Excreta Disposal in Disaster Relief: Experience, Selection and Design; 2012. Full-text (pdf) Katherine Kinsted. Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection. When responding to an emergency situation, ensuring safe excreta disposal is an urgent … Continue reading →
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USAID Joins Global Water and Sanitation Partnership
April 20, 2012 – WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah announced that the U.S. Agency for International Development has joined the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) Partnership. The SWA Partnership brings together governments, donors, civil society organizations, … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on Small-Scale WASH Service Providers
Issue 52 April 20 | Focus on Small-Scale WASH Service Providers This issue of the WASHplus Weekly contains resources on small-scale providers of WASH services. It is only in recent years that partnerships with small operators have begun to receive serious attention … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on Small-Scale WASH Service Providers
Issue 52 April 20 | Focus on Small-Scale WASH Service Providers This issue of the WASHplus Weekly contains resources on small-scale providers of WASH services. It is only in recent years that partnerships with small operators have begun to receive serious attention … Continue reading →
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Sanitation and Water for All: Over 60 Ministers will convene 20 April in Washington seeking better health and economic status for families and nations
Some 60 ministers responsible for finance, sanitation and hygiene portfolios from over 30 developing countries will participate in the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) High Level Meeting on 20 April at the World Bank in Washington, DC. Their aim … Continue reading →
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Sanitation and Water for All: Over 60 Ministers will convene 20 April in Washington seeking better health and economic status for families and nations
Some 60 ministers responsible for finance, sanitation and hygiene portfolios from over 30 developing countries will participate in the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) High Level Meeting on 20 April at the World Bank in Washington, DC. Their aim … Continue reading →
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Factors determining the effectiveness of Oxfam’s public health promotion approach in Haiti
Factors determining the effectiveness of Oxfam’s public health promotion approach in Haiti, 2012. Download Full-text (pdf) Nadja Contzen, Hans-Joachim Mosler. Eawag. In response to the devastating Earthquake of January 12th 2010 and the cholera outbreak of October of that same … Continue reading →
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Factors determining the effectiveness of Oxfam’s public health promotion approach in Haiti
Factors determining the effectiveness of Oxfam’s public health promotion approach in Haiti, 2012. Download Full-text (pdf) Nadja Contzen, Hans-Joachim Mosler. Eawag. In response to the devastating Earthquake of January 12th 2010 and the cholera outbreak of October of that same … Continue reading →
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OXFAM – Hygiene promotion: determining what works
OXFAM – Hygiene promotion: determining what works, 2012. Humanitarian field studies | Cholera response in Haiti Download Full-text (pdf) When a massive earthquake struck Haiti in January 2010, followed by a cholera epidemic that broke out in October of that … Continue reading →
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OXFAM – Hygiene promotion: determining what works
OXFAM – Hygiene promotion: determining what works, 2012. Humanitarian field studies | Cholera response in Haiti Download Full-text (pdf) When a massive earthquake struck Haiti in January 2010, followed by a cholera epidemic that broke out in October of that … Continue reading →
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WSSCC Request for Proposals: Global Sanitation Fund Executing Agency and Country Programme Monitor in Tanzania
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) established the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) to provide grant support to scale up successful sanitation and hygiene approaches targeting poor people in areas of greatest need. WSSCC, together with the Programme Coordinating … Continue reading →
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WSSCC Request for Proposals: Global Sanitation Fund Executing Agency and Country Programme Monitor in Tanzania
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) established the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) to provide grant support to scale up successful sanitation and hygiene approaches targeting poor people in areas of greatest need. WSSCC, together with the Programme Coordinating … Continue reading →
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Good practices in Community-Led Total Sanitation
GOOD PRACTICES IN COMMUNITY-LED TOTAL SANITATION: Plan’s experience in Uganda 2007 – 2010. May 2011. Full-text Where it has been introduced, CLTS has been integrated with other development initiatives. Besides ending open defecation, the focus is on a more comprehensive … Continue reading →
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Good practices in Community-Led Total Sanitation
GOOD PRACTICES IN COMMUNITY-LED TOTAL SANITATION: Plan’s experience in Uganda 2007 – 2010. May 2011. Full-text Where it has been introduced, CLTS has been integrated with other development initiatives. Besides ending open defecation, the focus is on a more comprehensive … Continue reading →
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Tuvalu: composting toilets help conserve water and boost livelihoods in Pacific islands
This new film shows how composting toilets are helping to address the serious water issues facing Tuvalu. The tiny Pacific island nation of just 11,000 inhabitants, recently experienced a devastating drought. Existing septic tank systems are polluting the groundwater and … Continue reading →
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Tuvalu: composting toilets help conserve water and boost livelihoods in Pacific islands
This new film shows how composting toilets are helping to address the serious water issues facing Tuvalu. The tiny Pacific island nation of just 10,500 inhabitants, recently experienced a devastating drought. Existing septic tank systems are polluting the groundwater and … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – The informal sector and solid waste management
Issue 50 April 6, 2012 | Focus on the Informal Sector and Solid Waste Management The informal waste sector provides a much needed service in the developing world; the work of this sector reduces waste in communities, increases the reclamation … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – The informal sector and solid waste management
Issue 50 April 6, 2012 | Focus on the Informal Sector and Solid Waste Management The informal waste sector provides a much needed service in the developing world; the work of this sector reduces waste in communities, increases the reclamation … Continue reading →
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Global Sanitation Fund Progress Report, Sanitation and Hygiene “Toolkit” Among New Offerings from WSSCC
A new results report from WSSCC about its Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) shows that the first 100,000 people of a planned 12 million in seven countries have gained access to safe sanitation because of GSF-funded work. In addition, a “Toolkit … Continue reading →
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Global Sanitation Fund Progress Report, Sanitation and Hygiene “Toolkit” Among New Offerings from WSSCC
A new results report from WSSCC about its Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) shows that the first 100,000 people of a planned 12 million in seven countries have gained access to safe sanitation because of GSF-funded work. In addition, a “Toolkit … Continue reading →
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WSSCC seeks strong, experienced Executive Director
The Water Supply and Sanitation Council (WSSCC) is currently recruiting for the position of Executive Director. Based in its Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, WSSCC seeks a visionary, highly motivated, and respected individual to lead its organization. This is a unique … Continue reading →
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WSSCC seeks strong, experienced Executive Director
The Water Supply and Sanitation Council (WSSCC) is currently recruiting for the position of Executive Director. Based in its Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, WSSCC seeks a visionary, highly motivated, and respected individual to lead its organization. This is a unique … Continue reading →
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U.S. Department of State and Partners Solicit Creative Waste Management Solutions
U.S. Department of State and Partners Solicit Creative Waste Management Solutions - April 3, 2012 The U.S. Department of State and partners from the LAUNCH: Beyond Waste Forum announce a challenge to identify ten game-changing innovations with the potential to transform … Continue reading →
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U.S. Department of State and Partners Solicit Creative Waste Management Solutions
U.S. Department of State and Partners Solicit Creative Waste Management Solutions - April 3, 2012 The U.S. Department of State and partners from the LAUNCH: Beyond Waste Forum announce a challenge to identify ten game-changing innovations with the potential to transform … Continue reading →
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New initiative supports national sanitation planning
Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) will soon launch a new initiative to help off-track countries meet their WASH goals. The National Planning for Results Initiative (NPRI) aims to pool donor support to develop in-country planning capacity. SWA announced the … Continue reading →
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New initiative supports national sanitation planning
Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) will soon launch a new initiative to help off-track countries meet their WASH goals. The National Planning for Results Initiative (NPRI) aims to pool donor support to develop in-country planning capacity. SWA announced the … Continue reading →
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Conference on Decentralised Wastewater Management in Asia – Meeting Urban Sanitation Challenges at Scale, Nagpur, India, 20-23 Nov 2012
This is the fourth of the International Water Association’s (IWA) Conference on DEWATS in Asia series. Co-organised with the Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), the Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD), the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute of … Continue reading →
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Conference on Decentralised Wastewater Management in Asia – Meeting Urban Sanitation Challenges at Scale, Nagpur, India, 20-23 Nov 2012
This is the fourth of the International Water Association’s (IWA) Conference on DEWATS in Asia series. Co-organised with the Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), the Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD), the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute of … Continue reading →
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Water Research Commission/South Africa – sanitation and wastewater reports
The Water Research Commission (WRC) was established in terms of the Water Research Act (Act No 34 of 1971), following a period of serious water shortage. It was deemed to be of national importance to generate new knowledge and to promote … Continue reading →
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Water Research Commission/South Africa – sanitation and wastewater reports
The Water Research Commission (WRC) was established in terms of the Water Research Act (Act No 34 of 1971), following a period of serious water shortage. It was deemed to be of national importance to generate new knowledge and to promote … Continue reading →
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International Faecal Sludge Management Conference 2012
2nd International Faecal Sludge Management Conference 2012, International Conference Centre, Durban, South Africa, 29 – 31 October 2012 The Third African Sanitation and Hygiene Conference held in Kigali, Rwanda from 19-21 July 2011 indicated that the scale of the challenge … Continue reading →
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International Faecal Sludge Management Conference 2012
2nd International Faecal Sludge Management Conference 2012, International Conference Centre, Durban, South Africa, 29 – 31 October 2012 The Third African Sanitation and Hygiene Conference held in Kigali, Rwanda from 19-21 July 2011 indicated that the scale of the challenge … Continue reading →
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Key hygiene behaviours for safe water and health on World Water Day
Alana Potter, lead author of the WASHCost working paper on “Assessing hygiene cost-effectiveness“, explains the importance of changing hygiene behaviours so that improved water and sanitation can lead to the expected health benefits. She has been reviewing indicators, tools and … Continue reading →
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Key hygiene behaviours for safe water and health on World Water Day
Alana Potter, lead author of the WASHCost working paper on “Assessing hygiene cost-effectiveness“, explains the importance of changing hygiene behaviours so that improved water and sanitation can lead to the expected health benefits. She has been reviewing indicators, tools and … Continue reading →
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Impact evaluation of drinking water supply and sanitation programmes in rural Benin
Impact evaluation of drinking water supply and sanitation programmes in rural Benin: The risk of vanishing effects, 2011. Full-text (pdf) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB), the Netherlands in cooperation with BMZ (German Federal Ministry for … Continue reading →
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Impact evaluation of drinking water supply and sanitation programmes in rural Benin
Impact evaluation of drinking water supply and sanitation programmes in rural Benin: The risk of vanishing effects, 2011. Full-text (pdf) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB), the Netherlands in cooperation with BMZ (German Federal Ministry for … Continue reading →
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Durban to host 2012 World Toilet Summit
South Africa will host the 12th annual World Toilet Summit in Durban from 3-6 December 2012. The South African Toilet Organization (SATO) is co-organsing this annual World Toilet Organization (WTO} event. The main theme of the Summit is African Sanitation: Scaling … Continue reading →
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Durban to host 2012 World Toilet Summit
South Africa will host the 12th annual World Toilet Summit in Durban from 3-6 December 2012. The South African Toilet Organization (SATO) is co-organsing this annual World Toilet Organization (WTO) event. The main theme of the Summit is African Sanitation: Scaling … Continue reading →
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India: bride awarded US$ 10,000 for demanding toilet after marriage
A young woman who sparked a “sanitation revolution” in her village by forcing her husband to build a toilet in their home has been presented with a cheque for 500,000 Rupees (US$ 10,000). Anita Narre of Chichouli village of Betul … Continue reading →
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India: bride awarded US$ 10,000 for demanding toilet after marriage
A young woman who sparked a “sanitation revolution” in her village by forcing her husband to build a toilet in their home has been presented with a cheque for 500,000 Rupees (US$ 10,000). Anita Narre of Chichouli village of Betul … Continue reading →
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“Toilet Team” director leaves Gates Foundation to lead CGIAR Consortium
Less than two years after joining the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, “Toilet Team” director Frank Rijsberman is taking on a new position as CEO of the CGIAR Consortium. The Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR) coordinates the work … Continue reading →
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“Toilet Team” director leaves Gates Foundation to lead CGIAR Consortium
Less than two years after joining the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, “Toilet Team” director Frank Rijsberman is taking on a new position as CEO of the CGIAR Consortium. The Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR) coordinates the work … Continue reading →
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Jay Graham – George Washington Global Environmental Health Program
Filed under: Multimedia Tagged: George Washington Global Environmental Health Program, Jay Graham
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Jay Graham – George Washington Global Environmental Health Program
Filed under: Multimedia Tagged: George Washington Global Environmental Health Program, Jay Graham
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Humanitarian crises and sustainable sanitation: lessons from Eastern Chad
How important is sanitation during a humanitarian crisis? Why is it important to explore ecological and sustainable sanitation? Groupe URD looks at the case of Eastern Chad, an example of a major long-term crisis. From an acute emergency in 2003, … Continue reading →
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Humanitarian crises and sustainable sanitation: lessons from Eastern Chad
How important is sanitation during a humanitarian crisis? Why is it important to explore ecological and sustainable sanitation? Groupe URD looks at the case of Eastern Chad, an example of a major long-term crisis. From an acute emergency in 2003, … Continue reading →
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India census: more people have a mobile phone than a household toilet
Nearly half of India’s 1.2 billion people have no toilet at home, but more people own a mobile phone, according to the latest census data. Only 46.9% of the 246.6 million households have lavatories while 49.8% defecate in the open. … Continue reading →
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India census: more people have a mobile phone than a household toilet
Nearly half of India’s 1.2 billion people have no toilet at home, but more people own a mobile phone, according to the latest census data. Only 46.9% of the 246.6 million households have lavatories while 49.8% defecate in the open. … Continue reading →
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Estimating inequities in sanitation-related disease burden and estimating the potential impacts of propoor targeting,
Estimating inequities in sanitation-related disease burden and estimating the potential impacts of propoor targeting, 2012. Full-text (pdf) Richard Rheingans, et al. SHARE. The objectives of this study are to model for 10 low-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: … Continue reading →
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Estimating inequities in sanitation-related disease burden and estimating the potential impacts of propoor targeting,
Estimating inequities in sanitation-related disease burden and estimating the potential impacts of propoor targeting, 2012. Full-text (pdf) Richard Rheingans, et al. SHARE. The objectives of this study are to model for 10 low-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: … Continue reading →
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School menstrual hygiene management in Malawi: more than toilets
School menstrual hygiene management in Malawi: more than toilets, 2012. Full-text (pdf) SHARE; WaterAid This study identifies the needs and experiences of girls regarding menstruation. It draws upon participatory group workshops, a questionnaire and semi structured interviews with school-age girls … Continue reading →
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School menstrual hygiene management in Malawi: more than toilets
School menstrual hygiene management in Malawi: more than toilets, 2012. Full-text (pdf) SHARE; WaterAid This study identifies the needs and experiences of girls regarding menstruation. It draws upon participatory group workshops, a questionnaire and semi structured interviews with school-age girls … Continue reading →
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Why not Basics for All? Scopes and Challenges of CLTS
IDS Bulletin, Feb 21, 2012 Why not Basics for All? Scopes and Challenges of Community-led Total Sanitation Full-text (pdf) Kamal Kar The ‘Some for All’ dictum may work well for the water sector but is not appropriate and workable for … Continue reading →
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Why not Basics for All? Scopes and Challenges of CLTS
IDS Bulletin, Feb 21, 2012 Why not Basics for All? Scopes and Challenges of Community-led Total Sanitation Full-text (pdf) Kamal Kar The ‘Some for All’ dictum may work well for the water sector but is not appropriate and workable for … Continue reading →
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Time to Get Our Sh*t Together
“It’s time to get our sh*t together and focus on sanitation”, is the message that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is bringing to the World Water Forum Marseilles. The lack of progress on sanitation, which was reconfirmed by the 2012 … Continue reading →
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Time to Get Our Sh*t Together
“It’s time to get our sh*t together and focus on sanitation”, is the message that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is bringing to the World Water Forum Marseilles. The lack of progress on sanitation, which was reconfirmed by the 2012 … Continue reading →
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Factors leading to poor water sanitation hygiene among primary school going children in Chitungwiza
Journal of Public Health in Africa, March 2012 Factors leading to poor water sanitation hygiene among primary school going children in Chitungwiza Full-text Blessing Dube, James January Although the world has progressed in the area of water and sanitation, more … Continue reading →
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Factors leading to poor water sanitation hygiene among primary school going children in Chitungwiza
Journal of Public Health in Africa, March 2012 Factors leading to poor water sanitation hygiene among primary school going children in Chitungwiza Full-text Blessing Dube, James January Although the world has progressed in the area of water and sanitation, more … Continue reading →
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Haiti: lack of proper sanitation is real cause of cholera outbreak, Clinton says
Haiti should focus on stemming the cholera outbreak that has killed more than 7,000 people since 2010, rather than on levying blame against the source of the disease, UN special envoy to Haiti, Bill Clinton, said. While studies have suggested … Continue reading →
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Haiti: lack of proper sanitation is real cause of cholera outbreak, Clinton says
Haiti should focus on stemming the cholera outbreak that has killed more than 7,000 people since 2010, rather than on levying blame against the source of the disease, UN special envoy to Haiti, Bill Clinton, said. While studies have suggested … Continue reading →
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India, Delhi: how sexual violence against women is linked to water and sanitation
Girls under ten being have been raped while on their way to use a public toilet, say women living in Delhi’s slums. In one slum, boys hid in toilet cubicles at night waiting to rape those who entered. These are … Continue reading →
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India, Delhi: how sexual violence against women is linked to water and sanitation
Girls under ten being have been raped while on their way to use a public toilet, say women living in Delhi’s slums. In one slum, boys hid in toilet cubicles at night waiting to rape those who entered. These are … Continue reading →
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Al Jazeera’s Inside Story discusses new WHO/UNICEF report on water and sanitation MDGs
The UN announced that the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target to cut the number of people who do not have access to safe drinking water by half, has been met five years before the 2015 deadline. In contrast, the sanitation … Continue reading →
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Al Jazeera’s Inside Story discusses new WHO/UNICEF report on water and sanitation MDGs
The UN announced that the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target to cut the number of people who do not have access to safe drinking water by half, has been met five years before the 2015 deadline. In contrast, the sanitation … Continue reading →
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Dear Congress: Support Rural Women by Lisa Schechtman
March 8, 2012 – Dear Congress: Support Rural Women | Source – Lisa Schechtman – Global Policy TV - Lisa Schechtman is the head of policy and advocacy at WaterAid in America, the U.S. member of WaterAid International, the world’s largest … Continue reading →
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Dear Congress: Support Rural Women by Lisa Schechtman
March 8, 2012 – Dear Congress: Support Rural Women | Source – Lisa Schechtman – Global Policy TV - Lisa Schechtman is the head of policy and advocacy at WaterAid in America, the U.S. member of WaterAid International, the world’s largest … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Gender Considerations for WASH
Issue 46 March 8, 2012 | Gender Considerations for WASH and IAP Thursday, March 8th is International Women’s Day. This issue of the WASHplus Weekly contains recent resources that discuss gender issues related to water, sanitation and hygiene and the … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Gender Considerations for WASH
Issue 46 March 8, 2012 | Gender Considerations for WASH and IAP Thursday, March 8th is International Women’s Day. This issue of the WASHplus Weekly contains recent resources that discuss gender issues related to water, sanitation and hygiene and the … Continue reading →
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Senior Programme Officer, Sanitation and Hygiene Specialist Asia, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Netherlands [deadline 01 April]
Reblogged from WASH Vacancies: IRC is currently seeking high profile candidates for the vacancy of Senior Programme Officer, Sanitation and Hygiene Specialist Asia, who will be part of the (South) Asia team and will, in multi-disciplinary teams, develop and facilitate … Continue reading →
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Senior Programme Officer, Sanitation and Hygiene Specialist Asia, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Netherlands [deadline 01 April]
Reblogged from WASH Vacancies: IRC is currently seeking high profile candidates for the vacancy of Senior Programme Officer, Sanitation and Hygiene Specialist Asia, who will be part of the (South) Asia team and will, in multi-disciplinary teams, develop and facilitate … Continue reading →
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Menstrual hygiene: breaking the silence
International Women’s Day 2012 – Menstrual hygiene: breaking the silence Source: Belen Toronde | March 1, 2012 Belen Torondel is a microbiologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She is conducting a systematic review of evidence regarding menstrual … Continue reading →
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Menstrual hygiene: breaking the silence
International Women’s Day 2012 – Menstrual hygiene: breaking the silence Source: Belen Toronde | March 1, 2012 Belen Torondel is a microbiologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She is conducting a systematic review of evidence regarding menstrual … Continue reading →
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New study analyzes options for wastewater treatment in Lower Egypt
New study analyzes options for wastewater treatment in Lower Egypt Source: Daily News Egypt – February 24, 2012 CAIRO: Egypt has made good progress towards increasing access to sanitation in urban areas but access to waste water treatment in rural … Continue reading →
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New study analyzes options for wastewater treatment in Lower Egypt
New study analyzes options for wastewater treatment in Lower Egypt Source: Daily News Egypt – February 24, 2012 CAIRO: Egypt has made good progress towards increasing access to sanitation in urban areas but access to waste water treatment in rural … Continue reading →
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Focusing Attention on the Critical Role of Gender in Water and Sanitation
While women’s lives around the world have improved dramatically, gaps remain in many areas, including water and sanitation. For example, a recent study in 44 developing countries found that women carry water more often than men by a ration of … Continue reading →
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Focusing Attention on the Critical Role of Gender in Water and Sanitation
While women’s lives around the world have improved dramatically, gaps remain in many areas, including water and sanitation. For example, a recent study in 44 developing countries found that women carry water more often than men by a ration of … Continue reading →
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Scientific American – Wasting Away: Can a Gates Foundation-Funded Toilet-Design Initiative End a Foul Practice?
Wasting Away: Can a Gates Foundation-Funded Toilet-Design Initiative End a Foul Practice in the Developing World? A low-tech plumbing challenge searches for the “iPad of commodes” By Jim Nash | Scientific American, Feb 21, 2012 Chances are that if you … Continue reading →
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Marketing Human Excreta: A Study of Possible Ways to Dispose of Urine and Faeces
Marketing Human Excreta: A Study of Possible Ways to Dispose of Urine and Faeces from Slum Settlements in Kampala, Uganda, 2011. E Schroeder, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). (Full-text) Some key findings include: High sociocultural barriers associated with handling and … Continue reading →
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Behavioral Determinants of Handwashing with Soap in Senegal and Peru: Emergent Learning
A new Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) Learning Note found that beliefs and ease of access to soap and water were correlated with handwashing with soap behaviors for given proxy measures among mothers and caretakers in Peru and Senegal. “Behavioral … Continue reading →
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Six key solutions for pro-poor WASH financing
Financing water and sanitation improvements for the very poor remains a major challenge over large areas of the globe. In the lead-up to World Water Forum 2012, sector specialists throughout the world have been asked to report specific solutions for … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly: Focus on Ecological Sanitation
Issue 43 February 17, 2012 | A Focus on Ecological Sanitation This WASHplus Weekly contains recent studies, guidelines, and videos on ecological sanitation. Ecological sanitation, or Ecosan, is not a specific technology but an approach to sanitation that regards sanitized … Continue reading →
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BRAC to contribute to Sanitation Updates with sanitation initiatives
BRAC has an extensive WASH progamme which aims to bring sustainable water and sanitation services to over 37 million people in Bangladesh. The IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre has been supporting BRAC’s WASH programmes with technical assistance since 2007. … Continue reading →
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Relationships between water, sanitation and infant, child, and maternal mortality
Environmental Health 2012, 11:4 doi:10.1186/1476-069X-11-4 Published: 27 January 2012 An ecological quantification of the relationships between water, sanitation and infant, child, and maternal mortality Full-text June J Cheng, Corinne J Schuster-Wallace, Susan Watt, Bruce K Newbold and Andrew Mente Background Water and sanitation access are … Continue reading →
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E-learning course Governance in Urban Sanitation
The Local Development Programme of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is conducting the next session of its e-learning course Governance in Urban Sanitation from 19 March to 25 May 2012. The e-course aims to enhance the … Continue reading →
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The effect of cord cleansing on neonatal mortality in rural Bangladesh
The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 8 February 2012 The effect of cord cleansing with chlorhexidine on neonatal mortality in rural Bangladesh: a community-based, cluster-randomised trial Full-text Shams El Arifeen DrPH, et al. Background – Up to half of neonatal deaths … Continue reading →
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India – Government funds for sanitation inadequate, private sector should pool in
by Anupam Tyagi, Economic Times - Feb 9, 2012 More people die from inadequate sanitation-related causes in India everyday than 10 aeroplanes filled with 200 people each. This has high economic costs. Therefore, achieving adequate sanitation is an imperative. A summary of the … Continue reading →
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Vacancy: Programme Officer Sanitation and Hygiene
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre is looking for candidates for the position of Programme Officer Sanitation and Hygiene. The Sanitation and Hygiene Specialist will be part of the Africa team and will be expected to participate in multi-disciplinary project … Continue reading →
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Global market for household cleaning agents to reach US$ 83.23 billion by 2015, according to business analysts
Growing concerns about hygiene and the spread of infectious diseases are expected to boost the market for household cleaners in emerging economies such as China, India, Indonesia, Brazil and Mexico, according to a new report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc … Continue reading →
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Rose George – Dirty little secret: the loo that saves lives in Liberia
Diarrhoea kills more children than HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and malaria combined – and its main cause is food and water contaminated with human waste. Liberia’s president is trying to change all that. Feb 3, 2012 – Rose George, The Guardian For … Continue reading →
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Germany: Metalheads get their own personal toilet
Nowadays some (older?) fans of black metal, death metal, gothic metal and the like are not averse to a bit of luxury. Since 2007, the organisers of Wacken Open Air (W:O:A), an annual heavy metal festival in Germany, offer attendees … Continue reading →
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Germany: Metalheads get their own personal toilet
Nowadays some (older?) fans of black metal, death metal, gothic metal and the like are not averse to a bit of luxury. Since 2007, the organisers of Wacken Open Air (W:O:A), an annual heavy metal festival in Germany, offer attendees … Continue reading →
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Moving beyond construction: Asian practitioners identify sludge management as a major issue
Which issues will sanitation and hygiene practitioners focus on in Asia? This was the question posed to the more than 50 professionals attending the 3rd Asia Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Practitioners Workshop which ends today in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Based on … Continue reading →
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Moving beyond construction: Asian practitioners identify sludge management as a major issue
Which issues will sanitation and hygiene practitioners focus on in Asia? This was the question posed to the more than 50 professionals attending the 3rd Asia Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Practitioners Workshop which ends today in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Based on … Continue reading →
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SuSanA is now five years old and still going strong!
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) celebrates this week its 5th anniversarysince its formation at the kick-off meeting in Eschborn, Germany on 29 January 2007. Looking back we can all be proud of what we have achieved together. Therefore the SuSanA secretariat … Continue reading →
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SuSanA is now five years old and still going strong!
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) celebrates this week its 5th anniversarysince its formation at the kick-off meeting in Eschborn, Germany on 29 January 2007. Looking back we can all be proud of what we have achieved together. Therefore the SuSanA secretariat … Continue reading →
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India, Bihar: Poo Highway – another
The high incidence of open defecation in the Indian state of Bihar is not due to a lack awareness about toilets, according to this new Water for People video. In their view, it’s more of a supply chain, marketing problem. … Continue reading →
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India, Bihar: Poo Highway
The high incidence of open defecation in the Indian state of Bihar is not due to a lack awareness about toilets, according to this new Water for People video. In their view, it’s more of a supply chain, marketing problem. … Continue reading →
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Latrines Cut Parasite Infections in Half
Jan 27, 2012 – Latrines Cut Parasite Infections in Half – Study: sanitation key in control of hookworm, ringworm A new study shows that infection with hookworm, ringworm, and similar parasites can be dramatically reduced with a sanitation program. The … Continue reading →
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Latrines Cut Parasite Infections in Half
Jan 27, 2012 – Latrines Cut Parasite Infections in Half – Study: sanitation key in control of hookworm, ringworm A new study shows that infection with hookworm, ringworm, and similar parasites can be dramatically reduced with a sanitation program. The … Continue reading →
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India, Mumbai: man killed for taking too long in public toilet
A slum resident from Mahim in Mumbai ended up killing his neighbour whom he felt had taken too long in a public toilet. Locals feel the tragic death could have been avoided if only the civic authorities had provided sufficient … Continue reading →
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India, Mumbai: man killed for taking too long in public toilet
A slum resident from Mahim in Mumbai ended up killing his neighbour whom he felt had taken too long in a public toilet. Locals feel the tragic death could have been avoided if only the civic authorities had provided sufficient … Continue reading →
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Sanitation is Key in Controlling Worm Diseases
By Maggie Brown Posted: January 27, 2012 Diarrhea, abdominal pain, malaise, anemia, and delayed child development: these are the debilitating effects of one group of diseases, the soil-transmitted helminths (worms). As indicated by the name, these diseases are transmitted via contaminated soil; … Continue reading →
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Sanitation is Key in Controlling Worm Diseases
By Maggie Brown Posted: January 27, 2012 Diarrhea, abdominal pain, malaise, anemia, and delayed child development: these are the debilitating effects of one group of diseases, the soil-transmitted helminths (worms). As indicated by the name, these diseases are transmitted via contaminated soil; … Continue reading →
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Health impacts of WASH & IAP interventions
Issue 40 January 27, 2012 | Year in Review – Health Impacts of WASH and IAP Interventions from 2011 This WASHplus Weekly issue contains nine 2011 studies on the health impacts of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions and seven … Continue reading →
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Health impacts of WASH & IAP interventions
Issue 40 January 27, 2012 | Year in Review – Health Impacts of WASH and IAP Interventions from 2011 This WASHplus Weekly issue contains nine 2011 studies on the health impacts of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions and seven … Continue reading →
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Liberia’s President signs WASH Compact
Liberia‘s President signs WASH Compact The President of the Republic of Liberia, Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has finally signed the much talked about Liberia WASH Compact which was developed at the Multi Donor Conference on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) held … Continue reading →
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Liberia’s President signs WASH Compact
Liberia‘s President signs WASH Compact The President of the Republic of Liberia, Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has finally signed the much talked about Liberia WASH Compact which was developed at the Multi Donor Conference on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) held … Continue reading →
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Asia: leadership for sanitation needed at both central and local level
The responsibility for sanitation in Asia is fragmented over different agencies, and in most cases the priority given to sanitation is low. Therefore more leadership and political will is needed to make sure that organisational structures function, that plans with … Continue reading →
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Asia: leadership for sanitation needed at both central and local level
The responsibility for sanitation in Asia is fragmented over different agencies, and in most cases the priority given to sanitation is low. Therefore more leadership and political will is needed to make sure that organisational structures function, that plans with … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Review of Community-led Total Sanitation, 2011
Year in Review – 10 Key Studies on Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) from 2011 This issue of the WASHplus Weekly highlights 10 CLTS reports or studies published in 2011. The reports are reviews or evaluations of CLTS projects or programs … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Review of Community-led Total Sanitation, 2011
Year in Review – 10 Key Studies on Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) from 2011 This issue of the WASHplus Weekly highlights 10 CLTS reports or studies published in 2011. The reports are reviews or evaluations of CLTS projects or programs … Continue reading →
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Translating Research into National-Scale Change: A Case Study from Kenya of WASH in Schools
Translating Research into National-Scale Change: A Case Study from Kenya of WASH in Schools, 2011. SWASH Project. Full-text (pdf) Over the past 5 years CARE, Emory University’s Center for Global Safe Water, and Water.org, through the Bill and Melinda Gates … Continue reading →
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Translating Research into National-Scale Change: A Case Study from Kenya of WASH in Schools
Translating Research into National-Scale Change: A Case Study from Kenya of WASH in Schools, 2011. SWASH Project. Full-text (pdf) Over the past 5 years CARE, Emory University’s Center for Global Safe Water, and Water.org, through the Bill and Melinda Gates … Continue reading →
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Call for proposals – Global Sanitation Fund Country Programme Monitor for a Sanitation & Hygiene Programme in Senegal
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) established the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) to provide grant support to scale up successful sanitation and hygiene approaches targeting poor people in areas of greatest need. The GSF, together with the Programme … Continue reading →
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Call for proposals – Global Sanitation Fund Country Programme Monitor for a Sanitation & Hygiene Programme in Senegal
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) established the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) to provide grant support to scale up successful sanitation and hygiene approaches targeting poor people in areas of greatest need. The GSF, together with the Programme … Continue reading →
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Haiti: Twitter data accurately tracked cholera outbreak
Twitter messages were providing data that would have been a quicker way of detecting and tracking the 2010 cholera outbreak in Haiti than traditional methods, according to a study [1] published in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. … Continue reading →
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Haiti: Twitter data accurately tracked cholera outbreak
Twitter messages were providing data that would have been a quicker way of detecting and tracking the 2010 cholera outbreak in Haiti than traditional methods, according to a study [1] published in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. … Continue reading →
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Learning Fund – Menstrual Hygiene Management
Menstrual Hygiene Management, Learning Fund. Full-text (pdf) Menstrual hygiene management has long been taboo in many countries. During the learning events, participants talked about their efforts to break the silence, working with women and girls to ensure menstrual hygiene management … Continue reading →
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Learning Fund – Menstrual Hygiene Management
Menstrual Hygiene Management, Learning Fund. Full-text (pdf) Menstrual hygiene management has long been taboo in many countries. During the learning events, participants talked about their efforts to break the silence, working with women and girls to ensure menstrual hygiene management … Continue reading →
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Research-Based Campaign Messaging is Critical for Sustaining Handwashing Behavior Change
Using data from formative research to focus messaging on mothers’ aspirations for their children and fine-tuning activities based on feedback from the field and household survey data have been key to developing and implementing a handwashing with soap behavior change … Continue reading →
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Research-Based Campaign Messaging is Critical for Sustaining Handwashing Behavior Change
Using data from formative research to focus messaging on mothers’ aspirations for their children and fine-tuning activities based on feedback from the field and household survey data have been key to developing and implementing a handwashing with soap behavior change … Continue reading →
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Mozambique – Effectiveness of Large Scale Water and Sanitation Interventions
Effectiveness of Large Scale Water and Sanitation Interventions: the One Million Initiative in Mozambique, October 2011. Full-text (pdf) Chris Elbers, et al. The One Million Initiative of the Government of Mozambique aims at supplying access to clean drinking water and … Continue reading →
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Mozambique – Effectiveness of Large Scale Water and Sanitation Interventions
Effectiveness of Large Scale Water and Sanitation Interventions: the One Million Initiative in Mozambique, October 2011. Full-text (pdf) Chris Elbers, et al. The One Million Initiative of the Government of Mozambique aims at supplying access to clean drinking water and … Continue reading →
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Which are the 15 top international non-profits working in the WASH sector?
Philanthropedia selected 15 top international WASH non-profits (out of 106 reviewed) and asked 116 WASH experts to identify which ones were making the biggest positive impact in the field. Here is their list: Philanthropedia will highlight the top 8 high-impact international non-profits working … Continue reading →
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Which are the 15 top international non-profits working in the WASH sector?
Philanthropedia selected 15 top international WASH non-profits (out of 106 reviewed) and asked 116 WASH experts to identify which ones were making the biggest positive impact in the field. Here is their list: Philanthropedia will highlight the top 8 high-impact international non-profits working … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on WASH and IAP Technologies
Issue 37 January 6, 2012 | Focus on WASH and IAP Technologies This issue of the WASHplus Weekly contains recent studies and manuals that review water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and indoor air pollution (IAP) prevention technologies. For WASH, these … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on WASH and IAP Technologies
Issue 37 January 6, 2012 | Focus on WASH and IAP Technologies This issue of the WASHplus Weekly contains recent studies and manuals that review water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and indoor air pollution (IAP) prevention technologies. For WASH, these … Continue reading →
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Assessing the impact of a school-based water treatment, hygiene and sanitation programme on pupil absence
Tropical Medicine & International Health, December 2011 Assessing the impact of a school-based water treatment, hygiene and sanitation programme on pupil absence in Nyanza Province, Kenya: a cluster-randomized trial Matthew C. Freeman, Leslie E. Greene, et al. Objectives There has … Continue reading →
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Assessing the impact of a school-based water treatment, hygiene and sanitation programme on pupil absence
Tropical Medicine & International Health, December 2011 Assessing the impact of a school-based water treatment, hygiene and sanitation programme on pupil absence in Nyanza Province, Kenya: a cluster-randomized trial Matthew C. Freeman, Leslie E. Greene, et al. Objectives There has … Continue reading →
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Jay Graham – Bangladesh environmental health photos
Dr. Jay Graham of George Washington University was in Bangladesh and compiled a photo album of his visit at the link below: View Photos Jay Graham, PhD Assistant Professor of Global Environmental Health Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Department … Continue reading →
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Jay Graham – Bangladesh environmental health photos
Dr. Jay Graham of George Washington University was in Bangladesh and compiled a photo album of his visit at the link below: View Photos Jay Graham, PhD Assistant Professor of Global Environmental Health Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Department … Continue reading →
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2011 in review
This blog was viewed about 180,000 times in 2011. Read more in the 2011 annual report for Sanitation Updates, which was autmatically generated by WordPress.com. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Sanitation Updates
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2011 in review
This blog was viewed about 180,000 times in 2011. Read more in the 2011 annual report for Sanitation Updates, which was autmatically generated by WordPress.com. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Sanitation Updates
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Bangladesh: WaterAid gets Swiss and Swedish grants for WASH projects
WaterAid has signed funding agreements with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) for two WASH projects in Bangladesh. SDC and WaterAid signed a grant agreement on 30 November 2011 for … Continue reading →
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Bangladesh: WaterAid gets Swiss and Swedish grants for WASH projects
WaterAid has signed funding agreements with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) for two WASH projects in Bangladesh. SDC and WaterAid signed a grant agreement on 30 November 2011 for … Continue reading →
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Dec. 2011 – Community-led Total Sanitation Newsletter
Content: Top News – CLTS Nouvelle traductions françaises / New French translations: Lukenya Notes et Creuser, s’implanter et grandir-Introduire l’ATPC en Afrique World Toilet Day 2011 New on the blog Research: request for help Other new resources on the website Link to … Continue reading →
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Dec. 2011 – Community-led Total Sanitation Newsletter
Content: Top News – CLTS Nouvelle traductions françaises / New French translations: Lukenya Notes et Creuser, s’implanter et grandir-Introduire l’ATPC en Afrique World Toilet Day 2011 New on the blog Research: request for help Other new resources on the website Link to … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Financing for WASH
This issue of the WASHplus Weekly contains case studies and evaluations of financing methods for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) projects. Included in the WASH sector is an IRC review of sanitation financing models, a GTZ review … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Financing for WASH
This issue of the WASHplus Weekly contains case studies and evaluations of financing methods for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) projects. Included in the WASH sector is an IRC review of sanitation financing models, a GTZ review … Continue reading →
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Africa wide WASH technology review published
The WASHTech project has published a literature review focusing on 14 technologies used in Africa in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. The following sanitation and hygiene technologies are included in the review: Bio-additives to pit latrines VIP latrines Urine … Continue reading →
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Africa wide WASH technology review published
The WASHTech project has published a literature review focusing on 14 technologies used in Africa in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. The following sanitation and hygiene technologies are included in the review: Bio-additives to pit latrines VIP latrines Urine … Continue reading →
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Caganers: Sarah Palin and FC Barcelona defecating figurines in 2011 Christmas collection
Sarah Palin and the Barcelona football team are among the new figurines in the 2011 Caganer.com collection. Hiding Caganers in nativity scenes is a strong Christmas tradition in Catalonia, Spain, dating back to the 18th century. The defecating figurines symbolise … Continue reading →
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Caganers: Sarah Palin and FC Barcelona defecating figurines in 2011 Christmas collection
Sarah Palin and the Barcelona football team are among the new figurines in the 2011 Caganer.com collection. Hiding Caganers in nativity scenes is a strong Christmas tradition in Catalonia, Spain, dating back to the 18th century. The defecating figurines symbolise … Continue reading →
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Water shortages impede hygiene for Nepalese women
Dec 13, 2011, By Teresa Rehman, Alertnet KATHMANDU, Nepal (AlertNet) – On the fourth day of her menstrual cycle, Belkumari Paudiyal hikes for more than 20 minutes to the river below her village. She ties a petticoat round her chest … Continue reading →
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Water shortages impede hygiene for Nepalese women
Dec 13, 2011, By Teresa Rehman, Alertnet KATHMANDU, Nepal (AlertNet) – On the fourth day of her menstrual cycle, Belkumari Paudiyal hikes for more than 20 minutes to the river below her village. She ties a petticoat round her chest … Continue reading →
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Pakistan’s waste gets a second life
Dec. 1, 2011 – Entrepreneur turns Pakistan’s tons of garbage into a handsome profit while saving the environment. Clean” and “green” are words not usually associated with the streets of Lahore, but a garbage collecting business is changing the image … Continue reading →
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Pakistan’s waste gets a second life
Dec. 1, 2011 – Entrepreneur turns Pakistan’s tons of garbage into a handsome profit while saving the environment. Clean” and “green” are words not usually associated with the streets of Lahore, but a garbage collecting business is changing the image … Continue reading →
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India: crowd funding for sanitation and water
Social enterprise Milaap has set up an online microlending platform that enables anyone to give a household loan for the construction of a toilet or water connection for the poor in India. Based in Bangalore, India, with its headquarters in … Continue reading →
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India: crowd funding for sanitation and water
Social enterprise Milaap has set up an online microlending platform that enables anyone to give a household loan for the construction of a toilet or water connection for the poor in India. Based in Bangalore, India, with its headquarters in … Continue reading →
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Scatalog: identifying animal dung and droppings
The ideal Christmas present if you live in southern Africa. This 40 page guide has mostly life-size photographs of about 100 species of animals ranging from mice to elephants. The guide’s author Kevin Murray has apparently spent the last 18 … Continue reading →
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Sanitation financing models for the urban poor – new IRC thematic overview paper
Sijbesma, C., 2011. Sanitation financing models for the urban poor. (Thematic overview paper ; 25). The Hague: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre 120 p. : 44 boxes, 1 fig., 4 tab. Includes references, glossary and lists of resources. Available … Continue reading →
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Seasonal Effects of Water Quality on Infant and Child Health in India
Seasonal Effects of Water Quality on Infant and Child Health in India, December 2011. Full-text (pdf) Elizabeth Brainerd, Nidhiya Menon This paper examines the impact of fertilizer agrichemicals in water on infant and child health using data on water quality … Continue reading →
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A practical guide for building a simple pit latrine
Cavanna, S., Debus, J-P., and Nikiema, L.Z.P. (2011). A practical guide for building a simple pit latrine : how to build your latrine and use it hygienically, for the dignity, health, and well being of your family. Hardware Quality Project, … Continue reading →
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Economic aspects of sanitation in developing countries.
Environ Health Insights. 2011;5:63-70. Oct 18. Economic aspects of sanitation in developing countries. Full-text Van Minh H, Hung NV. Health Economics Department, Institute for Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute/University of Basel, … Continue reading →
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UNESCO-IHE and partners offering twenty PhD positions on pro-poor sanitation innovations
Twenty PhD Positions are available in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funded Project on Pro-poor Sanitation Innovations, named “Stimulating local innovation on sanitation for the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia”. UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands, and the following … Continue reading →
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Music for Life 2011 – “We do give a shit”
This month, Belgian radio station Studio Brussel is partnering with the Red Cross to raise money for WASH projects in Nepal. Traditionally, the radio station’s annual “Music for Life” Christmas fundraiser focuses on a “silent disaster”. The theme for 2011 … Continue reading →
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SHARE – Bacterial recontamination after handwashing in rural India
Filed under: Hygiene Promotion, Research, Sanitation and Health, South Asia Tagged: handwashing, India, water contamination
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Rotary partners with world’s largest postgraduate water education institution
By Arnold R. Grahl and Wayne Hearn, Rotary International News — 28 November 2011 Rotary clubs will be helping train engineers and scientists to solve problems in water and sanitation, particularly in developing countries, through a new strategic partnership between … Continue reading →
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Assessing sanitation service levels – 2nd edition
Potter, A.; Klutse, A.; Snehalatha, M.; Batchelor, C.; Uandela, A.; Naafs, A.; Fonseca, C.; Moriarty, P. (2011). Assessing sanitation service levels. (WASHCost working paper; no. 3). 2nd ed. The Hague, The Netherlands, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. 27 p. … Continue reading →
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Meeting the challenge of financing water and sanitation : tools and approaches
OECD (2011). Meeting the challenge of financing water and sanitation : tools and approaches. (OECD studies on water). Paris, France, OECD Publishing. 142 p. : 13 fig., 5 tab. ISBN : 9789264120525 (PDF) ; 9789264120518 (print) doi: 10.1787/9789264120525-en Order online … Continue reading →
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‘Nigeria loses N455bn yearly to poor sanitation’
November 22, 2011 – UNITED Nations Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF) chief, water, sanitation, and hygiene section, Mr Vinod Alkari, has revealed that, Nigeria loses N455 billion annually or 1.3 per cent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) due to poor … Continue reading →
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NPR – Building a Better Toilet
Nov. 18, 2011 – Building a Better Toilet Link to article/audio Toilets, as most of us know them, haven’t changed much since the 1800s—they use a lot of water, and require an infrastructure that many communities can’t afford. Ira Flatow … Continue reading →
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Pakistan, Karachi: sanitation, more than just household latrines
This moving anecdote illustrates how the lack of public toilet affects women in Pakistan. It was posted as a comment to an article in newspaper Dawn about the release in Pakistan of WaterAid’s report “Off-track, off-target: Why investment in water, … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly on Communal Sanitation
November 19th is World Toilet Day and this issue of the WASHplus Weekly contains links to World Toilet Day websites and recent studies and articles on communal sanitation issues. Communal or public sanitation is an important WASH issue, especially in high-density slums with … Continue reading →
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Live & Learn Environmental Education – Grand Challenges Explorations Funding
Live & Learn Environmental Education Receives Grand Challenges Explorations Funding Contact: Rob Hughes, Project Manager & Lead Engineer, Live & Learn Environmental Education Cambodia, and Volunteer with Engineers Without Borders Australia, E: robhughes80@gmail.com P: +855 89 990 672, Skype: robhughes80 November 17, … Continue reading →
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Viet Nam: world’s first Unilever-sponsored Toilet Academy opens in 2012
Unilever is partnering with the World Toilet Organization (WTO) to set up Domestos Toilet Academies around the world, starting with a pilot Academy in Viet Nam opening in 2012. The Domestos Toilet Academy will run month-long training courses for local … Continue reading →
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‘T is for Toilet’ wins ‘ABCs of Death’ film contest
Lee Hardcastle‘s clamation ‘T is for Toilet’ is the winner of a contest to find the “next great horror filmmaker” launched by Drafthouse Films, Magnet Pictures and Timpson Films. Inspired by children’s educational books, the ‘ABCs of Death‘ is an … Continue reading →
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Plan International USA Receives $7 Million Grant for Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Research
Plan International USA Receives $7 Million Grant for Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Research Project in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Ghana By Plan International USA Plan’s Testing Modified CLTS for Scalability project aims to improve rural sanitation by researching and testing the cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and … Continue reading →
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Winning the race: sanitation in rapidly-growing towns in Southern Africa – workshop video report
“The number of people without access to adequate water and sanitation facilities in Africa has risen fast in recent decades [as] rapid urbanisation has outpaced the ability of many African governments to provide essential services”, writes David Schaub-Jones in the … Continue reading →
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World Toilet Day 2011 Official Song
19 November is World Toilet Day Sponsors this year are fashion label NewUrbanMale.com, iPhone game company Coconut Island Studio, World Toilet Organization, FlushThisBook.com, Unilever Singapore and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Filed under: Campaigns and Events, Dignity and Social … Continue reading →
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Former President John Agyekum Kufuor to chair the Sanitation and Water for All partnership
His Excellency John Agyekum Kufuor, former President of Ghana (2001-2009) and former Chairperson of the African Union (2007–2008), will be the first high-level Chair of the Sanitation and Water for All partnership. Kufuor is a passionate global advocate for leadership, … Continue reading →
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Progress-Linked Finance: a study of the feasibility and practicality of a proposed WASH financing approach
Finding appropriate ways of financing sanitation for urban poor communities remains a key challenge. Approaches like output-based aid (OBA) are attracting enormous interest, and rightly so. However, OBA models aren’t appropriate for all contexts, and other approaches also need to … Continue reading →
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Leveraging Partnerships to Achieve Total Sanitation in East Africa
A 2010 analysis showed that most East African countries have national sanitation policies and plans in place, but that the actual programs often lack coordination. To meet the Millennium Development Goals for sanitation, such programs must combine their efforts to … Continue reading →
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Human Waste to Revive Haitian Farmland?
Community toilets can yield nutrient-rich fertilizer. A new type of public toilet is helping people in Haiti make fertilizer from human waste, a project that may someday revive the country’s degraded farmland, curb disease, and create jobs. by Christine Dell’Amore, National Geographic News, October … Continue reading →
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India: Sulabh International gets top UN consultative status
The United Nations has accorded its highest consultative status to Indian sanitation NGO Sulabh International. The Chief of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) NGO Branch, Andrei Abramov conveyed the upgrade of Sulabh International from ‘Special’ to ‘General’ consultative status … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly on the prevention of pneumonia
November 12th is World Pneumonia Day and this issue of the WASHplus Weekly includes some of the most recent studies on hand washing and eliminating indoor air pollution (IAP) as key environmental interventions to prevent pneumonia. Included are recent fact sheets … Continue reading →
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USA: Amnesty and WaterAid “Give a Crap about Human Rights” campaign
From now until World Toilet Day, 19 November, WaterAid USA and Amnesty International USA are urging people to Give a Crap about Human Rights by supporting the Senator Paul Simon Water for the World Act. This Act would help provide … Continue reading →
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Inclusive WASH free learning portal
WaterAid in Australia, in collaboration with the WASH Reference Group, is hosting five online learning sessions and a learning workshop on inclusive WASH. The first session started on 30 October 2011 and the programme will end with the learning workshop … Continue reading →
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defeatDD Poo Haiku contest winners announced
defeatDD.org has announced the winners of its Poo Haiku contest. Here is one of three winning haikus: Fact: Diarrhea kills 1.3 million kids each year. Holy sh*t. By @Global_ErinH Read the other two winning poo-ems here defeatDD.org’s was not the first … Continue reading →
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Haiti: cholera victims demand UN compensation
The United Nations has been hit with a demand for hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation from Haitian cholera victims. The Boston, USA-based Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH) filed the demand on behalf of some 5,000 victims. IJDH … Continue reading →
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Epidemiological methods in diarrhoea studies—an update
Int. J. Epidemiol. (2011) doi: 10.1093/ije/dyr152 Epidemiological methods in diarrhoea studies—an update Full-text Wolf-Peter Schmidt1, et al. Background Diarrhoea remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality but is difficult to measure in epidemiological studies. Challenges include the diagnosis based … Continue reading →
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Thailand, Bangkok: struggling to clear garbage in flood crisis
Industrial parks in Bangkok are being threatened after residents in Bangkok’s northeast demolish government-built levies to release the stagnant, garbage-ridden water that was building up in their neighbourhoods, writes the Wall Street Journal. Flooded roads are preventing garbage collectors getting … Continue reading →
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Modeling the next generation of on-site sanitation systems
Luiza Cintra Campos of the University College London has won a US$ 100,000 Gates Foundation grant to to develop a simulation tool to evaluate new on-site sanitation technologies. By including parameters such as pit latrines served, distance to treatment, and potential … Continue reading →
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Effluent and Waste Water Management Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 22-23 November 2011
This conference assesses recent developments and approaches to industrial wastewater management in the African region.There are speakers from UN agencies (Wold Bank, UNEP), universities, industry and government. Organised by: Aidem Business Solution (ABS) Sponsored by: National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) … Continue reading →
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Iraq: Saddam’s prison toilet destined for US museum
The U.S. military is taking Saddam Hussein’s prison toilet home to be displayed in a military police museum, Reuters says. The stainless steel commode and a reinforced steel door have been removed from the cell where the dictator spent two … Continue reading →
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Viva con Agua Water Days 2011
This third international festival for clean water is a multi-country fundraising event involving over 70 cultural events in 24 cities in Germany, Switzerland and Spain from 11-22 November 2011. German NGO Viva con Agua is organising the event in collaboration … Continue reading →
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Developing a Decentralized Performance Monitoring System
Large-scale projects that engage multiple government and non-government agencies entail specific considerations when designing and implementing a management information system (MIS) to support performance monitoring. Training and independent evaluation are key. These and other insights are summarized in a new Learning … Continue reading →
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Child Health Outcomes to Identify Effective Measures of Handwashing
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2011 85:882-892; doi:10.4269/ajtmh.2011.11-0142 Using Child Health Outcomes to Identify Effective Measures of Handwashing Stephen P. Luby, Amal K. Halder, Tarique M. N. Huda, Leanne Unicomb, and Richard B. Johnston We assessed which practical handwashing indicators … Continue reading →
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Thailand: floating toilets for flood-hit areas
As Thailand faces its worst flooding in more than 50 years, a local company is distributing floating toilets free of charge to government offices. Cotto, part of Siam Cement Group (SCG), designed the floating twin-toilet unit, which weighs 800 kg. … Continue reading →
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Somalia: sanitary pads project gives girls a boost
Earning about US$ 150 a month, 60 girls aged between 16 and 22, are manufacturing sanitary pads for women living in refugee camps in Galkayo, central Somalia, IRIN reports. The girls are enrolled at the Galkayo Education Centre for Peace and Development … Continue reading →
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11th World Toilet Summit, Haikou, Hainan, China, 22-24 November 2011
Organised by the World Toilet Organization and Government of Hainan Province, the theme of the 2011 World Toilet Summit is “Toilet Civilization: Health, Tourism, and Quality of Life”. The Summit will be held in conjunction with 2011 World Toilet … Continue reading →
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Utilizing Results-Based Financing to Strengthen Sanitation Services
Results-Based Financing (RBF), which offers incentives for behavior change based on results, has achieved practical success in both the health and education sectors. To date, however, applications of RBF in the sanitation sector have been limited. In Identifying the Potential … Continue reading →
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Cambodia: the Hands-Off Approach to Sanitation Marketing [video]
WaterSHED’s sanitation marketing program takes a “Hands-Off” approach to sanitation marketing. Pioneered in Cambodia, the Hands-Off approach recognizes that with creative social marketing, targeted support to local enterprises and the brokering of effective public-private partnerships, sanitation markets can grow without … Continue reading →
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Making the Poor Pay for Public Goods via Microfinance
Making the Poor Pay for Public Goods via Microfinance: Economic and Political Pitfalls in the Case of Water and Sanitation, 2011. Full-text (pdf) Philip Mader, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. This paper critically assesses microfinance’s expansion into the … Continue reading →
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Sanitation Matters in Southern Africa
Published in July 2011, this second issue of Sanitation Matters focussing on southern Africa has well written contributions from David Schaub-Jones on urban sanitation challenges & opportunities, from Richard Holden on sustainable sanitation systems and from Alana Potter on assessing … Continue reading →
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Summary of Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene
This report is a short summary of the WSSCC Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene, 9-14 October 2011 in Mumbai, India. It is intended to immediately bring to your inbox the highlights of the week, take home messages and an overall … Continue reading →
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International hygiene study: scores for personal and household hygiene in 12 countries presented
In the wake of Global Handwashing Day, the Hygiene Council has released more findings from its international HABIT Study (Hygiene: Attitudes, Behavior, Insight and Traits). Below are charts comparing handwashing and household hygiene scores for 12 countries. Percentage of respondents … Continue reading →
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Right to water and sanitation: new UN resolution supports sustainable service delivery approach
A new resolution passed by the UN Human Rights Council at its 18th session calls on states to ensure enough financing for sustainable delivery of water and sanitation services. Passed by consensus on 28 September 2011, resolution A/HRC/RES/18/1 has taken … Continue reading →
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“Clean hands save lives” — Global Handwashing Day 2011 is celebrated by millions of people worldwide
Millions of people across the globe celebrated the 4th annual Global Handwashing Day on 15 October 2011, emphasizing the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective, simple, and affordable way to prevent disease. UNICEF Pakistan launches ‘Sabu’ Over 1 … Continue reading →
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SuSanA – Open Forums on Sanitation
Harnessing the wisdom of crowds: Open discussion forum helps to answer many sanitation related questions The idea for this open discussion forum on sanitation came from our experience that when you want to buy a new car or have a … Continue reading →
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Medical waste, bad for your health and bad for your rights, warns UN expert
A new UN report says the international community has to date paid little attention to the growing problem of medical waste around the world, especially in developing countries. The report was released in September 2011 by the UN Special Rapporteur … Continue reading →
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India – Open defecation “serious threat“ to health
Open defecation “serious threat“ to health: Report New Delhi, Oct 21 (PTI) Despite an increase in the number of toilets, open defecation remains the single largest threat to health and nutritional status in the country, a report said today. India … Continue reading →
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Duncan Mara – Water & Sanitation Symposium 2011
Filed under: Multimedia, Progress on Sanitation, Sanitation and Health Tagged: Duncan Mara
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Over 4,000 hand washing SMS pledges from two districts in Uganda
Over 4,000 pledges were generated from local people in Sembabule and Mityana districts In Uganda within a period of a week after 15 October who texted the word ‘PLEDGE’’ to 8181. With that they showed their commitment to wash their … Continue reading →
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Sustaining Behavior Change Interventions: Enabling Environment for Handwashing with Soap in Peru
A new endline report discusses how Peru’s enabling environment for handwashing with soap has progressed since 2007. The research, conducted by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), indicates that the enabling environment has been strengthened at both national and regional levels. In … Continue reading →
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Tips for a hygienic office by germ professor Chuck Gerba
Environmental microbiologist Dr Charles (Chuck) P. Gerba from the University of Arizona, shares his tips on keeping your office clean and hygienic. This is one in a series of hygiene videos posted by Crest Commercial Cleaning, New Zealand: others are … Continue reading →
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Learning by Doing: Working at Scale in Ethiopia
In the Amhara Region of Ethiopia, the Learning by Doing Initiative (LBDI), a joint project between the Government of Ethiopia, the Amhara Regional Health Bureau, USAID’s Hygiene Improvement Project (HIP), and the Water and Sanitation Program, started at large scale … Continue reading →
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South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal: factory workers denied proper sanitation
Workers in many clothing and textile factories in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal are denied proper sanitation facilities, a trade union survey has found. Workers were not supplied with toilet paper and being forced to use pieces of fabric, SA Clothing and Textile … Continue reading →
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WaterAid – Technical handbook: Construction of ecological sanitation latrine
Technical handbook – Construction of ecological sanitation latrine, 2011. Download (pdf) WaterAid This handbook is the outcome of the ecological sanitation latrine promotion projects carried out by WaterAid’s partners in Nepal: the Environment and Public Health Organisation, Lumanti Support Group … Continue reading →
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WaterAid – People’s perception on sanitation: Findings from Nepal
People’s perception on sanitation: Findings from Nepal, 2011. Download (pdf) WaterAid This document provides people’s insights on why some sanitation interventions successes and others fail. The study showed that awareness among the people about the importance of sanitation and hygiene … Continue reading →
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Learning from ODF Communities in East Java
Participatory research conducted in 80 communities in East Java shows that communities achieving ODF status within two months of CLTS triggering are more likely to achieve higher access gains and remain ODF longer than communities that take many months to … Continue reading →
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Learning by Doing: Working at Scale in Ethiopia
In the Amhara Region of Ethiopia, the Learning by Doing Initiative (LBDI) started at large scale and then expanded, growing from an initial 93,000 households in four districts to include 5.8 million people in 94 districts; LBDI resulted in 2.8 … Continue reading →
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Viet Nam: Integrating sanitation marketing into a national program
Nguyen, H.H. (2011). Integrating sanitation marketing into a national program : a case study in Vietnam. Brisbane, QLD, Australia, International Water Centre. Read the full report Supply-driven approaches to rural sanitation in Viet Nam, with associated toilet subsidies, have had … Continue reading →
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Clean hands save lives: Global Handwashing Day 2011 celebrated worldwide
On 15 October 2011 people across the globe will celebrate the 4th annual Global Handwashing Day aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent disease. Last year, 200 million … Continue reading →
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SEI leads innovative sanitation project in India
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has granted 3.9 million Swedish crowns (US$ 587,000) for a three-year project on sustainable sanitation in flooded areas in India. The research project is lead by Stockholm Environment Institute in collaboration with the … Continue reading →
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Tanzania: A Handwashing Behavior Change Journey
Research conducted in Tanzania to track the steps taken to design and implement an evidence-based, behavior change program using mass media, interpersonal communication, and direct consumer contact demonstrates the effectiveness of the FOAM framework for analyzing formative research and developing … Continue reading →
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Speech by Jon Lane, Executive Director, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaboration Council, in the closing plenary of the Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene
Mumbai, 13 October 2011, www-wsscc-global-forum.org Chair, ladies and gentlemen, colleagues and friends, That great moral beacon of our times, Nelson Mandela, invites us to judge the importance of an issue not by how glamorous or attractive it is but by … Continue reading →
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Chief Rapporteur Barbara Evans on the highlights from the Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene
Barbara Evans, chief rapporteur at WSSCC’s Global Forum, discusses the world’s sanitation challenges, themes from the conference, and highlights a couple of inspirational presentations. Filed under: Campaigns and Events, Dignity and Social Development, South Asia Tagged: Barbara Evans, Global Forum … Continue reading →
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Why We Need to Reinvent the Toilet
Oct. 6, 2011 – Frank Rijsberman, Gates Foundation: Why We Need to Reinvent the Toilet Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I thank the organizers for giving me this opportunity to talk to you about our still newish water, sanitation and … Continue reading →
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Evaluating the health impact of urban WASH programmes
Improving health is a key justification for WASH interventions…but evaluating health impacts is often viewed as too complex and costly. This Discussion Paper, a WSUP/SHARE collaboration, argues for more widespread evaluation of the health impacts of WASH interventions: not with … Continue reading →
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Occupy Wall Street’s greywater treatment system and “sanitation working group”
Protesters participating in the Occupy Wall Street demonstration in New York have constructed a greywater treatment system to recycle dishwater contaminants. The filtered water is used for the plants and flowers in Zuccotti Park where the protesters have their base … Continue reading →
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“King of Bollywood” Shahrukh Khan puts his star-power behind life-saving sanitation and hygiene work
Mumbai, 10 October 2011 – Shahrukh Khan, one of the world’s most popular and much-loved Bollywood personalities, is making the fight for the right to safe sanitation and good hygiene his own. The announcement was made last night at the … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Focus on handwashing
Issue 27 October 7, 2011 | Focus on Hand Washing – Global Handwashing Day Edition This WASHplus Weekly was prepared as a contribution to Global Handwashing Day, celebrated each October 15. Global Handwashing Day was created by the Global Public-Private … Continue reading →
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Liberian President and WASH Ambassador Ellen Johnson Sirleaf awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is one of three women who were jointly awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Mrs Sirleaf became Africa’s first female elected head of state in 2005, following the end of Liberia’s 14-year civil war which left … Continue reading →
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WaterAid – Sanitation and water for poor urban communities
Sanitation and water for poor urban communities: a manifesto, 2011. WaterAid. Full-text (pdf) WaterAid calls on governments and development agencies across the world to put the highest political priority on the provision of water and sanitation services to poor urban … Continue reading →
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The 2theloo concept: a clean restroom, a shop with toiletries and a coffee corner
Dutch entrepreneur Eric Treurniet opens his ninth 2theloo restroom shop on 7 October 2011 in Warsaw, just 8 months after he first introduced his new public toilet concept in an Amsterdam shopping street. Treurniet got the idea to develop the … Continue reading →
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WaterAid – Disability and the WASH sector
What the Global Report on Disability means for the WASH sector. 2011. WaterAid. Download Full-text (pdf) This report gives an overview of the information relevant to the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector in the world’s first report on disability. … Continue reading →
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Australia: Christian group wants government to increase aid to water and sanitation
A Christian group is calling on the Australian government to provide WASH access for 8.8 million people each year by increasing aid to water and sanitation from the current A$ 117 million (US$ 114 million) to A$ 500 million (US$ 487 … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – WASH and Humanitarian Assistance
This WASHplus Weekly contains 2010 and 2011 resources about water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) issues in disaster or emergency situations. Please contact WASHplus if you have new or upcoming resources to add to this for future issues. Some of the … Continue reading →
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Kenya – Experts link poor WASH services to a surge in chronic diseases
Experts link poor water and sanitation services to a surge in chronic diseases Fresh evidence linking rising cases of non communicable diseases (NCD) with poor water and sanitation services in Kenya could inform increased international cooperation over the issue at … Continue reading →
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WASH update – Clinton Global Initiative
Catching the WASH Wave: The Growing Momentum for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) at the Clinton Global Initiative WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — As global leaders, philanthropists, Nobel Prize laureates and CEOs convened at the Clinton Global Initiative last … Continue reading →
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Tackling the Rural Sanitation Challenge
In a blog post in Impatient Optimists, Deputy Director of WASH Louis Boorstin explains how the Gates Foundation is supporting efforts to help communities end the practice of open defecation. The Foundation believes that community engagement is essential to ensure … Continue reading →
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Solar Oven Outhouse for Safer Fertilizer
SMALL FIXES – Low-cost innovations that can save thousands of lives Human waste makes good fertilizer, but it can be smelly and dangerous to handle when fresh. A common way to make it safer is to build an outhouse atop … Continue reading →
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Nepal – Talking about menstruation
KATHMANDU, Sept 25: Nepal has come a long way in recent history in terms of gender equality, but if there is one issue that is still under a silent veil its menstruation. The taboos and lack of information regarding the … Continue reading →
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E-Source Sanitation News
This daily newsletter brings you the latest news items, videos and publications spotted by sanitation experts. It extracts news from web links in Twitter messages and news feeds and groups the news headlines under self-generated headings. The main source for … Continue reading →
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Workshop on “Frontiers of urban sanitation solutions” at IWA Development Congress
With universal access to sanitation trailing far behind set targets, there is an urgent need to break new ground in the provision of sanitation solutions. A special three-part workshop at the forthcoming IWA Development Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, will … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Sanitation Marketing
Sanitation marketing is a field that applies social and commercial marketing approaches to scale up the supply and demand for improved sanitation facilities. This WASHplus Weekly lists some of the most recent publications and websites on sanitation marketing. Included are … Continue reading →
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India, Andhra Pradesh: Why families choose toilets – to protect older parents and younger daughters
Why do families build toilets? If the family tradition for many generations has been to defecate in the open – using local woods or accepted sites, then what is the incentive to make a break and opt for a toilet … Continue reading →
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Asia: accelerated and sustainable progress in sanitation and hygiene is within our reach, hygiene experts say
Accelerated and sustainable progress in sanitation and hygiene is within reach in Asia, as long as we aim at district-wide coverage and build a broad alliance under leadership of local governments. This is the main conclusion of sanitation and hygiene … Continue reading →
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Winning the race: Sanitation in rapidly-growing towns in Southern Africa
This is a call for participants and contributors to an in-depth learning and sharing session on sanitation in rapidly-growing towns. IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, together with UCLGA, WIN-SA and AusAid, are hosting a Learning and Sharing Workshop around … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weekly – Sanitation Marketing
Sanitation marketing is a field that applies social and commercial marketing approaches to scale up the supply and demand for improved sanitation facilities. This WASHplus Weekly lists some of the most recent publications and websites on sanitation marketing. Included are … Continue reading →
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Special Bulletin: Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene, 9-14 October 2011, Mumbai, India
The Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene takes place 9 to 14 October in Mumbai, India. The event offers a prime opportunity to share ideas on leadership, skills, knowledge, behaviour change and actions that can improve the lives of the … Continue reading →
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WEDC – Inclusive design of school latrines
Briefing Note 1: Inclusive design of school latrines – how much does it cost and who benefits? WEDC, July 2011. Download Full-text (pdf) WEDC research shows that the additional cost of making a school latrine accessible is less than 3% … Continue reading →
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Bangladesh: Sanitation and Hygiene – Challenges and Solutions
Filed under: Hygiene Promotion, Multimedia, Progress on Sanitation, South Asia Tagged: Bangladesh
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WSP – Introductory Guide to Sanitation Marketing
Introductory Guide to Sanitation Marketing, 2011. Jacqueline Devine and Craig Kullmann. Water and Sanitation Program. Download Full-text) (pdf) Sanitation marketing is an emerging field with a relatively small group of practitioners who are learning by doing. With an Introductory Guide to … Continue reading →
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CLOO – new app uses social media to share toilets
This app turns any private toilet into a public toilet accessible to friends & friends of friends using social media connections, with the aim to solve the problem of too-few easily accessible toilets in cities. CLOO allows registered users charge … Continue reading →
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Danish company gets Sida grant to sell menstrual cups in Kenya
Danish firm Makit ApS has been awarded a small grant from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to further develop and market a menstrual cup for the Kenyan market. Makit is one of twelve companies that have been granted … Continue reading →
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Bangladesh: BRAC video shows importance of school sanitation for girls
This new 9 minute video shows how BRAC is addressing high absenteeism rates among female students through a water, sanitation and hygiene programme in nearly 3,000 schools across rural Bangladesh. The programme includes menstrual hygiene facilties. [Female students] have expressed … Continue reading →
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African Water Facility Call for Concept Notes on Sanitation Improvement for Urban Poor
The African Water Facility (AWF) has issued a Call for Concept Notes under the urban sanitation theme for the urban poor in Sub-Saharan Africa. The AWF will fund up to ten projects that promise to address the needs and to … Continue reading →
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India, Chennai: public toilets – not enough, hardly used and badly maintained
There are only 714 public toilets in Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, for a population of close to 5 million. Despite evident need, there is low usage of toilets by women and children, according to a survey of 49 … Continue reading →
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Innovative Private Sector Participation in Water & Sanitation
Bringing Water to Where It is Needed Most: Innovative Private Sector Participation in Water & Sanitation, 2011. World Bank. Download Full-text In this Smart Lessons brochure we share an innovative and diverse range of initiatives from across the World Bank … Continue reading →
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Experiences from Rural Benin: Sanitation Marketing At Scale
Experiences from Rural Benin: Sanitation Marketing At Scale, 2011. World Bank. Download Full-text Sanitation marketing is a sustainable approach to household sanitation uptake at scale. While efforts in Africa to use marketing are underway in several countries, success stories have … Continue reading →
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Introducing Community-led Total Sanitation in Africa
Digging in, Spreading Out and Growing Up: Introducing CLTS in Africa This paper draws on the extensive involvement of Kamal Kar with the spread of CLTS in Africa to describe the early stages of the process, to elaborate on its developments and … Continue reading →
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Kenya, Eastern Province: Amina Abdalla, “You can’t maintain hygiene without water”
Amina Abdalla, a 45-year-old mother of seven, living in Marsabit District (pop. 121,000), Eastern Province, told IRIN/PlusNews about her daily struggle for water. She knows water is essential for hygiene, but there is not enough and it’s too expensive. She … Continue reading →
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WASHwatch: helping to hold governments to account
WASHwatch: helping to hold governments to account on their commitments to the fundamental foundations of health. WASHwatch—an online platform for monitoring government policy commitments and budgets for water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) was launched by WaterAid yesterday at World Water Week in Stockholm. … Continue reading →
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India, Tamil Nadu: public toilets in disrepair, villagers suffer
Public toilets constructed seven years ago in an Indian village, soon fell in disrepair because the pump that provided the water supply stopped working, and did not get repaired. Now the 2,500 inhabitants of Kokkarapati village, in Trichy district, Tamil … Continue reading →
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Loowatt – the waterless toilet system
The Loowatt system creates a low-cost and simple solution for waterless sanitation that converts human waste into biogas. We have built and tested a working system in London and see great potential for our toilets to make a difference in … Continue reading →
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Advances in sanitation bypassing the poor and rural communities
The UN’s latest Millennium Development Goals Report notes that progress in sanitation has largely bypassed the poor while rural populations remain disadvantaged. An analysis of trends over the period 1995-2008 for three countries in Southern Asia shows that improvements in … Continue reading →
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Access to safe water and sanitation among top global public health achievements
Access to safe water and sanitation are among the ten top global public health achievements in the first decade of 21st century identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC asked experts in global public health to nominate … Continue reading →
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Seminar – Helping entrepreneurs provide sustainable sanitation services
Small private providers, from retailers to masons, from public toilet operators to latrine emptying businesses, are of vital importance to medium- and lower-income communities, according to BPD Water & Sanitation [1]. The sanitation sector needs to capitalise on the growing … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Weeklies on sanitation and other topics
Below are links to some of the most recent WASHplus Weeklies. Each Weekly contains some of the most recent literature and other resources for the topics: Cholera Prevention and Control A WASHplus Weekly: Focus on Indoor Air Quality A WASHplus … Continue reading →
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Scanning the 2020 horizon: An analysis of trends and scenarios in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector
What will the international Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector look like in, let us say, 10 years from now? Will access to sanitation still lag behind water supply, or will it evolve into a stand-alone sub-sector with its own … Continue reading →
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Rwanda in the fast lane, sanitation field visit confirms
Around 30 percent of the national budget of Rwanda is made available to district authorities. This high share makes Rwanda a front-runner in Africa, Stephan Klingebiel and Timo Mahn, two German banking specialists write in the June 2011 edition of … Continue reading →
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New book: Financing Water and Sanitation
A new book in the OECD Report Series looking at water and sanitation financing in both OECD and developing countries is due for publication on 31 October 2011. OECD (2011). Financing water and sanitation : challenges, approaches and tools. (OECD … Continue reading →
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UK: Loughborough experts to ‘reinvent the toilet’ in global project
A multi-disciplinary team from the Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) at Loughborough University led by Professor M.Sohail has won a £250,000 (US$ 408,000) grant in an international competition to “re-invent the toilet” organised by The Bill & Melinda Gates … Continue reading →
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Bangladesh: govt sanitation subsidy scheme ineffective, experts say
The government’s subsidy policy for sanitation needs to be more effective and more money should be allocated if Bangladesh is to meet is target of sanitation for all’ by 2013, experts say. This is the conclusion of a study conducted … Continue reading →
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Zambia: A plastic bag for a toilet
LUSAKA, 11 August 2011 (IRIN) – Charity Muyumbana, 45, has spent her entire adult life contending with recurrent flooding, poor drainage, and a lack of toilets in Kanyama, the sprawling Lusaka township where she lives. “Most of the people use … Continue reading →
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Nepal: School Sanitation, the neglected development link (video)
WaterAid Nepal has produced this video as part of its campaign “School Sanitation: The Neglected Development Link”. Minister for Education and Sports, Gangalal Tuladhar, launched the campaign on 11 August 2011 by opening a photo exhibition at the Nepal Art … Continue reading →
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India, Kerala: “Green Army” school hygiene cartoons
An Indian e-toilet manufacturer has partnered with a local animation institute to create hygiene promotion cartoons for schools. Eram Scientific Solutions with Toonz Academy has created the “Green Army” cartoon characters to make students aware of cleanliness and hygiene. The … Continue reading →
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New paper on efficacy of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (ABHS) in field conditions
Pickering, A.J., Davis, J. and Boehm, A.B. (2011). Efficacy of alcohol-based hand sanitizer on hands soiled with dirt and cooking oil. Journal of water and health ; vol. 9, no. 3 ; p. 429–433. doi:10.2166/wh.2011.138 (pay per view) Abstract Handwashing … Continue reading →
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WASHplus Twitter Updates
Please check out and follow the WASHplus Twitter to stay up to date on news and publications from WASHplus and its Resource Partners. Recent Tweets include: WASHplus Newsletter, August 2011. Link: tinyurl.com/44zya62 SHARE-funded #research: Factors influencing latrine #hygiene in #Tanzania. … Continue reading →
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Low-Cost Options for Sludge Management in Madagascar
Low-Cost Options for Sludge Management in Madagascar, 2011. English (pdf) French (pdf) WASHplus partner, Practica Foundation, conducted a feasibility study of various technological options for hygienic sludge removal at two public-private toilet/shower sites in Madagascar. Both are currently emptied by … Continue reading →
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BBC World – WaterAid’s Gulper in action in Tanzania
4 August 2011 - The Gulper, WaterAid’s innovative machine for hygienically emptying pit latrines, will feature in a new BBC World documentary series on Saturday 6 August at 10.10 and 20.10 GMT. The film, which has been made by independent production company … Continue reading →
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SCA marketing small packages of hygiene products – diapers, sanitary napkins and toilet paper
Global hygiene and paper company SCA has started offering low-cost hygiene products in small packages in Latin America and Asia. Similar projects are being planned in Africa and the Middle East. Items being sold include diapers, sanitary napkins and toilet … Continue reading →
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Uganda: Teacher falls in pit latrine as he looks for cockroaches
A teacher from St. Mary’s College, Aboke, in northern Uganda fell in a pit latrine as he looked for cockroaches for a biology practical lesson. Newspaper New Vision reported that the teacher was given money to buy 80 cockroaches for … Continue reading →
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Send out a Sanitation Video Dance Message
Rock band OK Go have collaborated with Google for the interactive version of their latest video “All Is Not Lost”. It was created with HTML5 Chrome Experiment, using Google’s Chrome browser (see the non-interactive version here). You can enter a … Continue reading →
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4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland, 22-25 August 2012
Theme: Drivers for ecological dry toilets in urban and rural areas Organised by: Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland , University of Tampere, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere University of Technology Abstract deadline: 15 Jan 2012 Programme: Mon-Wed 20-22 … Continue reading →
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The Economist – cholera and the super loo
July 30, 2011 – Solving the sanitation problem is within reach, and it could avoid many deaths “CHOLERA most forcibly teaches us our mutual connection. Nothing shows more powerfully the duty of every man to look after the needs of … Continue reading →
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WaterAid turns 30, treating itself to digital makeover
In June, the Guardian posted an article quoting WaterAid and the Work Bank who claimed that water and sanitation projects are not “sexy” enough and that donors therefore are not willing to invest in them. On the other hand, WaterAid, the international NGO … Continue reading →
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Malawi Signs First Global Sanitation Fund Sub-Grantee Contracts
The WSSCC Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) programme in Malawi continues to move forward strongly with the signing of sub-grantees following the first funding round. The agreements that have been entered into are for between 2 and 4 years, and total … Continue reading →
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Call for registration: WSSCC Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene, 9-14 October, Mumbai, India
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is pleased to welcome you to the Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene from 9 to 14 October 2011 at the Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel in Mumbai, India. The new website, programme … Continue reading →
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sustainability Charter launched
On 27 July 2011, more than 20 leading international water and development organizations signed and launched the WASH Sustainability Charter. This Charter is a collaboratively-developed mission and set of guiding principles to advance lasting solutions in water, sanitation and hygiene … Continue reading →
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India, Kerala: girls’ school in Ernakulam first to get e-toilet
A government girls’ school in Ernakulam, Kerala, will soon be the first school in the country to get an electronic public toilet. This is part of the suchi@school (Sustainable Comprehensive Hygiene Initiative) project, an initiative of local CPI (M) Member … Continue reading →
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Africa could turn a corner in the sanitation crisis
Africa could finally be turning a corner in the sanitation crisis say civil society groups ANEW and FAN, WaterAid, the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and the End Water Poverty Campaign who attended the recently held AfricaSan3 conference … Continue reading →
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UNESCO-IHE and partners get US$ 8 million Gates grant for urban sanitation education and research
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education and partners have been awarded a US$ 8 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The grant will be used for postgraduate sanitation education and research with a focus on solutions for the … Continue reading →
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SaniFaso: a learning sanitation project in Burkina Faso
The SaniFaso project aims to eradicate open defecation in 12 partnering communes (the lowest level of administrative division) in Burkina Faso. The four-year rural sanitation project, which started in December 2010, will construct 16,000 latrines, train local masons and carry out hygiene … Continue reading →
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UN expert hails Bill Gates drive to reinvent the toilet, but warns hardware solutions alone are not enough
UN Special Rapporteur Catarina de Albuquerque welcomed the multimillion dollar grant offered by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation aimed at “reinventing the toilet” through new technology to save water and transform human waste into energy and fertiliser. However, she … Continue reading →
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Asia Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Practitioners Workshop – call for abstracts
From 31st January to 2nd February 2012 BRAC, WaterAid, WSSCC and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre will organise a regional sanitation and hygiene practitioners’ workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The aim of this workshop is to contribute to the evidence … Continue reading →
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Uganda: free sanitary pad school project
School children (both girls and boys) in Uganda’s northern Amuru and Gulu regions are being taught how to make sanitary pads using cheap, locally available materials. This is one of the measures being undertaken to increase girls’ retention in primary schools. … Continue reading →
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Africa could turn a corner in the sanitation crisis
22 July, Kigali, Rwanda — Africa could finally be turning a corner in the sanitation crisis say civil society groups ANEW and FAN, NGO WaterAid, WSSCC and the End Water Poverty Campaign attending AfricaSan3 in Kigali, Rwanda. The comments come … Continue reading →
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Lessons learnt from sanitation and hygiene practitioners’ workshops: 2007-2011
What works in hygiene and sanitation programming and what does not? Why, with so many good experiences and advances, are basic needs and challenges not met? What are our future priorities? These questions were addressed in eight regional practitioners’ workshops, … Continue reading →
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Inaugural issue of the Journal of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for Development online
The International Water Association (IWA) has made the first issue of its new peer-reviewed Journal of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for Development, available online, with free access to the full text PDFs of all articles. Access to following issues will … Continue reading →
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WASH in Schools Monitoring Package
UNICEF has published the WASH in Schools Monitoring Package to strengthen national monitoring systems and to improve the quality of monitoring at the project level. National monitoring systems for WASH in schools are generally weak; many countries do not have even basic … Continue reading →
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India, Mumbai: no toilets for cricket players
Azad Maidan, Cross Maidan, Oval Maidan and Shivaji Park. On these “maidans” or public parks of Mumbai, some of India’s biggest cricket stars like Sunil Gavaskar, Dilip Vengsarkar, Sandeep Patil, Ravi Shastri, Sanjay Manjrekar and Sachin Tendulkar started their careers. … Continue reading →
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Sanitation Updates has 1,000 subscribers! Introducing SaniTweets
To mark the milestone of reaching 1,000 readers, Sanitation Updates has launched SaniTweets and E-Source Sanitation News Continue reading →
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USAID and Gates Foundation – Innovative Solutions for Water, Sanitation, Hygiene
July 19, 2011 – USAID and Gates Foundation Collaborate to Seek, Test, and Scale Innovative Solutions for Water, Sanitation, Hygiene WASHINGTON, D.C. – To support promising new approaches in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector, the U.S. Agency for … Continue reading →
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Reinvent the Toilet – Gates Foundation promo video
See the cool promo video to mark the Gates Foundation new sanitation strategy. It has already been viewed nearly 5,000 tiems since its release on 18 July 2011. Filed under: Multimedia, Sanitary Facilities, Wastewater Management Tagged: advocacy, Bill & Melinda … Continue reading →
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Reinventing the toilet: Gates Foundation launches new sanitation strategy and grants
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced the launch of their new sanitation strategy and US$ 42 million in new sanitation grants at the 2011 AfricaSan 3 conference in Kigali, Rwanda on 19 July 2011. “No innovation in the … Continue reading →
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AfricaSan 3: civil society demands African governments “walk the talk on sanitation”
Civil society organisations (CSOs) are calling on African leaders and international governments to take urgent action on the continent’s critical sanitation situation. The call was issued on the eve of AfricaSan 3, the only Africa-wide conference on sanitation, which is … Continue reading →
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UAE: Students learn good health goes hand in hand with hygiene
The results of the international Dettol HABIT Study (Hygiene: Attitudes, Behaviour, Insight and Traits) were recently presented to health and safety professionals by expert professors from the Global Hygiene Council in Dubai. During the symposium, the Dubai Ministry of Education … Continue reading →
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Webinar: Investigating Long-term Sustainability of Rural Sanitation in Bangladesh, Thursday, 21 July 2011
This webinar presentation is based on findings from a Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) study of 50 local governments that were declared 100% sanitized/open defecation free almost five years ago. Researchers found that almost 90 percent of households in the … Continue reading →
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Nepal, Mid-Western Region: sanitation card system introduced
Villagers in Salkot, western Surkhet, have to produce a “sanitation card” when applying for services from the Village Development Committee (VDC). The “sanitation card” system was introduced in Salkot in mid April 2011 when it was declared an open defecation … Continue reading →
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Eastern Africa drought: seven million people in need of WASH services
Seven million people, including over 700,000 refugees are in need of waster, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services according to a United Nations report of 15 July 2011. The drought affecting Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti is being called the worst … Continue reading →
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“Sanitation is a single most important need in India today”, says new minister
India’s new rural development minister Jairam Ramesh has also taken charge of the newly-created Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. Will the former environmental crusader transform into a sanitation crusader? The first signals are encouraging. In a cabinet reshuffle the new ministry … Continue reading →
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Rose George: Why there’s a sanitation crisis – and what we can do about it
Rose George, author of the Big Necessity, writes about her visit to a village in Liberia in the Gates Foundation Blog. There she met a local pastor whose 9-month-old daughter Marie, had died in November 2010 from diarrhoea. Despite increasing … Continue reading →
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A human-waste gold mine: Bill Gates looks to reinvent the toilet
An article in Time Magazine highlights the collaboration between the Gates Foundation and Germany in finding innovative solutions for sanitation in developing countries. The Head of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene department at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Frank Rijsberman, talls about new … Continue reading →
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WSSCC @ AfricaSan, 19-21 July, Kigali, Rwanda
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Namibia: Independent UN expert urges nation to expand access to sanitation services
Ms. Catarina de Albuquerque, United Nations independent expert on the right to water and sanitation paid a week-long visit to Namibia. She noted that the country has over the past 20 years achieved significant progress in extending its water network … Continue reading →
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Ghana: only 0.1% of budget committed to sanitation
In spite of Government’s pledge to commit 0.5% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to sanitation, the 2011 budget made provision for 0.1%, said Executive Secretary of the Coalition of NGOs in water and sanitation (CONIWAS), Mr Benjamin Arthur. Ghana … Continue reading →
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Sanitation pioneer Sandy Cairncross awarded OBE for championing toilets for the poorest
Professor Sandy Cairncross, a UK scientist who has devoted his career to saving lives in the world’s poorest countries by improving sanitation and hygiene – including revolutionising attitudes to toilets – was honoured with an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday … Continue reading →
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Kenya, Nairobi: Unilever enrols 100,000 schoolchildren in handwashing drive
Unilever through its Lifebuoy soap brand has reached 100,000 students in over 80 schools across Nairobi County its hand washing campaign. The “School of Five” campaign aims to get over one million people across Kenya to pledge to the habit of … Continue reading →
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WaterAid’s Sanitation Framework
Carter, R.; Palakudiyil, T.; Harvey, E. (2011). Sanitation framework. London, UK, WaterAid. 40 p. : 3 boxes, 1 fig., 7 tab. With 42 endnotes, among them references. – Includes glossary This document sets out a framework for the enhancement of … Continue reading →
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Gates Foundation: Innovation and the waterless toilet
BILL GATES’ NEXT GREAT INNOVATION: THE WATERLESS TOILET Scientists working for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are researching the many different ways human waste can be put to good use — such as powering electrical current with human excrement, … Continue reading →
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India, Punjab: classroom converted into toilet for visiting chief minister
When Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal set out on a journey to the rural areas of the state, the schools he visited went out of their to accommodate the 83-year old politician. At the first school that Badal visited … Continue reading →
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Cambodia: ADB plans US$ 27 million loan for rural water and sanitation
As part of the new Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for 2011-2013 for Cambodia, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is planning a US$ 27 million loan and a US$ 800,000 technical assistance grant for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation III … Continue reading →
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Community Choices Tool for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene – demo
The online Community Choices Tool demo is a prototype of a decision-making support tool for the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector, being developed by the Pacific Institute. The Community Choices Tool will be both a WASH decision-making support tool … Continue reading →
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Bike-powered poop pump is redefining low-cost sanitation
A bike-powered poop pump is redefining low-cost sanitation, April 2011, by Robert Goodier, Engineering for Change. Meet the next generation of bicycle-powered devices for developing countries: a pit latrine pump. It’s the offspring of locally available parts—a bucket, a hose, … Continue reading →
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Urine is fertilizing crops and saving money in India
Urine is fertilizing crops and saving money in India, by Robert Goodier, Engineering for Change, May 2011. Consider these facts about urine: Adults produce about four to eight cups (one to two liters) per day, it’s a reservoir of nitrogen, … Continue reading →
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Two new SuSanA factsheets printed: Schools and Operation & Maintenance
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) has published two new 8-page factsheets: Abraham, B., Fogde, M., Muench, E., Wendland, C. (2011). Sustainable sanitation for schools – Factsheet of Working Group 7. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA). Muellegger, E., Freiberger, E., McConville, J., … Continue reading →
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India: “edutainment” health camps focus on preventing diarrhoeal disease
A US-based health research firm, Abt Associates, has organised a series of diarrhoea prevention camps in low-income settlements in cities of Lucknow, Kanpur and Varanasi. The camps took place between May and July, the peak period of diarrhoeal outbreaks. The … Continue reading →
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Uruguay: legislation approved to make sewerage connections compulsory
All households in Uruguay must now have a sewerage connection. Uruguay’s House of Representatives passed a bill making sewerage connections compulsory on 5 July 2011. The new bill includes provisions to provide subsidies and grants to those who cannot afford … Continue reading →
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The Toilet Named Nigeria
In his latest column, government critic and Professor of Creative Writing at Trinity College (USA) Okey Ndibe, voices his disgust at the practice of open defecation in his homeland Nigeria. If you want to gauge how badly Nigerians have been … Continue reading →
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Nepal, Mid-Western Region: no scholarship without a toilet
Another example of how coercion is used in sanitation programmes comes from Radhapur village, Banke district in Nepal’s Mid-western Region. The Village Development Committee (VDC) of Radhapur prevents people without toilets “from getting recommendations for citizenship, land certificates and other … Continue reading →
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WHO – Drinking-water Quality Guidelines, new edition
Launch of the 4th edition of WHO Drinking-water Quality Guidelines at Singapore International Water Week The latest drinking-water guidelines are now available for download or book order following their global launch at the Singapore International Water Week on 4 July … Continue reading →
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India – Patterns and determinants of communal latrine usage
Trop Med Int’l Health, July 2011 Patterns and determinants of communal latrine usage in urban poverty pockets in Bhopal, India Link to abstract, author email A. Biran1, et al. Objectives To explore and explain patterns of use of communal latrine … Continue reading →
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Infectious Risks Associated with Land Application of Sewage Sludge
Env. Sci & Tech, July 2011 Toward a Consensus View on the Infectious Risks Associated with Land Application of Sewage Sludge Link to abstract, author email address Emily Viau, et al. The science linking processed sewage sludge (biosolids) land application … Continue reading →
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Study suggests UN force brought cholera to Haiti
Evidence “strongly suggests” that a United Nations peacekeeping mission brought a cholera strain to Haiti that has killed thousands of people, a study by a team of epidemiologists and physicians says. The study is the strongest argument yet that newly-arrived … Continue reading →
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Promoting good hygiene practices: Key elements and practical lessons
Promoting good hygiene practices: Key elements and practical lessons, 2011. Download Full-text WaterAid Australia, International WaterCentre, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. The objective of this compilation is to strengthen the capacity of organisations to design and deliver effective hygiene … Continue reading →
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Handwashing Prior To Cooking May Help Reduce Childhood Burden Of Diarrhea
Hand Washing Prior To Cooking May Help Reduce Childhood Burden Of Diarrhea In 2007, Stephen Luby (SPL), Head of the Program on Infectious Diseases and Vaccine Sciences at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDRB) and colleagues studied … Continue reading →
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South Africa: call to cancel US$ 82 million sanitation contract
A parliamentary committee wants to cancel a 550 million Rand (US$ 81.7 million) rural sanitation contract with an NGO for its failure to deliver services on time. The ministers of Public Works and of Human Settlements want to give the … Continue reading →
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Briefing Note on Mapping EU Support for Sanitation in Africa
The Briefing Note “Mapping EU Support for Sanitation in Africa”, published by the EU Water Initiative (EUWI) Africa Working Group, is based on a full study by WEDC in association with Hydroconseil. The purpose of the study is to obtain … Continue reading →
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Wanted: Sanitation Revolution 2.0
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will formally launch its sanitation-focused programme strategy as part of the AfricaSan3 Conference on 19 July 2011, writes the head of the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) team Frank Rijsberman. The foundation began its … Continue reading →
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India, Mumbai: tackling open defecation in Dharavi
The municipal corporation of Mumbai (BMC) is finally taking action, after seven years, to stop Dharavi slum dwellers from using the Maharashtra Nature Park Society (MNPS) footpath as an open toilet. Despite having a toilet in the vicinity, locals would … Continue reading →
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South Africa: Harvesting Nutrients That Are Flushed Away
Durban — It might seem unusual for a waste utility to be concerned with the goal of ending world hunger, but that’s part of the mission of the Water and Sanitation department in South Africa’s second largest city of Durban. … Continue reading →
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Kenya – WASH in schools improves academic performance
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Philippines – Closing the Loop between Sanitation and Food Security
Closing the Loop between Sanitation and Food Security for the ´Base of the Pyramid´ June 9, 2011 – If consumers in the advanced Western economies have a hard time swallowing the idea of drinking water recycled from sewage, that may … Continue reading →
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Indian Global Sanitation Fund programme calls for sub-grantees; Chief Minister in Assam shows support
Now that the Global Sanitation Fund programme has been formally launched in the two Indian states where funded work will take place, Jharkhand and Assam, the programme’s national Executing Agency (EA) has called for expressions of interest from potential programme … Continue reading →
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Call for Entries: WASH Media Awards 2011-2012
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) welcome entries for the fourth edition of the WASH Media Awards. This competition is open to journalists who publish or broadcast original investigative stories and … Continue reading →
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UN Secretary-General launches the “Sustainable Sanitation: Five-Year Drive to 2015”
United Nations, 21 June 2011—UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, along with UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake, Ugandan Minister of Water & Environment the Hon. Maria Mutagamba, and His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange, today launched the “Sustainable Sanitation: Five-Year Drive … Continue reading →
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Latest news from the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
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Global Toilet Design Guideline Ready for Public Comment
ICC, WTO Draft of Global Toilet Design Guideline Ready for Public Comment (PRWEB) June 16, 2011 Alarming statistical facts such as 2.6 billion people do not have access to proper sanitation, a child dies of a waterborne illness every 15 … Continue reading →
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Rwanda: Nation Achieves MDG Target On Sanitation
Kigali — Rwanda achieved the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on sanitation and surpassed it by eight percent, State Minister for Energy and Water, Eng. Colette Ruhamya announced yesterday. According to Ruhamya, about 58 percent of Rwandans have access to adequate … Continue reading →
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Time to acknowledge the dirty truth behind community-led sanitation
In rural India, extremes of coercion are being used to encourage toilet use writes Liz Chatterjee in the Guardian’s Poverty Matters blog. Her provocative post has drawn comments from the likes of Robert Chambers, Rose George, Ned Breslin and Erik Harvey. A … Continue reading →
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64th World Health Assembly approves three WASH resolutions
The 64th World Health Assembly (WHA) has adopted a resolution on drinking-water, sanitation and health, and two other related resolutions on cholera and Guinea worm (dracunculiasis). WaterAid had issued a call to leaders participating in the WHA in Geneva to prioritise sanitation … Continue reading →
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Bangladesh: government’s sanitation claim trashed
The finance minister’s claim that 90.6 percent families in Bangladesh are using sanitary latrines has been dismissed by experts. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Report 2010) data shows the sanitary latrine coverage in Bangladesh is only … Continue reading →
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GIS & mapping tools for water and sanitation infrastructure
Continuing developments in GIS software are opening up a number of possibilities for capturing and processing geographical data, and then presenting it via the internet. The ability to manage information on water and sanitation services and then overlay it onto Google … Continue reading →
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US-Ghana team gets Gates Foundation grant to transform human waste into energy
A US-Ghanaian team has been awarded US$ 1.5 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a biorefinery that will convert fecal sludge to biodiesel and methane. Kartik Chandran, an associate professor of Earth and Environmental Engineering at … Continue reading →
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Brisbane WASH Conference 2011 presentations on hygiene and sanitation
“The most cost-effectiveness intervention for improving public health [is] improving hygiene promotion [and] without change in hygiene behaviour, we get none of the benefits of water, none of the benefits of sanitation”. This was one of the messages that Dr … Continue reading →
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Robert Chambers – Sanitation MDG is badly off track, but a community-led approach could fix that
Sanitation MDG is badly off track, but a community-led approach could fix that Vast sums are wasted on programmes for free toilets, but the community-led total sanitation approach has helped millions avoid often fatal, faecally related infections. Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) … Continue reading →
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Another way to promote sanitation in developing countries
The technology and innovation-focused search for a silver bullet for the WASH sector by the Gates Foundation is flawed, argues the director of a water NGO. Improving sanitation for people in developing countries requires person-to-person education within each community, writes … Continue reading →
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SuSanA seminars at AfricaSan3
The Government of Rwanda is hosting the AfricaSan 3 conference, which is being organised by the AMCOW Sanitation Task Force, from 19-21 July 2011 in the capital Kigali. SuSanA will be organising two seminars in the AfricaSan 3 on the … Continue reading →
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Registration for 13th SuSanA meeting in Kigali, Rwanda (17-18 July 2011)
The 13th SuSanA meeting will take place on 17-18 July 2011 in Kigali, Rwanda just before the AfricaSan 3. The SuSanA meeting will be co-hosted by the Ministry of Health of Rwanda, UNICEF Rwanda and the SuSanA secretariat. The registration … Continue reading →
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Introducing the UniLoo from the Ghanasan project
The Ghanasan project is a collaboration between Unilever, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), and IDEO to develop new products and services for in-home sanitation in Kumasi, Ghana. The project aims to address the barriers that prevent 1 … Continue reading →
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India, Uttarakhand: water, electricity and sanitation ordered for all state schools
In response to a Supreme Court directive, Chief Secretary Subhash Kumar has directed education, water and power departments in Uttarakhand to provide basic water, electricity and sanitation in all state schools. Between 18 and 25 May 2011, 307 schools were … Continue reading →
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Water and Sanitation to Reduce Child Mortality: the Impact and Cost of Water and Sanitation Infrastructure
Water and Sanitation to Reduce Child Mortality: the Impact and Cost of Water and Sanitation Infrastructure, 2011. I. Gunther, World Bank. (Link to full-text) Using household survey data, this paper estimates the mortality impact of improved water and sanitation access … Continue reading →
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India – Toilet at home a must for rural education
May 25, 2011 – Maharashtra government has made it compulsory to have a toilet at home for getting admission in junior colleges in the rural areas. The students who don’t have a toilet will be given provisional admissions with the … Continue reading →
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Malawi/Tanzania : US partnership to bring clean water to 30 schools
The Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG) announced a partnership to bring 5 million gallons [19 million litres] of clean water, along with sanitation and hygiene education, to 30 schools in Malawi and Tanzania during its fourth World Water … Continue reading →
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Water, Sanitation Could Erase Cholera and Guinea Worm
GENEVA, May 19, 2011 (IPS) – The World Health Assembly could adopt landmark resolutions asking governments to improve water and sanitation to eradicate cholera and guinea worm, the latter of which exists in just four countries in Africa. While safe … Continue reading →
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India, Ahmedabad: marriage season affects city garbage collection in city
Garbage is piling up in the streets of Ahmedabad in Gujarat because more than 40 per cent of the municipal sanitation workers are on leave to attend marriages. Thousands of weddings are taking place in the state from 16 to … Continue reading →
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Haiti: UN panel reports on source of cholera outbreak
The cholera outbreak that has so far killed 4,888 people in Haiti was caused by a strain “very similar but not identical” to current South Asian strains, a UN independent panel of experts said. The source of the outbreak was … Continue reading →
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NY Times – Foundations Try to Legitimize India’s ‘Invisible Environmentalists’
May 16, 2011 – Sarasa Satish is a waste picker. Every morning, she starts promptly at 8:30 a.m. going door to door, collecting throwaway materials from houses in the Rajendra Nagar slums of Bangalore, India. The neighborhood is crowded, with … Continue reading →
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Scientist to Turn Human Waste Into Fertiliser
Ghana – Scientist Wins Support for Plan to Turn Human Waste Into Fertiliser Accra — A female Ghanaian scientist is one of four researchers from developing countries who received US$100,000 each to pursue their dream ideas for solving global health … Continue reading →
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WSSCC pushes WASH issues at UN Least Developed Countries conference
WSSCC Chair Prof. Anna Tibaijuka and Executive Director Jon Lane are participating in the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (UN LDC-IV) in Istanbul, Turkey, being held 9 to 14 May. The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are … Continue reading →
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West African journalists formalize the regional WASH media network
The seven members of the Coordinating Committee of the West Africa WASH Journalists Network were elected 28 April by consensus during the constitutive General Assembly in Accra, Ghana. This marks the end of the setting up phase of this regional … Continue reading →
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WSSCC Global Sanitation Fund programme in Madagascar announces first sub-grants and grantees
Several large regional sub-grantees such as the Madagascar Red Cross and a number of sub-regional counterparts such as CARITAS are among the first round of grant recipients in the Madagascar Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) programme announced this week by Medical … Continue reading →
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Jay Graham/USAID – Photos from Haiti
WASH in Haiti by Jay Graham Photos highlight two organizations – SOIL and Deep Springs International – working in earthquake affected areas View album View slideshow Filed under: Emergency Sanitation, Latin America & Caribbean Tagged: Haiti
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USAID Indonesia – Hygiene/Sanitation Project in Urban Areas
Program: Environment (Increase Access to Safe Drinking Water and Adequate Sanitation) Dates: April 2011 – April 2014 “High 5” Kelurahan will improve hygiene and sanitation practices at the household and community levels in urban areas with high diarrhea prevalence. The … Continue reading →
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South Africa: landmark ruling on right to sanitation ends Cape Town “toilet wars”
With a high court ruling supporting South Africa’s constitutional right to sanitation, Cape Town’s “brutal – and farcical – toilet wars” have come to an end. Protesters from the Makhaza neighbourhood of the black township Khalelitsha, that was at the … Continue reading →
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Viet Nam: comedian teaches children about better hygiene
In one of his first appearances in his new role as Viet Nam’s Goodwill Ambassador for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), the 35-year-old actor and comedian Xuan Bac features in a series of 30-second television spots showing children how to … Continue reading →
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Tanzania – Local entrepreneur goes for mass production of biogas from cow-dung
A Tanzanian entrepreneur, Andembwisye Mwakatundu, has come up with an innovative plan to turn hundreds of tons of cow-dung otherwise thrown away by ranches and individuals throughout the country to produce biogas. The sight of men on bicycles carrying firewood … Continue reading →
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Ethiopia – Reflections on School-Led Total Sanitation
School-Led Total Sanitation: Reflections on the Potential of the Shebedino Pilot, March 2011. Download full-text Robert Chambers This note is based on two field visits, in November 2010 and 23 February 2011, discussions with Berhanu Tunsisa and others in Plan … Continue reading →
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WSP – Financing Household On-Site Sanitation for the Poor
Financing Household On-Site Sanitation for the Poor, 2011. Water and Sanitation Program Link to full-text Key Lessons Public funding can trigger significantly increased access to household sanitation. Public investments of varying forms enabled an absolute increase in the fraction of … Continue reading →
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Gates Foundation awards grants for 26 sanitation technology projects
A reusable self-decontaminating sanitary napkin, a children’s latrine training mat and a latrine using urine to flush instead of water are among 26 sanitation technology projects that have been awarded Gates Foundation grants. On 28 April 2011, the Gates Foundation … Continue reading →
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Green toilet for India’s Slum Dwellers
April 22, 2011 – While other industrial designers merely tweak the appearance of the latest electronic gadget to make minor improvements to trivial point-of-sale appeal, Israel’s Noa Lerner, a Berlin-based industrial engineer, is developing a much more crucial necessity: a … Continue reading →
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Waste Management Key to Cleaning up Oceans
Discarded plastic, industrial waste and unwanted fishing nets are still a growing problem for the world’s oceans, despite decades of efforts to reduce such marine debris. However, a new set of commitments – set out during the recent Fifth International … Continue reading →
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India – SHE creates a WAVE of change in Trichy
We are so used to turning our eyes away when we see somebody defecating in the open that we fail to reflect on this widespread practice, prevalent much more in India than in other countries. It is not only visually … Continue reading →
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Philippines: an inspiring ‘toilet tale’
His childhood experience with ill-equipped schools in the provinces inspired businessman Napoleon Co to build toilets for poor Muslim and Christian kids in Mindanao. Napoleon Co, owner of construction superstore chain Home Depot remembers the restrooms in his elementary school: … Continue reading →
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India, Nepal: poor sanitation in jails
Prisoners in Orissa state, India and in Sunsari District, eastern Nepal, are being deprived of proper sanitation and safe drinking paper, according to local newspaper reports. India, Orissa At a meeting in April 2011 on jail administration, Orissa’s Chief Minister … Continue reading →
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Unilever Nigeria presents reformulated Lifebuoy
April 13, 2011 – It was an experience like no other in Lagos recently when Unilever Nigeria Plc, a leading player in the Fast Moving Consumer Good (FCMG) industry launched its new advanced Lifebuoy health soap into the market amidst … Continue reading →
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Philippines – EcoSavers:Maintaining a “bank account” for solid wastes
A common pass book we know is one that contains cash deposits and withdrawal amounts in detail, but in the Entrepreneurs Multipurpose Cooperative in the town of Pavia, they issue pass books indicating kilos of bottles, plastics, and recyclables items … Continue reading →
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Rwanda: Nation Targets 100 Percent Sanitation Coverage By 2012
Apr 20, 2011 – The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Marie Claire Mukasine, yesterday announced that there would be 100 percent sanitation coverage by 2012, and stressed on accelerating strategies to achieve this target. She made the remarks … Continue reading →
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Pathogen destruction and solids decomposition in composting latrines
J Water Health. 2011 Mar;9(1):187-99. Pathogen destruction and solids decomposition in composting latrines: study of fundamental mechanisms and user operation in rural Panama. Mehl J, Kaiser J, Hurtado D, Gibson DA, Izurieta R, Mihelcic JR. SourceCivil & Environmental Engineering, Michigan … Continue reading →
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Global potential of phosphorus recovery from human urine and feces.
Chemosphere. 2011 Mar 21. Global potential of phosphorus recovery from human urine and feces. Mihelcic JR, Fry LM, Shaw R. SourceCivil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, United States. This study geospatially quantifies the mass of an essential fertilizer … Continue reading →
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Haitians turn to waste to combat cholera, deforestation
April 17, 2011 – Desperately poor Haiti is finding a cheap source of fuel in recycling human excrement, a move that could help put a dent in a cholera epidemic and slow the country’s pervasive deforestation. The “biodigester“, which converts … Continue reading →
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India – A Decade of the Total Sanitation Campaign
A Decade of the Total Sanitation Campaign: Rapid Assessment of Processes and Outcomes. Download/View Report World Bank, 2011. The Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) of the Government of India has been in operation for over a decade (1999 to date), and … Continue reading →
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KENYA – Sustainable Energy in the Heart of the Slums
NAIROBI, Mar 29 (IPS) – Talk about foul foundations: the Katwekera Tosha Bio Centre is built on the stuff that goes into toilets. This community centre in the Nairobi slum of Kibera goes well beyond solving sanitation problems – it … Continue reading →
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The effect of bottle scratches on SODIS water disinfection
Concerns that bottle scratches negatively influence the quality of solar water disinfection (SODIS) are unfounded, a new NGO study reveals. Ambient temperature and bottle diameter, however, do greatly influence disinfection effectiveness, the study finds. The NGO Nature Healing Nature has … Continue reading →
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Global deaths from diarrhoea, malaria, AIDS declining, study predicts
Under-five child mortality from diarrhoeal diseases, which was 1.7 million in 2005, is expected to fall to just over half a million by 2030 and around 130,000 in 2060, a new study [1] predicts. The study notes that headway is … Continue reading →
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India, New Delhi: using Facebook and SMS to keep the city clean
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) launched its Facebook page in January 2011 and an integrated SMS service in March 2011 to enable public monitoring of garbage collection sites and public urinals/toilets in areas under its jurisdiction.The first experiences were … Continue reading →
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TALC – Sanitation Marketing for Managers
Designed by the United States Agency for International Development’s Hygiene Improvement Project programme in Uganda, this manual provides guidance and tools for designing a sanitation marketing programme. It allows professionals in the fields of santitation and marketing to comprehensively assess … Continue reading →
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World Vision/Australia – Effective Aid: Helping Millions
Australian Aid Saving Millions of Lives: Report April 12, 2011 A new report released by aid organisation World Vision claims that Australian aid dollars have contributed to significant declines in child deaths, gains in school enrolments and the provision of … Continue reading →
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New toilet museum opens in Wiesbaden, Germany
“Harlekin’s Klooseum – Museum of Modern Arsch” opened it doors on 3 April 2011 in the German city of Wiesbaden. The focus of the exhibition is the cultural history of the toilet and the human body. The Klooseum (“Looseum”) is … Continue reading →
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Superbug in Delhi’s water
April 7, 2011 – NEW DELHI: A superbug immune to almost all known antibiotics has been found in Delhi’s water. British scientists said they have found the New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM) 1 gene that makes bacteria highly resistant to all … Continue reading →
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SACOSAN IV: Colombo declaration tackles “biggest sanitation challenge in the world”
South Asian ministers have vowed to tackle the “biggest sanitation challenge in the world”. In the Colombo Declaration released on 7 April 2011 at the 4th South Asia Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN IV), they promise to set up a national … Continue reading →
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A new sanitation champion?: European MP calls for more support for sanitation innovation
A British Member of the European Parliamentarian (MEP) wants the EU to spend more aid on innovative low-cost sanitation technologies. Nirj Deva MEP and Vice-Chairman of the European Parliament’s development committee launched his call after a meeting with philanthropist Bill Gates. Following a … Continue reading →
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Join the online debate on WASH in Schools
From 7 April to 6 May 2011 IRC and UNICEF are organising a web-based debate on four topics around what we can do to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools in the developing world. Right now less than … Continue reading →
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Governance in Urban Sanitation, e-Learning Course, UNITAR, 25 April – 01 July 2011
The goal of the course is to enhance the capacity of local decision-makers and sanitation professionals to make the most enlightened decisions and investments in the area of urban sanitation. It provides analytical tools to understand the financial and institutional … Continue reading →
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The Wellcome Trust’s Dirt Season
Running in the UK from March to September 2011, the Wellcome Trust’s Dirt Season features a major exhibition ‘Dirt: The filthy reality of everyday life‘ at Wellcome Collection, an online game Filth Fair, a BBC series “Filthy Cities“, and a … Continue reading →
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Haiti: disease model predicts more cholera and potential impact of clean water
The number of Haitians infected with cholera may reach 779,000 by the end of November 2011, nearly twice as many as UN estimates, according to a new study [1]. The UN estimate is “essentially a guess, based on no data, … Continue reading →
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Sarah Bramley – Education and WASH sectors find new synergies on World Water Day
by Sarah Bramley, WASHplus Project, CARE On World Water Day, a day on which people around the world joined together to recognize the importance of safe drinking water, adequate sanitation and hygiene education (WASH), I spent the morning thinking about … Continue reading →
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Kamal Kar – 2011 presentation on the scope and challenges of CLTS
Filed under: Dignity and Social Development, Progress on Sanitation Tagged: Community-Led Total Sanitation, Kamal Kar
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Battling cholera with NFC RFID-tracked drinking water in Haiti
Deep April 1, 2011 – Springs International (DSI), a non-profit organization based in Pennsylvania, USA, and Nokia Research Center (NRC), Palo Alto, California, are teaming up to ensure the supply of clean drinking water in Haiti with NFC technology. Water treatment … Continue reading →
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Tunisia-Libya border: UNICEF sets up sanitation facilities at transit camps
UNICEF is covering the sanitation needs for more than 7,000 people who have fled the violence in Libya and find shelter in transit camps in southern Tunisia. The refugees first get registered in Ataawan transit camp, where they spend the … Continue reading →
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Kibera, Kenya – Community Turns Garbage Into Energy Source
Kibera, Kenya – Community Turns Garbage Into Energy Source A community-based organisation in the Kenyan slum area of Kibera set out to clean up garbage and deal with waste water; Ushiriki Wa Safi ended up creating a community cooker that … Continue reading →
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Indonesia, NTT: latrine “contracts” to fight open defecation
Local officials in a district in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province are trying out social “contracts” to encourage villagers to build and use latrines. So far five families in the province’s Timor Tengah Selatan District have signed such a contract, … Continue reading →
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2nd ADB-DMC and Partners Sanitation Dialogue, Manila, Philippines, 23-25 May 2011
Organised by: Asian Development Bank with support from partner organisations (by invitation only) This 2nd ADB-DMC and Partners Sanitation Dialogue will focus on making sanitation a viable and sustainable service – overcoming constraints and demonstrating benefits from shifting away from … Continue reading →
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USAID/Liberia efforts in water supply, sanitation and hygiene
March 25, 2011 Around the world on March 22nd, people recognized World Water Day. The day serves as a reminder of the vital importance of access to clean water and the large numbers of people who live without that access. … Continue reading →
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SuSanA engagement in the five year drive for sustainable sanitation
Concept note: SuSanA engagement in the five year drive for sustainable sanitation Link to Concept Note As a follow-up to International Year of Sanitation (2008) and in the effort to attain sanitation and hygiene Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets, Sustainable … Continue reading →
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Sustainable Sanitation: The Five-Year-Drive to 2015
The United Nations calls on member states to “redouble efforts to close the sanitation gap” by 2015. On 20 December 2010 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution (A/RES/65/153) establishing a global effort to realise “Sustainable Sanitation: The Five-Year-Drive to … Continue reading →
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India – President stresses rural sanitation drive
New Delhi, March 23 (IANS) President Pratibha Patil Wednesday called for a monitoring mechanism to ensure the proper functioning of the santitation infrastructure in India’s rural areas. ‘Rural sanitation in India, which was as abysmally low as 1 percent in … Continue reading →
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USAID Global Waters: Our Urban Era – World Water Day 2011
USAID Global Waters: Our Urban Era – World Water Day 2011 Download Full-text Contents Welcome to Global Waters! Our Urban Era – World Water Day 2011 The Sta. Ana Public Market Wastewater Treatment Plant Sustainable Green Technology in the Philippines … Continue reading →
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CALL TO ACTION: Supporting sustainable slum sanitation – the case for more investment from IFIs and donors
To mark World Water Day 2011, WSUP (Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor) has released a Call to Action urging governments, funding institutions and other decision-makers worldwide to invest now in urban sanitation. Sanitation-related diseases are having a profound negative impact … Continue reading →
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Tippy Tap video wins YouTube award
A powerful video promoting handwashing with a simple tippy tap has won the 2011 DoGooder Nonprofit Video Award for Best Thrifty Video. The DoGooder awards are an initiative of See3 Communications and YouTube. Watershed Management Group’s video “It’s in your … Continue reading →
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Global Sanitation Fund: Cambodian Government, Plan International Cambodia target 1 million people with $5 million from WSSCC
Enabling basic sanitation access among 200,000 Cambodian households (approximately one million people), especially the disadvantaged, is the target of a new Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) progamme executed by Plan International Cambodia in the country through a $5 million commitment from … Continue reading →
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Kenya, Kibera: “slum survivor” Patrick Mburu still emptying pit latrines to keep kids in school
Four years after news agency IRIN released its award-winning documentary film “Slum Survivors”, its makers returned to the Kenyan slum of Kibera to see what had happened to the main characters. One of the most striking sequences of the film … Continue reading →
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Kenya, Kibera: “slum survivor” Patrick Mburu still emptying pit latrines to his kid in school
Four years after news agency IRIN released its award-winning documentary film “Slum Survivors”, its makers returned to the Kenyan slum of Kibera to see what had happened to the main characters. One of the most striking sequences of the film … Continue reading →
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Cholera epidemic kills 60 in Ghana
WHO says prevention must be stepped up; Four regions hit, Accra the worst affected ACCRA, March 18 (Reuters) – A cholera epidemic in Ghana has killed 60 people and infected almost 4,000 since the first cases emerged last September, with … Continue reading →
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Nepal: separate toilets for schoolgirls – a justified investment?
Nepal may be justifying a US$ 15 million investment in separate school toilets for girls for the wrong reasons suggests an IRIN news article. The government says separate toilet would: reduce the number of girls missing classes or dropping out … Continue reading →
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Gates Foundation offers grants for innovative sanitation technologies
US$ 100,000 grants are available for innovative non-networked sanitation technologies for the urban poor. “Create the Next Generation of Sanitation Technologies” is one of topics in Round 7 of Grand Challenges Explorations, a US$ 100 million grant initiative of the … Continue reading →
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Japan: post-disaster water and sanitation problems
Millions of people in Japan’s devastated northeast are without water, food or heating in near-freezing temperatures. Access to water in the tsunami affected areas is a concern due to water contamination and salination. An estimated 1.4 million households in … Continue reading →
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Canada: First Nations chief wants UN to investigate right to water violation
Leaders of First Nations (indigenous peoples) from northern Manitoba want the United Nations to investigate the violations of rights imposed by the lack of water. Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Grand Chief David Harper told a Senate committee hearing Tuesday [15 February … Continue reading →
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Eco-Friendly, Women-Centric Approaches Towards Female Sanitation
Many women in the developing world can miss up to 50 school or working days per year due to lack of proper feminine hygiene. To alleviate the problem, in Rwanda a Harvard MBA graduate Elizabeth Scharpf formed the Sustainable Health … Continue reading →
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Shock and Shame: graphic messages can increase handwashing compliance
March 14, 2011 - Graphic messages and reminders that use a shock-and-shame approach may get more people to wash their hands, according to a Kansas State University professor and his colleagues. “Those ‘Employees Must Wash Hands’ signs in bathrooms may not … Continue reading →
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Malawi – In Praise of Dry Sanitation
LILONGWE, Mar 9, 2011 (IPS) – At its best it is waterless, odorless, eminently affordable and has a rich fertiliser as byproduct, yet for residents of Malawi’s informal settlements, dry sanitation retains a whiff of the unwanted. As much as … Continue reading →
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Akvopedia Sanitation portal – now in Spanish
Through the invaluable support of our intern Niharika Joshi, our Sanitation Platform is now also available in Spanish. After we included the French version last year, this is another step on the road to making Akvopedia a true multi-language platform. … Continue reading →
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World Poopin’ Day 13 March: raising sanitation awareness through social media
World Poopin’ Day is a campaign benefiting US NGOs Water.org and GiveLove to raise awareness about sanitation issues, especially in developing countries. It is sponsored by CoTweet, Giveo and mGive. Water.org and GiveLove are known for their celebrity co-founders, actor Matt Damon … Continue reading →
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When are communal or public toilets an appropriate option?
We would all prefer to have our own household toilet rather than just use of a communal or public toilet but in some low-income urban communities, provision of individual household toilets is problematic. A recently published Topic Brief from WSUP … Continue reading →
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Save the Date: The Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene 2011, 9-14 October, Mumbai, India
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is pleased to announce “The Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene 2011,” to be arranged in Mumbai, India, from 9-14 October of this year. The event will be a vital platform to … Continue reading →
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CDC – History and Health Benefits of Handwashing
Upcoming Exhibition at CDC’s Global Health Odyssey Museum Features Multi-Media Art of Handwashing ATLANTA, Feb. 24, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — A gift from Georgia-Pacific Professional will help the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlight the health benefits of proper … Continue reading →
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Indian brides herald a toilet revolution
Young women are part of a campaign to bring much-needed social change and improve sanitation facilities If you don’t have a toilet at home, you might not get a bride in India. In a silent revolution of sorts, Indian women … Continue reading →
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New Zealand, Christchurch earthquake: emergency water and sanitation measures
Water and power services are gradually being restored in the city of Christchurch, three days after it was hit by an earthquake, leaving 103 people dead and 228 listed as missing. Seventy-five per cent of earthquake-ravaged Christchurch now has power … Continue reading →
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SANITATION: Making toilets the norm in rural Niger
INDER, 23 February 2011 (IRIN) – Candid talk about human excrement is making people in rural Niger, where only 2 percent of the population has adequate sanitation, insist on building and using toilets: A project there is showing people from … Continue reading →
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India, Himachal Pradesh: benchmarking local government performance on rural sanitation
The Global Scaling Up Sanitation project of the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) has developed a performance monitoring and benchmarking model to strengthen outcome-based management of the rural sanitation sector in India. This model has been adopted by the Government … Continue reading →
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India, Delhi: residents to pay for using sewers
The Delhi Jal Board (city water board) has approved levying sewerage development charges on those premises which do not have a DJB water connection, or have a cut-off connection, but discharge sewage into its sewer system. The monthly levy will … Continue reading →
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GIZ – Technology review of constructed wetlands
GIZ (formerly called GTZ) has published a new booklet in its series of technology reviews entitled: Link: “Technology review of constructed wetlands. Subsurface flow constructed wetlands for greywater and domestic wastewater treatment”. This booklet (36 pages) focuses on treating domestic/municipal … Continue reading →
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Southern Africa knowledge node on sustainable sanitation (SAKNSS) launched
The SAKNSS website provides information resources on sanitation in Southern Africa including country information, documents, links and images. The documents and organisation links are browsable by type, country and theme. Organisations and companies can enter their details online in a … Continue reading →
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New WSP/World Bank report shows catalytic potential of factoring political economy into sanitation investments
A better understanding of a county’s political and social processes and entities that determine the extent and nature of investments in sanitation could catalyze a sharp increase in numbers of people with access, especially for the poor, according to a … Continue reading →
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Smart, eco-friendly sanitation for all in China, lessons for India
Invest in sanitation and wastewater, make treated wastewater available for reuse in urban areas and reduce the GDP loss due to bad health and disease which bad sanitation brings. These are the lessons that India can learn from neighbouring China, … Continue reading →
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Sanitation: What are the Problems? – Opinion piece by Prof. Duncan Mara
Why are many so many developing countries doing so badly in providing all their citizens with good sanitation, Prof. Duncan Mara, University of Leeds, asks?. The technical solutions and finance are available, but aid agencies need to focus more on … Continue reading →
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SPLASH Sanitation Research Programme approves 5 projects
In November 2010, SPLASH, the European Union Water Initiative Research Area Network (EUWI ERA-net), selected the following 5 projects to be funded under the SPLASH Sanitation Research Programme: 1. Catalysing self-‐sustaining sanitation chains in informal settlements Coordinated by the University … Continue reading →
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Egypt, Cairo: the revolution’s toilets, Tahrir Square
Even revolutionaries have to go the toilet. This picture shows the mundane side of life at Cairo’s central Tahrir Square, which was the media focal point for anti-Mubarak protesters during 18 days of demonstrations. This is one of a series … Continue reading →
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BCLC – 5 Ways to WASH Innovation
On Feb. 2 BCLC and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) hosted a forum about innovating in the WASH sector (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene). Here are five key conclusions: 1. The technology needed to meet the access issues … Continue reading →
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Sierra Leone – 1,000th community declared “Open defecation free”
1,000th community declared “Open defecation free” in Sierra Leone Pewama village in the Kenema District was recently officially counted as Sierra Leone’s 1,000th community to be declared “Open Defecation Free” (ODF). This means that each household now has access to … Continue reading →
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Nepal: Govt. to construct girl-friendly toilets in 5500 schools
The government is all set to construct girl-friendly toilets in 5500 community schools throughout the country to enroll more girl students in the schools. The government has allocated Rs. 1.1 billion [US$ 15 million] for the purpose. According to Department … Continue reading →
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Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All: Performance monitoring instruction sheet
This document summarises the performance monitoring framework for the AusAID and The Netherlands Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) funded “Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for ALL” programme implemented by SNV, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and local partners in Nepal, … Continue reading →
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USAID Nepal projects to improve water & sanitation in schools
Feb 7, 2011 – Kathmandu, Nepal: USAID recently began two new projects directly with two local Nepali organizations to improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene for more than 65,000 people in Nepal’s mid- and far-western region, a US Embassy … Continue reading →
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Côte d’Ivoire, Abidjan: cholera claims eight lives
Poor hygiene exacerbated by growing piles of rubbish and the current political crisis are all factors that haelth experts and residents say contributed to a dry-season cholera outbreak in Abidjan, the capital of Côte d’Ivoire. So far eight people out … Continue reading →
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Case Study on the Sustainability of Sanitation in Bangladesh
Case Study on the Sustainability of Improved Sanitation in Rural Bangladesh, Feb 2011. Water and Sanitation Program. Download (pdf) To learn about the sustainability of sanitation behaviors, facilities, and programs that focused on achieving 100%sanitation coverage (i.e., ODF status), the … Continue reading →
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South Asian Conference on Sanitation IV, April 2011, Sri Lanka
South Asian Conference on Sanitation – April 4-8, 2011 – Colomba, Sri Lanka The South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN), a government led biennial convention held on a rotational basis in each country, is a platform for dialogue and influence … Continue reading →
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ICDDR,B raises awareness of threat posed by medical waste in Bangladesh
In recent years medical waste management has become a growing topic of discussion and debate in Bangladesh, especially amongst environmentalists, academicians, policy-makers, non-governmental organizations and researchers. On January 26, ICDDR,B and its collaborators, Bangladesh FHI and Health Care Without Harm … Continue reading →
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Ned Breslin editorial – Retooling the WASH Model’s “Beneficiary” Indicators (Part I)
Ned Breslin: Counted Like Sheep — Retooling the WASH Model’s “Beneficiary” Indicators (Part I) Beneficiary is a misleading indicator and driver of development assistance. It implies passivity on the part of the “recipient” that does not mesh with my experience … Continue reading →
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Ethiopia – Ministry to count water, sanitation, hygiene facilities
Jan 29, 2011 – The Ministry of Water and Energy said that it has finalized preparations to begin counting the number of potable water, sanitation and hygiene facilities available in the country. Ministry Public Relations and Communication Directorate Director, Bizuneh … Continue reading →
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Canada – Researchers emphasize handwashing in schools to prevent spread of illness
Jan 27, 2011 – TORONTO – A teacher demonstrating the importance of handwashing can go a long way toward keeping students healthy by instilling good habits, says the author of a study on preventing school-based gastrointestinal outbreaks. Prof. Marilyn Lee, … Continue reading →
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U.S. EPA applauds Maui and Kauai for decision to ban plastic shopping bags
(01/27/11) HONOLULU – The US Environmental Protection Agency today applauds the Mayors, County Councils and residents of Maui and Kauai counties in Hawaii for enacting restrictions banning plastic shopping bags – reducing their waste and protecting the environment in a … Continue reading →
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Poor sanitation in Indonesia hits kids hard
Jan 27, 2011 – Changing a mindset is easier said than done. In Indonesia, public awareness of the importance of hygiene remains low. About 30 percent of the total population of about 240 million, for example, still practice open defecation, … Continue reading →
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WSUP water & sanitation project in Kumasi
Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), an innovative organisation that brings local and global expertise to deliver water and sanitation services to the urban poor, has interacted with the media in Kumasi, as part of moves to solicit … Continue reading →
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WSP – Economic Impacts of Inadequate Sanitation in India
Inadequate sanitation causes India considerable economic losses, equivalent to 6.4 percent of India’s GDP in 2006 at US$53.8 billion, according to The Economic Impacts of Inadequate Sanitation in India, a new report from the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), a … Continue reading →
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India – Launch of school sanitation campaign
MUMBAI: Senior India cricketer Sachin Tendulkar has joined hands with NDTV and Coca Cola to improve sanitation in rural India through “Support My School” campaign which was launched on Monday. “I cannot digest that because of no proper toilets, girls … Continue reading →
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Just building a million latrines won’t solve Africa’s sanitation crisis
Empowering local communities to solve their own problems is the best way to improve health across the continent The deadline for the world to meet its millennium development goals is now only four years away, yet in sub-Saharan Africa, there … Continue reading →
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UNICEF reviews Community Approaches to Total Sanitation (CATS)
How can sanitation programmes move beyond triggering and sustain behaviour change through sanitation marketing? CATS +2, a UNICEF Global Sanitation Meeting held from 2-5 November 2010 in New
York tried to answer this question. CATS stands for Community Approaches to … Continue reading →
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Rights to water and sanitation: a handbook for activists
El-Jazairi, L. (2010). Rights to water and sanitation: a handbook for activists. London, UK, Freshwater Action Network (FAN). vi, 86 p. : 1 fig., 5 tab., photogr. With a foreword by Catarina de Albuquerque, United Nations Independent Expert on the … Continue reading →
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Dynamics and Sustainabilityof Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
The Dynamics and Sustainabilityof Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS): Mapping Challenges and Pathways, 2010. Download (pdf, 580KB) Movik, S. and Mehta, L. STEPS Working Paper 37. CLTS picks up where other participatory projects such as PHAST have left off. The pioneer … Continue reading →
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WSSCC’s Global Sanitation Fund programme in Nepal seeks sub-grantees
UN-Habitat, the Executing Agency for the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council’s (WSSCC) Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) programme in Nepal, is now seeking expressions of interest for potential sub-grantees to carry out GSF work on the ground in the country. … Continue reading →
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USAID – Application of Total Sanitation & Sanitation Marketing Approaches
Application of Total Sanitation & Sanitation Marketing (TSSM) Approaches to USAID, November, 2010. Download (pdf, 750KB) CONTENTS Executive Summary 1. Introduction 1.1 Rationale/Background 1.2 Scope 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Report Organization 2. TSSM – What Is It? 2.1 What Is TSSM? 2.2 Summary … Continue reading →
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How to integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into HIV programmes
Bery, R.; Rosenbaum, J. (2010). How to integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into HIV programmes. Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organization (WHO). 113 p. : 5 boxes, 7 tab. Bibliography: p. 59-70. – Includes glossary ISBN 978-92-4-154801-4 Download full report This … Continue reading →
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Liquid Dynamics II: STEPS Centre Water and Sanitation Symposium, Brighton, UK, 22-23 March 2011
Theme: Some for All? Pathways and Politics in Water and Sanitation since New Delhi, 1990 Organised by: STEPS Centre In 1990 the UN General Assembly endorsed the ‘New Delhi Statement’ entitled ‘Some for all rather than more for some.’ This … Continue reading →
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Mexico: IDB loans US$ 600 million to improve water, sanitation and hygiene in rural communities and schools
Two Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) loans will help bring drinking water to 630,000 people, upgrade water and sanitation facilities in 20,000 schools, and reduce water-borne illnesses among 1.3 million students. The first loan, for US$ 350 million, will finance the … Continue reading →
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USAID – Point-of-Use Water Treatment Report
USAID – Point-of-Use Water Treatment: What Do We Know? How to Move Forward? Washington, D.C. November 5, 2010 Download Report-Word Document The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-sponsored meeting: Household Water Treatment: What Do We Know? How to Move … Continue reading →
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UK: Thames Water sewermen singing for fat-free drains
Thames Water’s east London sewermen have released their own reworded version of the carol Good King Wenceslas to stop people flushing turkey fat and wet wipes down the drain during the Christmas holidays. The song is part of the water … Continue reading →
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Guatemala: construction guides for rural WASH facilities
NGO Global Water provides instructions for building rural water, sanitation, and hygiene-related facilities that were developed by its partner in Guatemala, Agua Para La Salud (Water for Health). The facilities include: Ferro-Cement Water Storage Tank Hand Washing Stations (Lavamanos) Complete … Continue reading →
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New Google tool sheds light on cultural history of sanitation
Sanitation has long been considered a taboo topic, but was this always the case and can we see cultural trends in interest for this topic? A new “culturomics” tool developed by Google reveals that first decades of the 20th century … Continue reading →
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Kamal Kar in Foreign Policy magazine’s Top 100 Global Thinkers list
CLTS pioneer Dr. Kamal Kar features in Foreign Policy magazine’s Top 100 Global Thinkers list published in December 2010. He is ranked at place 84 “for doing the world’s dirty work”. First place in the top 100 is reserved for … Continue reading →
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Ghana: first National Environmental Sanitation Conference takes place in Kumasi
The government should set up a revolving fund for Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) initiatives, in collaboration with Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs) and local government. This was one of the recommendations from Ghana’s first National Environmental Sanitation Conference (NESCON). The conference was … Continue reading →
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India: inadequate sanitation costs the equivalent of 6.4 percent of GDP
Inadequate sanitation costs India US$ 53.8 billion, which is equivalent to 6.4 percent of India’s GDP in 2006, according to a new report [1] from the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). The study analyzed the evidence on the adverse economic … Continue reading →
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E-conference on rural sanitation supply chains and finance in Asia
The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Dgroup for Asia is holding an e-conference on “Rural Sanitation Supply Chains and Finance” from 30 November 2010 until 10 January 2011. The discussion will be moderated by SNV Asia and the IRC International Water … Continue reading →
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WASHCost reveals higher capital costs for sanitation than water, and high expenditure on soap
Most sanitation costs in rural and peri-urban areas are borne by households and when these are taken into account, the per capita costs are actually higher than those for water. State expenditure on capital maintenance, operation and maintenance, and direct … Continue reading →
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World Bank’s Water Sector Writing Contest on Wikipedia
The World Bank Wikipedia writing contest is an effort by the World Bank to engage with Universities for its Wikipedia Pilot Project (WPP). The competition is open to students currently enrolled at participating universities worldwide. First place contestants will be … Continue reading →
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India – Schools to get more toilets
Nov. 30, 2010 – To address the lack of sanitation facilities in girls’ schools, FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) has tied up with Sulabh International to provide toilets in schools. Launching the programme on Monday, FLO said it took up the … Continue reading →
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Give2Asia Partners with World Toilet Organization
Give2Asia Partners with World Toilet Organization to Improve Sanitation in Asia – Give2Asia, a US-based public charity promoting transformative philanthropy for Asia, today announces a new fiscal sponsor partnership with World Toilet Organization (WTO), a Singapore-based nonprofit that promotes health … Continue reading →
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World Sanitation Financing Facility launches web site and social media channels
The World Sanitation Financing Facility (WSSF) has launched a web site – www.sanitationfinance.org – and social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to attract more technical and financial consortium partners. Formally established in 2009, the WSSF seeks to “increase … Continue reading →
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East Africa Practitioners Workshop on Pro poor Urban Sanitation and Hygiene, Kigali, Rwanda, end February 2011 [date to be confirmed]
This three-day workshop aims to identify proven good practices in the sanitation and hygiene sector, as well as drawing lessons from failures to enter into the policy dialogue. It focuses on urban sanitation with an emphasis on learning and innovation … Continue reading →
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India, Bihar: ‘Dirty, horrible job’ of manual scavengers
“The worst thing is that the baskets we carry the waste in, often leak and drips down over your clothes”, manual scavenger Lakshmi Devi from rural Bihar tells BBC correspondent Mike Thomson. All her seven children are boys who clean … Continue reading →
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India: Snakes and Ladders game teaches about challenges facing rural schools
Indian NGO CRY – Child Rights and You – has launched an online Snakes and Ladder game to raise awareness about the challenges faced by rural schools. The game includes messages about water and sanitation. A ‘ladder’ will advance you … Continue reading →
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Robert Crane, biochemist who created oral rehydration therapy (ORT), dies
Dr. Robert Kellogg Crane, a biochemist whose discoveries about how salt and sugar are absorbed by the body led to the development of oral rehydration therapy (ORT), has died on 31 October 2010 at the age of 90. ORT is … Continue reading →
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UK: local handwashing campaign may go nationwide
A local hand washing campaign that attracted national and international attention, could be rolled out to benefit schools, local authorities and businesses through out the United Kingdom. It is only one year since Hull and East Yorkshire NHS [National Health … Continue reading →
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India: ‘We need a sanitation revolution here’, says adviser to Urban Affairs minister
Speaking at a workshop on the ‘City Sanitation Plan’ in Bangalore, the Adviser to Karnataka state Chief Minister on Urban Affairs A. Ravindra said: “We need a sanitation revolution in the country. There is a need to create public awareness … Continue reading →
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Haiti: US$ 10 million World Bank grant to bolster efforts against cholera, WHO warns that 400,00 could be affected
In response to the cholera outbreak in Haiti, the World Bank is preparing a US$ 10 million Cholera Emergency Grant as part its US$ 479 million reconstruction support. As of 22 November 2010 the outbreak has caused 1,523 deaths and … Continue reading →
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AMCOW AfricaSan Awards 2010 Winners: Feliciano dos Santos, Takiso Achame and David Kuria
A musician and activist whose songs about using latrines and washing hands are positively influencing the hygiene practices of communities in Mozambique; a widow who has risen through her caste status to lead a campaign against open defecation in her … Continue reading →
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New toilet designs sought in Sanitation Challenge Contest
Indian Space scientists have put machines on the moon, yet 1 in every 2 Indians does not have access to toilets. Everyday 638 million people or about 50% of the population in India resort to open defecation. There has been … Continue reading →
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Sewage cycle to clean life in slums
Pedal power may hold the answer to cheap and efficient sewage removal in some of the world’s poorest slums — if the work of a Cambridge University researcher can be taken into large-scale production. M Phil graduate Nate Sharpe is … Continue reading →
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NRDC – U.S. Implementation of the Water for the Poor Act
U.S. Implementation of the Water for the Poor Act: Small Steps for a Crisis that Calls for Great Strides, November 2010. Full-text: http://docs.nrdc.org/water/files/wat_10111801a.pdf Natural Resources Defense Council illions of people lack access to clean water and safe sanitation which has … Continue reading →
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Innovation challenge on low-income urban sanitation
Open innovation platform OpenIDEO, in partnership with Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) and Unilever, has launched a challenge to address urban sanitation issues through the design of latrines and waste management services. The OpenIDEO challenge is running … Continue reading →
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Nepal: local NGO collecting urine of Maoist leaders
A local Nepal is collecting the urine of over 6,000 cadres and leaders attending the sixth extended meeting of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) in Palungtar, Gorkha. The intention is to convert the urine into fertiliser, said SEWA … Continue reading →
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Sanitation costs and financing – presentations at IRC’s 2010 Symposium
The following papers on sanitation costs and financing were presented at the IRC Symposium 2010, ‘Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainable WASH Services’, held in The Hague from 16-18 November. The economics of sanitation initiatives (ESI) for … Continue reading →
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Be a part of The Big Squat
November 19 is World Toilet Day. To help raise awareness for the 2.5 billion people who don’t have access to sanitation, thousands of people are going to squat for one minute. All over the world, in malls, in offices, on … Continue reading →
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WaterAid – World Toilet Day 2010: Dhaka hospital, Bangladesh
Filed under: Campaigns and Events, Progress on Sanitation, South Asia Tagged: Bangladesh, WaterAid, World Toilet Day 2010
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WaterAid – World Toilet Day 2010: Burkina Faso
Filed under: Africa, Campaigns and Events, Progress on Sanitation Tagged: Burkina Faso, WaterAid, World Toilet Day 2010
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WaterAid – World Toilet Day 2010: a mother’s story, Zambia
Filed under: Africa, Campaigns and Events, Progress on Sanitation Tagged: WaterAid, World Toilet Day 2010, Zambia
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WaterAid – World Toilet Day 2010: Uganda
Filed under: Africa, Campaigns and Events, Progress on Sanitation Tagged: Uganda, WaterAid, World Toilet Day 2010
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PLoS Medicine Policy Series on Water and Sanitation
Below are links to the full-text of the 4 articles in the the water and sanitation policy series just published in PLoS Medicine: 1 – Bartram J, Cairncross S (2010) Hygiene, Sanitation, and Water: Forgotten Foundations of Health. PLoS Med … Continue reading →
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Rochelle Rainey/USAID – From Catchment to Consumer: Emphasizing Water Quality
From Catchment to Consumer: Emphasizing Water Quality at the National Level. A presentation at the AWWA Water Quality Technology Meeting, November, 2010. by Rochelle Rainey, USAID Environmental Health Advisor, rrainey@usaid.gov Download/View (pdf, 455KB) Filed under: Progress on Sanitation, Sanitary Facilities … Continue reading →
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Jay Graham/USAID – Senegal Environmental Health Photos October 2010
October 2010 – 68 photos of environmental health in Senegal. If you have comments or questions, contact Jay Graham. Link to photos Filed under: Africa, Hygiene Promotion, Multimedia, Sanitary Facilities, Sanitation and Health Tagged: Jay Graham, school sanitation, Senegal
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Jay Graham/USAID – Water, sanitation and hygiene in Zambian schools photo collection
Nov 2010 – 49 photos of water, sanitation and hygiene in Zambian schools. If you have comments or questions, contact Jay Graham. Link to photos Filed under: Africa, Hygiene Promotion, Multimedia, Sanitary Facilities, Sanitation and Health Tagged: Jay Graham, school … Continue reading →
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Haiti: hygiene promotion is key to preventing nationwide cholera epidemic, says Save the Children as death toll passes 900
As the death toll from Haiti’s cholera epidemic reached 917 on 12 November 2010, Save the Children says the best way to reduce the disease’s spread is to arm people with information and supplies to improve hygienic practices. Cholera has reached … Continue reading →
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Public Library of Science Medicine series on water and sanitation sends wake up call to international health community
Four papers, which will be officially released on 16 November 2010 in PLoS Medicine – the flagship medical journal of the open access publisher Public Library of Science – highlight how sanitation and water, along with better hygiene are the … Continue reading →
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South Africa: in Durban it pays to pee
Just as in Nepal (“Take a Pee & Get One Rupee“), an initiative in South Africa is trying to overcome traditional resistance to ecosan by paying for urine. The initiative is part of new project funded by the Gates Foundation. … Continue reading →
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Tales of shit : Community-Led Total Sanitation in Africa
Bongartz, P., Musyoki, S.M., Milligan, A. and Ashley, H. (2010). Tales of shit : Community-Led Total Sanitation in Africa. (Participatory learning and action ; 61). London, UK, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). 238 p. ISBN: 978-1-84369-782-4 Download full … Continue reading →
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Sanitation icon retires: Valedictory Symposium announced for Professor Duncan Mara
Professor Duncan Mara retired from the University of Leeds, UK, in September 2010. To celebrate his work and achievements a Valedictory Symposium (the Global Public Health Crisis) and Dinner will be held on 13 January 2011 at the university. The … Continue reading →
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Sanitation icon retires: Valedictory Symposium announced for Professor Duncan Mara
Professor Duncan Mara retired from the University of Leeds, UK, in September 2010. To celebrate his work and achievements a Valedictory Symposium (the Global Public Health Crisis) and Dinner will be held on 13 January 2011 at the university. The … Continue reading →
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CDC – Microbiological Indicator Testing in Developing Countries Fact Sheet
Microbiological Indicator Testing in Developing Countries: A Fact Sheet for the Field Practitioner. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. December 2010. Download Full-text (pdf, 460KB) Microbiological indicator testing is a crucial tool for household water treatment and safe storage (HWTS) … Continue reading →
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USAID/CDC – Proven Household Water Treatment Options Fact Sheet
Preventing Diarrheal Disease in Developing Countries: Proven Household Water Treatment Options. USAID, CDC, November 2010. Download Full-text (pdf, 1.19MB) Five interventions – chlorination, ceramic filtration, slow sand filtration, solar disinfection, and PUR – have been proven to reduce diarrhea in … Continue reading →
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USAID/CDC Slow Sand Filtration Fact Sheet
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Slow Sand Filtration. USAID; CDC, 2010. Download Full-text (pdf, 144KB) The Slow Sand Filter (SSF) is a sand filter adapted for household use. Please note that although commonly referred to as the BioSand Filter (BSF), … Continue reading →
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Announcement: Timor-Leste Handwashing Promotion Specialist
Bringing Handwashing with Soap into the Spotlight – Handwashing Promotion Specialist Please send expression of interest to Romy Soesanto at romys@idss.com.au by 23rd November 2010 EOI should include: Covering letter detailing experience in relation to the Objectives and Skills & … Continue reading →
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Haiti: unarmed in the fight against cholera, death toll passes 500
Safe water and sanitation, vital tools to combat the current cholera epidemic, are absent in most communities in Haiti, reports IRIN. The death toll rose to 501 on 6 November 2010, up from 442 on 3 November, and hospitalisations for … Continue reading →
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AfricaSan 3 taking place in Kigali, Rwanda from 19-21 July 2011
Preparations have started for AfricaSan 3, the 3rd African Conference on Sanitation and Hygiene. The Rwandan government is hosting the conference, which is being organised by the AMCOW Sanitation Task Force, in the capital Kigali from 19-21 July 2011. The … Continue reading →
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India: land of many cell phones, fewer toilets
In the wake of President Obama’s visit to India, AP journalist Ravi Nessman writes that “he will find a country of startlingly uneven development and perplexing disparities, where more people have cell phones than access to a toilet”. Interestingly, Nessman … Continue reading →
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India: former manual scavengers demand apology from government
Hundreds of former manual scavengers rose as one at New Delhi’s Constitution Club to demand an apology from the government for the wrongs done to the community. “Apologise now for the violation of our dignity,” they said. In late September … Continue reading →
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India – Orissa Government to provide liquid soaps to all primary schools
To create awareness about the need of hand washing before taking a meal among the school childrens, the State Government on Monday decided to provide liquid soaps to all the primary schools in the State. Speaking to the Mediapersons here … Continue reading →
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How Katine’s residents got clean water and sanitation
The installation of more boreholes means many Katine residents once forced to drink from local swamps now have access to clean water. But a year-long strike by health volunteers has delayed progress on sanitation, says Sarah Boseley. It’s been raining … Continue reading →
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UN probes base as source of cholera outbreak in Haiti
Oct 27, 2010 - MIREBALAIS, Haiti (AP) — U.N. investigators took samples of foul-smelling waste trickling behind a Nepalese peacekeeping base toward an infected river system on Wednesday, following persistent accusations that excrement from the newly arrived unit caused the cholera … Continue reading →
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Code Council and World Toilet Organization developing guidelines for public toilet design
For the past two years, the International Code Council (ICC) and the World Toilet Organization (WTO) have been working with committee members representing sanitation-related organizations around the globe to develop “Global Guidelines for Practical Toilet Design.” This document will standardize … Continue reading →
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Haiti: cholera toll tops 200, all affected families to receive WASH packages
The number of deaths in Haiti’s cholera outbreak has risen to 208 and the number of confirmed cases to 2,646 in the Artibonite and Central departments. There were five confirmed cases of cholera in the capital Port-au-Prince. Humanitarian organisations working … Continue reading →
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Global Handwashing Day: 200 million lather up for clean hands
More than 200 million schoolchildren, parents, teachers, celebrities and government officials in 80 countries lathered up in the third annual Global Handwashing Day on 15 October 2010. This year’s celebrations revolved around schools and children, and the theme “more than … Continue reading →
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Fences reduce water pollution
Oct. 20, 2010 – There are plenty of high-tech ideas to tackle pollution, but recent research suggests that some of the biggest gains in keeping our waterways clean could come from a more traditional technology – fences. Simply fencing off … Continue reading →
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Bangladesh – Waterless hand sanitizer and handwashing with soap
Trop Med Intl Health, 19 OCT 2010 A community-randomised controlled trial promoting waterless hand sanitizer and handwashing with soap, Dhaka, Bangladesh Stephen P. Luby, Mohammad Abdul Kadir, M. A. Yushuf Sharker, Farzana Yeasmin, Leanne Unicomb, M. Sirajul Islam A. Objectives … Continue reading →
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South Africa – Handwashing device to fight water borne disease
Oct. 19, 2010, Pretoria – The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has developed an affordable hand-washing device for poor communities to fight and prevent water-borne diseases. The CSIR’s Ester Ngorima said in the developing world, diarrhoea and acute … Continue reading →
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Sharing experiences: effective hygiene promotion in South-East Asia and the Pacific
This new book aims to boost hygiene promotion efforts. It contains 11 case studies from different countries and two keynote papers from international experts, all written to help people to design programs for the effective promotion of good hygiene practices. … Continue reading →
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Smart hygiene solutions booklet published on Global Handwashing Day
The first edition of the Smart Hygiene Solutions booklet was launched on Global Handwashing Day 2010. The booklet is written for those who seek to help break the cycle of disease transmission by improving the hygiene conditions of communities and … Continue reading →
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Why drying is as important as washing
Washing hands with soap and water alone cannot stop the spread of bacteria if hands are not properly dried, according to recent research from the UK [1]. “People think that after washing with soap and water, the job is finished,” … Continue reading →
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Kenya: school children attempt to break world handwashing record
Close to 20,000 school children and adults took part in a handwashing campaign in an attempt to establish a new Guinness World Record. They gathered at Thirime Primary School in Kikuyu on 15 October 2010 to mark Global Handwashing Day. … Continue reading →
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Sanitation graveyard video featured on Blog Action Day
The Water for People video “Sanitation graveyard”, filmed at at Ayabaraya Primary School in Rwanda, features in “Beyond the Ribbon Cutting” written by blogger Jennifer Lentfer for Blog Action Day. When “solutions” are delivered to disadvantaged people without sufficient thought … Continue reading →
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Save the Children asks: Do You Know Your Dirty Words?
Save the Children is asking children and adults to test their knowledge of dirty words. The global humanitarian organization released a series of fun videos on YouTube this week taking on four dirty words: germs, toilets, worms and dirty water. … Continue reading →
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Handwashing Fact Sheet and Annotated Bibliography
Below is a fact sheet from a recent UNICEF literature review and an annotated bibliography of handwashing studies that we hope will be useful for Global Handwashing Day on Oct. 15, 2010. Evidence Specific to Handwashing with Soap (Fact Sheet)- … Continue reading →
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UN Human Rights Council affirms that right to water and sanitation is legally binding
The UN Human Rights Council has finally recognised the right to water and sanitation as legally binding in international law, in a landmark decision adopted on 30 September 2010. [T]he UN affirmed [...] by consensus that the right to water … Continue reading →
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WaterAid “remote control poo” video hit on YouTube
A video clip of a remote controlled poo chasing Londoners has been viewed over 200,000 times on YouTube, one month after its release on 7 September 2010. The video is part of WaterAid’s Dig Toilets Not Graves campaign launched in … Continue reading →
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Half Of Zimbabwe’s Rural People Use Bush As Toilet – UN
Harare, October 04, 2010 – The United Nations says 50 percent of the Zimbabwe’s rural population have no toilets and use the bush. Speaking at the launch of the National Action Committee (NAC) on Water, a programme aimed at revitalising … Continue reading →
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India, Tamil Nadu: housing and toilets for women self-help groups
An Indian NGO that provides housing and toilets for women’s groups was a finalist in the 2010 World Habitat Awards. Established in 1979, the Integrated Village Development Project (IVDP) mobilises poor women to form self-help saving groups (SHG). Some 6,700 … Continue reading →
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WSP 2010 – Towards Clean Cities: Addressing Sanitation in Urban India
Filed under: Multimedia, South Asia Tagged: India, urban sanitation
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Uganda: Museveni warns against toilet fees
President Yoweri Museveni has described the practice of overcharging by operators of public toilet and markets as “parasitism”. “Instead of developing common facilities in markets, business people make huge money out of people defecating. For somebody to use a toilet … Continue reading →
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India, Nagaland: sanitary napkin vending machines installed in schools
Automatic sanitary napkin vending machines have been installed in five schools in Kohima district, Nagaland, as part of India’s total sanitation campaign. The installation was an initiative of the Communication and Capacity Devlopment Unit of Nagaland’s Public Health Engineering Department … Continue reading →
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CNN – The songs tackling Mozambique’s sanitation woes
(CNN) — In Mozambique, music stars don’t often sing about eternal romance or lovelorn relationships. Crooning lyrics like “Let’s wash our hands for the children to stay healthy, for the uncles to stay healthy, for the mothers to stay healthy, … Continue reading →
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Proper sanitation key to global health: WaterAid Australia CEO interviewed on Radio Australia
“The Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health will not succeed, in my view, without safe sanitation embedded in its implementation”, says WaterAid Australia CEO Adam Laidlaw in an interview on Radio Australia. The Global Strategy, Laidlaw was referring to, was … Continue reading →
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Sanitation Marketing in Cambodia – 1st Place Award in Sanitation Video Contest
Filed under: East Asia & Pacific, Economic Benefits, Hygiene Promotion, Multimedia, Sanitary Facilities, Sanitation and Health Tagged: Cambodia, sanitation marketing
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Informal Sanitation Entrepreneurs in Nairobi – 2nd Place Award in Sanitation Video Contest
Filed under: Africa, Dignity and Social Development, Economic Benefits, Multimedia, Sanitary Facilities, Wastewater Management Tagged: Kenya, Nairobi, sanitation entrepreneurs
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Heads of State and UN Secretary General urge action on sanitation and water
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, together with the President of Liberia Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, today [22 September 2010] called for immediate action on sanitation – the most off-track Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target in sub-Saharan Africa. The call came on … Continue reading →
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Safe use of wastewater in agriculture offers multiple benefits
Recycling urban wastewater and using it to grow food crops can help mitigate water scarcity problems and reduce water pollution, but the practice is not being as widely implemented as it should, according to a new UN food and agriculture … Continue reading →
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Making Struvite from Urine in Nepal – 3rd Place Award Winner in Sanitation Video Contest
Filed under: Research, South Asia Tagged: Nepal, Struvite, waste recycling
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Marketing Sanitation in Rural East Java – 4th Place Award in Sanitation Video Contest
Filed under: East Asia & Pacific, Multimedia Tagged: Indonesia, sanitation marketing
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Health is Wealth by WaterAid – 5th place award in Sanitation Video Contest
Filed under: Multimedia, Sanitation and Health Tagged: Health is Wealth, WaterAid
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Sanitation Video Contest
Thanks to all who entered the USAID Environmental Health Sanitation Video Contest. There were nearly 30 excellent entries and 5 of these were selected to be featured on Sanitation Updates. One of these will be featured each day on Sanitation … Continue reading →
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Assessing sanitation service levels – new WASHCost project working paper
Conventional sanitation ladders rank sanitation in increasing complexity of technological options. However, sanitation improvement is not as straightforward as the concept of “a ladder” with incremental improvements from op full flush, might suggest. For example, from the user perspective, a … Continue reading →
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The 26 metre “Shitting Man”
Has a monument to open defecation been erected in The Netherlands? You might think so after Dutch residents christened Antony Gormley’s 26 metre high monumental sculpture “de poepende man” or the “shitting man”. The real name of the giant crouching … Continue reading →
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Social, Cultural and Behavioral Correlates of Household Water Treatment and Storage
In the Center for Communication Programs publication, Social, Cultural and Behavioral Correlates of Household Water Treatment and Storage, Drs. Figueroa and Kincaid discuss the many individual, household and community level factors that play a role in water treatment behavior and … Continue reading →
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Pakistan: sanitation crucial to survival for flood victims
Millions remain without proper sanitation in flood-affected Pakistan. “Sanitation is ‘the invisible problem’ in disaster relief and by highlighting the problem, behaviour change happens,” according to Bill Fellows, the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) global cluster coordinator working with United … Continue reading →
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Krazy Kuzins – Knocking Germs Out (The Hand Wash Song)
Filed under: Hygiene Promotion, Multimedia, Sanitation and Health Tagged: handwashing, Krazy Kuzins
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USA handwashing survey – Public Handwashing Takes a Hike
Public Handwashing Takes a Hike More Adults (85%) Than Ever Observed Washing Hands in Public Restrooms Men Are Doing Better, But Women Are Still the Hand Cleaning Champs BOSTON, Sept. 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Mom’s advice about cleaning your hands may … Continue reading →
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WaterAid – Dig Toilets Not Graves
Filed under: Hygiene Promotion, Multimedia Tagged: WaterAid
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Handwashing: musical hand soap bottle promotes child hygiene
A US company has launched an innovative liquid hand soap and hand sanitizer to make handwashing fun and effective for children. International Product Solutions, maker of the Soap Soundz hand soaps has launched a new “Hygiene Heroes” line aimed at … Continue reading →
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USAID HIP Webinar – WASH Friendly Schools, Sept 16, 2010
You are invited to a webinar hosted by the USAID Hygiene Improvement Project (HIP) on WASH Friendly Schools, on September 16, 2010, 10 am Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) The desire to address the critical need for water, sanitation … Continue reading →
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Kenya Takes the Lead in East Africa to handle e-Waste
The amount of e-waste generated worldwide is increasing by around 40 million tons each year NAIROBI (IDN) – Kenya is expected become the first country in East Africa to develop regulations on the management of electronic waste (e-waste), with a … Continue reading →
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WaterAid – Ignored: Biggest Child Killer – The world is neglecting sanitation
Ten years on: hope stuck in the mire – Damning new report marks signing of UN Millennium Declaration International development organisation WaterAid today launched a damning new report to mark the ten year anniversary of the signing of the UN … Continue reading →
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Access to clean water down due to urbanisation: UN
STOCKHOLM — Global efforts to improve access to drinking water have been hampered by rapid urbanisation, with the proportion of people in urban areas with access actually declining, according to UN figures presented at a conference in Stockholm this week. … Continue reading →
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In Nepal, Shame Tactics Boost Bathroom Usage
While Pakistan is struggling with devastating flood waters, neighboring Nepal is fighting a water problem of its own: Contamination by human feces. Open defecation is so widespread in Nepal that health groups are making it a priority to change how … Continue reading →
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Sanitation in challenging environments – July 2010 edition of Waterlines
The theme of the July 2010 edition of Waterlines is published is Challenging Environments. The articles in this edition cover in particular sanitation in flood-prone, coastal and riverbank communities and rainwater harvesting in water-scarce situations. The following articles deal specifically … Continue reading →
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Viet Nam: hygiene promotion should build on community action
More affordable sanitation technologies and participatory community interventions will make future hygiene promotion more effective, say two PhD-fellows Xuan Le Thi Thanh and Thilde Rheinländer. They have spent 16 months in ethnic minority communities in the Northern Province Lao Cai … Continue reading →
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CLTS pioneer Dr Kamal Kar interviewed at the Stockholm Water Week
Watch a video interview with Dr. Kamal Kar on Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS). Dr Kar developed the no-subsidy CLTS methodology in 1999 and started a global movement to address the sanitation crisis worldwide. He is based in Kolkatta, India, where … Continue reading →
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AfricaSan Awards 2010: Nomination opened
The AfricaSan Awards, organized by the African Ministers’ Council on water (AMCOW), are dedicated to recognizing outstanding efforts and achievements in sanitation and hygiene in Africa which result in large-scale, sustainable behaviour changes and tangible impacts. They also aim to … Continue reading →
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Eco Urinal
For the eco conscious man (or one who finds himself bored with the business-as-usual atmosphere of the men’s room), designer Yeongwoo Kim’s Eco Urinal might be of interest. The concept is simple; the same urinal stand is used for both … Continue reading →
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World Bank: policy review calls for integrated water management and support for sanitation
Following a mid-cycle review of its 2003 water strategy [1], the World Bank says it is moving from stand-alone water supply projects to those that link water use to resource management. The report, endorsed by the World Bank Board’s Committee … Continue reading →
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USAID Hygiene Improvement Project – Sanitation Marketing for Managers
Sanitation Marketing for Managers: Guidance for Tools and Program Development. July 2010. Full-text: http://www.hip.fhi360.org/page/5007 Developed through HIP’s program in Uganda, this manual provides guidance and tools for designing a sanitation marketing program. It guides professionals in the fields of sanitation … Continue reading →
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SIWI – Follow up on Call to Action for WASH in Schools Seminar, Sept. 9
Call to Action in Action –Follow up on Call to Action for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools Seminar at SIWI Date: 9th September 2010 Time: 14:00 – 17:30 Convenor: Call to Action for WASH in Schools Partners Call … Continue reading →
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Stanford University – filter uses nanostructures to purify water at low cost
High-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to purify water at low cost By dipping plain cotton cloth in a high-tech broth full of silver nanowires and carbon nanotubes, Stanford researchers have developed a new high-speed, low-cost filter that could easily be … Continue reading →
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Rethinking schools-based programming
“Schools are graveyards of failed infrastructure”, says Water For People CEO Ned Breslin in his blog Rising Tide on 27 August 2010. To rectify this, Water For People is now promoting integrated water and sanitation programs that cater both for … Continue reading →
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Water For People gets US$ 5.6 million Gates grant for Sanitation as a Business program
Denver-based charity Water For People has received a US$ 5.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support their Sanitation as a Business program. The four-year grant allows Water For People to test and scale-up sustainable sanitation … Continue reading →
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Voice of America – New Effort Brings Latrines to Rural Cambodia
In Cambodia, a new effort is focusing on improving rural sanitation and health by providing toilets to households. A novel way of doing that seems to be paying off, literally. Latrines – they are humble, necessary, and for the most … Continue reading →
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EU bank issues US$46mn for water, sanitation in Malawi cities
APA-Lilongwe (Malawi) The European Investment Bank (EIB) has released over MK7.2billion (US$46million) to Malawi for the investment in clean water and sanitation programmes in peri-urban areas of Blantyre and Lilongwe cities. According to EU Ambassador to Malawi, Alexander Baum, the … Continue reading →
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China – Street food blamed for cholera outbreak in Anhui
Some 30 people have been infected with cholera in Mengcheng county, East China’s Anhui province, since Aug 16, most after eating at local street food stalls, local health authorities said. Over the weekend, 20 of the patients were still receiving … Continue reading →
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Household Water Treatment and the Millennium Development Goals
Environ. Sci. Technol., August 30, 2010 Household Water Treatment and the Millennium Development Goals: Keeping the Focus on Health Full-text: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/es1018674 Thomas F. Clasen. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Other studies by Thomas Clasen – http://ehbibliography.wordpress.com/category/clasen-t/ Waterborne diseases … Continue reading →
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Health problems just starting in Pakistan
Aug 30 (Reuters) – As floodwaters recede in Pakistan, experts are warning the real problem — disease, food shortages and malnutrition — might just be starting. There have been 38,000 reported cases of acute diarrhea and at least one confirmed … Continue reading →
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Dig toilets, not graves
The creative people at WaterAid have come up with another compelling promo video to accompany their latest fundraising campaign “Dig toilets, not graves”. Watch the “Diarhhoea song“ WaterAid has combined the fund-raising campaign with an online petition to “put pressure … Continue reading →
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Lennon’s toilet sells for £9,500 in Beatles auction
An unnamed overseas collector has paid £9,500 (US$ 14,750) for John Lennon’s toilet at an auction in Liverpool on 28 August 2010. This was much more than the £750 to £1,000 it was expected to fetch. The toilet was originally … Continue reading →
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Japan: selling sewage to Australia
Japan has an unlikely new export product: the sewage it normally dumps into rivers or the sea. The first buyer is the Australian mining industry. Could this also become a new money earner for developing countries? Well, no. The “export … Continue reading →
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Acute diarrhoea prevention: field trial on efficacy of a probiotic
The National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases (NICED), Kolkata has conducted one of the largest double blind, randomized, placebo controlled field trial to determine the effectiveness of a probiotic to prevent acute diarrhoea in children in a community setting … Continue reading →
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Central America: SWASH+ program expands to 150 more schools
With new funds from the Inter-American Development Bank and The Coca-Cola Foundation, the SWASH+ program will provide safe drinking water, restroom facilities, and improved hygiene education to over 15,000 more students at 150 schools in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. … Continue reading →
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Lennon’s toilet up for auction in sale of Beatles memorabilia
Lot no. 250 at the annual Liverpool Beatles Auction is John Lennon’s toilet. J.D. Salinger’s toilet is up for sale on e-Bay. Could this be the start of new trend in celebrity toilet memorabilia? The toilet was originally part of … Continue reading →
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Katine winner sets standards in national hygiene drive
Katine ‘ideal home’ winner sets standards in national hygiene drive In a campaign to promote household and personal hygiene in Uganda, a Katine family has won an “ideal homestead” competition. How did they do it? Almost everything about Charles Adengu’s … Continue reading →
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35th WEDC International Conference – Call for Papers
In celebration of the 40th anniversary of WEDC in 2011, we are delighted to invite you to Loughborough University, where WEDC is based, for the 35th WEDC International Conference: “The future of water, sanitation and hygiene in low-income countries: Innovation, … Continue reading →
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Burundi – Poor hygiene causes 80% of deaths
Aug 24, 2010 – The Burundian Minister of Health, Dr. Emmanuel Gikoro, Monday lamented that the absence of a national hygiene and sanitation policy was responsible for 80 percent of deaths in the country. Gikoro, speaking at the opening of … Continue reading →
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Kenyan scientists push for cleaner water to curb climate-linked disease
NAIROBI (AlertNet) – Medical scientists and environmental activists are urging the Kenyan government to speed up efforts to tackle climate-related diseases, which are on the rise in the east African nation. The $15 billion national budget announced in June includes … Continue reading →
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This Wormy World: Global Atlas of Helminth Infections
A new web site – thiswormyworld.org – with maps showing the distribution and prevalence of worm infections in sub-Saharan Africa was launched on 17 August 2010. These maps are the first of a series in the Global Atlas of Helminth … Continue reading →
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WSSCC – time for coordinated action
Coordinated action worked for H1N1: time for the same approach to diarrhoea Press Release, Geneva 19 August 2010 – A week after the World Health Organization announced the welcome news that the H1N1 flu has ended its pandemic phase, the … Continue reading →
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Nepal: Naming and shaming open defecation offenders
SIDDHIPUR, 23 August 2010 (IRIN) – In the fight against disease and child mortality, Nepal has been using some unusual tactics to get people to stop defecating in the open. Children blow whistles at offenders and post name-and-shame flags in … Continue reading →
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WSP – Scaling Up Handwashing Behavior: Findings from Peru
Scaling Up Handwashing Behavior: Findings from the Impact Evaluation Baseline Survey in Peru, August 2010. Download Full-text (pdf, 3.99MB) Sebastian Galiani and Alexandra Orsola-Vidal. Water and Sanitation Program. The handwashing project in Peru, implemented in 788 randomly selected districts located in 104 provinces, … Continue reading →
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Grand Challenge: Create the Next Generation of Sanitation Technologies
Submit an original and innovative idea in 2-page proposal for a decentralised, non-waterborne sanitation technology and get a chance to win US$ 100,000 to develop the idea further. “Create the Next Generation of Sanitation Technologies” is one of the new … Continue reading →
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Sustainable Sanitation Practice: The ROSA Project
Issue 4 of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP), published by the EcoSan Club, Austria, is s special issue that presents the highlights and main findings of the EU-funded ROSA (Resource-Oriented Sanitation concepts for peri-urban areas in Africa) project. Read the full … Continue reading →
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India: liberated women scavengers visit Parliament, meet Speaker
It was an unforgettable moment for 300 women who used to work as manual scavengers as they entered the precincts of Parliament to get an experience of the Lok Sabha [Lower House] on Tuesday [16 August 2010] for the first … Continue reading →
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J.D. Salinger’s toilet for sale on e-Bay: price US$ 1 million
Memorabilia from J.D Salinger are so rare that Rick Kohl of webuytreasure.com is asking US$ 1 million for the reclusive author’s toilet. It’s almost as if “The Catcher in the Rye” author [...] saw this moment coming in 1953 when … Continue reading →
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Potty Project – Researching sanitation in low-income urban India
Quicksand is currently conducting “The Potty Project,” comprised of in-depth research into the behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs surrounding sanitation in low-income urban India, in order to provide a comprehensive and illustrative account of experiences relating to sanitation and its various … Continue reading →
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Impact of a City-Wide Sanitation Programme in Northeast Brazil
Environ Health Perspect. 2010 Aug 12. Impact of a City-Wide Sanitation Programme in Northeast Brazil on Intestinal Parasites Infection in Young Children. Download Full-text Barreto ML, et al. Background: Sanitation affects health, especially of young children. Residents of Salvador, in … Continue reading →
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Twitters – Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Twitter, http://twitter.com, is a micro blogging platform which allows you to publish short messages of less than 140 characters through different mediums like IM, cellphones and the web. Below are links to some WASH related Twitters and please let us … Continue reading →
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UNICEF/India: Healthy Hat-Trick, Sachin Tendulkar Sanitation PSA
UNICEF/India: Healthy Hat-Trick, Sachin Tendulkar Sanitation PSA View YouTube video Filed under: Dignity and Social Development, Hygiene Promotion, Multimedia, South Asia Tagged: India, unicef
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Vacancy: Post Doctoral Fellow Microeconomics of Sanitation and Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture, IWMI, Ghana (with some travel) [deadline 30 September]
If you have recently completed your PhD in economics or sanitation but have sound understanding of both, then this could be just the assignment for you. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) seeks the right person to analyze problems relating … Continue reading →
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Kenya, Nyanza: water and sanitation improvements at Atono school
Mr Daniel Odhiambo is headmaster of the Atono School in Nyanza – one of only four schools in Kenya with urinals for girls. Netwas Kenya and IRC visited his school recently as part of a UNICEF Kenya study of 43 … Continue reading →
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Paraguay: Samsung to sponsor US$5mn Ypacarai lake cleanup project
Paraguay’s public works and communications ministry (MOPC) has presented a US$5mn cleanup project for the Ypacarai lake valley to the environment ministry (Seam). The project includes building sewerage systems and other sanitation infrastructure in various municipalities around the lake, as … Continue reading →
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UK toilet politics: Indian-style commodes scrapped
A major shopping centre in Greater Manchester is removing the new Indian-style commodes it had installed after a public backlash against the move sparked fears of rising racial tension. The shopping centre is visited by nearly 140,000 people every week, … Continue reading →
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12th SuSanA meeting to be held on 4th September in Stockholm
12th SuSanA meeting to be held on 4th September in Stockholm. We would like to encourage you to attend the upcoming SuSanA meeting in Stockholm just prior to the Stockholm World Water Week ). The meeting will take place on … Continue reading →
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International Code Council World Toilet Summit, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 30 October – 3 November 2010
The 10th World Toilet Summit (WTS) will focus on the innovative designs, trends, and sustainable, market-based sanitation solutions and the huge profits businesses can realize while at the same time helping to eradicate the global sanitation crisis. Held for the … Continue reading →
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Help WASH United win Ashoka’s Changemakers competition
WASH United is one of the 12 finalists in Ashoka’s Changemakers ”Changing Lives Through Football” Competition. Set up by set up by German NGO Brot für die Welt, WASH United uses the power of football to catalyse social change and … Continue reading →
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Sanitation Revolution – Federico Basañes interview
Huge investment is required to develop sanitation infrastructure across Latin America, but where is it going to come from? Tom Freyberg speaks to Federico Basañes from the Inter-American Development Bank about its programmes, issues such as operator inefficiency and the requirement for simple technologies in rural communities. WWi: The Water and Sanitation Initiative launched by [...]
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Malawi – Urban dwellers adopt dry sanitation
Aug 7, 2010: Lilongwe – Diarrhoea causes more deaths than malaria and AIDS combined, yet while funding to fight the latter two have risen sharply, the same cannot be said of resources available for hygiene, sanitation and clean drinking water. The United Nations Children’s Fund says 12,000 Malawian children die due to diarrhoea-related diseases every [...]
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India: achieving sustainable sanitation – lessons from civil society experiences [report]
A new report [1] by Arghyam highlights the outcomes of research and discussions on the experiences of civil society organisations involved in implementing sustainable sanitation campaigns in India. Several concerns were raised during the discussions on the the manner in which the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) was being implemented, followed by identification of steps that [...]
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UK: ‘Poo-powered’ car seen on the streets of Bristol
A “poo-powered” VW Beetle has taken to the streets of Bristol in an attempt to encourage sustainable motoring. The Bio-Bug runs on processed methane gas generated as part of the raw sewage treatment process. Wessex Water engineers estimate the yearly waste from 70 average households would generate enough gas to run the car for 10,000 [...]
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India, Goa: Hitler escapes through jail toilet
Convicted murderer Hitler Fernandes (46) and two other inmates escaped from the high-security Sada jail at Vasco, Goa state, by drilling a hole to a toilet of the sub jail. Four jail officials were immediately suspended pending an inquiry against them. “We noticed the jail break after 3 a.m. today [4 August 2010]. They escaped [...]
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Making urban excreta and wastewater management contribute to cities’ economic development [journal article]
Koné, D. (2010). Making urban excreta and wastewater management contribute to cities’ economic development: a paradigm shift. Water policy ; vol. 12, no. 4 ; p. 602–610. doi:10.2166/wp.2010.122 Abstract Cities, as engines of economic growth and social development, require large quantities of natural resources to meet their inhabitants’ economic and social needs. Good infrastructure and [...]
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South Africa – Review of sanitation policy and practice
WRC – REVIEW OF SANITATION POLICY AND PRACTICE IN SOUTH AFRICA FROM 2001-2008. Download Full-text (pdf) Report to the Water Research Commission, 2010 A study conducted by DWAF (2005) to audit the sustainability of the sanitation projects implemented from 1994-2003 found that a significant number of these projects were not sustainable. This problem of poor [...]
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India, New Delhi: rights of children violated at Commonwealth Games building sites
Children of over 400,000 construction workers at the Commonwealth Games sites are deprived of basic rights like sanitation, schooling and healthcare, said a report released by NGO Child Relief and You (CRY) on 4 August 2010. “We found children living in the workers’ temporary camps living without quality food, safe water, sanitation, quality formal schooling [...]
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Colombia: Medellin promotes citizen efforts to reduce industrial contamination
Colombian city Medellin’s municipal government is working with civilian groups to identify irregular industrial wastewater discharges and force the companies responsible to treat their wastewater, an official from the municipal planning division told BNamericas. While Colombia’s environmental regulations include policies to prevent the dumping of untreated industrial waste, the government lacks the infrastructure to enforce [...]
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Burkina Faso: race to achieve goals on sanitation
The government of Burkina Faso has embarked on the construction of 55,000 latrines each year to improve access to proper sanitation for the population from the present 10 percent to 54 percent by 2015. According to the authorities, the average rate of access to sanitation in urban areas is currently 20 percent, while in rural [...]
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Nepal, Kalikot: toilet mandatory for citizenship
It has become mandatory for the Kalikot residents to produce a certificate of possessing a toilet in order to obtain a citizenship certificate. In a bid to make Kalikot district open defecation free within 2015, the District Council endorsed 11-point declaration on sanitation last year, which states that those applying for citizenship certificate have to [...]
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India, Chennai: court to monitor steps taken to abolish manual cleaning of drains
The Madras high court has decided to personally monitor the steps taken by the Metrowater and Municipal Administration department to do away with the practice of manual cleaning of sewerage in the state. The first bench comprising Chief Justice M Yusuf Eqbal and Justice TS Sivagnanam was passing orders on a contempt of court petition, [...]
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Nepal, Chitwan: a toilet revolution
Take a Pee & Get One Rupee. If you have traveled on the Prithvi Highway last year, you must have noticed this seemingly-ridiculous slogan in Darechowk, near Kurintar. Of course, if you have used public toilets before, then you may be more used to paying a rupee to urinate. Instead, members of The Sewa Nepal, [...]
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Mexico: farmers fear loss of “free fertilizer” when wastewater treatment plant is built
For over 100 years farmers in Hidalgo State use “the black waters” (wastewater) from Mexico City to irrigate their land. So when word got out that the government was finally going to build a giant wastewater treatment plant, one might have expected the farmers around here to be excited. Instead, they were suspicious. “Without that [...]
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Monitoring the Sanitation Status of African Cities
How can we improve monitoring of the sanitation status of African cities? Can improved monitoring provide a basis for improved knowledge sharing and capacity building?
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Water and sanitation infrastructure for health: The impact of foreign aid
Water and sanitation infrastructure for health: The impact of foreign aid Globalization and Health 2010, 6:12 doi:10.1186/1744-8603-6-12 Publication date 29 July 2010 Full-text: http://www.globalizationandhealth.com/content/6/1/12 Background: The accessibility to improved water and sanitation has been understood as a crucial mechanism to save infants and children from the adverse health outcomes associated with diarrheal disease. This knowledge stimulated the [...]
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Sierra Leone, Freetown: photographer documents extreme sanitation conditions in Kroo Bay slum
He then asked me: you want to know the truth? We’re all suffering here in Kroo Bay. He began talking about the water issues again and showing me his arms with open sores, “you see these, they move at night” – he was talking about the worms in his body. Photographer Dominic Chavez spent a [...]
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Mobile phones ‘dirtier than toilet handles’
Mobile phones in the UK are covered with up to 18 times more living bacteria than the flush handle on a men’s lavatory, research suggests. Swabs and analysis of 30 mobile handsets found that seven had high or warning levels of environmental bacteria, according to consumer group Which? One contained such an intense concentration of [...]
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A brief history of sanitation in New York City
Talking trash during the dog days: A brief history of sanitation in New York City Without modern sanitation, life would be nightmarish—human and animal wastes would fester on the streets along with garbage and food scraps, producing a stench so foul that you’d want to keep your windows closed even in the sweltering heat of summer [...]
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Access to clean water and sanitation is a human right
General Assembly declares access to clean water and sanitation is a human right 28 July 2010 –Safe and clean drinking water and sanitation is a human right essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights, the General Assembly declared today, voicing deep concern that almost 900 million people worldwide do not [...]
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“Clean Mountain Cans” for high-altitude human waste
“Clean Mountain Cans” a solution for high-altitude human waste Alaska (Reuters Life!) – When nature called on North America’s tallest peak, climbers answered for decades with an improvised sanitation system. They dropped their feces into glacier crevasses, trusting the force of moving ice to grind the waste material away. Now that practice is being phased [...]
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WSP – Database of Technologies for Handwashing
WSP – New Database Details Over 60 Enabling Technologies for Handwashing An enabling technology is an external or environmental factor that influences an individual’s opportunity to perform a behavior, regardless of their ability and motivation to act. Often overlooked in the design of handwashing initiatives, enabling technologies have been shown to facilitate handwashing behavior in [...]
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WSP – Stepping Onto the Sanitation Ladder: Stopping Open Defecation in Rural Ethiopia
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WSP – Moving up the Sanitation Ladder: Marketing Latrine Upgrades in Rural Tanzania
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WSP – Marketing Sanitation in Rural East Java
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WSP – Making it Easy: Sanitation Marketing in Cambodia
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ACCESSanitation – Accelerating City to City Exchange for Sustainable Sanitation
ACCESSanitation is a three-year project (December 2009 – November 2012) implemented by ICLEI with funding from the European Union. It aims to to promote and initiate local sustainable sanitation solutions in a total of ten cities – five in the Philippines and five in India – thus improving health conditions, fostering the local economy and [...]
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Sanitation and Water for All: global partnership formalised, presenting itself in Stockholm
Two years after its launch, a global initiative aiming for sustainable sanitation and drinking water for all, is set to be formalised. Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) will hold its first Steering Committee meeting at the 2010 World Water Week in Stockholm on 7 September. The following day there will be an official presentation [...]
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IRC seeking Sanitation Specialist
The IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre is seeking candidates for the vacancy of (Senior) Programme Officer, Sanitation Specialist to work in projects in the South Asian and West African regions. IRC’s current focus in the thematic area of sanitation is in the development of sustainable service models for the delivery of sanitation services to [...]
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Bangladesh – Lessons from Household Energy and Sanitation Programs
Improved Cookstoves and Better Health in Bangladesh: Lessons from Household Energy and Sanitation Programs, 2010. Download (pdf, 2.49MB) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank. CONTENTS Executive Summary Study Objectives and Approach Health Impacts of Indoor Air Pollution Experiences from the Household Energy Sector in Bangladesh Experiences from International Improved Cookstove Programs Experiences from [...]
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Indonesia: ADB extends US$ 35 million for sanitation improvement in Medan and Yogyakarta
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is extending a US$ 35 million loan to help Indonesia rehabilitate and expand sanitation facilities in the cities of Medan and Yogyakarta. Medan, the capital of North Sumatra province, and Yogyakarta, the capital of Yogyakarta province, have a combined population of around 4.5 million people. The loan will be used [...]
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USAID Environmental Health – Sanitation Video Context
USAID Environmental Health is holding a sanitation video contest to promote quality videos that show innovative or successful case studies, pojects, research, etc on sanitation issues in developing countries. Videos can focus on any sanitation issue: technology, community-led total sanitation, health impacts, behavior change, etc. Examples of videos could include: a sanitation marketing campaign, a sanitation [...]
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USAID Philippines & Rotary Int’l Sewerage and Septage Management Project
San Fernando City, La Union (19 July) — As of 9:45 am, July 16, the United States. Ambassador to the Philippines His Excellency Ambassador Harry P. Thomas Jr. arrived at the San Fernando City for the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Sewerage and Septage Management Project in Barangay Mameltac, [...]
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India, Tamil Nadu: promoting menstrual hygiene in the slums
Women of slums in the city [of Tiruchi] are awakening to the significance of personal hygiene, thanks to the efforts of three women from different self help groups advocating the use of sanitary napkins for better menstrual health. Women from around ten slums [...] have switched over to sanitary napkins, after being enlightened on its [...]
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India: plan to abolish scavenging [again]
The [Indian government] has appointed an expert committee to achieve the “impossible task” of abolishing manual scavenging in the country after failing to meet the deadline thrice. The social justice ministry, which has vowed to banish the “worst violation of human rights” several times, would be in charge of the committee along with the labour [...]
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Sanitation at the 2010 Stockholm World Water Week
Sanitation & Health is one of themes at the 2010 Stockholm World Water Week, which is being held from 05-11 September. An overview of all events related to this theme is available through the event finder. Here are some of the sanitation highlights: Seminars 5 September Reducing the Risks of Untreated Wastewater Irrigation: Strategies and [...]
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Mikhail Gorbachev – The Right to Water & Sanitation
The right of every human being to safe drinking water and basic sanitation should be recognized and realized. The United Nations estimates that nearly 900 million people live without clean water and 2.6 billion without proper sanitation. Water, the basic ingredient of life, is among the world’s most prolific killers. At least 4,000 children die [...]
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USA – Raccoon waste seriously dangerous
HEALTH: Roundworms can be fatal, harm nervous system BELLINGHAM – The next time you see a raccoon pictured with a park ranger’s hat, imagine it instead with the robe and scythe of the grim reaper. Bellingham resident Jon Shaughnessy learned about the downside of raccoons soon after he found some of their potentially deadly droppings [...]
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Ghana – National WASH Conference to focus on climate change
Ghana’s 21st National WASH Stakeholders Conference dubbed Mole Conference, comes off in Accra on Tuesday on the theme, “Global Climate Change: A Challenge For The WASH Sector in Ghana.” According to the Coalition of NGOs in the Water and Sanitation Sector (CONIWAS), the Mole XXI Conference, which will be held from July 20, 2010 to [...]
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How valuable are environmental health interventions? : evaluation of water and sanitation programmes in India
Researchers have used an improved evaluation method to better calculate economic benefits of a rural water supply and sanitation programme in India. This was achieved by getting comprehensive pre-intervention baseline data from treatment and control villages, and including the costs of medical bills, lost income and and water treatment. Pattanayak, S.K … [et al] (2010). [...]
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India, Karnataka: local politician stages “sit in” to get toilets built
A District Councillor staged a “dharna” (sit in) to get villagers to construct toilets in their homes. Kurubarahatty, a village with a population of 5,000 on the outskirts of Chitradurga in Karnataka, has been selected for the ‘Nirmala Grama Pursakar’ rural sanitation scheme. Zilla Panchayat (district) officials visited the village on several occasions to convince [...]
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India, Hyderabad: separate tariff for only sewerage connections
For the first time, some 4,000 premises in Hyderabad will have to start paying monthly sewerage connections charges. They include halls, malls, hotels and office complexes that are connected to the city’s sewerage system, but get water from tankers. Sewerage costs are paid through a 35 per cent surcharge on water supply tariffs. As many [...]
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Nepal, Kathmandu: ragpickers earn US$ 275 a month
Ragpickers in Kathamandu earn more than top civil servants (gazetted first class officers) in Nepal, according to study by the Centre for Integral Urban Development (CIUD). Presenting a study report about the scavengers conducted in 20 places of Kathmandu Metropolitan and Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City, the CIUD said the professional pickers make more than Rs. 21,000 [...]
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Sense and Sanitation in India
It could be any one of the thousands of sleepy villages that dot the rough rural outback of Uttar Pradesh, India’s largest state. But Shahpur Jot, in Baraich district, is by no means conventional, and it has a President’s Award to prove this. In 2006, Shahpur Jot achieved total sanitation coverage. How did this poor, [...]
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Philippines: school sanitation sparks ‘Bayanihan’ spirit in small village
The Filipino spirit of communal unity, ‘Bayanihan’, prevented school toilets provided by UNICEF going unused because of a lack of water. Parents contributed money for the purchase of containers of water in each toilet every school day. Salag Elementary School, which stands along the highway of the sprawling Siaton town in Negros Oriental, a province [...]
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Ask a Garbologist – feature on Robin Nagle
Ask a Garbologist – By THE NEW YORK TIMES Robin Nagle, the anthropologist-in-residence for the New York City Department of Sanitation, will be responding to readers’ questions about her work as a garbologist. Readers who would like to ask Dr. Nagle a question should do so in the comments box below. Her first set of [...]
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Swimming upstream: why sanitation, hygiene and water are so important to mothers and their daughters
Water, sanitation and hygiene and the most under-recognized interventions when it comes to improving the health and well-being of women, say Clarissa Brocklehurst and Jamie Bartram in an editorial in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization [1]. Let us start with a pregnant woman. She is likely to have to collect and carry water [...]
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Video: School sanitation – a common challenge in Kenya
Students at the Ramba High School, Ndori, Kenya have to remove their clothes when using the latrines. They do this avoid the strong smell of the disinfectant sticking to their school uniform. Every year, after the rains, new pit latrines have to be constructed. To improve sanitation conditions at schools like Ramba High School, GTZ’s [...]
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Belgium: undertakers plan to dissolve dead and flush them into sewage system
Belgian undertakers have drawn up plans to dissolve the corpses of the dead in caustic solutions and flush them into the sewage system. The controversial new method [called Resomation] is said to be less expensive and more environmentally friendly than running highly polluting crematoria or using up valuable land for graves. The departed would go [...]
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Haiti: six months on, Red Cross calls for urgent sanitation solution
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), in a report published [on 8 July 2010], has called on the international community to recognize sanitation as one of the priorities in Haiti’s reconstruction. The report – From sustaining lives to sustainable solutions: the challenge of sanitation in Haiti – calls sanitation the [...]
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Threat to remove Right to Sanitation from UN resolution, says FAN
The Freshwater Action Network (FAN) says there is talk of removing sanitation from a United Nations draft resolution on the human right to water and sanitation. Bolivia submitted the resolution that was due to be discussed on 7 July 2010. [T]hroughout the negotiations there has been talk of removing sanitation and focusing only on water. [...]
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Sexual equality and sanitation: Flushing away unfairness
Hanging on too long for porcelain parity is more than a nuisance for women THE scene is familiar, infuriating, and usually met with resignation. Women, legs crossed in discomfort or desperation, wait in line for the lavatory while men saunter in and out of their loos. It is a common sight at theatres, sports grounds [...]
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New from IWA: Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development
The International Water Association (IWA) is inviting submissions for its new peer-reviewed journal devoted to the science, policy and practice of drinking-water supply, sanitation and hygiene in developing countries. The Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development publishes original contributions including research, analysis, review and commentary. It emphasizes issues of concern in developing and [...]
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Blogging for nonprofit: IRC’s WASH Blogs
If you use WASH as a noun, rather than a verb, you gotta be working in the humanitarian field. WASH stands for “WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene”, one of the key sectors in the field of aid and development. As with any nonprofit area, advocacy, information dissemination and project discussions are key to the WASH sector, [...]
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WSSCC and Overseas Development Institute Publish Background Note on sanitation and hygiene advocacy
In 2009 WSSCC worked with the international NGO Tearfund and UK-based Overseas Development Institute (ODI) to examine how sector professionals advocate for sanitation and hygiene to health professionals – and how to improve that advocacy. A number of leading sanitation and hygiene specialists provided input as well as professionals from the health sector and WSSCC [...]
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Senegal: WSSCC commits US$ 5 million to sanitation and hygiene work through the Global Sanitation Fund
At a ceremony under the chairmanship of the Honourable Adama Sall, Senegal’s Minister of Urbanisation and Sanitation, on 30 June 2010, the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) committed to spend US$ 5 million in Senegal over the next five years through its Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) programme. Together with a similar amount prescribed [...]
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Kenya, Nairobi: lack of sanitation leaves women sick and “prisoners in their homes”
Women and girls in Nairobi’s slums live under the constant threat of sexual violence, leaving them often too scared to leave their houses to use communal toilet and bathroom facilities, Amnesty International said in a new report released on 7 July 2010. Amnesty International calls on the Kenyan government to enforce landlords’ obligations to construct [...]
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USA, Austin, TX: toilet rebates not cost effective, city says in canceling program
The City of Austin is ending its toilet-rebate program as water utility officials shift limited dollars to other water conservation measures. Low-flow toilets will still be available free of charge for residents and business owners willing to pick them up at a local city-contracted vendor. This program targets individuals, as opposed to contractors, who often [...]
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Ghana: large urban sanitation research project gets funding
A large Danish-funded sanitation research project focusing on townships in Ghana is set to start in January 2011. The Sustainable Sanitation Solutions (SUSA) Ghana Project will examine sanitation preferences and practices, infrastructure and technical barriers, sanitation worker health risks, sanitation business models, and mobile phone technology for monitoring. Project Summary The University of Copenhagen in [...]
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South Africa, Cape Town: escaped hippo shipped out of sewerage works
A young hippo has been shipped out of a Cape Town sewerage works, where he made his home after fleeing a nature reserve where he had clashed with his father. The four-year-old nicknamed “Zorro” fled the Rondevlei Nature Reserve outside Cape Town in February 2009 for the lush grass and abundant water of the Cape [...]
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USAID Environmental Health – Sanitation Video Contest
USAID Environmental Health is holding a sanitation video contest to promote quality videos that show innovative or successful case studies, pojects, research, etc on sanitation issues in developing countries. Videos can focus on any sanitation issue: technology, community-led total sanitation, health impacts, behavior change, etc. Examples of videos could include: a sanitation marketing campaign, a sanitation [...]
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Nepal: famous comedians star in tele-serial on community-led total sanitation
The famous Nepali comic duo Madan Krishna Shrestha and Haribansha Acharya aka Maha Jodi are starring in ‘Sugandhapur’, a tele-serial with a message motivating people not to defecate in the open. The premiere show of the tele-film was organised at the Russian Cultural Centre, Kamalpokhari on 30 June 2010. Jointly produced by Mahasanchar and Plan [...]
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Bangladesh: children smash handwashing world record
Washing hands may not seem worthy of a certificate, but for thousands of children in Bangladesh the simple practice has got them into the Guinness Book of World Records. On Global Handwashing Day last October [2009], Plan Bangladesh and its partners organised an event where 52,970 school children gathered at multiple locations across the country [...]
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Namibia: Locally Invented Toilet to Improve Lives of Millions
Namibia: Locally Invented Toilet to Improve Lives of Millions IN a global first, German-born Peter Arndt from the Clay House Project in Otjiwarongo has invented a new dry toilet technology which has the potential to drastically improve the lives of not only Namibians, but millions of people in the world. One of the few taboo [...]
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Terra Preta sanitation: re-discovered from an ancient Amazonian civilisation
Ecosan researchers have found inspiration in the Pre-Columbian black soil (Terra Preta) of the Amazon Basin for “the re-creation of the most successful sanitation system ever”. They will share their enthusiasm in the 1st Workshop on Terra Preta Sanitation with up to 60 participants from 27-30 September 2010 in Groß Ippener (near Bremen), Germany. The [...]
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What’s on tap for future programming in water, sanitation and hygiene?: Hygiene Improvement Project (HIP) winding up
USAID’s Hygiene Improvement Project (HIP) is completing its 6th and final year. The project will be sharing what has been learned and accomplished as well as exploring future directions in water, sanitation and hygiene programming at a special event at the AED Conference Center in Washington DC, USA, on 3 August 2010. This event will [...]
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Handwashing improves drinking water
STANFORD, Calif., June 30 (UPI) — U.S. scientists say hand washing can improve the bacterial count of water collected at sources and brought home in containers. Alexandria Boehm, Jenna Davis of Stanford University say about half of the world’s population, more than 3 billion people, have no access to municipal drinking water and obtain drinking [...]
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Research project on safe wastewater reuse for urban poor concludes
The WHO/IDRC/FAO research project on non-treatment options for safe wastewater use in poor urban communities was concluded on 30 April 2010. The report of the final workshop in Amman, Jordan (7-10 March 2010) has now been published. The objective of the project was to test the applicability of the third edition of the WHO Guidelines [...]
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China, Wuhan: ADB supports wastewater and lake management project
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is supporting an urban environmental initiative in Wuhan municipality in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) that it says could be a model for sustainable management of wastewater sludge in the country. The ADB has approved a $100 million loan for the Wuhan Urban Environmental Improvement Project that will involve [...]
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India, Pune: train turns into public toilet at railway station
Vendors and beggars living near Pune station are using the toilets on a waiting express train rather the pay-per-use public toilets. The agency responsible for keeping the tracks clean says there isn’t enough time or water to remove the mess on time. Railway passengers are complaining about the stink. As soon as the Pune-Mumbai-Sinhagad Express [...]
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Rose George – Beating boring, banal diarrhoea
Basic sanitation saves lives, but many countries around the world are still a long way from achieving it. Much has been written about the South Africa’s hosting of the World Cup, the beauty of its landscapes, and vuvuzelas: less has been said about its sanitation. I visited the country in 2007, while researching my book [...]
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OXFAM – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sector in Liberia
Life and Dignity at Risk – The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sector in Liberia, 2010. Read/download (PDF 750KB) Liberia‘s newly approved water and sanitation policy states that ‘water is life‘ and ‘sanitation is dignity‘. At present, however, the dire state of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in Liberia constitutes a public health crisis that [...]
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Cambodian “Easy Latrine” wins international design award
A low-cost pour-flush latrines, especially developed for a project in Cambodia, has won a prestigious international design award. The ‘Easy Latrine’, designed by Jeff Chapin while on sabbatical from IDEO, was one of three winners named Best in Show by the jury of the 2010 IDEA awards. The International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) is an [...]
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WSP/ADB – Sanitation Finance in Rural Cambodia
Sanitation Finance in Rural Cambodia: Review and Recommendations. Andy Robinson. Water and Sanitation Program; Asian Development Bank. May 2010. Download Full-text (pdf, 1.37MB) The study primarily contains a comparative analysis of different approaches to financing sanitation: CLTS, project subsidies and social marketing. The report also makes a suggestion for a sanitation financing system based on [...]
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UK water firm hires ‘mad scientist’ to investigate sewer monsters
A UK water firm has taken a unique approach to tackling sewer blockages by hiring a ‘mad scientist’ to look into U bends. ‘Scientist’ Richard Hubert was called in by United Utilities after the firm dealt with more than 15,000 blockages last year. The firm is using the character as a humorous way to tackle [...]
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India: revision of unit cost of toilets for schools and kindergartens under Total Sanitation Campaign
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved the increase in the revision of unit cost of a school toilet unit being constructed under the government’s Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) from existing Rs.20,000 [US$ 431] to Rs.35,000 [US$ 754] (Rs. 38,500 [US$ 829] for difficult and hilly areas). The CCEA has also approved the [...]
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How a new toilet programme sets off in Moretele Local Municpality
Jan Habig is an independent civil engineer in South Africa. He is showing a group of civil society people from Southern African countries around in a new sanitation programme involving 1,000 toilets in Moretele Local Municpality in North West Province, a 90-minute drive out of Pretoria. Mr. Habig is here as project manager for G.R. [...]
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CSOs from Southern Africa exchange sanitation knowledge in practice
“The Amalooloo toilets we heard about and saw at the Betram company and at the new project site in the field are not as dry as claimed by the company. In the field we also saw that the construction of the toilet was not water tight and missed grips for the disabled. As we are [...]
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Assessment of CRS Experience with Arborloos
Rapid Assessment of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Experience with Arborloos in East Africa, 2010. Download (pdf) Prepared by: Paul Hebert This rapid assessment reviewed sanitation activities by Catholic Relief Services in East Africa, in particular the promotion of the Arborloo – an innovative latrine designed to help achieve sustainable and scalable sanitation improvements in rural [...]
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US actress helps raise awareness for World Toilet Organization
Fresh from a successful run on the US TV show Dancing with the Stars, comedic actress and host Niecy Nash is partnering with Clorox Toilet Products to kick-start a donation drive for the World Toilet Organization by distributing free subway tickets to Flushing, NY commuters, helping bring attention to those with access to “flushing”. On [...]
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Uganda: pupil rewarded for exposing open defecation
A 13-year-old Primary Six pupil was rewarded with sh20,000 [US$ 9] during celebrations of the Day of the African Child in Kamuli district after she told the audience that members of her family defecate in the bush. It all started when the deputy chief administrative officer, Cornelius Kalema, said: “Most of our people have latrines. [...]
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WSP – Creating sanitation markets in Peru
Below is a link to a presentation by Malva Rosa Baskovich, Coordinator - Creating Sanitation Markets Initiative, Water and Sanitation Program Latin America. Webpage of the initiative: http://www.perusan.org Presentation - WSP – Creating Sanitation Markets (pdf, 2.5MB) Excerpts: People’s choice depends on: A private family decision that takes into account community perceptions and in which children have a great influence [...]
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National Conference on Cost Effective Sustainable Sanitation – an Indian Experience, New Delhi, India, 28-30 June 2010
Organised by: WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Institute in collaboration with WES-Net India, SPHERE India, UNICEF, Water for People (WFP), Wherever the Needs (WTN) and Plan India Objectives: to share success stories and approaches in promoting sustainable sanitation in India to define strategies to scale-up good practices Topics: Rural Sanitation Urban Sanitation Ecological Sanitation School [...]
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Taps flow for the poor and the credit goes to microfinance
Asha Pande had spent hours queuing up with her neighbours to fetch water from a public tap at her slum in Dahegaon Rangari in Koradi, near Nagpur. Squabbles frequently erupted as the water supply turned erratic. She resolved to undertake a gruelling 6-km journey every day to draw water from the Kolar river, but this [...]
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Sierra Leone, 22 villages go ‘Open Defecation Free’ in Kenema
The community led total sanitation (C.L.T.S) has certified twenty-two communities in the Kandu Leppiama Chiefdom in Kenema District as ‘open defecation free’ zones. This followed an extensive community cleaning exercise climaxed by the construction of their own latrines out of local materials for the control of human faeces. The project is being organized by the [...]
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New Sanitation and Water for All web site launched
Sanitation and Water for All is a global partnership aimed at achieving universal and sustainable access to sanitation and drinking-water for all, by firmly placing sanitation and water on the global agenda with an immediate focus on achieving the MDGs in the most off-track countries. After being temporarily hosted on the UN-Water site, Sanitation and [...]
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Sanitation innovation in Mozambique
In Mozambique, an innovative programme overhauls sanitation practices Source: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) ‘Community Led Total Sanitation’ initiative CHIBWE, Mozambique, 24 May 2010 – A circle of women dance to the beat of drums in the morning sun, a crowd of adults and children watching from under tall, leafy trees. After a lengthy roll [...]
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India: scheme for low-cost sanitary napkins to rural girls approved
The Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry on [15 June 2010] approved a scheme for providing highly subsidised sanitary napkins to adolescent girls in the rural areas to promote menstrual hygiene. The scheme, to be launched in 150 districts across the country in the first phase, will cost Rs. 150 crore [Rs 1.5 billion = [...]
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World Cup – unaffordable extravagance – proper sewerage vs state-of-the-art stadiums
South African columnist Greta Steyn believes that the money spent on building stadiums for the 2010 Fifa World Cup could have been better spent on sanitation. She points to the open toilets in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, and the dismal state of the country’s sewerage systems. Open toilets The real meaning of the World Cup was [...]
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Kenya: cell phones, Google Apps help bring basic sanitation and more transparency
Nuru International, a US-based nonprofit focused on pioneering holistic, sustainable solutions to poverty, is using some Google platforms and Nokia phones to increase sanitation in Kuria, Kenya. The organization has registered a Kenyan web domain name and created an account with Google Apps, providing access to each of the 60 Kenyan staff members. GPRS-enabled handsets [...]
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Toilet Day Thrills Kenyans as Capitalist Trio Sells Hope
June 15 (Bloomberg) — Suraj Sudhakar sold pay-toilet services in Kenya. Heidi Krauel peddled solar-powered lights in India. Joel Montgomery pushed drip irrigation in Pakistan. The three young college graduates are the subject of “The New Recruits,” a fascinating PBS documentary airing tonight at 10 p.m. New York time. The film chronicles their yearlong adventure [...]
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Spending a penny- schools, female toilets and increased GDP in Nepal
Like many 15-year olds girls, Sabina Roka used to get embarrassed in front of the boys in her class, though Sabina’s worries were not about spots and trainers. Sabina goes to Simle School in Nepal and until recently she had to use the boys’ toilets because there were no girls-only facilities. This was not only [...]
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India: Bollywood actor launches school sanitation drive
Indian actor Aamir Khan helped launch a campaign to promote cleanliness in schools across the country at a function in New Delhi on 27 April 2010. Mr. Khan is the Brand Ambassador of the National School Sanitation Initiative, a joint programme of the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Central [...]
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Cambodia: award-winning water authority to take on sanitation
The winner of the Stockholm Industry Water Award 2010, Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA), has taken on the challenge to improve the city’s sanitation system as well. After the appointment of Mr. Ek Sonn Chan in 1993 as General Director, he and his team managed to refurbish the whole supply system, introduce cost-effective billing [...]
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WASH United introduces the World Toilet Cup game in Africa
Hamburger SV football player Jonathan Pitroipa played the “World Toilet Cup” game in his home country of Burkina Faso where he launched the WASH United campaign on 4 June 2010. First introduced in November 2009 during the second Africa Water Week in Johannesburg, South Africa, the “World Toilet Cup” game makes a symbolic effort at tackling [...]
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UNICEF – Uganda – UNICEF and partners work to change attitudes about dangers of cholera in Uganda
UNICEF – Uganda – UNICEF and partners work to change attitudes about dangers of cholera in Uganda You have received this WWW.UNICEF.ORG email from: campbelldb@cdm.com http://www.unicef.org/emailarticle/infobycountry/uganda_53862.rhtml Your e-mail address was used only to send this article.
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Mmegi Online: Govt to phase out pit latrines in Gaborone
dc thought you might be interested in this story from the Mmegi Online: Govt to phase out pit latrines in Gaborone The department of waste management and pollution control has embarked on a project to phase-out pit latrines in Gaborone. Read the story online at: http://www.mmegi.bw/index.php?sid...8;aid=2717&dir=2010/June/Friday4
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Effect of water quality, hygiene and sanitation in preventing diarrhoea deaths
Researchers propose diarrhoea risk reductions of 48, 17 and 36%, associated respectively, with handwashing with soap, improved water quality and excreta disposal as the estimates of effect for the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) model [1]. LiST is a new computer-based planning tool to help estimate the impact of scaling-up maternal, newborn and child health interventions. [...]
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Philippines – Only 59% of Samar households have sanitary toilets; 81% have access to water
Only 59% of Samar households have sanitary toilets; 81% have access to water Catbalogan City (June — Samar’s newly-elected leaders are challenged with this health and sanitation data. In the record of the Samar Integrated Provincial Health Office, it revealed that only some 59% of Samar province households have sanitary toilets. The data was culled [...]
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WASHwatch.org: a new advocacy resource for civil society
A new online advocacy tool for the WASH sector is being developed. The website www.WASHwatch.org aims to make it easy for civil society to monitor their governments’ political declarations on WASH, such as eThekwini in Africa and SACOSAN in South Asia. Civil society organisations (CSOs) can also upload government budget data to compare how countries [...]
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June 9 documentary – World’s Toilet Crisis
From Lisa Biagiotti; lisabiagiotti@gmail.com I’m the producer of the documentary “The World’s Toilet Crisis” — which airs on Current TV this Wednesday. It’s a documentary for all of us who use toilets and take them for granted ! But let’s not forget the 2.6 billion of us — 40% of the world’s population — who [...]
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World Health Assembly: WaterAid puts WASH on the agenda
WaterAid was able to get WASH issues on the agenda at the 2010 World Health Assembly, reports policy researcher Yael Velleman. A text drafted by WaterAid on the role of access to WASH in preventing child under-nutrition was inserted word-for-word into the WHO resolution on Infant and Young Child Nutrition. Prior to this, neither the [...]
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WaterAid: YouTube Don’t let it drop winners announced
YouTube and Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival have announced the winners of the 48 hour film competition for WaterAid. Andrew Dobbie, 25, who works at JWT in Manchester, and Rachel Wolak, 28, who works at Crispin Porter & Bogusky in Colorado, USA, have won the viral ad competition to promote WaterAid. Together they will become [...]
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Haiti: Red Cross joins international organizations in hygiene drive as rains intensify
The Haitian Red Cross Society (HRCS) joined international NGOs working in water and sanitation in Haiti [on 25 May 2010] to stage a special street event opposite Port-au-Prince’s Place Saint-Pierre camp, where an estimated 6,000 people settled after the 12 January disaster. HRCS volunteers led a crocodile of some 300 children from the camp around [...]
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Nepal – National Sanitation Week
KATHMANDU: Within three years, Nepal has to upgrade sanitation facilities by 15 per cent to achieve its three years interim plan 2010-11. The interim plan has targeted providing sanitation facilities to 65 per cent of the country’s population by the end of three years. At present, around 49.2 per cent Nepali population have access to [...]
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WHO Cholera Fact Sheet – June 2010
Fact sheet N°107 - Revised June 2010 Cholera Key facts Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated. There are an estimated 3–5 million cholera cases and 100 000–120 000 deaths due to cholera every year. Up to 80% of cases can be successfully treated with oral rehydration salts. Effective [...]
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$H*T – the film
A BEDOUIN VIKING Production © 2009 (release 2012) *Everybody does it – nobody talks about it* $H*T! follows radical solutions that turn human waste into green energy. It opens up possibilities for a whole new green and clean world and a better future for the world’s 2.6 billion people who lack access to sanitation. From [...]
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Environmental Health Update – June 2010
Environmental Health Update, June 2010 – This Update from Environmental Health at USAID contains citations to recently published journal articles, links to new reports and news feed updates. Link: http://www.ehproject.org/PDF/ehkm/ehupdate-june2010.pdf (pdf, 68KB) Contents Journal articles on solar disinfection, hygiene promotion, rainwater harvesting, arsenic contamination, etc. Reports on sanitation marketing, water supply in Zambia, etc. News [...]
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CNN – Ghana bags a handy new way to tackle plastic waste
London, England (CNN) — In Ghana’s capital, Accra, the streets are choked with trash and littered with plastic waste that blocks gutters and clogs storm drains. Drinking water comes in sachets that cost a few cents. Cheap and convenient, they are sold in shops and by street hawkers. But once they have been drunk they [...]
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Africa: self-help sanitation for more than 2 million people
More than 2 million people and over 740 schools in Africa are getting improved sanitation. In a new five-year programme, development organisation Plan International will expand its existing self-help sanitation programme in six African countries (Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and Malawi) and introduce it in two other countries (Ghana and Niger). The programme [...]
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Nepal: opening of Urine Bank in Siddhipur
On Monday 17th of May 2010 the “Urine Bank” in Siddhipur, Nepal was inaugurated. The urine bank, which is a spin-off from the STruvite recovery from Urine in Nepal (STUN), is a pilot project aimed at increasing the re-use of nutrients from human urine. Source-separated urine is collected from households which don’t have a use [...]
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From high water table sanitation to music festival latrines
One place to get answers to questions about sanitation technologies is the WaterSanitationHygiene.org Forum. Recent topics that sanitation practitioners have tackled are listed below. Sanitation options in locations with a high water table This question produced examples of options used in the Philippines, Haiti and Myanmar, and background material (3 Powerpoint presentations) from Oxfam. PeePoo [...]
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Sudan: sanitation lessons from Pact’s WRAPP Equatoria Program
The Water for Recovery and Peace Program (WRAPP) began in late 2004, after Pact Sudan received USAID funding for programming in Greater Upper Nile and Greater Bahr el Ghazel Regions. The WRAPP Equatoria program (April 2007 – June 2009) was an extension of the WRAPP program into 7 counties in Eastern and 4 counties of Central [...]
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CRS – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Considerations in Home-Based Care For People Living with HIV
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Considerations in Home-Based Care For People Living with HIV, May 2010. Download (pdf, 394KB) Christopher Seremet, Catholic Relief Services. This guidance document offers water supply and sanitation facility and hygiene promotion design considerations and recommendations intended to increase access to these facilities by people living with HIV. People living with HIV [...]
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The Economist – Enough water is not enough: it must also be clean
IF WATER has the capacity to enhance life, its absence has the capacity to make it miserable. David Gray, a water practitioner who has served the World Bank in almost every river basin on the globe and is now a professor at Oxford, has a technique that makes the point. Every day he receives e-mails [...]
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Sulabh toilets can help reduce global warming
WASHINGTON: An Indian innovator who plans to promote cheap toilet technology in 50 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East region says his technologies could also help developed nations reduce global warming. Bindeshwar Pathak, founder of the Sulabh movement, told the World Environment and Water Resources Congress at Providence in Rhode [...]
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Run to End the Runs – Kate Fogelberg and Matt Santo
From Kate Fogelberg and Matt Santo Link to Blog -http://www.waterforpeople.org/runtoendtheruns Running for water is in. A gaggle of celebrities just climbed Kilimanjaro to promote awareness of the clean water crisis. This April, in hundreds of cities around the world, runners will take to the streets for 10 km-the average distance a woman walks to collect [...]
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World and Africa Cholera Statistics, 2000-2008
At the Google Fusion Table link below are worldwide and African :statistics on cholera cases, cholera deaths and Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) The link is: http://tables.googlelabs.com/DataSource?dsrcid=183853 You can click on the VISUALIZE tab to generate graphs and charts and leave can also leave comments, questions, etc. Please email any questions or suggestions to dcampbell@usaid.gov.
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Bangladesh – Sari cloth filtration protects villages from cholera
Simple Sari Cloth Filtration of Water Is Sustainable and Continues To Protect Villagers from Cholera in Matlab, Bangladesh, In: mBio, May 2010. Full-text: http://mbio.asm.org/content/1/1/e00034-10.full.pdf+html Anwar Huq; et al A simple method for filtering water to reduce the incidence of cholera was tested in a field trial in Matlab, Bangladesh, and proved effective. A follow-up study [...]
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Morinosuke Kawaguchi: a TEDx talk on “geeky” Japanese toilet technology
Technology consultant Morinosuke Kawaguchi gives a fascinating lecture on Japan’s world famous “super” toilet technology. Kawaguchi is especially known for incorporating elements of Japan’s vast, inventive otaku (geek) subculture in his designs. His recent book Otakude onnanoko na kuni no monozukuri (Neon Genesis of Geeky-Girly Japanese Engineering) explores “the cool and wild territory where subculture [...]
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Charity Offers Social-Media Tools Other Groups Can Use
When Water.org makes progress on building a new water-sanitation project in Tigray, Ethiopia, it isn’t waiting until the project is complete to share the story. Whenever it installs a hand pump, mobilizes villagers to help carry sand, or repairs an old well, the charity’s workers update supporters online. Those supporters are given simple-to-use tools that [...]
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World Bank – Water, sanitation and children’s health: evidence from DHS surveys
Water, sanitation and children’s health : evidence from 172 DHS surveys, 2010.. (pdf, 658KB) World Bank. This paper combines 172 Demography and Health Survey data sets from 70 countries to estimate the effect of water and sanitation on child mortality and morbidity. The results show a robust association between access to water and sanitation technologies [...]
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Social offsets idea to fund water, sanitation for Neglected Tropical Diseases
New ways to tackle neglected tropical diseases A debate published this week in PLoS Medicine examines new approaches to tackling neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), with three viewpoints from experts in the field arguing which approach shows most promise. Jerry Spiegel and colleagues from the University of British Columbia argue that there has been too much [...]
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Regional Dialogue on Wastewater Management in Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15-16 June 2010
Organised by: ESCAP and in cooperation with the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (and other Malaysian Partners). Currently ESCAP is implementing a program aimed at promoting development of eco-efficient water infrastructure since 2008 with financial support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), covering several developing countries, in which wastewater treatment by innovative approaches is being [...]
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The World’s Longest Toilet Queue: A Great Success!
After many months of preparation, people in 78 countries participated in one of the most impressive sanitation initiatives this year: The World’s Longest Toilet Queue, organised by WSSCC, End Water Poverty and the Freshwater Action Network on and around World Water Day, March 22. An estimated 80,000 people worldwide took part in a campaign speaking [...]
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Viet Nam: designing evidence-based communications programmes for handwashing with soap
Since 2006, the Viet Nam Ministry of Health and the Viet Nam Women’s Union, with support from the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), have been carrying out an evidence-based, comprehensive behaviour change communications programme to promote handwashing with soap (HWWS) among women aged 15-49 and schoolchildren aged 6-10 throughout Viet Nam. The ultimate [...]
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India, Jharkhand: with access to the toilet came access to dignity
This Government of India programme offers incentives for families below the poverty line to construct toilets with technical designs approved by the District Water and Sanitation Mission (DWSM) responsible for sanitation. However, the evidence is that people with special needs, or the differently abled are being left out, since even if their families have toilets, [...]
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India, Uttar Pradesh: transforming lives of people with HIV/AIDS through WASH services
In 2008 WaterAid India entered into a partnership with Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society for a project titled Programme on Arresting Opportunistic Infections for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) to help improve the quality of their lives through water and sanitation. The project is being implemented through CREATE in 14 districts and involves anti-retro-viral [...]
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Sri Lanka: Miss, may I go to the toilet, please!
Sitting under a tree during the final stage of a water project to give women of Bandaragama water on tap, I noticed the swollen feet of the woman sitting next to me. “I teach in the school here. My school day sometimes stretches to eight hours,” D.M. Renuka, head of the coeducational school in her [...]
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Engineering association lauds low-cost toilet technology of Sulabh
NEW YORK: A top American engineers’ body has recognised the low-cost toilet technology developed by Indian NGO Sulabh International to improve community health, hygiene and environment in the developing world and in the process triggerring off social reform, restoring human rights and dignity to millions of downtrodden women involved in manual scavenging. The World Environment [...]
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Scientists find low-tech way to recycle H2O
Love that dirty water – Scientists find low-tech way to recycle H2O Horticulturists at Pennsylvania State University have come up with a low-cost, green method for recycling so-called “gray” water – the stuff from sinks, showers and washing machines that would otherwise go down the drain. They filter the water through some plant roots and [...]
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India: impact of sanitation award scheme to be assessed
The government will assess the impact and sustainability of the Nirmal Gram Puraskar (Clean Village Award) scheme implemented between 2005-2008. The Department of Drinking Water Supply under the Ministry of Rural Development will conduct a survey, based on a methodology that it developed with UNICEF, in 12 states*. The objective is to assess the impact [...]
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Indonesia, Tangerang: Taiwan funds community-based urban sanitation project
RTI International has been awarded a grant from the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement a small project to address low-income urban sanitation conditions in one sub-district in Tangerang, Banten Province. The program will work in partnership with an Indonesian non-profit organization and in collaboration with the Environmental Quality Protection Foundation (EQPF) of Taiwan [...]
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China scientists find use for cigarette butts
HONG KONG (Reuters) – Chemical extracts from cigarette butts — so toxic they kill fish — can be used to protect steel pipes from rusting, a study in China has found. In a paper published in the American Chemical Society’s bi-weekly journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, the scientists in China said they identified nine [...]
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India – Rating of Cities under the National Urban Sanitation Policy
Rating of Cities under the National Urban Sanitation Policy announced yesterday is the part of the exercise started last year to create awareness about sanitation. The exercise of rating of Cities covers all major cities of the country and almost 72 percent of India’s total urban population. The country was divided into five zones for [...]
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Nigeria: From Waste to Wealth
INITIALLY when many of them ventured into the job, they did it with all enthusiasm believing they had gotten a means of livelihood. Somehow midway, they became agents for armed robbers. And for many years, their actions have ruined families. The story is simple. As cart pushers, local name for refuse collectors, moved from house [...]
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UNICEF hosts first annual High-Level Meeting of ‘Sanitation and Water for All”
WASHINGTON, DC, USA, 11 May 2010 – UNICEF recently hosted the historic first annual High-Level Meeting on Sanitation and Water for All at World Bank headquarters in Washington, DC. VIDEO: Watch now Sanitation and Water for All is a global partnership aimed at achieving universal and sustainable access to sanitation and drinking-water by firmly placing [...]
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YouTube Playlist on Sanitation/Total Sanitation
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India – Chandigarh gets award in providing quality sanitation
Chandigarh gets best city award in providing quality sanitation Chandigarh: Chandigarh has been adjudged the best city in terms of quality sanitation under the National Rating and Award Scheme for Sanitation for Indian Cities by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. The city scored 73.48 points. Delhi has been placed second and Ahmedabad [...]
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Nepal: new study says impact of menstruation on school attendance is overstated
A new study stating that menstruation has little impact on school attendance casts serious doubt on the popular assumption that the provision of sanitary products can significantly affect the education gap. That assertion has been criticized by some Nepali experts, noting that the study was carried out in one of the country’s most developed urban [...]
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Indonesia, Jakarta: slums struggle with sanitation
In Jakarta’s northern Muara Angke coastal area, a lack of access to piped water has forced people to bathe and wash clothes using murky grey water from fish ponds. “I don’t feel disgusted at all. I’ve gotten used to it,” Ibu Nunung, who shells mussels for a living, told IRIN outside her house in Muara [...]
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Tanzania, Zanzibar: sewage disposal challenge
Zanzibar’s waste management and sanitation facilities have not be able to cope with the increase in the Tanzanian island’s population, which grew from 300,000 in 1964 to 1.1 million people now. Only a minority of residents in Zanzibar City are connected to the sewerage network, which consists of a mere 25km of pipes. The rest [...]
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Real-world proof of hand washing’s effectiveness
Scientists are reporting dramatic new real-world evidence supporting the idea that hand washing can prevent the spread of water-borne disease. It appears in a new study [1] showing a connection between fecal bacteria contamination on hands, fecal contamination of stored drinking water, and health in households in a developing country in Africa. The study is [...]
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Community-led Total Sanitation update: new training guide, focus on CLTS in schools
The May 2010 edition of CLTS Update announces a new guide for trainers by Kamal Kar and has a special focus on CLTS in schools and children’s involvement in CLTS. Facilitating Hands-On Training Workshops for Community-led Total Sanitation by Kamal Kar has been published by the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC). Due to [...]
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Sudan, Mundri: better hygiene means more girls stay in school
Many girls who do manage to go school in South Sudan, are forced to stay home one week a month – that’s three months a year, because there is no money to buy sanitary napkins. The Swedish SCA group, through its brands Libresse, Edet and Tork, is sponsoring a project by Oxfam Novib and Mundri [...]
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Viet Nam: sustainability of rural sanitation marketing
Access to sanitary toilets continues to rise in coastal communities in Viet Nam years after a successful pilot project ended. ADCOM Vietnam, WSP [Water and Sanitation Program] and IRC [International Water and Sanitation Centre] wrote a case study [1] on the sustainability of the rural sanitation marketing (RSM) pilot project in Vietnam. This pilot project [...]
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The female factor: sanitation and water services in India benefit from political reservations for women
Local village councils in India run by women invest more in public services like sanitation and drinking water, the New York Times reports, quoting a recent study. Thanks to sarpanch (village chief) Maya Yadav, every house in Tent, Haryana state, has an indoor toilet after she negotiated a discount on a bulk purchase of latrines. “Before [...]
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SuSanA invites you to become a fan on Facebook
Anyone who likes to use facebook and is interested in sustainable sanitation is welcome to become a fan of SuSanA on facebook. The SuSanA secretariat created this facebook page in order to provide fans with a regular flow of snippets of information (status updates every second day) and to allow fans to give us comments [...]
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2010 UN-Water Global Assessment of Sanitation & Drinking-Water (GLAAS)
UN-Water Global Annual Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS)
The Global Annual Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) is a UN-Water initiative implemented by the World Health Organization (WHO). The objective of UN-Water GLAAS is to provide policy makers at all levels with a reliable, easily accessible, comprehensive and global analysis of the evidence to make [...]
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USAID – A Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Asia
A Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Asia: Policies and Practices in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam, 2010.
Full-text: http://www.waterlinks.org/septage-report
by USAID and the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
ECO-Asia prepared the report in collaboration with the Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries at the Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic [...]
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Ethiopia: Nearly a quarter of Addis residents lack toilets
ADDIS ABABA, 20 April 2010 (IRIN) – Almost a quarter of Addis Ababa residents have no access to toilets, says a new report by the Addis Ababa city authorities.
“We estimate that some three million people live in Addis Ababa. Out of this nearly 25 percent of the population have no access to toilets and defecate [...]
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Tanzania launches campaign to improve sanitation in rural areas
INADEQUATE sanitation has been a thorn in the flesh for many governments, especially in developing countries, as it is a major cause of diseases world-wide. Improving sanitation is known to have a significant beneficial impact on health both in households and across communities and this has led to many countries initiating projects aimed at promoting [...]
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Free access to over 100 research articles on water – offer ends 23 April 2010
In support of World Water Day 2010, publisher Routledge is offering free access to over 100 research articles related to sustaining healthy ecosystems, increasing water quality, access to clean water and contemporary challenges in water management. These articles are available free until the 23rd April 2010.
Journal titles include: Water International, International Journal of Water Resources [...]
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High Level Meeting of Sanitation and Water for All targets finance ministers
The first High Level Meeting of the Sanitation and Water for All global partnership is targeting Ministers of Finance and Ministers of Development Cooperation. They are considered to have the most influence when it comes to securing the investments needed for “Getting on-track for the sanitation and water MDG targets”, the focus for the meeting [...]
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Urban catastrophes: the Wat/San dimension
A lack of clean water and sanitation in burgeoning slums could trigger a complex set of humanitarian crises says a new [forthcoming] paper, Urban Catastrophes: The Wat/San Dimension [1], by the Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP) of King’s College London, which keeps an eye on possible crises that could emerge in the not too distant future.
Using [...]
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Sanitation as a Key to Global Health – UN University
Sanitation as a Key to Global Health: Voices from the Field, 2010. UN University – Institute for Water & Health. (pdf, 2.4MB)
1. Sanitation must be addressed in the broader context of global poverty and in concert with the other MDGs as part of an overall strategy to increase global equity.
2. Sanitation should be [...]
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Worldwatch Institute – Flushing Our Forests Down the Toilet
Flushing Our Forests Down the Toilet
by Julia Tier on April 15, 2010
Washington, D.C.-Worldwide, the equivalent of almost 270,000 trees is either flushed or dumped in landfills every day and roughly 10 percent of that total is attributable to toilet paper. Meanwhile, growing populations, adoption of Western lifestyles, and sanitation improvements in developing countries are [...]
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Tanzania – Pit latrines are mosquito havens
Rising deaths from malaria crying shame
The biggest embarrassment of our times is that malaria, a disease, which is preventable, remains the number one killer in our country besides gobbling up colossal resources in medical treatment and loss of loss of productive time as those afflicted are nursed back to good health.
Ironically, as [...]
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Greater access to cell phones than toilets in India: UN experts call for sanitation for all by 2025
A new UNU-INWEH report offers 9-point prescription for achieving Millennium Development Goal for Sanitation by 2015.
Far more people in India have access to a cell phone than to a toilet and improved sanitation, according to UN experts who published a 9-point prescription for achieving the world’s Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for sanitation by 2015.
They also [...]
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Peru: new standards for effluents are insufficient while coverage remains low – expert
The Peruvian environment ministry’s (Minam) new standards for wastewater effluents will have little impact given the country’s low wastewater treatment coverage, Laureano del Castillo, lawyer and hydrological expert with the national center for social studies (Cepes), told BNamericas.
“It’s a step forward, but we still have many problems in this area, mainly the low wastewater treatment [...]
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Sustainable and cost-effective wastewater systems for rural and peri-urban communities up to 10,000 PE
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) has published a guidance paper on decentralised cost-effective wastewater systems that meet the requirements of the EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive at the conference. WECF presented the paper on 18 March 2010 at the Roundtable Dialogue on wastewater solutions for Bulgaria and Romania.
The paper provides some easy-to-understand [...]
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Honduras, Tegucigalpa: night-time shifts improve waste collection
A pilot project in Honduran capital Tegucigalpa has increased solid waste collection by 75%, paper El Heraldo reported.
The city’s solid waste division has started to collect garbage at night. Some 30 garbage trucks are collecting waste from 6pm in the evening in selected neighborhoods as part of the first phase of the project. In a [...]
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Uruguay: OSE implements measures to increase domestic sewerage connections
Uruguayan state-owned water utility OSE is implementing measures to increase domestic sewerage connections in the country, local paper El País reported.
Household connections have increased 15% since 2005, but an estimated 160,000 people are still not connected to the utility’s sanitation network, OSE general secretary Daoiz Uriarte said.
To help these people connect to the system, OSE [...]
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More mobile phones than toilets
“The number of mobile subscriptions in the world is expected to pass five billion this year [2010], according to the International Telecommunication Union, an intergovernmental organization. That would mean more human beings today have access to a cellphone than the United Nations says have access to a clean toilet”.
While the author’s intention of this quote [...]
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China, Ningbo: World Bank loan addresses rural waste water management
The World Bank has approved a loan of $50 million to China to improve rural wastewater management and township infrastructure in Ningbo Municipality.
Ningbo Municipality is a major city in the southeastern coastal zone of China, about 300 km south of Shanghai, and has a population of 5.65 million. Despite rapid economic growth since the late [...]
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Public urinals that lure you to pee in them [video]
Designer urinals and toilets
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Sierra Leone: plan for sanitation rests with community
Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is not always a success. The IPS article below tells about a peri-urban community in Sierra Leone where a CLTS programme failed because the community had wrongly assumed that it would receive a subsidy to build improved latrines.
Freetown. Lying forgotten in the bush somewhere is a sign declaring “Ogoo Farm is [...]
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WSP – Practical Guidance for Measuring Handwashing Behavior
Practical Guidance for Measuring Handwashing Behavior, March 2010.
by Pavani Ram. Water and Sanitation Program.
Full-text: http://www.wsp.org/UserFiles/file/PracticalGuidance_HWWS.pdf (pdf, 1.33MB)
Accurate measures of handwashing behavior are critical to understanding households’ health environment. But it can be challenging to measure handwashing reliably. This document discusses a set of handwashing indicators and recommendations that was prepared to support the Water and Sanitation Program’s [...]
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UNICEF – Raising Clean Hands
Raising Clean Hands: Advancing Learning, Health and Participation through WASH in Schools, April 2010. UNICEF.
Full-text: http://www.unicef.org/media/files/raisingcleanhands_2010.pdf (pdf, 2MB)
Water, sanitation and hygiene education in schools – WASH in Schools – provides safe drinking water, improves sanitation facilities and promotes lifelong health. WASH in Schools enhances the wellbeing of children and their families, and paves the way [...]
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India: Bollywood actor to teach hygiene to school kids
After showcasing India through the Incredible India campaign, actor Aamir Khan will be creating awareness about urban sanitation and hygiene issues among schoolchildren.
The government has approached Aamir to be the brand ambassador for the Urban School Sanitation project, a joint initiative of the Human Resource Development Ministry and the Urban Development Ministry, and help save [...]
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Let’s talk about it: PATH’s promotional video on diarrhoeal disease control
Dirty drinking water, poor sanitation, and rotavirus infection can lead to diarrhoea, which is the second leading killer of children around the world. “If we talk about diarrhoea, we can defeat it”, is the slogan of this four minute promotional video produced by Final Cut Productions for the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH). [...]
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UNICEF/PSI household water treatment and safe storage video
Saving Lives with Safe Water: Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
UNICEF created this video in partnership with Population Services International (PSI) platforms to celebrate the Safe Drinking Water Project. The project, funded by American Express, is underway in Guinea, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania, and aims to change behaviors in the home. [...]
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Kenya: plan to halve infant diarrhoea prevalence
Kenya has set its sights on halving the prevalence of infant diarrhoeal disease – which kills dozens of children daily – within five years, using new treatments and by boosting preventive measures.
Every Kenyan child under five has an average of three episodes of diarrhoea annually, according to the 2008 Demographic and Health Survey.
“With 86 children [...]
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Greywater use in the Middle East : technical, social, economic and policy issues
Greywater use in the Middle East : technical, social, economic and policy issues
Edited by Stephen McIlwaine and Mark Redwood
Practical Action/CSBE/IDRC 2010
ISBN 978-1-85339-698-4
e-ISBN 978-1-55250-466-6
200 pp.
View online and download full publication
In water-scarce areas of the Middle East, greywater (household wastewater excluding toilet waste) is commonly used by poor communities to irrigate home gardens. This both supplements [...]
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Wastewater irrigation and health : assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries
Wastewater irrigation and health : assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries
Edited by Pay Drechsel, Christopher A. Scott, Liqa Raschid-Sally, Mark Redwood, and Akiça Bahri
Earthscan/IWMI/IDRC 2010
ISBN 978-1-84407-795-3
e-ISBN 978-1-55250-475-8
432 pp.
View or download full publication
In most developing countries wastewater treatment systems have very low coverage or function poorly, resulting in large-scale water pollution and the use of [...]
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UK: timer device limits civil servants to ten minutes in toilet
Civil servants have been limited to spending a maximum of ten minutes in the toilets – after timers were installed.
Dozens of workers have been caught out since the cost-cutting measures were introduced at the Government Office for the West Midlands (GOWM).
A hidden sensor switches off the toilet light after ten minutes of use.
Staff have condemned [...]
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Education on Hand-Washing and Water Treatment Can Reduce Absenteeism Amongst Students
Education on Hand-Washing and Water Treatment to Improve Safety of Water Can Reduce Absenteeism Amongst Students in Developing World at Risk for Devastating Diseases
DEERFIELD, Ill., March 31 /PRNewswire/ — Inadequate access to safe water and poor sanitation infrastructure contribute to an estimated 1.87 million deaths per year from devastating diarrheal diseases, mostly among [...]
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Sweden: baby drinks dirty water in church’s shock fundraising video
A Swedish ad shows a mother filling a baby bottle with dirty dishwater and then feeding it to her child. The disturbing but effective ad is from the Church of Sweden, which wanted to highlight the plight of countries worldwide that don’t have access to clean drinking water. The campaign has raised over US$ 32,500 [...]
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Call to Action for WASH in Schools
A coalition of international organisations led by UNICEF is launching a Call to Action on WASH in Schools. The official launch takes place on 3–6 April 2010 at the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development Conference (DIHAD).
This Call to Action coalition includes CARE, Dubai Cares, Emory University Center for Global Safe Water, IRC International Water [...]
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Rita Colwell, winner of the 2010 Stockholm Water Prize
Written by Jorge Salazar - Source: Earthsky, March 29, 2010 - Link to EarthSky audio.
Interview with Rita Colwell, winner of the 2010 Stockholm Water Prize
This week microbiologist Rita Colwell received the Stockholm Water Prize, which includes $150,000 USD. Dr. Colwell was recognized for her “numerous seminal contributions towards solving the world’s water and water-related public health problems.” [...]
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Household pit latrines and child health in rural Ethiopia
Does ‘improved’ sanitation make children healthier? Household pit latrines and child health in rural Ethiopia, February 2009. (pdf, 352KB)
Lita Cameron. Young Lives, Department of International Development, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3TB, UK
In response to pressure to reach the Millennium Development Goal of improved sanitation access, the E thiopian government has developed an ambitious plan to achieve [...]
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Dry sanitation system for Cape Town’s informal settlements
Alternative sanitation specialists Enviro Options
has been awarded a two-year tender by the City of Cape Town to provide informal settlements with a dry sanitation system. This system does not use water or electricity, is odourless and is designed with the user’s health, as well as respectability,
in mind, says Enviro Options MD Mark la Trobe.
Enviro [...]
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ReUseConnection – Global waste reduction through eco-entrepreneurship
ReUseConnection, www.reuseconnection.com, is a new website that focuses on global waste reduction through eco-entrepreneurship. It will offer a social networking platform for global users to post items they need reuse solutions for and to allow the global community to share how they reuse those items. Social networking with intention!! Check out some really interesting and [...]
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SWASH+: School WASH website launched
The SWASH+ consortium has launched a new web site: www.swashplus.org
SWASH+ Kenya was developed from a pilot initiative funded by the Coca Cola Africa Foundation. The initiative began in 2005, when the Millennium Water Alliance, CARE, Water.org (formerly Water Partners International), and Kenya-based SANA implemented a school and community WASH project. SWASH+ Kenya’s current partners are [...]
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Madagascar: first national Global Sanitation Fund programme launched
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) launched its first national Global Sanitation Fund programme on 22 March 2010, World Water Day, in Madagascar. Approximately US$ 5 million will be disbursed over the next five years to sub-grantees – community groups, non-governmental organisations, etc. – to implement projects and programmes that raise awareness [...]
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Renowned musician from Nepal releases sanitation song
A famous female musician from Nepal has released a sanitation campaign song on World Water Day 2010.
Ani Choying Drolma (1971) is a Buddhist nun and musician well known for her rendition of Tibetan Buddhist chants and feast songs. With the proceeds of her concerts and CDs she established the Nuns’ Welfare Foundation, which helps educate [...]
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India – Novel rural sanitation prototype
Technocrat Sharan Desai has come up with the prototype of a new toilet that might come as a relief for women from rural Gulbarga. The project has already evinced interest among government agencies and NGOs, reports Srinivas Sirnoorkar
This might come as a relief for women from rural Gulbarga. Sharan Desai, a technocrat from Gulbarga, [...]
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UNEP – Time to Cure Global Tide of Sick Water
Sick Water? The central role of wastewater management in sustainable development. 2010. (pdf, 5.9MB)
This report, compiled by GRID-Arendal has been an interagency collaboration led by UNEP and UN-HABITAT in partnership with members of UN Water.
Nairobi (Kenya), 22 March 2010 – Transforming wastewater from a major health and environmental hazard into a clean, safe and economically-attractive [...]
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David Kuria – Sanitation & Toilet Entrepreneur
David Kuria: Interview with a Sanitation and Toilet Entrepreneur
In the sub-Saharan region, 80 percent of recorded illnesses are water-born diseases, and more than two-thirds of these people don’t have access to basic sanitation. While access to safe drinking water is gaining importance in the political arena, it’s still hard to talk about restrooms and toilets, [...]
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Environmental Health Webliography, 2008-2010
The Environmental Health at USAID knowledge management activitiy compiled an annotated bibliography of 100+ peer review studies published from 2008 – March 2010. The article discuss recent research and projects in the areas of water supply, sanitation, hygoiene, vector-borne diseases and indoor air pollution.
The webliography link is: http://ehbibliography.wordpress.com/
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Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water–2010 Update Report
Access to safe drinking water improving; sanitation needs greater efforts
Link - Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water –2010 Update Report
15 MARCH 2010 | GENEVA | NEW YORK — With 87% of the world’s population or approximately 5.9 billion people using safe drinking-water sources, the world is on track to meet or even exceed the drinking-water target of [...]
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Countering menstrual hygiene taboos in Nepal
A renowned contemporary artist is taking her form of menstrual activism to the streets of Kathmandu.
All eyes at the Alliance Française in Kathmandu were on Ashmina Ranjit when she entered the grounds in a dress made entirely of sanitary napkins. From a thin tube she squirted blood on the napkins, one at a time, folded [...]
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India – Dry latrines exist in four states
New Delhi, March 8 : Even as the cabinet put March-end as deadline for the rehabilitation of manual scavengers in India, a minister said Monday that four states continue to have dry latrines.
“Dry latrines exist in four states, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand,” Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Mukul Wasnik informed [...]
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UNICEF – Young people help to improve sanitation in Haiti
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Feb. 2010 – UNICEF Providing Water and Sanitation in Haiti
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WSP – Designing a handwashing station in Vietnam
Insights from Designing a Handwashing Station for Rural Vietnamese Households: Learning Note. Water and Sanitation Program. February, 2010. (pdf, 5.3MB)
The Water and Sanitation Program’s (WSP) Global Scaling Up Handwashing Project (HWWS) is testing an array of interventions to promote handwashing with soap among mothers and children in rural Vietnam. These interventions include mass media and interpersonal communication [...]
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Uganda – Sanitary pad project “changes refugees’ lives”
KYAKA II, 9 March 2010 (IRIN) – A project using papyrus and waste paper to make sanitary pads has changed the life of Evelyne Banyamisa, who fled rebel violence in Bunia, north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 2003 when she was only 13. After leaving the DRC, Bamanyisa ended up in south-western Uganda where [...]
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Chile – Tweet tracking locates water/sanitation equipment
Tweet Tracking Site Helps Chile Relief Agencies Save Lives
MAULE, Chile, March 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — A woman uses her Twitter account to plead for help in locating her missing daughter – and finds her. An aid group puts out an urgent call for water sanitation equipment. A church group with food to offer asks for [...]
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Central America: Seminar on Sanitation and Governance – papers
From 1-3 February, 2010, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre organised together with RRAS-CA Red Regional de Agua y Saneamiento de Centro-America) and RAS-ES ( Red de Agua y Saneamiento de El Salvador ) a seminar to share experiences on governance of sanitation services focusing on the Central American region. The workshop took place [...]
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2nd Eastern Africa Regional Sanitation Conference starts in Kampala
The second Eastern Africa Regional Sanitation Conference and Learning Forum opened in Kampala, Uganda, 2 March 2010, with calls for a more cohesive effort towards achieving regional and global sanitation targets.
In a key-note speech at the opening of the three-three day conference, Uganda’s Minister of Water and Environment, Hon. Maria Mutagamba, said a large proportion [...]
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Call for proposals: rural household sanitation Burkina Faso
EuropeAid has launched a Euro 10 million call for proposals (in French only) for rural household sanitation projects in Burkina Faso covering the following types of activity
rural household latrine construction
animation / hygiene awareness
training staff of regional departments and local communities in household sanitation
support to municipalities in developing their Municipal Development Plan (DCP) for water and [...]
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In the market for proper sanitation – WHO Bulletin March 2010
In the market for proper sanitation – WHO Bulletin March 2010
Poor sanitation helps spread disease, yet efforts to provide subsidized toilets have been resisted for cultural reasons in many developing countries. To improve the rate of uptake, some people are now advocating a market-based approach. Kathryn Senior reports.
The main reason so many people are without [...]
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Typhoid outbreaks in the Philippines and Fiji
Philippines – Typhoid outbreak declared in remote Sarangani village
GENERAL SANTOS CITY – A typhoid outbreak has been declared in four remote sitios (sub-villages) of Barangay (village) Datal Anggas in Alabel town, Doctor Honorato Fabio, Alabel municipal health officer, told reporters that the Department of Health through the Regional Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) in Manila that [...]
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Zimbabwe: did the United Nations ignore the 2008 cholera outbreak to please Harare?
A U.N. official claims his warnings of a catastrophic cholera outbreak were stifled by a U.N. bureaucracy intent on keeping good relations with Zimbabwe’s dictator, Robert Mugabe.
Georges Tadonki, the former head of the Zimbabwe branch of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), was fired at the height of the cholera crisis [...]
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Rising Tide Water/Sanitation Blog – Ned Breslin, Water for People
Rising Tide – A Blog by Ned Breslin
Ned Breslin, Water For People CEO, challenges conventional thinking and calls for transformative change within the water and sanitation sector.
Link – http://nedbreslin.tap.waterforpeople.org/
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India, Karnataka: no toilets in half of State’s schools
Half of the schools in Karnataka have no toilets. In every fourth high school, girls have to share toilets with boys!
These shocking revelations are among the findings of a nation-wide survey on the condition of schools and schoolchildren conducted by an NGO ‘Pratham’.
Although the survey ‘Assessment Survey Evaluation Research 2009’ (ASER 2009) indicates a marginal [...]
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India, Karnataka: 3.3 million toilets in next two years
The State government will construct 33 lakh (3.3. million) toilets in the next two years, announced Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Minister Jagadish Shettar on 28 January 2010.
The drive will be taken up in villages under the “Sampoorna Svachatha Andolan” (Total Sanitation Campaign) with the help of NGOs and Stree Shakti Groups, Shettar said while [...]
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India, Himachal Pradesh: good response to sanitation awareness campaign
The hill state of Himachal Pradesh is surging ahead on the path of becoming completely free from open defecation by the end of 2010.
There has been a tremendous increase in rural sanitation coverage from less than 30 per cent in 2001 to over 80 per cent in 2009. The campaign to stamp out open defecation [...]
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India – Nagaland aims for total sanitation by 2012
Kohima | February 23 : Nagaland is apparently heading for hygienic and cleaner living, with a series of programmes being undertaken by the Communication & Capacity Development unit of PHED to intensify the “total sanitation campaign.” It is also to create wide awareness amongst communities across the state to maintain proper sanitation. More recently, the [...]
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Uganda, Kampala: living on the edge in Namuwongo
On a tiny crumbling concrete floor sits a raised makeshift building with stairs of half-baked bricks. With the upper part screened off by boxes and plastic materials, this is what passes for a toilet in Namuwongo. This, according to Jamila Erika would be remarkable, if the toilets were plenty and enough for everyone.
“We have been [...]
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Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) events in March 2010
Below is information on 3 upcoming SuSanA events:
1. 11th SuSanA meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
We would like to invite you to the upcoming 11th SuSanA meeting which will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from the 19 to 21 March 2010. The event will be hosted by UN Habitat, ABES, SEI and GTZ. [...]
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UNEP – Recycling: from e-waste to resources
Recycling: from e-waste to resources, July 2009. UNEP. (pdf, 2.49MB)
The appropriate handling of e-waste can both prevent serious environmental damage and also recover valuable materials, especially for metals. The recycling chain for e-waste is classified into three main subsequent steps: (i) collection, (ii) sorting/dismantling and preprocessing (including sorting, dismantling and mechanical treatment) and (iii) endprocessing.
All [...]
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Pakistan – Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS).
Water Res. 2009 Dec;43(20):5225-35
Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS).
Amin MT, Han MY. Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, 22060, Pakistan. muhammadamin@ciit.net.pk
The efficiency of solar disinfection (SODIS), recommended by the World Health Organization, has been determined for rainwater disinfection, and potential benefits and limitations discussed. The [...]
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Developing countries will produce more E-Waste
Developing countries, in race out of poverty, will produce more E-Waste
UN Under-Secretary-General Achim Steiner gave a talk at an environment protection conference in Bali describing a growing problem among developing nations: e-waste. While places like China and India already have their own problems with informal e-waste recycling, the UN expects to see the same intractable [...]
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Walt Disney World Resort Joins Clean the World to Recycle Soap
Walt Disney World Resort Joins Clean the World in an Innovative Program to Recycle Soap
ORLANDO, FL–(Marketwire – February 21, 2010) – Walt Disney World Resort hotels are working with Clean the World to recycle all the partially used amenities from their nearly 28,000 Central Florida hotel rooms. Clean the World sanitizes the soap and shampoo [...]
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Amref: Why we need a fourth year in Katine, Uganda
The African Medical and Research Foundation explains why it has decided to extend its development work in Katine for an extra year.
In July 2009, Amref invited a consultant to hold a mid-term review of the Katine project to assess whether the project was on track to meet its objectives. Although largely on track, the consultant’s [...]
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WSSCC gets US$ 2.1 million from Gates Foundation for hygiene and sanitation promotion
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) has received nearly $2.1 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support its efforts at improving access to safe sanitation and promoting good hygiene practices for people in developing countries. These funds, provided over the next two years, will enable WSSCC to carry out its [...]
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USAID/Senegal – Programme Eau Potable et Assainissement (PEPAM)
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Cashmere toilet paper is “top for bottoms”
UK supermarket chain Waitrose has introduced toilet paper with cashmere extracts. The super soft cashmere toilet roll is part of a new range, which includes jojoba and aloe vera enriched tissues. With a scented core, the Jojoba toilet rolls double as toilet air fresheners.
The toilet rolls retail for £2.29 (US$ 4.20) for a pack of [...]
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Reaching the MDG target for sanitation in Africa : a call for realism
An exclusive focus on reaching the MDG sanitation targets in Africa will have a “detrimental effect on the sustainability of the established infrastructure and may leave out the most important components of sanitation programs i.e. the motivation to use sanitary facilities and the need to change personal hygiene practices to improve health status”. This one [...]
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USAID Hygiene Improvement Project – WASH indicators report & webinar
USAID Hygiene Improvement Project (HIP) - Access and Behavioral Outcome Indicators for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, 2010. HIP developed this publication for USAID and other organizations to measure indicators for handwashing, POU, and sanitation and provide guidance to implementers of WASH programs on what indicators to use to measure their programs’ achievements.
March 2, 2010 – USAID [...]
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Pratts Creative Ideas Introduces ‘The Handwash Reminder’
NewswireToday -Kissimmee, FL, United States, 02/13/2010 – The Handwash Reminder is a new product that detects a person using a bathroom and automatically reminds them to “Please, Don’t forget to wash your hands”.
The Handwash Reminder gets mounted on a bathroom ceiling near the entrance door.
With motion sensor technology, the Handwash Reminder (handwashreminder.com) will detect [...]
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SPLASH research call on sustainable sanitation service
SPLASH, the ERA-NET of the European Water Initiative will launch a research call on 1st March, 2010. The overall call budget will be approx. 1.7 Mio Euro. The call will be funded by the following donors:
Austria Development Cooperation (ADC), Austria
Department for International Development (DFID), United Kingdom
Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européenes (MAEE), France
Swedish International Development [...]
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RedR India courses on emergency sanitaton and hygiene promotion
In March 2010, RedR India offers the following two training modules:
Ecosan and Emergencies, Pune, India, 02-05 March 2010
Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies, Pune, India, 09-12 March 2010
For more information and to register go to to RedR India web site.
Please note: do not send requests for more information or applications to this blog.
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Menstrual hygiene: Freedom of mobility – experiences from villages in the states of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh, India
Mariya John Fernandes of Wateraid India presented this paper at the South Asia Hygiene Practitioners’ Workshop, 1–4 February 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mariya discusses the issue of menstrual hygiene and how an experiment in Chattisgarh where women have got together to spread awareness and even make sanitary napkins themselves.
They have also worked towards designing toilets which dispose [...]
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Nepal, Kathmandu Valley: garbage collectors end strike
The Environment Management Department of the Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) said that it would take another three days to clear all garbage heaped in the capital valley over the last 12 days. The Department started garbage disposal from 1 February 2010 after the unions of local bodies decided to return to work. Employees had been [...]
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Kenya: UN-HABITAT and Government of Italy join hands in school sanitation
Nairobi, 2 Feb 10 – A partnership between UN-HABITAT and the Government of Italy will provide clean water and better sanitation facilities to over 15,000 pupils in Kenya through the construction of rainwater harvesting tanks and latrines.
The US $ 300 000 project, being implemented by Kenyan NGO Sustainable Aid in Africa (SANA), will also support [...]
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John Oldfield – Water/Sanitation Blog
John Oldfield of Water Advocates has an interesting blog on water and sanitaiton issues. The link is:
Email: joldfield@wateradvocates.org
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Nepal, additional marks to the students having toilet
The story about students in Dhikpur who get an additional 10 marks in their exams for having a toilet in their house has been reported a year ago in February 2009.
In an update, the same newspaper adds schools give an additional 5 marks in exam to students who only have a temporary toilet in their [...]
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Nepal, Surkhet: toilet a must for local elections
A campaign is going to be started in Surkhet district, in the Mid-Western Development Region of Nepal, to make it mandatory for candidates in the local elections to have a toilet in his/her house. This campaign is a part of the five-year sanitation action plan prepared by the Regional Monitoring and Supervision Office to make [...]
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Haiti: international aid efforts moving slowly but surely
Sanitation conditions in Haiti are gradually improving thanks to the efforts of aid workers following the earthquake that devastated the capital Port-au-Prince on 12 January 2010. However, progress has been slow and there are many obstacles that still need to be overcome.
As of 31 January 2010, the damage from the earthquake has left 112,405 dead, [...]
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Ghana – Keeping Girls in School May be a Matter of Better Sanitary Protection
Keeping Girls in School May be a Matter of Better Sanitary Protection
When boys and girls reach puberty, their bodies go through many physical changes. But for girls in Africa, the onset of menstruation can bring with it discrimination, unwanted sexual advances and the end of their education. Now a pilot study in Ghana says it [...]
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The delicate toilet question – what are the best water-saving options?
Few people enjoy chatting casually about the bathroom, let alone about toilets. But since they’re responsible for as much as 40 percent of the water consumed inside most households, and water is becoming an increasingly precious resource, it’s time to talk toilets here at Sheep Dog Hollow.
(For new readers, Sheep Dog is the 100-year-old farmhouse [...]
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India – Total sanitation programme to cover 2.63 lakh families
Feb 2 (PIB Feature): The afternoon session of the second day Bharat Nirman campaign held at Panthoibi Lampak started with a speech by Swamikanta Director Communication and Capacity Development Unit (CCDU) attached to the Public Health Engineering Department Government of Manipur. He said under the total sanitation campaign launched by the department 20,476 toilets have [...]
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Costa Rica: Govt developing US$270mn wastewater treatment plan
Costa Rica’s state water utility AyA will invest US$270mn to start treating the 2,800l/s of wastewater currently produced in the greater metropolitan area in and around capital San José, local paper La Nación reported.
The project involves the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the sewerage networks in nine municipalities in San José and one in Cartago province. [...]
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Latin America: wastewater treatment moves into high gear
Although levels of wastewater treatment are still quite low in Latin America compared to developed countries, notable progress has been made over recent years and opportunities abound, according to the January BNamericas infrastructure intelligence series report [1]. Some Latin American countries have managed to reach wastewater treatment levels of over 80%.
Historically a low priority in [...]
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South Asia Hygiene practioners’ workshop, 1–4 February 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The workshop is organised by BRAC, WaterAid, WSSCC, and IRC and is part of five learning and sharing workshops on sanitation and hygiene organised in 2009 and 2010.
The papers are available on the IRC web site.
S.Vishwanath (aka Zenrainan) is providing “live” coverage of the workshop through:
a blog
on Twitter through hash handle #RWHP
and on YouTube
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WASH Cluster Haiti Update
WASH Cluster Haiti Update 29 January
Source: WASH Cluster
Partners: ACTED, MSF-F, OXFAM,CRE, Red Cross, GMEP, LIAUTAUD, MSF-B, GCC, GRET, GRET ODC, WINNER, CARE, Comite St Surin, Comite rue Pacot, FISEH, ACTED, WORLD VISION, Haiti Outreach, HOPE HAITI, CRS Haiti, HOPE HAITI, WORLD VISION, Merlin, Plan International, Children Voice Foundation (SFI), SFI – Comite Local, FLM, SAVE [...]
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Sulabh to construct low-cost toilets in Japan
New Delhi, Jan 31 (PTI) Sulabh International, a leading sanitation NGO, has decided to start its operation soon in Japan by constructing low cost toilets popularly known as “Sulabh Sauchalaya“.
The decision was taken in the light of the initiatives by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, on whose invitation Sulabh founder Bindeshwar Pathak visited Tokyo to [...]
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Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte: Caern to increase Natal sanitation coverage for 2014 World Cup
Brazil’s Rio Grande do Norte state water utility Caern intends to improve its sewage collection coverage in state capital Natal from 33% to 73% in time for the 2014 World Cup, the utility reported in a release.
The service boost will lift the city out of its poor sewage collection ranking among World Cup host cities, [...]
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WaterAid Australia publication on Hygiene Promotion
WaterAid Australia is presently seeking expressions of interest from organisations who would be interested in contributing a short project case study on hygiene promotion for inclusion in this publication.
The publication will focus on the South-East Asia and Pacific region and is intended for a target audience of field workers and project managers who can [...]
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Honduras, Tegucigalpa: Sanaa may reject faulty wastewater treatment plant, says director
Honduran national water authority Sanaa may reject the EU’s donation of a wastewater treatment plant for capital Tegucigalpa due to faults in its design and construction, Sanaa director Jack Arévalo told BNamericas.
“The plant does not fulfill the expectations specified in the contract,” Arévalo said.
“It has several flaws, mainly in its design,” Arévalo added.
The wastewater treatment [...]
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Nicaragua: Enacal requesting US$5.78mn for sanitation
Nicaraguan national water and sewerage utility Enacal needs to invest some 120mn córdobas (US$5.78mn) to repair and remodel 25 wastewater treatment plants throughout the country in 2010, local paper La Prensa reported.
The repairs and upgrades are required to avoid a collapse of the sanitation system in several departments. In some cases, the plants have received [...]
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Brazil, Rio de Janeiro: needs sanitation improvements for 2014 World Cup, says specialist
Rio de Janeiro lacks the sanitation services required to host the 2014 World Cup, according to Marcelo Cortes Neri, head of the center for social research for the Brazilian economic thinktank Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).
Current sanitation services will not support the influx of tourists into the city during the sporting event, the expert said.
“Of the [...]
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Paraguay, Itaipúa: Encarnación sewerage system, treatment plant to save US$250mn in healthcare – EBY
The Entidad Binacional Yacyretá (EBY) joint venture that administers the Yacyretá hydroelectric plant on the Argentine-Paraguayan border has invested US$57mn in a sewerage system and wastewater treatment plant for Paraguay’s Itaipúa department capital Encarnación, EBY reported in a release.
The system, scheduled to begin operations this week, will save Encarnación some US$250mn in treating water-borne diseases, [...]
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WaterAid Australia publication on Hygiene Promotion in South-East Asia and the Pacific region
The aim of this publication is to facilitate the sharing of project experiences and lessons learned specifically relating to hygiene promotion amongst WASH practitioners in South-East Asia and the Pacific region through the compilation of a variety of project case studies. WaterAid Australia is currently scoping for suitable case studies to include in this publication. [...]
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Bangladesh: mobile toilets hit Dhaka’s streets
Bangladesh has ordered an emergency deployment of 100 mobile toilets in its capital to head off a worrying rise in public defecation, Dhaka’s mayor Sadeque Hossain Khoka said. With an official population of 12 million (unofficially 20 million), the city has only 48 public toilets – one for every quarter of a million residents.
“We have [...]
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USAID Global Development Alliance – Safe Drinking Water Alliance
USAID Global Development Alliance. (2010). Safe Drinking Water Alliance – Experiences in Haiti, Ethiopia, and Pakistan: Lessons for future water treatment programs.
Full-text: http://www.ehproject.org/PDF/ehkm/gda2010.pdf
To address some of the challenges created by lack of access to safe water, in 2004, the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Global Development Alliance (GDA) brought together Johns Hopkins Center [...]
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UN, ADB experts ask developing nations to adopt Sulabh toilets
January 27, 2010 – Experts from the UN and Asian Development Bank (ADB) today asked developing nations to adopt low cost Sulabh toilet to streamline their sanitation system.
The Sulabh technology is one of the solutions to the sanitation crisis and this low cost Indian method should be utilised in developing countries,” senior ADB official A [...]
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WaterAid – World’s Longest Toilet Queue, Wednesday, Jan. 27
To mark the 100th Anniversary of Thomas Crapper’s death on Wednesday 27th January (the Yorkshire man widely but wrongly thought to have invented the flush toilet), WaterAid is calling on members of the public to join the World’s Longest Toilet Queue, a new record breaking End Water Poverty campaign taking place in March to help [...]
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Philippines: ADB, Manila Water to Conduct Study to Restore Pasig River to Full Health
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Manila Water Company Inc. are funding an assessment of the wastewater and sanitation needs along the eastern side of the Pasig River, Manila’s polluted main waterway. ADB is considering providing Manila Water with a private-sector project loan to fund implementation of a wastewater treatment system once the study is [...]
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Nepal – Lack of toilets leading to epidemic
Hardly one fourth of the house-holds in the mid-western region have toilets, a report reveals. The report, prepared by the regional monitoring and supervision office under the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS), points out the lack of toilet facilities as the main reason behind frequent epidemic outbreaks.
According to the report, made public [...]
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Brazil: sanitation MDG could be reached by 2025 – study
Brazil could meet its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in sanitation by 2025, a full 10 years behind schedule, according to a study by NGO Instituto Trata Brasil (ITB).
The MDGs require the country to halve the urban population without sustainable access to basic sanitation services by 2015, which would have required an average 2.77% expansion in [...]
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WSP – Financing On-Site Sanitation for the Poor
Financing On-Site Sanitation for the Poor A Six Country Comparative Review and Analysis, 2010.
Full-text: http://www.wsp.org/UserFiles/file/financing_analysis.pdf (pdf, 2.36MB)
Sophie Trémolet with Eddy Perez and Pete Kolsky. Water and Sanitation Program (WSP).
This study aims to improve understanding of the finance of on-site household sanitation through careful analysis of practical field experience in a wide range of projects. The Sanitation [...]
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Mambapoint toilet photo competition
Mambapoint, a multimedia development cooperation project of the Dutch broadcasting organisation NCRV, has launched a photo competition for the “most bizar, dirty, shocking of beautiful” toilet.
The public can vote until 27 January 2010 for one of the five finalists chosen from total of 15 entries.
Leading the voting so far is the photo below from the Ukraine [...]
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Squatting with Dignity: new book on rural sanitation in India
This new book by Mr. Kumar Alok talks about the story of the successes and challenges faced in building the fast expanding rural sanitation network in India.
It presents a detailed account of the development of the rural sanitation movement in India in the last decade. It is a story of breaking of sanitation taboos in [...]
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Haiti: British Red Cross sends emergency hygiene team, UN concerned about lack of latrines
The British Red Cross is sending an emergency hygiene team to Haiti, with urgently needed sanitation equipment for the hundreds of thousands of people now living in temporary shelters or staying in makeshift camps.
The team of four are bringing 110 emergency latrines, a mini JCB digger and other essential hygiene kit. This mass sanitation emergency [...]
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Haiti: Johane, “Yesterday I could have died of thirst”
Johane, 18, a high-school student, is living in a makeshift camp on a football pitch in the Corridor Icare district, less than 2km from the presidential palace in Port-au-Prince, which was wrecked in the 12 January earthquake. She spoke to IRIN about her experiences.
[...] “In the early morning we don’t think twice about sharing our [...]
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South Africa: Toilets without walls – residents lodge complaint with human rights commission
For some residents in Makhaza, Khayelitsha [an informal township on the outskirts of Cape Town] , answering the call of nature means huge embarrassment – they have to relieve themselves in full view of the public because their toilets have no walls.
The situation has led to the ANCYL [African National Congress Youth League] lodging an [...]
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Recently published sanitation/hygiene studies/reports
Below is a current awareness bulletin of recently published reports and studies. If you would like to be on the Environmental Health at USAID mailing list for current awareness alerts, please send an email to: dcampbell@usaid.gov
USAID Hygiene Improvement Project
Counseling Cards. Pictorially based tools prepared for home-based care workers to use with clients in the household, [...]
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Liberia – 3 communities achieve Total Sanitation status
Liberia: Three communities meet CLTS compliance
Three communities in Liberia have been declared open defecation free by the coordinating institutions of the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) program. The areas according to Public Works release are Sackie Town, Gbokolleh Town and Frank Town, all in Careysburg District, Montserrado County. The Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) [...]
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Ghana – Editorial: Resolving the sanitation crisis
The urgency for action in the alleviation of the environmental, economic and health problems poor sanitation poses to our society is very obvious, considering the billions of people globally who remain without access to any kind of improved sanitation, and the over 2 million annual deaths caused mainly by sanitation- related diseases.
Much concentration has been [...]
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Zambia: Kapoto residents refuse to drink treated water because ‘it can make them impotent’
Residents of Kapoto shanty compound where cholera has broken out in Kitwe have shocked the district administration after they refused to be drinking treated water allegedly for fear of becoming impotent.
ZANIS Kitwe reports that Kitwe District Commissioner Macdonald Mtine confirmed that the community in Kapoto compound was not taking free treated water which the Nkana [...]
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Rethinking Hydro‐Philanthropy: Smart Money for Transformative Impact
Full-text: Rethinking Hydro‐Philanthropy: Smart Money for Transformative Impact (pdf, 185KB)
Edward D Breslin, CEO, Water For People
Conclusion – People without improved water and sanitation services are not helped by bad programming, simplistic giving and a focus on short‐term results that counts beneficiaries immediately after implementation. Philanthropists can make a dramatic non‐financial contribution to people without safe [...]
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GTZ – Technology Review on urine diversion components
Technology review on urine diversion components – Overview of urine diversion components such as waterless urinals, urine diversion toilets, urine storage and reuse systems – December 2009.
This new publication is an important contribution of the GTZ program “Sustainable sanitation – ecosan” as it brings together scattered knowledge around the topic of urine diversion in [...]
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Zimbabwe – Elephant Pump prevents water contamination
Zimbabwe – In 1999, when Ian Thorpe was teaching English in rural Zimbabwe, two pupils at his primary school died of dysentery after drinking water from a local well into which a snake had fallen and decomposed. The shocking incident drove Thorpe – with two former teacher colleagues, Tendai Mawunga and Amos Chiungo – to [...]
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Sanitation/water photos from Benin, Kenya, Ethiopia & Indonesia – Jay Graham/USAID
You are invited to view Jay’s photo album: Environmental Health Photos: Benin, Kenya, Ethiopia and Indonesia (2009):
View Slideshow
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Bangladesh – Sanitation deserves highest priority
Opinion: Sanitation deserves highest priority
Md. Saif Uddin
Sanitation means the safe management of human excreta, including environmental cleanliness, hand washing, garbage removal and wastewater disposal. Proper sanitation is the basis of a healthy environment. Lack of sanitation facilities forces people to discharge excreta in open places. Pollutants from excreta contaminate the water of streams, rivers, lakes [...]
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Uganda: “Flying toilets” still not grounded
The lack of adequate sanitation facilities in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, has led to increased use of polythene bags – known as “flying toilets” – for human waste disposal, local officials said.
The situation is worse in slums where infrastructure is basic. The few private and public facilities that exist charge up to USh200 [US10 cents] [...]
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Wheelie bin converted into toilet
A wheelie bin [household waste container on wheels] has been adapted into a public toilet in a bid to stop people urinating on south London streets.
People can urinate into a funnel inside the bin which transfers the liquid into its base, where it is converted into bio-fertiliser.
Swiss designer Stephan Bischof tested the bin in New [...]
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Ghana – Use Of Pan Latrines Outlawed In Accra
The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) says effective January 1, this year, the use of pan latrines in the metropolis has been outlawed. Consequently, the assembly has warned that it will begin prosecuting offenders, since it has given enough public education for residents to convert their facilities to approved ones.
The move is part of attempts to [...]
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Zimbabwe – Chitungwiza’s ‘bucket system’
Jan 3, 2010
JAMES Muringani (23) of Chitungwiza’s Zengeza 4 area wakes up every morning with a bucketful of human waste for offloading at a communal blair toilet.
The human waste would have accumulated in the bucket over the night as the bucket is used by family members as their “toilet.”
This has been the norm for James [...]
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UNICEF – Community-led sanitation brings great promise for Eritrea
31 December 2009 – Encouraging communities to work to improve their health and hygiene means empowering people with the right messages and the means to improve their sanitation systems. In Eritrea, the remote Emberemi village is located in the midst of a powdery pulp of sand. On a typical homestead there are a few houses, [...]
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Egypt: fishing in the sewer
Pollution and overfishing have decimated Nile fish stocks.
The vast majority of Egypt’s 80 million inhabitants live along the banks of the Nile. The river, which enters the country near the southern city of Aswan, flows 1,300 kilometres before emptying into the Mediterranean Sea near Alexandria.
“You can drink the Nile near Aswan, but by the time [...]
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Uganda: toilet dispute ends in murder
Police in Eastern Uganda are holding a 38-year-old farmer in connection with the murder of his cousin following a dispute about the construction of a pit latrine.
Rogers Wepukhulu of Wabagayi village, Sibanga sub-county, allegedly hit Moses Wabuyi, a primary school teacher in Kayunga district, with a metal bar after a disagreement.
Wabuyi reportedly wanted to construct [...]
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Nigeria: stakeholders call for adoption of CLTS
There are new calls for the adoption of the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach by all the 36 States and the FCT [Federal Capital Territory] for the promotion of sanitation and attainment of the MDG target for Sanitation in Nigeria.
A recent workshop [called for] the establishment of a CLTS Technical Advisory Committee drawn from [...]
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Rotary tackles uncomfortable topic
Rotary International’s membership magazine The Rotarian has featured many provocative humanitarian concerns on its cover in the past few years, but it hit a new mark in the January [2010] issue.
The cover features a schematic drawing of a man and a woman, the type that is found on public restroom doors, and the words, “Billions [...]
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Peru: US$150,000 in microcredit provide sanitation access to thousands
The Creating Sanitation Markets or Alternative Pro-poor Sanitation Solutions (APSS) in Peru Initiative has reached a new milestone, allocating over US$150,000 in credit towards improved sanitation for people otherwise ineligible for commercial loans.
A recent Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) market research poll discovered many potential sanitation customers in Peru are ineligible for a sanitation credit [...]
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Zambia: turning urine into gold
When he ordered his colleagues at the Water and Sanitation Association of Zambia (WASAZA) to save all their urine in a plastic bottle in the office toilet, they thought he was mad. But German sanitation specialist Christopher Kellner wanted to demonstrate why he calls urine “liquid gold”.
“(Urine) contains the three most important plant nutrients which [...]
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Indonesia, East Java: monitoring total sanitation progress via SMS
In October 2009 the Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing (TSSM) project piloted a short message service (SMS)-based sanitation monitoring system in East Java, Indonesia.
By using the system to improve the flow of information about the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) triggering process from the community- to the district level, Indonesians will also be able to [...]
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Nepal, Dhulikhel: School Led Total Sanitation project
The Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO) has signed an agreement with Japan Water Forum Fund to implement a water and sanitation improvement project at primary schools in Dhulikhel Municipality.
The project, which focuses on three schools Chayal Devi Primary School, Kali Devi Primary School and Mandaladevi Primary School, aims to improve hygienic conditions and [...]
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India: government announces that four more states have no dry latrines
According to Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Minister Kumari Selja, within the last one year, the states of Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Nagaland and Assam have announced that they have no dry latrines, implying that manual scavenging has effectively been abolished.
The government claims there are only four states left with dry latrines: Bihar, Uttarakhand, Jammu [...]
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UNICEF – Hygiene education for a village in Mali
FADIEDA, Mali, 14 December 2009 – The village of Fadieda is at the forefront of a new pilot programme in Africa. It’s one of 15 villages selected by UNICEF and the Ministry of Environment and Sanitation to change the way it approaches sanitation.
VIDEO: Watch now
Until recently, the inhabitants of this village did not use latrines, [...]
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India: US$ 7.9 billion needed to provide toilets to everyone
A study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimates that US$ 7.9 billion is needed to provide toilets for all households that currently lack toilets in India. Of that amount, US$ 4.7 billion is needed for rural areas, and US$ 3.2 billion for urban areas [1].
This figure exceeds the National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health [...]
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Sustainable Sanitation Practice journal
Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) is a new quarterly open access journal on practical experiences with available sustainable sanitation systems. SSP Journal is published by the EcoSan Club Austria, non profit association established in 2002.
The theme of the first issue of SSP journal, published in October 2009, is greywater. It includes five contributions showing results [...]
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UK dentists first in world to twin toilets
Dentists are blazing a trail by being the first in the UK to sign up their surgery loos to a global toilet twinning campaign, linking them with latrines deep in the African bush. The unusual charity fundraiser is making a splash with staff and patients alike at the Chipping Manor Dental Practice in Gloucestershire.
For just [...]
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Taiwan – Pigs using toilets to curb pollution
FARMERS in southern Taiwan have started to potty-train their pigs in response to a planned water pollution fee.
To keep their livestock from defecating into nearby rivers, a growing number of farms have established special “toilets” smeared with faeces and urine to attract the pigs – and farmers say the results have been very encouraging.
“The pig [...]
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Asia – National Policy and Financing for Sanitation
Below is a link to a recent presentation at the National Sanitation Conference, 8 December 2009, in Jakarta Indonesia.
Almud Weitz, on behalf of the Indonesia Sanitation Donor Group. National Policy and Financing for Sanitation: Examples from Asian Countries (pdf, 688KB). 2009.
A. Success factors for sanitation development in Asia
B. National approaches to sanitation [...]
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Humanure: Goodbye, Toilets. Hello, Extreme Composting
Time magazine puts the spotlight on ecological sanitation (ecosan) in the US in its issue of 14 December 2009.
An article by Adam Fisher portrays:
Humanure Handbook author Joseph Jenkins
the Rhizome Collective from Austin, Texas, which managed to introduce the “first legal composting toilet” in the US
“radical ecologist” Nance Klehm who got her neighbours to use eco-toilets [...]
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Global Water Challenge – Innovative Water/Sanitation Solutions
The Global Water Challenge: Four Novel Solutions
“There are 84 million people without water. More children die from bad water than from HIV and malaria combined. But solutions abound.” Those were the words of hope spoken by Cheryl Choge from Global Water Challenge at the Net Impact 2009 Conference. Cheryl and Tito Llantada of Ashoka [...]
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Ghana – Water, sanitation and hygiene resource centre opens in Accra
An organization that coordinates activities in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sectors on Thursday officially inaugurated their new office in Accra. The Office named “WASH House” is host to eight organizations all working in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector and would serve as a knowledge resource centre. Dr Minta Aboagye, Director of Water [...]
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Big John: US company produces toilet seats for the hefty-sized
The fact that two-thirds of Americans are overweight inspired two Californian entrepreneurs to design a larger, stronger, and more durable toilet seat: “Big John”.
“As we say, ‘Your butt’s not too big, your seat’s too small,’” said “Big John” creator Scott R. Kramer.
Scott Kramer and his partner John Weisman are in the bathroom business.
Their idea, the [...]
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Asia – National Policy and Financing for Sanitation
Below is a link to a recent presentation at the National Sanitation Conference, 8 December 2009, in Jakarta Indonesia.
Jay Graham/USAID – National Policy and Financing for Sanitation: Examples from Asian Countries (pdf, 688KB). 2009.
A. Success factors for sanitation development in Asia
B. National approaches to sanitation development
C. Financing Sanitation
Urban Sanitation in Vietnam
Rural Sanitation in India
D. Key lessons [...]
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India, Kerala: sanitation programme sponsors social reality TV show
The Suchitwa (Sanitation) Mission is one of the initiators of the first social reality show in India. Called the Green Kerala Express, this daily 30 minute interactive show, starting in February 2010, will focus on sustainable development models developed by the local self-governments. The local government authorities (panchayats) will be evaluated based on their performance [...]
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USAID & Coca-Cola Alliance for Water & Sanitation in South Africa
Water and Development Alliance Brings Sanitation and Clean Water to Rural South Africa
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) have partnered through the Water and Development Alliance (WADA) initiative to bring more than 12,000 people in Ramotshinyadi Village of South Africa access to clean drinking [...]
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Join the World’s Longest Toilet Queue on World Water Day 2009
The World’s Longest Toilet Queue is a mass mobilisation event and Guinness World Record attempt bringing together thousands of campaigners on World Water Day, 22 March 2010.
The campaigners are demanding that governments act to solve the global sanitation and water crisis, one month before the first High-Level Meeting on Sanitation and Water in Washington DC [...]
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South Africa: towards the realization of free basic sanitation
The provision of a Free Basic Sanitation Service to all households in South Africa is not financially viable for all categories of municipalities, a new study by the Water Research Commission concludes.
Mjoli, N., Sykes, G. and Jooste, T. (2009). Towards the realization of free basic sanitation : evaluation, review and recommendations. (WRC [...]
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India, Himachal Pradesh: school sanitation reward scheme launched
The Indian state of Himachal Pradesh has launched the ‘School Sanitation Reward’ Scheme, under which, Government Primary and Middle Schools would get Block and District level prizes.
First cash prize would be of Rs 50,000 [US$ 1,100] at District level along-with a commendation certificate and momento at both Primary and Middle level while two prizes would [...]
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Afghanistan, Kabul: toilet tribulations
For Kabul’s estimated population of 4-5 million there are only 35 public toilets, according to the municipal authorities.
“We need at least 65 extra public latrines in Kabul immediately,” Nesar Ahmad Habibi, head of Kabul’s waste management authority, told IRIN, adding that the lack of government action and limited resources had prevented the construction of sufficient [...]
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SAARC nations build momentum for fourth SACOSAN
To tackle the social problems, which lead to huge health and finance related burden on the society, all the south Asian countries are working together evolving a strategy for ensuring clean drinking water and complete sanitation for their citizens.
WHAT IS common among SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) nations – involving India, Pakistan, Nepal, [...]
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Bhutan: Learning to make latrines
Zow Yongba, 62, a carpenter from Nanong gewog in Pemagatshel, travelled nine hours by bus to Autso in Lhuentse and then walked for another five hours to get to Jarey gewog.
Twelve others from his gewog also took the same journey to attend a 12–day training on sanitation and latrine construction, which ends on December 2, [...]
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Stinking data: 600mn Indians have no toilets!
No one would ever call Radha Jagarya fortunate. The 45-year-old widow and her four children live on the pavement in an upmarket south Mumbai suburb, scraping a living by selling flowers to passing motorists.
But in terms of public toilet provision, the family is well-served compared with other areas, with an adequate communal block a five-minute [...]
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Zimbabwe – Scaling up the Community Health Club Model
Click on title to view/download:
Zimbabwe – Scaling up the Community Health Club Model, 2009. (pdf, 645KB)
Juliet Waterkeyn & Andrew Muringaniza. Africa AHEAD Association.
It is clear that CHCs are not only a popular strategy but that they do in fact produce high levels of hygiene behaviour change. Zimbabwe is not the only country to [...]
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Zimbabwe – Community Health Clubs in Urban Areas
Click on title to view/download:
Zimbabwe – Community Health Clubs in Urban Areas, 2009. (pdf, 446KB)
Juliet Waterkeyn & Regis Matimati. Africa AHEAD Association.
Most countries in Africa will fall short of meeting the MDG targets for the provision of water and sanitation due to lack of financial and institutional capacity (WSP-Africa, 2006). Although safe sanitation has [...]
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Uganda – Community Health Clubs in IDP Camps
Click on the title to view/download:
Northern Uganda – Community Health Clubs in IDP Camps, 2009. (pdf, 444KB)
Juliet Waterkeyn. Africa AHEAD Association.
CHCs can be successfully replicated in a variety of contexts: urban and rural, informal and high density, underdeveloped and partially developed as well as within both Christian and Moslem societies. It has also [...]
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South Africa – Monitoring Hygiene Behaviour Change Through Community Health Clubs
Click on title to view/download:
South Africa – Monitoring Hygiene Behaviour Change Through Community Health Clubs, 2009. (pdf, 366KB)
Juliet Waterkeyn & Jason Rosenfeld, Africa AHEAD Association.
Umzimkhulu Municipality in Kwa Zulu Natal Province has one of the lowest levels of development in South Africa. The base-line survey highlights that only 15% of households have access [...]
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Uganda: resident demolishes latrine over phone
Residents in Kitagata sub-county were shocked when a man demolished a neighbour’s latrine over a mobile phone recently. The man, only identified as Byamugisha had gone to answer nature’s call from a neighbour’s latrine.
As he was leaving, his phone slipped through his hands and fell in the latrine. He begged neighbours to assist him to [...]
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ToiletFinder UK for iPhone
WaterAid is offering an iPhone application “ToiletFinder UK” using geolocation to find public toilets in the UK.
The application locates the nearest public toilet(s) and displays them in map or list format.
It is also a User Generated Content (UGC) application, as the toilet database is created entirely by users, who can add new or flag missing [...]
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Company starts marketing urine-separating toilets in Chile
Chilean chemical solutions firm Sinquiver is looking into marketing urine separation systems in Chile, the firm’s wastewater manager Alistair Marsh told BNamericas.
There are several advantages to the system, according to Marsh. “First of all, you don’t need freshwater to flush urine so you save on water use and costs,” he said.
The concept involves installing a [...]
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Zambia – Putting waste to work
NDOLA, Zambia, Nov 23 (IPS) – When Obed Mumba first came to the Zambian copper mining town of Ndola in search of work, it was still known reverently as “Ku kalale” – the land of the white man. In the decades since, he has witnessed his Kabushi township outgrow the limited dreams of its planners.
Now [...]
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Ethiopia: Sanitation Coverage Reaches 54 Percent
Addis Abeba — Sanitation coverage of Ethiopia has made progressive achievement reaching 54.8% in the current year from11.5% in 2003, the Federal Ministry of Health (MoH) disclosed.
The country is working hard on sanitation to half the current population without access to sanitation by 2015(E.C) as the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) has it, said Tesfaye Zewde, [...]
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Ghana’s Ato Kwamena Dadzie – More tales from the loo
Thursday, I had a lot of fun talking about one of my favourite subjects – the toilet. How we do it. Where we do it and when we do it. It was World Toilet Day, in case you didn’t know and I had every opportunity to let ‘everything’ out. I also did a little ‘squat’ [...]
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New publication: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Standards for Schools in Low-cost Settings
Adams, J., Bartram, J., Chartier, Y. and Sims, J. (eds) (2009). Water, sanitation and hygiene standards for schools in low-cost settings. Geneva, Switzerland, World Heath Organization. ix, 41 p.
ISBN 978-92-4-154779-6
Download full publication
Guidelines on water, sanitation and hygiene in schools are widely available, but additional guidance and standards for low-cost settings are needed. The development and [...]
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U.N. rights experts call for proper toilets in prisons
People held in jails and other detention centres around the world frequently have no access to clean toilets; a violation of their basic human rights, three United Nations investigators said Wednesday.
In statements marking World Toilet Day, marked on November 19 since 2001, they said states and governments had the obligation to ensure that all prisoners [...]
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Margaret Batty – Kick up a stink for better sanitation
em>On World Toilet Day, think of the 1.2 billion people with no loo, and the 2 million children a year who die through poor sanitation.
In this age of spin, what politician wants to be seen to be talking shit? But if only a few more of them would do so, it could save millions [...]
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Q&A: Building latrines for thousands of displaced every year
GENEVA, November 19 (UNHCR) – Dominique Porteaud is UNHCR’s senior water and sanitation officer. The French national, who has forestry and public health engineering degrees, visits refugees camps and settlements for the internally displaced around the world to plan and build water and sanitation systems, including latrines. To mark today’s World Toilet Day, he sat [...]
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Affordable Twin Purpose Toilet For World’s Rural Poor
SINGAPORE, Nov 17 (Bernama) – The world’s poor and rural communities will soon have access not only to proper sanitation but also use of human waste fertiliser when a Singapore-based company makes available its locally-designed affordable toilets.
The company, Rigel Technology, has designed a prototype of the toilet, a modular squat toilet consisting of three-in-one pan [...]
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The ‘big squat’ to take a stand on sanitation – Jack Sim in Chennai
Jack Sim, founder, World Toilet Organization (the other WTO, as he puts it) was in Chennai [India] for an awareness drive ahead of World Toilet Day on November 19. “WTO is an advocacy group. We don’t actually build toilets; we partner with organisations across the world and share knowledge and experience,” says Sim.
He says many [...]
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Zambia – Toilets save eyesight, new study confirms
CALGARY, Nov. 16 /CNW/ – Why in the world is an organization dedicated to the treatment and prevention of blindness spending money on toilets?
“Because believe it or not, toilets and blindness are directly connected,” says Pat Ferguson, President & CEO of Operation Eyesight. “Proper sanitation and clean water are in short supply in the [...]
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BBC News – Book launching on World Toilet Day 2009
Bog bards flushed about new book
A Shetland project which aims to put new writing in public toilets attracted poets from all over the world.
Now a book of the best 24 Bards in the Bog poems is to be launched on World Toilet Day.
The final selection of work was made by 2009 TS [...]
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Southern African Network for sustainable sanitation lauched
The Ecological Sanitation Research group (EcoSanRes) at Stockholm Environment Institute has launched its first Knowledge Node on Sustainable Sanitation for southern Africa during the second Africa Water Week. It is one of the ten planned regional nodes, the next one will be launched next week in Uganda.
“Our aim is to train groups in sustainable sanitation and [...]
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African commitments on sanitation budgets not met
Africa is off-track to meet the Millenium Development Goals on Sanitation. Especially special public sector budget lines for sanitation to the tune of 0.5 percent of GDP are not forthcoming. Monitoring and evaluation systems for sanitation have also not been set up yet. This is the outcome of a review of progress in 44 African [...]
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AMCOW AfricaSan Awards 2009 Winners
The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) has named winners of Africa’s premier awards for exemplary achievements in sanitation and hygiene.
The AMCOW AfricaSan top honor for Leadership has been awarded to His Royal Highness Chief Macha, a traditional and community leader from Zambia who has used his status in a uniquely proactive manner to advocate [...]
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A luxury item? WaterAid releases World Toilet Day video
In the run up to World Toilet Day on 19 November, WaterAid has released a new short highlighting the global sanitation scandal.
Viewers who promote the film can join the “bog-roll of honour” by posting a message on the WaterAid web site.
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World Toilet Day flush with sanitation awareness
A toilet-shaped house in Suwon, South Korea; the world’s largest public restroom in Chongqing, China, with more than 1,000 toilets spread over 32,000 square feet; and the Toilet Seat Art Museum in Alamo Heights are a few of the diverse and sometimes humorous toilet-related items presented by engineering Coordinator Dan Dimitriu in a presentation to [...]
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Zambia’s Chief Macha scoops sanitation award in South Africa
Chief Macha of the Tonga speaking people in Southern Province has scooped an African Sanitation Leadership Award in South Africa.
The award follows the traditional leader’s outstanding commitment to promoting good sanitary standards in his chiefdom. The event took place during the Second African Week Conference on Sanitation at Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa. [...]
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Decentralized Waste Water Treatment Solutions in Developing Countries, Surabaya, Indonesia, 23-25 March 2010
Organised by: International Water Association (IWA) and Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA)
The conference aims to bring together top wastewater and sanitation experts, governments, utilities and international agencies to share and discuss their expertise, knowledge and experiences on decentralized wastewater treatment solutions. The Conference will consist of a single track with presentations. There [...]
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Introducing SaniFOAM : a framework to analyze sanitation behaviors
Devine, J. (2009). Introducing SaniFOAM : a framework to analyze sanitation behaviors to design effective sanitation programs. (Learning to scale up. Working paper). Washington, DC, USA, Water and Sanitation Program. 28 p.
Download paper
SaniFOAM is a conceptual behaviour change framework that can be used both in community-led and in sanitation marketing approaches. It is designed [...]
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USAID – Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Improvement Training Package
The USAID Hygiene Improvement Project has prepared a “Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Improvement Training Package for the Prevention of Diarrheal Disease” which provides information for organizations worldwide that seek to add WASH activities to their current programs or to start a diarrhea reduction program. It is intended to support the training of local outreach workers [...]
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Rose George – How to save the world with sanitation
There is a feisty old woman in every village. In Maparanhanga, a remote village in Mozambique, reached by a several-hour-trip through potholes held together by scraps of road, the feisty old woman didn’t stand out at first. She sat alongside her female neighbors in a circle divided by age and gender — men standing on [...]
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Sudan: UN helps southern clean up disease-causing waste in the South
Some 16,000 volunteers will take to the streets of Juba, the capital of southern Sudan, next month in a United Nations programme to tackle health hazards caused by public dumping of waste in a rapidly growing metropolitan area that has endured repeated fatal outbreaks of cholera, water-borne diseases and malaria.
The project is part of a [...]
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Gates Foundation awards $10.9 million to study impacts of sanitation on diseases
05 November 2009
BERKELEY — Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have received a five-year, $10.9 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to evaluate several interventions to combat diarrheal disease in developing countries.
Dr. Jack Colford, professor of epidemiology at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health, will coordinate the project, working with [...]
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SuSanA seminar on sustainable sanitation to formulate five key messages for the Africa Water Week
SuSanA special seminar: “Organizational co-learning for up scaling sustainable sanitation in Sub-Sahara Africa” at the Africa Water Week (AWW) in Johannesburg South Africa on Sunday, the 8th November 2009
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) is a loose network of organizations, NGOs, research institutions and individuals which contribute to the achievement of the MDGs by promoting sanitation [...]
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World Toilet Day, 19 November 2009
World Toilet Day was established on 19 November 2001 by the World Toilet Organization. Celebrated annually, it seeks to increase awareness of the importance of toilet sanitation and each individual’s right to a safe and hygienic sanitary environment.
This year, Unilever’s Domestos will be the inaugural sponsor of World Toilet Day.
To help raise awareness for [...]
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Kenya – Replacing the bucket latrine
WAJIR EAST, 5 November 2009 (IRIN) – The sound of the evening bell at a local boarding high-school in Wajir, in the northeast of Kenya, did not always signal the end of the day’s classes. Instead it marked the end of the evening bathroom break as “bucket toilets” were emptied for the day.
Such stories [...]
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Zambia: Lusaka declares war against malaria, cholera
Lusaka District Commissioner Christah Kalulu is confident [that the city] will have fewer cases of cholera and malaria, and suffer less disaster than it has during rainy seasons over the past decade.
This follows the successful implementation of the District Disaster Reduction (DDR) programme which was launched on August 18, 2009.
By June 2009, 162 deaths occurred [...]
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Kenya: cholera outbreaks in the north, Coast and Nairobi slums
In early October 2009, at least 29 people died of cholera and hundreds more were being treated for cholera-related symptoms such as acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) in the larger Turkana District in the northwest and in the eastern regions of Garbatulla and Laisamis, say health officials. The regions are not only facing an acute water [...]
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Ghana, Accra: Owning Latrines “Makes us Fat” – Local Community
Generally, the main perceived advantages of latrine ownership are proximity/easy access and privacy. For the people of Gozakope in the Dangme West District of the Greater Accra Region however, ownership of household latrines means all of these plus massive improvements in their health status.
Raymond Kotoka Lusu, Chairman, Water and sanitation (WATSAN) Committee of Gozakope, has [...]
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Tanzania – Launch of national hygiene campaign
Unicef, Govt launch national hygiene campaign
A national campaign to improve hygiene and sanitation in Tanzania was launched in Dar es Salaam yesterday.
It is the brainchild of the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The national toilet campaign is known as Fyatua choo ushinde (Kiswahili words literally [...]
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Nepal: menstruation a bugbear for schoolgirls
Rural women in Nepal, especially schoolgirls, are still treated as untouchables during menstruation, resulting in health problems and growing absenteeism.
Social Development Advisor of WaterAid Nepal Om Prasad Gautam says, “Menstrual hygiene is neglected and people do not wish to explore this subject as it is still considered a social taboo.”
Moreover, hygiene is neglected by girls, [...]
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Pakistan: ‘24% of country’s hospital beds occupied by waterborne disease patients’
In Pakistan, 38.5 million people do not have access to safe drinking water and 50.7 million do not have the facility of proper sanitation. These high statistics result in more than 24 percent of Pakistan’s hospital beds being occupied by the people suffering from waterborne diseases. Moreover, diarrhoea is the leading cause of mortality and [...]
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Nepal: Sanitation finally a priority
The diarrhoea that spread earlier in 2009 in 18 districts across Nepal killed nearly 300 people; nearly six months after the initial outbreak, four ministries have finally made a joint commitment to launch a massive water and sanitation campaign to meet the state’s target of providing complete sanitation to all by 2017.
“We were not able [...]
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New research on diarrheal diseases
Diarrhoea kills over a million over-fives each year
The number of deaths that could be prevented by basic hygiene measures is far greater than was thought.
Diarrhoea kills three times more over-five-year-olds in Africa and South-East Asia than previously thought, new research finds.
Some 1.15 million over-fives — thought to be mostly adolescents and the elderly — are [...]
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IFH – Use of ash and mud for handwashing
Use of ash and mud for handwashing in low income communities. 2009. (pdf, 480KB) Professor Sally F. Bloomfield; Professor Kumar Jyoti Nath. International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH).
Epidemiological and microbiological data show that, in low income communities, as elsewhere, handwashing is particularly important in reducing the burden of infectious and parasitic diseases. [...]
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Report of Consultation on Sustainable Sanitation, Arghyam Trust, Bangalore, 09 Sept 2009
A consultation was organised by Arghyam Trust on 9th September 2009 at Bangalore, to share civil society experiences regarding sustainable sanitation with the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission was represented at the event by Dr. Mihir Shah. The focus of the consultation was largely on rural sanitation.
Based on the discussions and inputs from the presentations [...]
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Bangladesh: microfinance agencies enable entrepreneurs to provide more sanitation technology options
Over the last five years in Bangladesh, more than 90 million people have moved away from open defecation. While 88 percent of the population now have access to, and are using latrines, ensuring the quality and sustainability of these latrines is crucial. Without ready access to micro-credit and in the absence of well marketed technology [...]
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Pakistan: moving beyond open defecation free sanitation
Pakistan has taken an important step towards improved sanitation through a major sector assessment and setting up of a core group that seeks to move communities beyond open defecation free (ODF) status. The Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach has already enabled more than 1,500 villages in Pakistan to achieve ODF status and is expected [...]
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India: use pour flush system in toilets to save water, UNICEF
UNICEF has called for promoting Pour Flush System in toilets stating it is far better than the traditional Tank Flush System as it saves water.
Water Environment Sanitation (WES) specialist from UNICEF, Amit Mehrotra, said this in a press conference on Total Sanitation Campaign in Lucknow, India.
He said a large quantity of water gest wasted in [...]
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Guinea / Guinea-Bissau: driving home the cholera message
In Bafata, Guinea-Bissau, children go door-to-door counting mosquito nets, monitoring hand-washing and checking the distance between kitchens and latrines. The activities are among efforts by health NGOs and authorities to fill the gap between cholera-prevention messages and behaviour, after a 2008 epidemic killed some 220 people and infected at least 13,000.
The national flag is hoisted [...]
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West Africa: Stopping cholera emergencies
Cholera outbreaks in West Africa generally trigger extra hand-washings in households and panic-buying of bleach for treating water. But beating the deadly – but easily preventable – illness requires that such hygiene practices become routine, health experts say.
Researchers with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) say knowing the drivers behind behaviour and [...]
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Uganda: Busia District rewards hygienic homes
Busia district health department is rewarding area residents who keep good hygiene in their homes, but those who fail to maintain proper hygiene will be arrested and prosecuted. The drive, named the Home Improvement Campaign, was launched in Majanji parish in Lumino sub-county on Friday, 23 October 2009, by the district chairperson, Patrick Wedakule.
Speaking at [...]
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Bangladesh: hygiene promotion for men, WaterAid pictures
Forum theatres are one of WaterAid’s new approaches of improving hygiene in Bangladesh by focusing on men. See below photos of a pilot show in Jogdol bazaar, Magura in west Bangladesh.
Hygiene promotion for men is also being addressed in an EU-funded rehabilitation project in Nepal being carried out by NGO Nepal Water for Health [...]
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Bolivia: drop in diarrhoea thanks to swine flu handwashing campaign
If any good has come of the global H1N1 flu pandemic, it may have started with a child like Nayeli Quispe, 7, a second-grader from the impoverished hillsides of La Paz, Bolivia. Prompted by a massive campaign by the country’s public-health officials to contain the spread of the new flu virus, Nayeli and millions of [...]
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Brazil: Sanitation deficit “shameful” – expert
Nearly 50% of the nearly 200mn inhabitants of Brazil do not have access to sewerage networks, according to sanitation sector experts at a seminar in capital Brasília.
In addition, only a third of the sewage in the country is adequately treated, according to Raul Pinho, president of the institute Trata Brasil, which specializes in basic sanitation. [...]
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Do the Global Handwashing dance! “Washy washy wa”
UNICEF Japan and its partners have released a hilarious video to promote handwashing to mark 2009 Global Handwashing Day.
Renowned Japanese dancer Kaiji Moriyama has choreographed a dance for a public service announcement designed to teach children the principles of good handwashing.
The dance shows children how in just 20 seconds they can properly wash their [...]
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Making Sanitation Everybody’s Business: Highlights of the ADB-DMC Sanitation Dialogue
The ADB-DMC Sanitation Dialogue brought together more than 100 national and local government officials from 17 countries across the Asia-Pacific region on 3-5 March 2009. Discussions focused on environmental and socioeconomic issues, especially public health risks associated with poor sanitation, on technological and financing options, and private sector participation. ADB’s partner organizations, such as the [...]
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UN investigator tells of horrors and insanitary conditions of world prisons
Inmates at a prison in Uruguay can spend years in “las latas” (tin cans) — small metal boxes where temperatures rise to 60 degrees Celcius. They had to use the water in the toilets for drinking and defecate in plastic bags which they later threw outside their cells.
Those were among the abuses chronicled in a [...]
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Venezuela: save water, stop singing in the shower says Chavez
President Hugo Chavez called on Venezuelans to stop singing in the shower and to wash in three minutes because the oil-exporting nation is having problems supplying water and electricity.
“Some people sing in the shower, in the shower half an hour. No kids, three minutes is more than enough. I’ve counted, three minutes, and I don’t [...]
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South Africa or India: who holds the world record for handwashing?
South African children have set an official new Guiness World Record for the most number of people washing hands at one location, but a simultaneous event in India attracted more than eight times as many students.
About 15,000 students from 23 schools in Chennai converged under the blazing sun in Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium to celebrate [...]
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New Procurement Notices for the Global Sanitation Fund in Uganda and Senegal
WSSCC’s Global Sanitation Fund has issued two new calls for tenders and expressions of interest. Below is a brief description, deadline and link for more information related to Country Programme Monitors in Uganda and Senegal.
• Call for Expression of Interest (EOI), Country Programme Monitor, Global Sanitation Fund, Uganda. Deadline date: 5 November 2009
Download the [...]
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India, New Delhi: Municipal Corporation to build waterless urinals
To tackle the problem of stench emanating from public conveniences in the Capital, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has decided to upgrade 1,000 of them into waterless urinals in view of the upcoming Commonwealth Games.
According to the civic agency, these urinals will come up at important Games venue stretches and would be ready by [...]
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Asian sanitation data book 2008 – achieving sanitation for all
The overall city sanitation picture in Asia is not bright. Sanitation has not been given sufficient priority and certainly lags behind provision of drinking water. This is one of the findings of a survey of 27 cities published by the Asian Development Bank in the “Asian sanitation data book 2008“.
The first data book on [...]
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Uganda – parishes could lose out on money over latrine coverage
Katine parishes could lose out on money over latrine coverage
Sub-county decides to make pit latrine coverage a condition of receiving government funding for income generating schemes
Residents of Katine sub-county could miss out on government funding if they do not improve pit latrine coverage in the area.
In an effort to eradicate poverty at household level, the [...]
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Golden Poo Award Winners
Uganda’s Minister of State for Water Jennifer Namuyangu Byakatonda is one of the winners of a Golden Poo Award. The minister was the winner in the Sanitation Champion category.
The award ceremony took place on Thursday 15th October in the Prince Charles Cinema in London. The event was organised by PooP Creative and sponsored by [...]
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Bringing proper sanitation to rural Afghanistan
The second Global Handwashing Day was celebrated on 15 October 2009 in Kabul and 34 provinces of Afghanistan.
“At home, I wash my hands every morning and noon and evening, and also when I come from the toilet,” said 11-year-old Abdullah Farzad.
Afghanistan’s mortality rates are among the highest in the world. One out of four [...]
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Saudi Arabia – Ministry of Health using SMS in fight against H1N1
RIYADH: The Ministry of Health (MoH) sent out millions of SMS text messages on Friday asking parents to encourage their children to wash their hands regularly.
“We have issued this message to parents to coincide with the Second Annual Global Hand Washing Day which is being observed by more than 80 countries in the world,” said [...]
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World Toilet Summit & Expo, Singapore, 2-4 December 2009
Organised by: World Toilet Organization and MP Asia
World Toilet Summit & Expo (WTSE 2009) will focus on ‘Creating the Blueprint for a Sustainable Sanitation Marketplace’. The three-day Summit will uncover urban and rural perspectives on:
Creating demand at the bottom-of-the-pyramid (BOP) market
Designing, engineering and manufacturing of sanitation solutions
Training and capacity development to ensure sustainability
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Winners of Global Handwashing Day Slogan Contest
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the Global Handwashing Day Slogan contest and over 500 slogans were received. Below are slogans that received the most votes plus examples of other excellent slogans that were contributed:
1st place: Wash the hand that feeds you from Toni Sittoni, tsittoni@worldbank.org . Toni has 17 years’ experience as a [...]
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Papua New Guinea: cholera patients battle stigma
An ongoing cholera outbreak is killing a growing number of people in Papua New Guinea and making scores more ill. But the disease is also having a severe effect on survivors.
This is the first known outbreak of cholera the country has ever experienced, and the government, the World Health Organization (WHO) and aid workers are [...]
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UNICEF/WHO – Diarrhoea: Why children are still dying and what can be done
NEW YORK, 14 October 2009 – Despite the existence of inexpensive and efficient means of treatment, diarrhoea kills more children than AIDS, malaria and measles combined, according to a report issued today by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO).
The report, titled Diarrhoea: Why Children Are Still Dying and What Can Be Done, (Pdf) includes [...]
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Nepal, Kavre district: household centered sanitation programme in Nala
A household-centered environmental sanitation programme is being implemented in Nala VDC of Kavre district for the first time in Nepal for managed and sustainable urbanization. The programme was launched officially by the Constitution Assembly member Krishna Prasad Sapkota on September 7, 2009 in Kavre.
He told that the household centered sanitation programme will be the foundation [...]
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Nepal, Kathmandu: public toilets – few and fetid
Shital Rai, a Bachelors’ Level student, was walking near the Old Bus Park beside Tundikhel when she had to answer the nature’s call. But when she reached the sole public toilet near the City Market inside the bus park premises, she nearly suffocated on the fetid smell. Her only option was to enter a restaurant [...]
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Nepal: opportunity to use toilet for the first time in 83 years
Silgadi: Haridatta Bhatta, 83, a resident of Nuwakot of Kalikasthan VDC-6 felt uneasy while using a toilet for the first time in his life. Bhatta, who has been practicing open air defecation, has used toilet for the first time in his life. Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH) has initiated to construct toilets in Nuwakot located [...]
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In India, New Seat of Power for Women – the success of the “No Toilet, No Bride” program g
Prospective Brides Demand Sought-After Commodity: A Toilet. But by linking toilets to courtship, the “No Toilet, No Bride” program in Haryana has been the most successful sanitation promotion effort so far.
NILOKHERI, India — An ideal groom in this dusty farming village is a vegetarian, does not drink, has good prospects for a stable job and [...]
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Haiti – Non-Profit Helps Combat Spread of Disease With Soap Donations
(CBS News) With all this worry over the H1N1 flu virus, there’s a lot of talk about hygiene. Even President Obama has urged us to wash our hands. But this simple act is a global problem when one in five people live without clean water, and 5 percent live without adequate sanitation.
It’s too often the case [...]
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Jamaica – Education Ministry Moving to Improve Sanitation in Schools
The Ministry of Education is moving to improve sanitation in primary schools, after four cases of hand, foot and mouth disease was comfirmed at a Corporate Area preparatory school.
In an interview with JIS News, Director of Communications in the Ministry, Mr. Colin Blair, said all regional offices have been notified and steps have been taken [...]
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Aid groups push toilet finance as a crisis buster
Fri Oct 9, 2009
Aid groups and development banks have come up with the perfect, albeit ironic, solution for investors that have seen billions of dollars go down the pan during the financial crisis. Invest in toilets. The groups are trying an alternative way to try and address dire sanitation problems in developing countries, shunning the [...]
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Global Handwashing Day 2009: Spread the word, not the germs
Next Thursday, 15 October, marks the second annual Global Handwashing Day, which millions of children and adults will celebrate with special activities in over 80 countries.
Handwashing with soap and water is one of the most affordable and effective interventions to prevent needless deaths of children under the age of five. It helps reduces diarrhoea-related deaths [...]
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Cholera vaccine seen safe, effective in India-study
An India-made cholera vaccine that meets World Health Organization (WHO) standards has proven to be safe and effective in young children in a part of India where the disease is endemic, a new study says.
The researchers, who published their study results in The Lancet [1], hope the vaccine can soon be rolled out in developing [...]
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Ghana: journalist wins international award for water and sanitation campaign
A Ghanaian journalist and human rights campaigner has won a British award for his water and sanitation campaign. Raphael Ahenu received a 2009 SMK Campaigner Award in the international category on 17 September 2009.
Mr. Ahenu is campaigning for clean water and sanitation facilities to be provided to 100 communities, schools and hospitals in the [...]
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The Golden Poo Awards
Held at: The Prince Charles Cinema, 7 Leicester Place WC2H7BY
on Thursday October 15th, 2009, at 6.00pm
Is Poo a suitable subject for Comedy? The Glamorous Golden Poo Awards that are being held in a West End Cinema in London on 15 October will prove that it is! It’s all in a good cause – to highlight [...]
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South Africa, Cape Town: basic services needed to save babies
Toddler Sanele Qaqa should have been running around his home by now. Instead, his family is grieving his death, which could have been prevented. Sanele, the youngest of six children, died in March [2009], just two weeks ahead of his second birthday.
[...] A shocking 37 city children younger than five died of diarrhoea in February, [...]
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Uganda, Kasese: unwashed hands cause cholera
Persistent outbreaks of cholera in Kasese District have been blamed on poor hand-washing practices and bad eating habits. This was noted at a one-day advocacy meeting for district councillors on water and sanitation held in Kasese Catholic Social Hall on Thursday [01 October 2009].
Presenting a latrine coverage and hand-washing situational analysis in Kasese, the district [...]
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Uganda, Kampala: goverment to borrow US$ 52 million for sanitation
Parliamwent has allowed the Government to borrow sh100b [US$ 52 million] for the Kampala Sanitation Program. The funds from the African Development Bank (AfDB) will be used to extend the sewerage network to serve at least 15% [the AfDB project description mentions 30%] of the city population from the current 7.5%, according to the committee [...]
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Peru: Sedapal to raise water rates on industries that pollute
Peru’s state-owned water and sewerage utility Sedapal, serving capital Lima and neighboring Callao, will raise water rates on companies that pollute beginning in January 2010. The rate hike will apply to companies that dump toxic waste into the sewerage system, which leads to greater deterioration in the network.
The announcement was made by the president of [...]
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USA: environmentalists target plush toilet paper
The soft variety’s lack of recycled material is a sore spot for environmental groups. But some changes are occurring in the industry.
[Soft toilet] is a menace environmental groups say [because it is] usually made by chopping down and grinding up trees that were decades or even a century old. Environmentalists want Americans, like Europeans, to [...]
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Peer pressure builds more latrines than financial assistance
DURHAM, N.C. — Government subsidies persuade some people to change habits, but social shame works even better, suggests a recent study of efforts to reduce elevated childhood death and disease rates blamed on the microbial pathogens that cause diarrhea in rural India. “All this started with public health workers there just beating their heads against [...]
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WaterSHED – Latrine design and marketing campaign
During WaterSHED’s program year 1, project implementation partners IDE-Cambodia, Lien Aid, and WTO developed an innovative new low-cost latrine design. The partners provided significant financial resources and technical assistance to leverage WaterSHED’s funding and bring the new latrine design into production. These WaterSHED partners concurrently planned marketing programs to create demand for sanitation, and began [...]
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Kenya: Slum Dwellers to Get Sh1.7 Billion Sanitation Upgrade
30 September 2009 - Nairobi — Thousands of poor urban households will gain access to water and sanitation services in a Sh1.7 billion deal targeting the slums. “This initiative specifically targets the slums,” Mr David Stower, the Water PS, told journalists in Nairobi on Tuesday after signing the agreement on behalf of the government. The targeted [...]
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Long march ahead for China’s toilet revolution
BEIJING : When China opened its doors to the world decades ago, there was one area that was crucial to modernising its image – its public toilets.
Toilets in China used to be so notorious that potential investors were rumoured to have fled the country in horror.
At one point, one-third of all tourist complaints were about [...]
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ADB $100M Loan to Improve Sri Lanka’s Neglected Wastewater System
Around 1.5 million residents in Colombo, Sri Lanka’s economic and administrative center, will benefit from a large-scale wastewater management project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
ADB’s Board of Directors approved a $100-million loan package for the project, including $80 million from its ordinary capital resources (OCR) and $20 million from its concessional Asian Development [...]
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Netherlands increases support to African water/sanitation sector
THE Netherlands government has increased financial support to some African countries in the water and sanitation sector, following concerns that some of them may not attain the Millennium development goals (MDGS).
Netherlands ministry of foreign affairs senior advisor for water and sanitation, Dick Van Ginhouen, says US $ 150 million has so far been staked by [...]
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India’s ‘green and clean’ village
“A small village in the north-eastern Indian state of Meghalaya has become the envy of its neighbours. Large crowds of visitors have been thronging to the village curious to find out why Mawlynnong has earned the reputation for being arguably the cleanest and best educated in India – all its residents can read and write and [...]
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Loo’ve been framed – Britains send toilet photos to Prime Minister
WaterAid UK is calling on its supporters to “send some Loo’ve” to Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
By adding photos of toilets to the “Loo’ve been framed photo gallery” supporters can:
show the UK Prime Minister they are watching his progress as a “sanitation champion”
urge him to talk toilets at the Annual High-Level Meeting on Sanitation [...]
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Handwashing Slogan Contest – Sanitation Updates
Handwashing with soap is the most effective and inexpensive way to prevent diarrheal and acute respiratory infections, which take the lives of millions of children in developing countries every year.
As a contribution to Global Handwashing Day on October 15, 2009, Sanitation Updates is having a Handwashing Slogan Contest.
Participants may enter as many slogans as he [...]
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WaterSHED – Sanitation in Cambodia
WaterSHED is led by the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health and supported by USAID’s Regional Development Mission-Asia (RDMA). WaterSHED, which stands for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Enterprise Development, is a public-private partnership designed to bring effective, affordable water and sanitation products to market in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
WaterSHED – Presentation [...]
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CSOs plan SACOSAN III follow-up meeting in November 2009 in Sri Lanka
Civil society organisations (CSOs) will discuss follow-up to the 3rd South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN III) in November in Sri Lanka.
The Freshwater Action Network South Asia (FANSA), WaterAid and the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) are organising the meeting from 9-11 November 2009 in Sri Lanka, which will be hosting SACOSAN IV [...]
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India – Poor sanitation and water contamination
Fluorides, nitrates in water crippling villagers
BANGALORE: For good health, the quality of drinking water is critical. But in Karnataka, where much of groundwater sources are concentrated with fluorides and nitrates, the impact is devastating. Dental and spine-related ailments are showing up in many cities and villages.
In some of the fluoride-endemic districts like Kolar, [...]
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Global Handwashing Day, 15 October 2009
Initiated in 2008 by the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap, Global Handwashing Day is endorsed by a wide array of governments, international institutions, civil society organizations, NGOs, private companies and individuals around the globe.
The driving theme for Global Handwashing Day is children and schools, and the main objectives of this global celebration are:
Foster [...]
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IYS one year later: interview with Clarissa Brocklehurst
As a follow-up to the 2008 International Year of Sanitation (IYS) there are plans for a virtual scrapbook of IYS activities and a review of sanitation advocacy campaigns commissioned by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The IYS logo has been updated with a bar of soap and the “timeless”slogan, “Sanitation for All”. These are some [...]
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Child undernutrition, tropical enteropathy, toilets, and handwashing
The impact of sanitation and hygiene on child mortality and health has been underestimated, contends Dr Jean Humphrey in The Lancet of 19 September 2009 [free registration required].
“Of the 555 million preschool children in developing countries, 32% are stunted and 20% are underweight. Child underweight or stunting causes about 20% of all mortality of children younger [...]
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Tomatoes thrive on urine diet
Using human urine as a fertiliser produces bumper crops of tomatoes that are safe to eat, scientists have found.
Their research was published in August 2009 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Surendra Pradhan, an environmental biology researcher at the University of Kuopio, Finland, and colleagues gave potted tomato plants one of three treatments: mineral [...]
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Urban health studies on dengue, urban sanitation
The latest issue of the Urban Health Bulletin is now on the Environmental Health at USAID website at: http://www.ehproject.org/PDF/ehkm/urban_health-jul_aug09.pdf. (pdf)
This issue contains citations and abstracts of peer-review studies on urban dengue, sanitation and other urban health issues.
If you would like to be on the Urban Health Bulletin mailing list, please send an email to [...]
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Taking showers ‘can make you ill’
Showering may be bad for your health, say US scientists, who have shown that dirty shower heads can deliver a face full of harmful bacteria.
Tests revealed nearly a third of devices harbour significant levels of a bug that causes lung disease. Levels of Mycobacterium avium were 100 times higher than those found in typical household water [...]
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Rwanda – Country to Achieve MDG Water & Sanitation Goals By 2012
Kigali — Rwanda will by the year 2012 have reduced by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation, State Minister Dr. Albert Butare said.
The target which is under the UN Millennium Development Goal 7 of ensuring environmental sustainability, is meant to be achieved by 2015.
The target under MDG [...]
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WSP – Analysis of ecological sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa
WSP Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). 2009. Study for Financial and Economic Analysis of Ecological Sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa. (pdf, 5MB)
This study on financial and economic analysis of ecological sanitation (ecosan) in Sub-Saharan Africa was financed by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). It focused on a comparison of sanitation technologies suitable for urban settlements.
The [...]
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Nigeria, Lagos State: Govt approves 100 solar-powered toilets for communities
Lagos State Government [...] unveiled one solar-powered toilet project recently constructed for the use of its residents living in Lekki.
The government also approved more than 100 of the same projects for rural communities across the state.
Speaking during an inspection tour, Commissioner for Rural Development, Prince Lanre Balogun, explained that the state government chose the projects [...]
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Burkina Faso: Inadequate hygiene conditions put thousands at risk
International humanitarian organisation Action Against Hunger | ACF International has mounted an emergency response after the heaviest rainfall in almost a century destroyed major parts of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, affecting more than 150,000 people. 50,000 people have sought refuge in dozens of temporary shelter sites throughout the capital.
On 1st September [2009], more [...]
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Vacancy: Senior Researcher – Sanitation in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, SANDEC, Switzerland [Deadline 15 Oct 2009]
The department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries (Sandec) at Eawag, Switzerland, is engaged in applied research & development in water supply and environmental sanitation for low and middle income countries.
Sandec is seeking to fill a vacant position as group leader (tenure track) for sanitation.
The objectives are to develop new concepts and technologies for [...]
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India – Lack of toilets leads to girls leaving schools
Lack of toilets resulting in girls dropping out of schools in Orissa
Kendrapada : Lack of toilet facility is one of the major factors for the increase in drop-out ratio of girl children from government-run schools in Kendrapada district.
As many as 498 schools in the district do not have toilets in their campuses. [...]
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Malawi – Toilet promotion for good health
Man Promotes Toilets, Humanure for a Healthier Malawi, by John Sauer
JENDA, Malawi, Aug. 28 (UPI) — Lack of access to sanitation is still a big problem in Malawi. The Malawian Government estimates that only 23 percent of the population is using improved sanitation facilities such as ventilated improved pit latrines or flush toilets. As in [...]
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Tell Your Best Toilet Story on Facebook(R)
Tell Your Best Toilet Story on Facebook(R): Win a Top-Performing Champion(R) 4 Toilet
PISCATAWAY, N.J., Sept. 9 /PRNewswire/ — With nearly 750 Tweets per week about toilets, there are a lot of toilet stories to be told.
The “Tell Us Your Best Toilet Story” contest from American Standard is the chance to win the best toilet [...]
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Nigeria: Katsina Campaigns Against Open Defecation
8 September 2009
Katsina — Katsina State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASSA) has this week launched a triggering of “disgust and shame” campaign to fifty five communities to fight an indiscriminate and open defecation habits and scale up sanitation and hygiene delivery in the rural areas.
Executive Director of the agency, Abubakar Gege, who flagged [...]
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Sustainable and safe school sanitation brochure
Deegener, S. … [et al.] (2009). Sustainable and safe school sanitation : how to provide hygienic and affordable sanitation in areas without a functioning wastewater system : examples from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Utrecht, The Netherlands, WECF, Women in Europe for a Common Future. 26 p.
Download PDF file [4.40 MB]
WECF and local [...]
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Sanitation for kids: Australian web resource for schools
Sanitation is one the issues featured on AusAID’s Global Education Website. The objective of the Global Education Website is to increase the amount and quality of teaching of global education in Australian primary and secondary schools. The site supports the AusAID Global Education Program which aims to raise awareness and understanding among Australian school students [...]
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India’s Sanitation for All: How to Make It Happen
Bowyer, J. (2009). India’s sanitation for all : how to make it happen. (Water for all series ; 18). Manila, The Philippines, Asian Development Bank. 24 p.
Download PDF file
Providing environmentally safe sanitation to millions of people is a significant challenge. The task is doubly difficult in a country where the introduction of new technologies can [...]
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Philippine Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation, Makati City, Philippines, 15‐16 October 2009
Organised by: Philippine Ecosan Network (PEN) under the Stockholm Environmental Institute – EcoSanRes 2 Philippine Knowledge Node Project, and with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Theme – “Sustainable Sanitation Capacity Development for Decision Makers”
The Symposium will open with a Global Handwashing Day Celebration.
The objectives of the Symposium are:
To promote Sustainable Sanitation and hygiene concepts, [...]
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Studies on sanitation, hygiene & water quality
Below are citations to 12 recently published or forthoming reports and articles. Links are included to the full-text when available.
These Environmental Health Updates can also be found on the Environmental Health at USAID website at: http://www.ehproject.org/eh/eh_topics.html
New Reports
1 – USAID Hygiene Improvement Project, 2009 – Assessment of Hygiene Promotion in Madagascar 2007-2008: Comparisons for Households, [...]
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Senegalese Sanitaton Organization – Cabinet EDE (environment-waste and water)
Cabinet EDE (environment-waste and water)
Contact: Moussa SECK
Email: moishe11fr@yahoo.fr
We have ongoing projects with the Senegalese government in three regions of Senegal: Ziguinchor, Kolda and Ziguinchor in their rural localities.
- Activities include construction of toilet blocks, public latrines in schools and markets.
- Activities also include construction of handwashing and waste water facilities, and includes capacity building [...]
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Brazil: World Cup cities need US$3.4bn to provide 100% sanitation coverage
A total of 6.7bn reais (US$3.4bn) is needed to provide 100% sanitation coverage in the 12 Brazilian cities selected to host matches during the 2014 World Cup, according to a study requested by NGO Instituto Trata Brasil (ITB).
The study showed the cities of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais), São Paulo, Salvador (Bahia) and Rio de Janeiro [...]
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“No human being should carry someone else’s shit”
Harriette Bentil of Water Cube.tv interviews Mr Wilson Bezwada of Safai Karmachari Andolan, a national campaign movement working for the eradication of manual scavenging in India.
His movement is working in 18 states in India, where around 1.2 million people have “to carry someone else’s shit”, the worst job in the world and a social crime.
He [...]
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China, Fujian province: protesters kick up stink at Chinese sewage works
Protests drawing up to 10,000 people flared in eastern China over a powerful stench from a sewage treatment plant with 10 people hurt in clashes, residents and a human rights monitor said [on 1 September 2009].
The demonstration occurred Monday [31 August 2009] when angry villagers from Fujian province’s Fengwei town [Quanzhou city] confronted 2,000 riot [...]
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SuSanA case studies on urban/peri-urban sanitation
Below are links to selected SuSanA case studies:
- UDD toilets with reuse in allotment gardens, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines (PDF)
- Constructed wetland for a peri-urban housing area, Bayawan City, Philippines (PDF) – Draft version
- Blackwater and greywater reuse system Chorrillos, Lima, Peru (PDF)
- Use of reclaimed wastewater in agriculture Jordan Valley, Jordan (PDF)
- Co-composting of [...]
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Zimbabwe: building user-friendly toilets for the disabled
THE Disablement Association of Zimbabwe (DAZ) has started building user-friendly Blair Toilets for people with disabilities. It also plans to improve access to ablution facilities in Bulawayo after a realisation that the authorities were taking too long to act. Insiza and Matobo districts in Matabeleland South have been chosen for the programme which is supported [...]
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Ghana: stop violence against girls – build school toilets
Located at the heart of Central Regional capital, Cape coast is the Adisadel Primary and Junior High School, one of the most popular basic schools in Cape coast. [...] 80 kilometres afar towards the northern part of the region is a community called Tintimhwe, a cocoa growing community with a basic school – Tintimhwe D/A [...]
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Katine project update – Good sanitation deal gone bad
An Amref initiative to help parishes make and sell sanitation platforms for latrines has yet to take off. Is the Amref ‘partnership’ concept taking too long to sink in?
Michael Ekodu has not had a lot going his way in life. He never knew his father, who died when he was a baby. After completing primary [...]
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Philippines – Floating sanitary toilets
Feature: Floating toilets, anyone?
The ‘floating sanitary toilets’ (FST), a local innovative sanitation technology, was developed by the Center for Health Development of the Department of Health for La Union, Pangasinan and Ilocos residents.
The FST is a low cost pour-flush sanitation facility which floats on water. Its structure and waste treatment materials are made of [...]
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Twittering on the toilet: Britain’s bathroom habits
Three-quarters of Britons text, blog or surf the internet while on the toilet, according to a survey of more than 2,000 people. The poll was carried out by Yakult to mark the launch of Gut Week, which aims to raise awareness of digestive disorders.
More than a third of those polled said they had sent a [...]
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Gates Foundation grant for improved on-site sanitation
Gates Foundation steps up water efforts with grant to improve sanitation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is giving $4.8 million to a project to identify new methods of on-site sanitation in developing countries.
The grant to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine supports a three-year project to research and develop new concepts for sanitation [...]
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Nepal: water, santation rights
Experts: Water, sanitation a must
KATHMANDU, Aug 22 – Experts on Friday appealed to the government to establish water and sanitation as fundamental rights in the new constitution. They want a high-level political statement that water and sanitation are also he government’s priorities.
At the current rate of progress, the government will miss its ambitious target [...]
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Zambia: Clean Campaign Scores Successes
THE Make Zambia Clean and Healthy campaign has scored many successes since it was launched two years ago, but more needs to be done, especially in the area of changing people’s mindset, acting Local Government and Housing Minister Bradford Machila has said.
Mr Machila said yesterday that despite the many achievements, many people were still spitting, [...]
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AMCOW AfricaSan Awards 2009
AMCOW AfricaSan Awards 2009 – Recognizing sanitation and hygiene achievements in Africa
The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) is pleased to invite entries for the maiden AfricaSan Awards competition.
AMCOW is the driving force behind the AfricaSan movement, a regional initiative that seeks to place sanitation and hygiene at the top of the development agenda in [...]
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World Water Week: Sanitation Expert Honored at Royal Banquet
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, August 20, 2009 (ENS) – A sanitation pioneer and innovator was the center of attention tonight at a royal banquet in Stockholm held as part of World Water Week.
Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak, founder of the Sulabh Sanitation Movement in India, received the US$150,000 Stockholm Water Prize from H.R.H. Prince Carl Philip of Sweden [...]
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IIED – Water and sanitation in urban Malawi
Water and sanitation in urban Malawi: Can the Millennium Development Goals be met? A study of informal settlements in three cities, August 2009.
Full-text – http://www.iied.org/pubs/pdfs/10569IIED.pdf
This paper assesses the quality and extent of provision for water and sanitation in urban areas in Malawi – where over 60% of the population lives in informal settlements. It [...]
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India: When Toilets Were as Scarce as Hen’s Teeth
INDIA: When Toilets Were as Scarce as Hen’s Teeth
STOCKHOLM, Aug 19 (IPS) – Dr. Bindeshwar Patak, the 2009 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate and founder of a grassroots sanitation movement in India, recounts the days before his country’s independence in 1947 when toilets were a rare sight in remote villages and towns under British rule.
An English [...]
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Annotated bibliography on cholera prevention and control
An annotated bibliography of 16 journal articles about cholera and published from January – August 2009 can be viewed on the Cholera Webliography at: http://choleraupdates.wordpress.com
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Duncan Mara, Sanitation Expert
Q&A: Knowledge Barriers Key Factor in Sanitation Crisis
UNITED NATIONS, Aug 17 (IPS) – Despite longstanding promises by world leaders to halve, by 2015, the number of people without basic sanitation, 2.5 billion still lack access to basic sanitation, and 1.2 billion don’t have any form of sanitation at all.
“I don’t think that the MDG [...]
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WSSCC – Public Funding for Sanitation: The Many Faces of Sanitation Subsidies
WSSCC – Public Funding for Sanitation: The Many Faces of Sanitation Subsidies, 2009. (pdf)
Access to safe sanitation would, for some 2.5 billion fellow citizens without it, improve their health, dignity, local environment and economic well-being. While most people would agree that the poor and vulnerable should be supported to obtain sanitation services in ways that [...]
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UK: Bogged down with wrong waste
Thames Water has launched an information campaign after a survey revealed almost half of its customers flush unsuitable things down the loo.
The campaign ‘Bin it – don’t block it‘ is an attempt to stop what the firm calls ’sewer abuse’ and follows research by the company into what people believe can be thrown down a [...]
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Cash-strapped Cuba says toilet paper running short
Cuba, in the grip of a serious economic crisis, is running short of toilet paper and may not get sufficient supplies until the end of the year, officials with state-run companies said Friday, 7 Aug 2009.
Officials said they were lowering the prices of 24 basic goods to help Cubans get through the difficulties provoked in [...]
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Water-conscious Brazilians urged to wee in the shower
A TV advertising campaign [Xixi no Banho - see below] in Brazil is encouraging people to urinate while having a shower to save water that would be used by flushing the toilet.
The creators of the ad, environmental group SOS Mata Altantica (SOS Atlantic Rainforest), say they are using humour to drive home a serious message.
The [...]
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Experimental drug effective in killing roundworms
Experimental drug effective in killing roundworms
BALI, Indonesia (Reuters) – An experimental drug developed by scientists in China appears to be effective in killing roundworms, a parasite that lurks in the intestines and which affects nearly two billion people in tropical countries.
There is currently one effective drug, albendazole, but its widespread and repeated use — owing [...]
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Links to full-text 2009 urban water/sanitation reports
Below are links to the full-text of 10 2009 reports from USAID, WaterAid, WSP and others on urban water and sanitation issues. I found these when responding to an information request and searching IRC’s Digital Library which is a great resource.
1 – Rogers, J; Karp, A.; Nicholls, R.; Sukarma, R.; Bimo and Andharyati M., [...]
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Zambia – Public Health attributes dirt to lack of enforcement of law
National Deputy Director of Public Health and Research, Fordson Nyirenda says lack of enforcement of the law results in accumulation of filth in most districts around the country.
Mr. Nyirenda said lack of enforcement of the Food and Drugs Act, the Public Health Act and the Trade Licensing Act among others, put consumers at risk of [...]
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Sanitation photos from GTZ/ECOSAN
We have uploaded about 1500 photos on good and bad sanitation from around the world on flickr, see here (grouped by countries): http://www.flickr.com/photos/gtzecosan/collections
We have made use of detailed tagging so that the photos can easily be found by anyone doing searches for “pit latrine”, urine, ecosan or whatever.
See our two websites for further info on [...]
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Right to sanitation: UN independent expert’s report to be presented in September
A report outlining the human rights obligations related to sanitation will be presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council in September 2009. Ms. Catarina de Albuquerque wrote the report in July as part of her duties as Independent Expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and [...]
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Mainstreaming gender into Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes
Mainstreaming gender into Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes: a training manual for water professionals
Authors: ; SNV Rwanda; PROTOS; Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Rwanda
Publisher: Gender and Water Alliance , 2009
Link to full-text: http://www.genderandwater.org/page/7316
The training manual on mainstreaming gender into Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes is an integrated approach to both gender [...]
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Hand-washing, face masks may halt flu transmission
Face masks and clean hands may be key to preventing the influenza virus from spreading among family members, according to a study published online on 4 August 2009 in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The study, of 259 Hong Kong households, found that when family members wore face masks and minded their hand hygiene, the [...]
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USAID Hygiene Improvement Project – French language materials on sanitation and handwashing
Below are links to 2009 “Negotiation Tools” prepared by HIP for work in Madagascar:
– Elimination des excrements: outil de negociation, 2009. (pdf, 416KB)
– Laver les mains aux moments critiques: outil de negociation, 2009. (pdf, 991KB)
– Properte de l’eau de boisson au foyer: outil de negociation, 2009. (pdf, 350KB)
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Hygiene/sanitation photos from Ethiopia – Jay Graham/USAID
Jay Graham is a member of USAID’s Environmental Health Team and was recently on an assignment in Ethiopia. He has posted sanitation/hygiene photos from the assignment on a Picasa website.
If you have information to share about your organization’s work on water, sanitation and hygiene, contact Jay Graham at jgraham@usaid.gov.
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Donating soap: Clean the World partners with U.S. hotel industry
Clean the World (CTW)™, a non-profit, charitable organization, headquartered in Orlando, has just got its newly-formed hotel industry partnership off to a flying start. The organization recently completed its first airlift of more than 2,000 pounds (21,000 bars) of donated hotel soaps to churches and orphanages in Cap Haitien, Haiti, the poorest region of the [...]
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South Africa – Rats running wild in major cities
Rats running wild in SA’s major cities
If South Africa’s city dwellers think they smell a rat, they probably do: the rodents are thriving in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and East London.
Migration to cities, a growing number of informal settlements, street vendors and poor waste management by municipalities, business and homeowners are among factors responsible [...]
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Nepal, Kathmandu: lack of public toilets big problem for communters
Besides the public transport mayhem, the shortage of public rest rooms has become the single biggest problem for commuters in the capital Kathmandu.
Geeta Gautam, a first year student of Green Tara College of Health Science, usually avoids drinking water before leaving the house. The reason? Finding an appropriate public rest room to empty her bladder [...]
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Nepal, Dailekh: toilets replace ‘Chhaupadi’ (menstruation) sheds
Residents in Sihasain of Dailekh are busy constructing toilets by destroying the cowsheds used by menstruating women following the tradition of ‘Chhaupadi’. Residents of Sihasain VDC-2 have destroyed 45 such cowsheds and replaced them with toilets.
As per the tradition, the women in Dailekh have been compelled to stay in cowsheds for eight days during menstruation [...]
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Nepal: hygiene campaign sets up 100 booths in slum areas
As the number of patients suffering from water-borne diseases rises with the onset of monsoon season, concerned bodies and organisations have begun conducting awareness programmes related to personal hygiene and sanitation.
NGO, Guthi, launched a safe water and hygiene campaign to make people aware about pure drinking water, hygienic food behaviour, personal hygiene and environmental sanitation. [...]
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Pakistan – National workshop on behavior change for water/sanitation
Water, hygiene related diseases cost Pakistan Rs112b per year
Federal Minister for Environment Hameed Ullah Jan Afridi has said that around 1.5 million children under five years of age die of diarrhoea every year around the world due to inadequate and unsafe water, poor sanitation and insufficient attention to hygiene behaviours.
He stated this while addressing [...]
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The Art of Giving a Crap
The Art of Giving a Crap, by Nancy Colasurdo, FOXBusiness
When Todd Lieman says he wants to cut through the crap, it’s almost poignant. Or at least as poignant as talking about excrement can be.
I put aside my own squeamishness and made an effort not to scrunch up my face as I plunged into researching [...]
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Bibliography on household water treatment and safe storage
Environmental Health at USAID has compiled an annotated bibliography of 21 journal articles on household water treatment and safe storage that were published from January-July 2009.
Link: http://www.ehproject.org/PDF/ehkm/bibliography-hwt_july2009.pdf (pdf, 70KB)
Below are 3 of the 21 studies from the bibliography:
1 – Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2009 May; 80(5):819-23.
Laboratory assessment of a gravity-fed ultra-filtration water treatment device [...]
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Ghana – Poor Sanitation Practices Account For High Disease Rate
Poor Sanitation Practices Account For High Disease Rate
The inability of people to observe good sanitation practices accounted for high sanitation related diseases in health facilities in the Upper West Region.
As a result an amount of GH¢8,681,468 was spent on providing medical treatment on both out and in patients who attended health facilities in the region [...]
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Annotated bibliography on handwashing/hygiene
This bibliography contains citations and abstracts to 17 journal articles published from January – July 2009. The bibliography will be updated on a periodic basis and posted to the Environmental Health at USAID website.
Link – http://www.ehproject.org/PDF/ehkm/handwashing-bibliography_july2009.pdf (pdf, 60KB)
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Hygiene Study Reveals Kitchens are Dirtier than Bathrooms
Annual Hygiene Council held in Cairo Egypt reveals results of local and international hygiene study
Results of an international, regional and local ‘Hygiene in the Home Study 2009’ were released recently during the Hygiene Council meeting held at the Four Seasons Nile Plaza in Cairo, Egypt.
The international Hygiene in the Home Study 2009 reveals that kitchens [...]
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Nepal mulls toilets-for-passports scheme
KATHMANDU — A remote region of Nepal is hoping to improve local sanitation by asking everyone who applies for a citizenship card or passport whether they have a toilet at home, an official said Thursday.
Authorities in the rural midwestern district of Surkhet say only one in three households there has a toilet, below the national [...]
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15th Int’l African Water & Sanitation Exhibition and Congress, Uganda
WEBSITE : http://www.aae-event.com
EXHIBITION PLACE: Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, P.O.Box 3673, Kampala , Uganda
Located on the shores of Lake Victoria, Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort guests enjoy the unique atmosphere of cultural and sporting activities at its back door. Conveniently located at [...]
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India – Sanitation is no longer a dirty word
Q&A: Sanitation No Longer a Dirty Word in India
Thalif Deen interviews DR. BINDESHWAR PATHAK, the 2009 Stockholm Water Prize laureate
UNITED NATIONS, Jul 21 (IPS) – In India, many moons ago, nobody dared talk about toilets – a subject that was taboo, particularly at mealtime.
Those who were employed to clean toilets were treated as [...]
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India – 72 per cent in rural Karnataka have no access to toilets
Bangalore, Jul 20 (PTI) As many as 72 per cent of people in rural Karnataka still resort to open defecation, around 63 per cent do not treat their water before drinking and majority of women do not have access to modern hygienic form of sanitary protection are some of the findings of a recent survey [...]
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Nepal: Government failing to curtail rural diarrhoea deaths – health workers
Neglect of the rural health system and poor preparedness result in thousands of avoidable diarrhoea-related deaths annually in Nepal, health analysts warn. “The diarrhoea epidemic has repeated again due to the government’s lack of effective preventive measures which we have been reminding the officials of every monsoon,” said Prakash Amatya, director of NGO Forum for [...]
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Ghana: 14,3 million Euro for sanitation crusade
Mr John Dramani Mahama, Ghana’s Vice President, on 15 July, said the government is allocating 30 million Ghana cedis [Euro14,37 million] to lead the sanitation crusade in the country. With this announcement the new NDC government fulfils its presidential election campaign promise of December 2008.
“The sanitation situation poses a challenge to government and its allied [...]
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New Sanitation Campaign – TwitterforSh-tters.com
On behalf of Wherever the Need, a nonprofit working to deliver sanitation and water solutions to the people that need them most, Skadaddle Media is excited to launch TwitterforSh-tters.com, a grassroots social media campaign hoping to get people talking shit again. An issue that has been taboo for far too long, we’re hoping to [...]
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WEDC 2008 Conference – Selected papers on sanitation
Below are links to selected presentations on sanitation from the 33rd WEDC Conference in Ghana on Access to Sanitation and Safe Water: Global Partnerships and Local Actions, April 2008..
Creating acceptable, affordable and appropriate sanitation options for rural areas
Meeting the hygiene, safe water and sanitation needs of people living with HIV/Aids [...]
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Kenya: two million people live in a human rights black hole in the slums of Nairobi
The Kenyan Public Health Act prescribes the health and safety measures that landlords must comply with, including the provision of sanitation and other services. As with other provisions, the local authorities do not enforce these against landlords or developers who build and rent homes in slums and settlements like Kibera.
Amnesty International has visited Kibera and [...]
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Sudan, Khartoum: UNMIS supports sanitation improvement in leprosy colony
The lives of some 120 people affected by leprosy and other disease living in Mayo area in the outskirts of Khartoum are improved by the construction of 10 pit latrines that aim to provide much needed health and hygiene access. [On 16 June 2009] the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) and partners from the [...]
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CAMBODIA: “Floating toilets” offer hope for river communities
PHNOM PENH, 10 July 2009 (IRIN) – A toilet now in the development stage could improve the health of thousands living in Cambodia’s impoverished river communities.
River communities’ homes are typically built on floating platforms and moved seasonally, and rarely have proper latrines. Occupants use the river – the same water they use for drinking, [...]
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Viet Nam: where the schools have no loos
The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) recently surveyed sanitation facilities in 11,200 schools across the country. “About 30 percent of inspected schools had no toilets or inadequate toilets,” says La Quy Don, deputy head of the ministry’s student affairs department.
A separate survey conducted in Hanoi found that of 1,400 schools nearly all failed to [...]
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Nepal: Squatter woman sold ornament to construct toilet
A squatter woman of Lamjung has constructed a toilet by selling her ornament. Jitmaya Magar of Bhoteodar VDC-8 invested her hard-earned money and sold her gold earrings and a goat to construct a concrete toilet at an investment of Rs. 10,000 [US$ 130]. She constructed the toilet [...] after Bhoteodar VDC was declared an open [...]
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Using theatre to promote men’s hygiene in Nepal
Local health workers in Nepal are performing in village plays to promote men’s hygiene.
It’s an innovative way of getting the hygiene message across to the target audience – men. Targeting men is not easy because, in many districts, men go to India for six months at a time for work.
Read more: IRC, 19 June 2009
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WSSCC Endorses Sanitation as a Human Right
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) has submitted its official position on the Human Right to Water and Sanitation to Ms. Catarina de Albuquerque, the UN’s Independent Expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to safe drinking water and sanitation. The WSSCC submitted its statement as a follow-up to an expert [...]
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Rwanda: US$ 25 Million for Rural Water and Sanitation Programme
Rwanda will receive US$ 24.76 million (UA* 16 million) in the form of grants to finance the second phase of the country’s second 2009-2012 Rural Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Sub-Programme (PNEAR).
The funding comprises a UA 10 million African Development Fund (ADF) grant and a UA 6 million grant from the Rural Water Supply [...]
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Africa – Poor sanitation claimed some 780,000 children last year
Accra, July 6, GNA – Some 780,000 African children, under age five, died of diarrhoea last year due to inadequate access to safe water and sanitation, WaterAid research has shown.
It estimates a yearly 15 billion-dollar economic cost to the continent if the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets for water and sanitation are not met.
In a [...]
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‘Sink Positive’ encourages handwashing, conserves water
‘Sink Positive encourages hand washing, conserves water
John Benedict demonstrates how the innovative Sink Positive, toilet-lid sink works. Benedict handles sales and marketing for Environmental Designworks Inc.
A Murfreesboro-based company is taking a Japanese innovation and bringing it to mainstream American.
It is also an environmentally friendly innovation inspired by inventor Carl Brown’s travels [...]
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Indonesia – Defecation outside toilets a common sight
Despite a government campaign promoting a healthier lifestyle and improved sanitation facilities, some people continue to defecate in rivers and in other open areas around their homes.
Residents are also frequently found dumping garbage just about anywhere. In the Jagir area of Wo nokromo, Pasuruan, East Java, the sight of people defecating in rivers has [...]
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UNICEF – Improving hygiene through ‘school-led total sanitation’ in Sierra Leone
PORT LOKO, Sierra Leone, 1 July 2009 – Practicing good hygiene is anything but a chore for the children of E.M. Primary School in Laya, in the Port Loko district of Sierra Leone.
“We learn about good hygiene through games and sports,” says Fatmata, 12, a proud member of the School Health Club. “It’s a lot [...]
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India – Update on Total Sanitation Campaign
Rural Sanitation
There has also been tremendous increase in the access to sanitation facilities by rural households. The sanitation coverage among rural households has increased from 21.9 percent in 2001 to 27.3 percent in 2004 and has more than doubled since then to 63.91 per cent (of 2001 Census households) as on May 20, 2009. [...]
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Networking Event in the Field of Water Management and Sanitation for Europe – Africa – EECA, Vienna, Austria, 16–17 September 2009
The aim of the two-day event is to initiate competitive research project proposals in the field of water management, sanitation and sludge treatment for the upcoming calls of the EU Framework Programme for Research (FP7) in the field of Environment. Following the joint Africa-EU strategy (2007) the European Union launches a cross thematic ‘Africa call’ [...]
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Interview of Jack Sim, World Toilet Organization
In Conversation with Jack Sim, World Toilet Organization, June 30, 2009 by Bernard Leong
In the book “The Power of Unreasonable People“, a definitive guide (by John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan) on the social entrepreneurship movement has mentioned a Singaporean social entrepreneur by the name of Jack Sim, who started the World Toilet [...]
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Waste Water Treatment Plant Mud Used As ‘green’ Fuel
Scientists have shown that using mud from waste water treatment plants as a partial alternative fuel can enable cement factories to reduce their CO2 emissions and comply with the Kyoto Protocol, as well as posing no risk to human health and being profitable. These are the results of an environmental impact assessment.
Dependency on oil and [...]
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New Zealand – Award winning toilet made from horse dung!
Could horse poo help save the planet?
An industrial designer has come up with the idea of a waterless toilet actually made of horse dung, which she believes could be a big help to the 40% of the world’s population that does not have access to proper toilets.
Virginia Gardiner’s loo design is comprised of 90% [...]
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June 25, 2009—The Lao People’s Democratic Republic lost an estimated 5.6 percent of gross domestic product, or US$193 million, due to poor sanitation and hygiene, according to a report released today by the Water and Sanitation Program.
As the impacts evaluated in Economic Impacts of Sanitation in Lao PDR, health contributes 60 percent to [...]
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Rose George – We all need to flush
Diarrhoea kills more children than Aids or malaria. But clean water supplies are only part of the solution.
Diarrhoea. The runs. The squits. The “insert funny name here”. Diarrhoea is funny, right? Because diarrhoea is something that you get from a bad kebab or some dodgy prawns. Because it is curable; not fatal; benign. It [...]
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Uganda – A Review of the Katine Water/Sanitation Project
To mark the midway point of the Katine project, and ahead of mid-point reviews to be conducted by our independent evaluator and Amref, this week Madeleine Bunting examines progress in each of the project’s five components. In the third of her reviews she looks at water and sanitation.
Water and sanitation is the aspect of the [...]
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Flushing Away Poverty – Toilet Twinning Launched
Many water charities have sprung up within the last year that are using the Internet and associated social media to raise funds for projects in developing countries. With their Toilet Twinning campaign, UK-based CORD is one of the first to focus on raising money to build latrines.
Toilet Twinning links toilets around the world with those [...]
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Bishop twins loo to help school
The Bishop of Coventry has twinned his toilet with one in Africa to improve sanitation and to help build a latrine there.
Link to video – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/8113799.stm
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Bangladesh – Full sanitation coverage can reduce all diseases
Speakers at a sanitary latrine distribution ceremony today said the number of water-borne and all other common diseases would be reduced significantly as soon as full sanitation coverage is achieved throughout the country.
They urged all stakeholders, educated and conscious sections of people, public representatives, politicians, civil society members, teachers and students to sanitize every [...]
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SOCIAL Toilets, 22 Jun 2009
Nearly a quarter of a million disabled people in the UK are being denied access to public toilet facilities that meet their needs, forcing their carers to change them on toilet floors, according to research published today.
The research, commissioned by charity Mencap, found that 230,252 people, including those with profound and [...]
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Kenya: water shortage increases cholera toll
An acute water shortage in parts of eastern and northeastern Kenya is fuelling the spread of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) and cholera, with deaths from new cases being reported, a senior health official has said.
“People are resorting to drinking water from anywhere because of the shortage,” Shahnaaz Sharif, director of public health in the Ministry [...]
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Japan – Novella: latrine horror story
In The Latrine, No One Can Hear You Scream
While we all have our own personal tales of public-restroom related woe, Japanese horror writer Koji Suzuki (of The Ring) brings an entirely new dimension the phrase scared shitless. Forget you Kindle fans, the future of literature is to be found in Suzuki’s nine-chapter novella [...]
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Nigeria: Cities And Solid Wastes
Austin Nwangwu, 8 June 2009
All cities in Nigeria are presently fighting a losing battle against municipal solid wastes. This is no hyperbole and can easily be confirmed. It is as true for the Eastern states of Nigeria as for the West.
It is also a common feature in the North as it is in the South. [...]
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USA – Solid Waste Industry Managing Trash as a Resource
Technological Innovation Turns Garbage into Energy, While Reducing Emissions, Says Industry Leader in Speech to Washington Economists
WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Forget your old-fashioned ideas about the solid waste industry. It’s not just about hauling garbage anymore.
So said Bruce J. Parker, president and CEO of the National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA), in a speech today to [...]
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Public Funding for Sanitation: The Many Faces of Sanitation Subsidies
At the Water Week in August, WSSCC will release its new report, “Public Funding for Sanitation: The Many Faces of Sanitation Subsidies” (working title). The report will clarify the often-contentious global debate on subsidies and sanitation financing, and it provides guidance on how to select the most appropriate funding arrangements in different situations. To be [...]
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Preventing spread of infectious diseases is everyone’s responsibility – and everyone’s job
Good hygiene starts within the family, but families need better guidance and advice, says new report.
According to a report published today, we must all share responsibility for preventing the spread of diseases such as swine flu, SARS, avian influenza, diarrhoeal and skin diseases, and even the common cold.
The swine flu scare has prompted some to [...]
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Sanitation at the 2009 Stockholm World Water Week
Sanitation & Health is one of themes at the 2009 Stockholm World Water Week, which is being held from 16-22 August.
An overview of all events related to this theme is available through the event finder.
Here are some of the sanitation highlights:
Award ceremony of the 2009 Stockholm Water Prize which goes this year Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak, [...]
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USA – EnerTech Transforms Sewage into Solid Fuel
Atlanta, Georgia-based EnerTech Environmental commissioned its first biosolids-to-renewable energy facility about 50 miles east of Los Angeles, California.
Designed to process over 270,000 wet tons of biosolids (household sewage) per year the Rialto SlurryCarb™ Facility will annually generate over 60,000 tons of renewable fuel, called E-Fuel, for the Southern California area.
E-Fuel produced by the [...]
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Uganda: improving district level leadership on sanitation and hygiene
Improved water supply and sanitation services are key priorities of Uganda’s Poverty Eradication Action Plan. Statistics show there is a lot of work to be done. Latrine coverage stands at 62% nationally, and 79% of these latrines lack hand-washing facilities. In schools, there is an average of 69 students per latrine.
Sanitation and hygiene are not [...]
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South Africa: wastewater is a resource
South Africa faces chronic water shortages, yet billions of litres are flushed away every year. Being one of the driest countries in the world, the conservation of water resources and managing wastewater should be a top priority for government. [According to] the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) [...] water shortage is a genuine threat [...]
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Ghana – GH¢8.6m spent on sanitation-related diseases in Upper West
Sanitation-related diseases accounted for about GH¢8.6 million of money spent in the treatment of diseases reported to health facilities in the Upper West Region last year and thereby strained the finances of the various Mutual Health Insurance schemes.
Out of this amount about GH¢7,427,351 was spent on patients on admission while GH¢1,254,117 took care of out [...]
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Uganda, Karamoja: “there cannot be development without hygiene”
Regional public health officer Charles Lodda of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) argues that sanitation and hygiene should be the priority for Janet Museveni, Uganda’s First Lady and new minister for Karamoja Affairs.
“A lot has been said about what she [Janet Museveni] can do for this most socio-economically marginalised region. One would propose electrification and [...]
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Ending Schistosomiasis – from the Disease Control Priorities Project, 2009
The resources needed to control schistosomiasis must be considerable. The disease is endemic in 74 countries, with more than 200 million people infected in rural areas and urban slums, according to the World Health Organization. Twenty million suffer severe, disabling, and sometimes fatal effects. Another 120 million have less severe but significant symptoms. Some 85 [...]
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Burundi, Bujumbara: “Forgotten and unseen” on the edges of the city
At least 3,000 people, many of then returnees, have lived for years in Sabe, an informal settlement on the outskirts of the capital, Bujumbura, with only two pit latrines between them, no clean water and no medical cards to help them access medical care. That they have survived for as long as 15 years in [...]
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Kenya: Sanitation – ‘This is the Way We Live’
Nairobi — In 1925, Mahatma Gandhi remarked that “Sanitation is more important than political independence.” More than 80 years later, access to basic sanitation remains out of reach for 546 million people in sub-Saharan Africa.
In East Africa, not one country is on track to meet Millennium Development Goal Seven, which aims to reduce by half [...]
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Zimbabwe – Why sanitation is the forgotten sister
Q&A: Why Sanitation Is the Forgotten Sister
Busani Bafana interviews NOMA NESENI, WSSCC water, sanitation and health coordinator
BULAWAYO, Jun 11 (IPS) – As part of the International Year of Sanitation in 2008, Zimbabwe developed a national strategy for sanitation, launched in February 2008. Just five months later, a cholera outbreak that was to claim [...]
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Shame or subsidy revisited: social mobilization for sanitation in Orissa, India
Shame or subsidy revisited: social mobilization for sanitation in Orissa, India (pdf, full-text). IN: Bulletin of the World Health Organization; forthcoming article
Subhrendu K; et al.
Objective – To determine the effectiveness of a sanitation campaign that combines “shaming” (i.e. emotional motivators) with subsidies for poor households in rural Orissa, an Indian state with a disproportionately [...]
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The taboo of poo – why are we so reluctant to talk about one of the biggest threats to human health?
Picture this: The setting sun is spreading a warm glow over your small rural village, but you are inside your house doubled over with intestinal pain. All you want is for darkness to fall so you can stagger out into the night, find a relatively secluded spot in the fields and void your bowels. You [...]
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Angola: cholera cases slashed, WHO
Angola has slashed the incidence of cholera so far this year, despite major flooding that normally heightens the risk of the water-borne disease, World Health Organization data showed. In the first five months of 2008, the WHO detected 7,740 cases of cholera with 198 fatalities in Angola. But in the same period this year, the [...]
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Flushing out truth behind toilet graffiti
The writing on cubicle walls gives an insight into the perspectives of men and women on life, says Claire O’Keeffe
Public toilets are a frantic hive of activity. They’re full of fun and chat and are a type of sanctuary for many. Apart from its obvious function, a toilet cubicle is a space that allows the [...]
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Rwanda: Water Access, Sanitation Improved in 2008
Kigali — Last year, over six million Rwandans – more than 73 percent of the country’s population were estimated to have access to safe drinking water, compared to 71 percent in the previous year.
This is revealed in a joint Ministry of Infrastructure (Mininfra)-African Development Bank (AfDB) report, titled: “Summary Report on Water and Sanitation Joint [...]
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Chile, Brazil: water utilities become energy producers with biogas
Chilean natural gas distributor Metrogas and water utility Aguas Andinas started up operations at the country’s first biogas plant installed at the Farfana water treatment complex on the outskirts of Santiago. The plant will produce 24Mm3/y of biogas and replace about 14Mm3/y of natural gas. “This is the only place in the world where biogas [...]
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Nepal: Ecofarming – a winning complement to ecological sanitation
The use of urine diversion toilets in Nepal began about ten years ago with the first WHO efforts in Siddhipur village to promote ecological sanitation. […] Today, the number of such toilets has expanded to more than a hundred in this village, and to over a thousand toilets in Nepal as a whole.
[…] The urine [...]
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USAID Sanitation Reports – 2009
Below are links to 3 recent USAID sanitation reports:
Sanitation Talking Points, 2009. (pdf, 73KB) – The Sanitation Talking Points promote common ground and consistency in messages, vocabulary and recommendations for mission sanitation activities. They are not programming but are designed to help USAID technical staff orient field missions on overall sanitation themes and [...]
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Zambia – Editorial on Personal Responsibility, a Basic Need for Sanitation
LAST week, Africa was commemorating her attainment of political freedom – freedom that entails the right of the peoples of the continent to govern themselves. This memorable achievement is expected to culminate in various other freedoms such as freedom from hunger, diseases and ignorance.
Sadly, these are vices still ravaging the continent and collective efforts and [...]
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Pakistan – Launch of Total Sanitation Campaign
Plan to launch ‘Saaf Suthra Pakistan Programme’
Ministry of Environment along with its partners is working on a comprehensive plan to launch ‘Saaf Suthra (clean) Pakistan Programme’ that envisages total sanitation all across the country to achieve the Millennium Development Goals targets.
Sources at the ministry told APP that allocations would be made for the [...]
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Uganda, Kamuli District: sanitation campaign succeeds in raising latrine coverage
The pit-latrine coverage in Kamuli district has increased from 46% to 76% in the past two years, the district health department [Alex Mulindwa] said [...] Mulindwa said they launched a campaign to encourage people to construct pit-latrines in 2006.
He added that they used radios and patrols to mobilise the residents. The campaign was funded by [...]
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Uganda, Kampala: schools to get water and sanitation project
RUBAGA, Kawempe and Makindye divisions are to benefit from a sh2b [US$ 900,000) water and sanitation project that targets garbage collection and maintenance of hygiene in schools. The one-year project will target primary schools in the divisions. Already, sh100m [US$ 45,000) has been put aside for ventilated pit-latrines, hand-washing equipment and water tanks. [...] The [...]
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Uganda: Toilet Emptying Needs Investors
THERE are investment opportunities in emptying of pit latrines in Kampala and other urban areas, the World Bank’s senior water and sanitation specialist has observed. “The bank carried out a study in Kampala and found that Kampala residents generate 800,000 litres of feaces per day (800 cubic meters) but the capacity to empty and dispose [...]
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Bhutan: students to dignify sanitation
[On 19 May 2009] at Harmony, the centenary youth village, students and teachers from six schools in Thimphu attended the inauguration of a five-day workshop on school sanitation and hygiene education. “This was organised for exchange of ideas between students of India and Bhutan on health and sanitation,” said the head of comprehensive school health [...]
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Afghanistan: Thousands of schools lack drinking water, sanitation
About two million state school students do not have access to safe drinking water and about 75 percent of these schools in Afghanistan do not have safe sanitation facilities, according to UNICEF. “Only 60 percent of schools have water [on site],” Zahida Stanikzai, UNICEF’s water and sanitation expert, told IRIN in Kabul.
Drinking water and sanitation [...]
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South Africa – Bucket Toilets Are No More in Aranos
WINDHOEK – The village of Aranos in the Hardap Region no longer has the bucket toilet system, unlike other village councils like Gibeon in the same region.
The last of the bucket toilet system was phased out in 1995 and was replaced by the pumping or slopping system, whereby each house has its own drain.
According to [...]
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Mali – Sustainable Interventions Key for Schistosomiasis Control
Schistosomiasis is a parasitical disease spread by poor sanitation. It’s widespread and causes both acute and chronic injury. For decades, governments and donor nations have devoted countless dollars and hours to controlling this disease – mostly without success.
Epidemiologist Archie Clements from the University of Queensland in Australia wanted to know what works, what [...]
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Diarrhoea: Donors urged to tackle leading killer of under-fives – reports by WaterAid and PATH
Two major aid agency reports published this week say millions of children’s lives are being put at risk because governments and the international aid community are not responding appropriately to diseases such as diarrhoea.
“Diarrhoea kills more children than HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB combined, yet compared to these diseases receives little financing and is not prioritised [...]
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Sanitation Entrepreneurs Roundtable – Building Partnerships for Development in Water and Sanitation
At the end of April 2009, BPD convened a roundtable in London to discuss how best to engage entrepreneurs in urban sanitation delivery. Thirty-five individuals actively participated and met directly with entrepreneurs from Malawi, Ghana, Senegal and Uganda to discuss different approaches to their business. Lessons from other small and medium enterprise experiences also challenged [...]
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Sanitation vs. vaccination in cholera control
Only weeks away from the launch in India of an oral cholera vaccine significantly cheaper than available vaccines, community workers and health officials are still sceptical of whether a vaccine is the best way to control cholera, according to the International Vaccine Institute (IVI).
IVI’s director John Clemens told IRIN some water and sanitation programme managers [...]
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Nairobi – City toilets are now hubs of entertainment
Answering a call of nature in Nairobi’s Central Business has always been a nightmare but it is no longer a scary business
Mr David Kuria has been on a mission to ensure trips to city toilets are both pleasant and memorable.
For him, toilets are not all about filth and rot envisioned in most [...]
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USAID grant – African Urban Poor-Improved Water and Sanitation
African Urban Poor – Improved Water and Sanitation (AUP-IWS) APS
Creation Date: Mar 09, 2009
Current Closing Date for Applications: Feb 08, 2010
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Natural Resources
Award Ceiling: $4,500,000
Award Floor: $1,500,000
CFDA Number(s): 98.001 — USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes
The purpose of [...]
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Indonesia – Indonesian Environmental Engineer Improves Sanitation
The Indonesian island of Bali is mostly known for its beauty and tourism industry. But a large segment of its population, mostly the poor, lacks access to sanitation. Many many live the dangerous lives of scavengers in the trash piles. In recent years, an Indonesian environmental engineer put aside her well paid job to come [...]
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India, New Delhi: Contempt notice to water board CEO on sewer worker safety
The Delhi High Court on [21 April 2009] issued contempt of court notices to the Delhi Jal Board [Water Board] Chief Executive Officer, the Vice-Chairman of the Delhi Development Authority and the Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation for their failure to comply with Court orders to ensure safety of contract labourers from toxic [...]
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Bangladesh: School debate on safe water and sanitation
BRAC will organise a countrywide school debate competition as part of its awareness campaign on safe water, sanitation coverage and hygiene practices among the underprivileged population, says a press release. The yearlong competition will begin at upazila level from the middle of May [2009] in cooperation with Brac-WASH and Brac-Advocacy unit.
The objective of the competition [...]
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India: Rural villagers say, “no toilet, no bride.”
LADRAVAN, INDIA – In rural India, having a toilet has become an issue of a woman’s right. Many homes don’t feature plumbing because men, in particular, question the expense – even the desirability – of indoor facilities.
That’s changing rapidly in the state of Haryana, where the government is putting up funds and village women are [...]
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Nepal: No toilet, no job
Staff of some organizations in Dolpa [Karnali Zone, western Nepal] will [lose] their job if they do not construct [a] toilet in their house by the end of this fiscal year in mid-July 2009. [S]taff working in Deprox Nepal decided to request the management not to extend the term of the staff who do not [...]
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Nepal, Kathmandu: Mobile toilets – Convenient and eco-friendly
[T]he Kathmandu Solid Waste Management Service (KSWM) has initiated a mobile public toilet programme. It installed its very first mobile toilet in Kathmandu at Basantpur Durbar Square almost two weeks ago. Resembling a big van, this green structure is currently kept at the southern side of the nine-storied temple. It, however, can be moved and [...]
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Namibia – Roads Toilet Debate Revived
WINDHOEK – The idea of erecting flushable ablution facilities along the national road network is still alive, and the final decision will be made next month on whether or not to go ahead with the plan.
Roads Authority, together with the Ministry of Works and Transport, will embark on a second public consultation meeting to [...]
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Humanure: the end of sewage as we know it?
Laura Allen, a 33-year-old teacher from Oakland, California, has a famous toilet. To be honest, it’s actually a box, covered in decorative ceramic tiles, sitting on the cement floor of her bathroom like a throne. No pipes lead to or from it; instead, a bucket full of shavings from a local wood shop rests on [...]
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Conserve/India – handbags from recycled plastic creates jobs for urban poor
Trashy Fashion From India
Plastic bags are a plague. They can be found in just about every corner of the planet— in fields, trees, rivers, oceans and even in the stomachs of birds and sea creatures around the globe.
They don’t biodegrade in landfills and almost every piece of plastic ever made is still [...]
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Ghana – Ministry Provides Subsidies for Household Toilets
The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development says it has a subsidy facility reduce the cost of providing household toilet facilities in a bid to reduce pressure on neighbourhood and public toilets.
This was announced by the Director of Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Mr. Demedeme [...]
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Documentary Film: Coming Clean on Sanitation
This 22-minute documentary film, produced in 2009 by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with assistance from 5 national broadcasting companies in the region, showcases the difficulties experienced and actions undertaken by individuals, communities, organizations, and governments in the following 6 countries:
China, People’s Republic of – A photographer documents the degradation [...]
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India – Court notice to Delhi government on anti-scavenging law
New Delhi, May 8 (IANS) The Supreme Court Friday asked the Delhi government to explain its failure to implement a central law against manual scavenging that provides for elimination of dry latrines and rehabilitation of scavengers.
A bench of Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan issued notice after the petitioner Safai Karmachari Andolan (Sanitary Workers’ Movement) was able [...]
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Nepal: Students queue up to defecate
It is not a new issue to queue up for hours for drinking water in many places but it can be new for many that one has to stand in queue to defecate in the open place. Students [from] Bagh Devi Secondary School at Jyamdi of Kavre have to stand in queue for 10 to [...]
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Pakistan Conference on Sanitation (PACOSAN), Islamabad, Pakistan, 28-29 May 2009
Organised by: Ministry of Environment, with the support of RSPN (Rural Support Programmes Network), UNICEF, WSP-SA, WaterAid, Plan Pakistan and other partners.
The objectives of the conference are:
Creating awareness and sensitization for mainstreaming sanitation across sectors, ministries/departments, institutions and socio-political persuasions so that sanitation is prioritized in their respective programs
Stocktaking of the main features of the [...]
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The Story of Younus - sanitation promotion animation from Pakistan
This animated short film [5 min, 22 sec] details the travails of a barefoot consultant who promotes sanitation in villages in Pakistan. The barefoot consultant prospers in his work and develops a working sanitation market, he achieves such success that he is soon asked to travel to other villages to help them become Open Defecation [...]
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USAID Hygiene Improvement Project - Instructional materials in hygiene
Below are links to useful instructional materials from the USAID Hygiene Improvement Project:
– Amoeba & Water - This children’s book, developed by HIP Nepal partners UNICEF and ENPHO, provides information on the importance of safe drinking water for good health. (pdf, 2.87 MB)
– MIKIKIR Card - English version of a field tool to assess hygiene [...]
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South Africa - Healthy Hands Campaign
Specialist sponsorship and brand activation agency Exp South Africa recently oversaw an innovative project that aimed to teach children in rural schools about the importance of keeping clean.
Working with Lifebuoy, Spar and Build It in the spirit of the greater good, Exp spearheaded the ‘Healthy Hands’ campaign, which aimed to raise funds for schools [...]
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Uganda: Fishermen Cautioned On Hygiene, Diseases
Kampala — POOR sanitation among communities living around Lake Victoria poses a threat to their lives, a water ministry official has warned. “Poor hygiene among most fishing communities is shocking. If not addressed quickly, cholera might break out,” said Richard Okonga, the assistant commissioner for international and transboundary water resources management.
He said the problem was [...]
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Senegal, Dakar: slum uses garbage to stay dry
In Médina Gounass neighborhood of Guédiawaye, a slum on the outskirts of Dakar, people use garbage “to shore up their flood-prone houses and streets”. “Garbage, packed down tight and then covered with a thin layer of sand, is used to raise the floors of houses that flood regularly in the brief but intense summer rainy [...]
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Afghanistan: UNICEF and Red Cross hygiene promotion activities
Since 2001, Afghanistan has seen tremendous progress, including increased access to safe water in schools, targeted sanitation training, additional community water facilities and the adoption of a new national policy on hygiene. However, more remote areas of the country still face roadblocks to access by aid organizations.
UNICEF has set up a partnership with the Afghan [...]
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Ghana - Ban use of bucket latrines
Accra, April 30, GNA – About 20 per cent of Ghana’s population do not have any form of latrines and therefore resort to open defecation, Mr. Demedeme Naa Lenason, Director, Environmental Health and Sanitation, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development said on Thursday.
He said, also 31.45 per cent of households in Ghana used public [...]
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Afghanistan: sanitation woes in makeshift IDP camps
Open defecation, lack of toilets and poor sanitation in makeshift internally displaced persons (IDP) camps throughout Afghanistan are a health threat, particularly to children, health workers and aid agencies say. [A]t least 230,000 people are living in formal IDP camps and informal settlements where few sanitary, water and toilet facilities are available.
About 500 families (2,500 [...]
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ADB-Viet Nam Sanitation Dialogue
From 16-17 April 2009, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) organised an in-country Sanitation Dialogue in Thanh Hoa, Viet Nam. The session followed-up on Viet Nam’s sanitation actions proposed at the ADB-DMC Sanitation Dialogueheld in March 2009, in the Philippines.
The event web page includes presentations on urban wastewater management, technology and financing options.
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Robert Chambers - Going to Scale with Community-Led Total Sanitation
Going to Scale with Community-Led Total Sanitation: Reflections on Experience, Issues and Ways Forward, by Robert Chambers. March 2009. (pdf, full-text)
Perhaps as many as 2 billion people living in rural areas are adversely affected by open defecation (OD). Those who suffer most from lack of toilets, privacy and hygiene are women, adolescent girls, children [...]
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Nepal: Darechowk village upscales ecological sanitation
With over 120 ecosan toilets now operational, Darechowk village in Chitwan district is on its way to upscaling the practice of eco sanitation. Made of mud masonry or using split-bamboo walls, many toilets are in good use already, fertilizing the fields and yet maintaining a sanitary environment.
[...] Encouraged by a sanitation training course he attended [...]
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Kenya - Strategic guidelines for improving water and sanitation services in Nairobi’s informal settlements
Strategic guidelines for improving water and sanitation services in Nairobi’s informal settlements. Water and Sanitation Program, 2009. (pdf, full-text)
Here the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) introduces the work achieved by the Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NCWSC) and the Athi Water Services Board (AWSB) and their guidelines for water supply and sanitation interventions in [...]
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The luxury of a toilet - Peter Gleick, Pacific Institute
by Dr. Peter Gleick, Pacific Institute
I’m thrilled by the thoughtful, informed, and high-quality feedback to my first post (much of which will serve as fodder for future posts), and the apparent interest in pursuing a discussion about water problems driven by numbers and facts.
I started with a number that reflects the serious failure of [...]
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Kenya - Communal biogas latrines in Nairobi
The visionary architect Buckminster Fuller believed that a single design could save the world. That ethos is being carried forward by the Buckminster Fuller Institute, which every year holds a contest to create a design with maximum social impact; the winner gets a seed grant of $100,000. Below is information on one of the competition [...]
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Uganda, Kampala: dealing with the filth of our public toilets
Of the six public toilets visited by a local journalist in Uganda’s capital, Kampala, “none had an operational flushing system in the males section”.
A worker at one of the toilets “says this is because of mishandling and poor maintenance. “The people who use some of these toilets are used to pit latrines. For some of [...]
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Zambia - Sanitation Backlog To Blame for High Child Mortality
LUSAKA, Apr 23 (IPS) - Dehydration caused by severe diarrhoea is a key cause of infant deaths in Zambia, a country with one of the highest child morality rates in the world, according to a new report by Zambia’s health department.
This will not change until government makes a major effort to improve access to clean [...]
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The politics of toilets - Rose George
The Politics of Toilets, By Rose George
On Earth Day, let’s not forget the dirt. The planet is soiled with sewage, on land and sea. Our waste is the biggest marine pollutant there is, according to the United Nations Environment Program. In the developing world, ninety percent of sewage is discharged untreated into oceans and rivers, [...]
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Stanford University - Seeking low-cost solutions to sanitation crisis in Dar Es Salaam
Stanford Report, April 22, 2009 - Seeking low-cost solutions to sanitation crisis in Africa
Each year, diarrhea kills an estimated 1.8 million people worldwide. More than 90 percent of the victims are children younger than 5 in developing countries. What makes the problem especially tragic is that it seems so preventable.
Diarrhea usually results from drinking [...]
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Meeting debates Mekong sanitation
HA NOI — Ways to improve water quality and sanitation for 1.8 million poor people living across three countries are being discussed at a three-day conference in the city.
The conference of the Mekong Region Water and Sanitation Initiative (MEK-WATSAN) started yesterday.
The initiative, with a likely budget of US$41 million, aimed to halve the proportion of [...]
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Sierra Leone - A UNICEF CORD Community led Total Sanitation project
A UNICEF/ CORD Sierra Leone Community Led Total Sanitation Project (CLTS) have conducted three sets of experience sharing training workshops for 98 Natural Leaders in Niawa, Lower Bambara, Small Bo and Nongowa Chiefdoms in the Kenema District.
The programme was officially opened in the Chiefdom headquarter town of Panguma in the Lower Bambara by Chief Patrick [...]
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Ghana - Assemblies urged to prosecute Sanitation offenders
Mr Las Bayou. Upper West Regional Environmental Health Officer has urged the Municipal and District Assemblies to prosecute people who flout sanitation bye-laws to deter them.
“This problem will continue to stay with us unless the Municipal and District Assemblies begin sending such offenders to court, especially those who do not keep their surroundings clean.”
He said [...]
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Dubai: BBC ‘mole’ unveils insanitary living conditions of migrant workers
Dubai’s Ministry of Labour is investigating claims made in a BBC report that construction workers working on the Jumeirah Golf Estates in the Emirate are being forced to live in inhumane conditions. The recent BBC investigation found a lack of clean water and raw sewage in one camp, which housed 7,500 labourers in 1,248 rooms. After the [...]
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Pakistan: “There is no need for foreigners to tell us this [how to make latrines]” - insurgent leader
Insurgents in Pakistan’s volatile Swat Valley in North West Frontier Province (NWFP) who recently made a peace deal with the government now want all NGOs to leave the area.
“They come and tell us how to make latrines in mosques and homes. I’m sure we can do it ourselves. There is no need for foreigners to [...]
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Guatemala: Global Water and Peace Corps collaborate in Healthy Schools program
Having developed many water systems in Guatemala, Global Water saw an opportunity to assist the Peace Corps volunteers who were trying their best to educate schoolchildren about proper hygiene but without the tools to do so.
In a rural school adjacent to a small village in Guatemala, a Peace Corps volunteer stood before a group of [...]
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Advocating for investment in sanitation: is your jury still out?
Imagine standing in front of a group of 12 men and women, summoned to hear the case for and against investment in sanitation. They are non-experts. You are the specialist. You know the importance of sanitation for the dignity and health of millions of people who lack basic facilities. You believe you will do a good job [...]
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Sanitation Forum - Weapon against Cholera, Johannesburg, South Africa, 28-29 May 2009
This conference will focus on providing a forum for the discussion of the present and future problems, recent experiences and advances in this significant field of water management and environmental sanitation. This conference will seek to review the status of sanitation in South Africa especially the rural areas, review best practice and key entry points [...]
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Peru, Lima: using carbon bonds to finance wastewater treatment
The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and Peru’s state water utility Sedapal have signed an agreement to start a pilot project at the Carapongo wastewater treatment plant, in Lima’s Ate Vitarte district. [...] Sedapal has bought equipment to burn the methane gas that is produced at the facility. CAF will assist with studies related to the [...]
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Peru: sanitation - two out of three installations not used!
Such is the observation made by “Alternative Pro-poor Sanitation Solutions in Peru” (APSS), despite the numerous sanitation investments of the last few years for families, especially the poorest ones. The program supported by the Foundation Ensemble and undertaken in collaboration with the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) begins with this fact to act simultaneously on [...]
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‘Green’ toilets should not be a flash in the pan
AN INVENTOR said his air-flushing toilets could ‘change the world’ if people gave them a chance.
Loos built by Garry Moore, 44, from Ilford, are currently being piloted by Greenwich council employees at a Thamesmead depot.
The pioneering propelair loos have a sealable lid that allows pressurised air to trigger a flush instead of a cistern of [...]
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Sanitation promotion: experiences from government-led initiative in southern Ethiopia
In Ethiopia’s Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR) an innovative programme has promoted latrine construction and use, hand washing and safe water storage and handling. The intervention is an example of how visionary government leadership can create the political momentum for low-cost sanitation and hygiene (S&H) and reach out to rural communities.
Papers from the [...]
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West Africa Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Symposium, Accra, Ghana, 10-12 Nov 09
This regional sharing and learning symposium is the first major event marking the collaboration between RCN Ghana, WaterAid, and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre in West Africa.
To identify and share experiences of good practice in promotion of good hygiene behaviour and ensuring sustained access to sanitation in particular for the poor and vulnerable in [...]
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Rose George - Making sanitation sexy
WASHINGTON, Apr 14 (IPS) - Though the issue of human excreta is often taboo in polite company, human waste and sanitation are starting to take their rightful place in debates about development and human health.
But indications are that goals for sanitation are lagging behind other areas of development, leaving experts wondering how to make the [...]
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Soaps and detergents ‘could help tackle bird flu’
Commercially available soaps and detergents could kill the bird flu virus that causes extensive damage to poultry and can infect humans, scientists in Pakistan report [...] in the 28 March issue of Virology Journal. [They] reveal that simply washing poultry shed floors and equipment, transport vehicles and workers’ clothing can go a long way in [...]
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Nigeria - Lagos raises the stake with modern public toilets
When the commercial bus took off from Oshodi bound for Ikorodu, the passengers obviously looked forward to a smooth, uneventful ride as they happily engaged themselves in current affairs discussion that sometimes bordered on the humorous prompting occasional laughter.
The driver also heightened the happy mood by playing an Igbo music which the two passengers [...]
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Uganda - 90 Masaka men arrested for lack of pit latrines
OVER 90 people in Kooki county in Rakai district have been arrested for not having pit latrines in their homesteads, the district health inspector, Kaddu Lubega, has said.
Lubega said the culprits were charged at the Grade I Magistrate’s Court in Lwanda town, which fined them sh80,000.
Lubega, who led the three-day health operation in [...]
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Garbage Trucks Teach Children to Save the Environment
Garbage Trucks Teach Children to Save the Environment in New Earth Day Book, ‘Colonel Trash Truck’
Redondo Beach, CA (PRWEB) April 13, 2009 — Parents have a new way to teach children how to save the environment with the story of one of the world’s most eco-friendly garbage trucks in author Kathleen Crawley’s new [...]
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id21 highlights special issue on sanitation
The December 2008 special issue of “id21 highlights” on sanitation was produced by in collaboration with the IDS research and action learning programme, ‘Going to Scale? The Potential of Community-Led Total Sanitation’.
The 4-page issue includes the following items:
Zambian villagers meet sanitation goals
Useful resources
Ending open defecation in Nigeria
Scaling up CLTS
Community selfmobilisation
Read the full issue here
Visit the [...]
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Kenya: Long rains raise fears of new cholera cases
New cases of cholera are being recorded amid fears of an increase in the spread of the disease as the long rains start. Already, cases have been reported in 17 districts, according to a senior health official. “At least 176 cases of acute watery diarrhoea [AWD] have been reported in Kipsing [north of the eastern [...]
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India - A visit to the International Toilet Museum
DELHI, India—Ah, the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets! How’s that for a place to take the wife and kids on a Sunday afternoon?
It’s hard not to smirk when this museum’s name is first mentioned. It sounds like a roadside attraction, something you find just a ways down the road from the World’s Oldest Rug [...]
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Pakistan, Punjab: dengue danger returns
With warmer weather returning to Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province, the vector-borne dengue fever virus has also returned, say officials. Six patients have been diagnosed with dengue in 2009 so far, according to Anwar Saeed Mirza, an additional medical superintendent at Services Hospital in Lahore, the Punjab capital. [...] Last year [2008], 1,240 cases of [...]
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Brussels sets world record for longest toilet queue
A world record for the length of a toilet queue was set Sunday when 756 people, including Belgium’s former tennis champion and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Justine Henin, lined up for a latrine in central Brussels to raise awareness for the need for clean water on World Water Day [ 22 March 2009]. The event was [...]
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Gambia: Health Education Unit Sensitizes Teachers on Sanitation and Hygiene
The health education unit of the Department of State for Health recently organised a one day sensitisation workshop on health sanitation and hygiene for teachers drawn from three pilot schools in the Kanifing Municipality. [...] The aim of the workshop was to promote sanitation and hygiene education in schools.
Presenting on waste management, Sheikh Omar Dibba, [...]
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U.N. Offers New Political Profile for Sanitation
UNITED NATIONS, Apr 7 (IPS) - When the United Nations concluded its International Year of Sanitation (IYS) last December, it left behind some 2.5 billion people worldwide waiting in line for toilets that did not exist or were in short supply.
The most “positive outcome” of IYS is that it raised the profile of sanitation [...]
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India - A Village that Puts the City to Shame
The residents of Baghuwar have reason to smile. This little village in central Madhya Pradesh is proud of its hygiene and sanitation. Every family has access to a pucca (permanent) indoor, water-economical toilet. ‘100 per cent open-air toilet-free village’ proclaims a sign at the panchayat ghar (village council office). “No woman has to suffer the [...]
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India: A Sanitation Worker’s Mumbai Dreams
Manual scavenging is as much a reality of modern-day urban India, as are pub hopping and mall crawling. How this demeaning profession has survived to this day tells the sorry tale of the vice-like grip of the caste system - both on the perpetrators, who will cry foul if their caste rituals are tampered with, [...]
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Nepal - Mobile toilets boon for city
KATHMANDU, April 7 - More than a year ago, a group of European tourists came to visit the Patan Durbar Square, paid entry fees and strolled around. In the middle, one of them had an emergency. He looked around for a toilet, but found none.
Then the tourist approached the then mayor of Lalitpur-Sub Metropolitan [...]
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Q&A: Sanitation Must Be Owned by Local Communities
Nergui Manalsuren interviews JAE SO and PETER KOLSKY of the World Bank
UNITED NATIONS, Mar 31 (IPS) - The world’s developing nations, particularly in Asia and Africa, are struggling to cope with two of the basic necessities of life: fresh water and adequate sanitation.
The United Nations says there are still some 1.1 billion people who lack [...]
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WASH Sanitation and Hygiene Google Group
This Google group manages the thematic group on Sanitation and Hygiene, a component of the thematic programme 2007-2011 of IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. Since 9 Feb 2009, the group is open to people outside IRC as well. Currently there are nearly 100 members.
What can you expect from this list? An exchange of interesting [...]
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India’s sanitation nightmare
Until May 2007, Meera Devi rose before dawn each day and walked a half mile to a vegetable patch outside the village of Kachpura to find a secluded place. Dodging leering men and stick-wielding farmers and avoiding spots that her neighbors had soiled, the mother of three pulled up her sari and defecated with [...]
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Nigeria, Kano State: NGO Constructs 40 Toilets in Schools
A Kano based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Women Farmers Advancement Network (WOFAN), has constructed about 40 modern toilets in schools and primary health care facilities across the state. Disclosing this on the occasion of commissioning the toilets as part of activities to mark the International Women Day at Gabasawa Local Government of Kano state, the Director of WOFAN, [...]
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Haiti - Low-tech toilets turn waste into soil
American aid group may solve two of Haiti’s biggest problems with a composting toilet.
Haiti has been battered with one catastrophe after another — political, economic, and environmental. The result is a country in which 80% of the population (about 8 million people) live in abject poverty and both food and clean water are scarce. As [...]
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Sierra Leone: Sidiki Mansark “Water is life and we want to bring it to the people”
Mansark lives and works in Kroo bay slum, in the centre of the capital Freetown, home to 13,000 people, which has two working public water taps. Kroo Bay is littered with rubbish and sewage - many people use the rubbish to reclaim land on which to build ramshackle houses.
There are no pit latrines in the [...]
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Mozambique: Health workers killed in tragic case of ignorance
The Mozambican Red Cross has halted its health work in the northern province of Nampula following the killing of two volunteers by the local community, who were convinced they were deliberately spreading cholera.
“Nampula has one of the highest [case loads] and deaths due to cholera, and our treatment and prevention strategy involved purifying contaminated wells [...]
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African Entrepreneurs Pioneer New Ways to Improve Sanitation
Three African entrepreneurs are working together to improve waste disposal in their countries. Better sanitation and water quality are among the U.N. Millennium Development Goals, which were created to improve social conditions in the developing world by 2015. From Washington, reporter William Eagle has the story of three promising innovations.
Their work is timely: The U.N. [...]
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Mobile phone games with a message
Fancy a mobile phone game for your child with underlying messages like the need to wash your hands with soap before eating, how best to preserve water, or what to do in a flood or tsunami?
“More and more children, including those in developing countries, have mobile phones… Instead of ‘Snake’ [a game on many Nokia [...]
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South East Asia & Pacific: Water Report Highlights Need For Improved Sanitation and Water
The [Australian] Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance, Mr Bob McMullan, [...] welcomed a report that highlights the sanitation and water challenges facing developing countries in [the South East Asia & Pacific] region. The report by a coalition of academic and non-government organisations, including the Institute for Sustainable Futures and WaterAid Australia, was released to [...]
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UNICEF - Teaching sanitation to the urban poor in Bangladesh
GAIBANDHA, Bangladesh, 25 March 2009—Mahmuda Akhter is an educated young woman in her 20s. This morning, she is rounding up housewives for an informal meeting. Her mission is to share lessons on personal hygiene, neighbourhood cleanliness, sanitation and using safe drinking water. She is working in a district called Driver Para – or drivers’ area [...]
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Botswana - BCP candidate targets pit latrines in Gaborone
Botswana Congress Party (BCP) parliamentary aspirant for Gaborone West South, Abbey Chengeta has vowed to tackle the problem of pit latrines in SHHA areas of the constituency.
Speaking at his launch over the weekend, Chengeta said that it was disheartening that the Gaborone City Council (GCC) and the Ministry of Wildlife, Environment and Tourism has [...]
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Charmin sponsors iPhone toilet finder app
Talk about your crappy iPhone applications: Proctor & Gamble’s Charmin toilet paper brand will launch a global sponsorship for the SitOrSquat website and its accompanying iPhone and BlackBerry app, designed to identify the world’s cleanest public restrooms for consumers who are on-the-go. (Perhaps I should rephrase that.) According to P&G, SitOrSquat for iPhone and BlackBerry [...]
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Ghana - World Bank calls for improvement in sanitation
Accra, March 25, GNA - World Bank Country Director, Ishac Diwan on Wednesday noted that access to sanitation in Ghana was a mere 10 per cent and called on government to make strenuous efforts to increase it to about 40 per cent.
“The country has a huge task to tackle and there is the need to [...]
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Sell sanitation with sex appeal
‘Selling sanitation the Madison Avenue way, with good old-fashioned sex appeal and social pressure’, writes a National Geographic reporter from the Istanbul World Water Forum on 17 March 2009. How?
The feature provides six messages that every water and sanitation promoter should spread continuously.
Make a toilet into an object of desire.
It’s cool to have a [...]
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Indian Sanitation Innovator & Social Reformer Awarded 2009 Stockholm Water Prize
Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak, founder of Sulabh Sanitation Movement in India, has been named the 2009 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate. As the Founder of the Sulabh International Social Service Organisation, Dr. Pathak is known around the world for his wide ranging work in the sanitation field to improve public health, advance social progress, and improve human [...]
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Toilet technology flipbook
WaterAid has produced a low cost toilet technology flipbook that lets you find out about the advantages and disadvantages of a range of latrine technologies. The resource is based on the 2004 publication called Low cost toilet options, which was put together by Social Marketing for Urban Sanitation, a research project funded by DFID, to [...]
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Nigeria: Country Doesn’t Have Health Care Waste Management Plan - USAID
Nigeria does not have health care waste management plan thus putting its citizens at the risk of infecting blood related diseases, the United States Agency for International Development [USAID], Country Director, said in Abuja weekend.
Health care wastes are ones driven from used syringes, scissors and other hospital wastes that need to be disposed after use [...]
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Chile: MOP seeks to implement rural, semi-rural wastewater treatment
Chile’s public works ministry (MOP) aims to expand wastewater treatment to rural and semi-rural communities [in the same way it does for potable water infrastructure]. The ministry has already submitted a bill to congress that is currently being discussed by legislators.
[...] Chile’s rural and semi-rural areas currently lack sewerage services. Instead, they rely on cesspools, [...]
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Nepal: 10 extra marks to primary school students having toilet
Many students of Dhikpur VDC [Village Development Committee] [Dang Deokhuri District, Rapti Zone, south-western Nepal] get [an] additional 10 marks in [their] exam for constructing toilets in their houses. [...] Women and youths of Dikhpur VDC have made this idea to make their VDC clean. The schools also accepted their idea and made [a] rule [...]
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Nepal: Sanitation Brand Ambassador, actress Jharana Thapa, on campaign
In September 2008, famous Nepali actress Jharana Thapa was nominated Sanitation Brand Ambassador by the End Water Poverty Campaign. In November 2008 she participated in the South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN) III held in New Delhi, India, where she stressed to establish sanitation as a basic right.After her participation in the conference, Jharana Thapa [...]
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India/Bangladesh: PepsiCo Foundation announces grant to Save the Children to improve nutrition and hygiene
The PepsiCo Foundation announced [on 19 February 2009] a three-year, $5 million grant to Save the Children to help ensure the survival and well-being of children living in rural India and Bangladesh, which together are home to 40 percent of the world’s malnourished children.
With support from the PepsiCo Foundation, Save the Children will work towards [...]
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Bangladesh: Community-Led Total Sanitation - breaking a dirty old habit in Bangladesh
Dinajpur district residents have stopped defecating in the open because of the children’s total sanitation campaign that follows a radical community-led approach.
Whistle blowing is a favorite pastime among children in the villages of Dinajpur district in northern Bangladesh. They would blow their whistles when they spot fellow villagers, often adults, defecating in the open, chasing [...]
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Indonesia - Sanitation still serious concern
Sanitation still serious concern
A sanitation workshop held in Jakarta this week concluded that 30 percent, or 70 million Indonesians, are still without toilets — leading to the outbreak of preventable diseases and serious economic losses.
The hefty figure was attributed to a lack of sanitation facilities and poor awareness of the
proper management of domestic wastewater. [...]
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USAID & Rotary form alliance for water, sanitation projects
Rotary International and USAID have launched a collaborative effort to implement water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in the developing world.
The International H2O Collaboration was formally announced 18 March at the World Water Forum in Istanbul, in conjunction with World Water Day, 22 March.
Focusing on Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the alliance will develop [...]
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India, Haryana: No toilet, no bride - slogan hits the mark
The war against insanitation is being fought by women in Haryana by placing a simple condition before their daughters get married - her new household should have a toilet. Suresh Devi, 52, a resident of Shahar Malpur village near Panipat, about 100 km from New Delhi, had been forced to defecate in the open till [...]
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John Kalbermatten, “Low-cost sanitation champion”, 1931-2009
John Kalbermatten, 77, former Senior Water & Wastes Advisor at the World Bank, died on Thursday, 26 February 2009. Born in Luzern, Switzerland, he worked as a professional engineer for the city of Bethlehem, USA, the World Health Organization, retiring from the World Bank in 1986. John continued as a private consultant for 14 years.
In [...]
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India - Mumbai Municipal Corporation’s Slum Sanitation Program (SSP
Walking on the streets of Mumbai, I have stuffed a hand-kerchief to my nose and hurried past defecating children who looked up at me, their innocent faces, not deserving any of my disgust. From the window of a local train, I averted my eyes when I saw men squatting beside railway lines relieving themselves. I [...]
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Can the emotion of disgust be harnessed to promote hand hygiene? - research from Australia
Porzig-Drummonda, R. … [et al.] (2009). Can the emotion of disgust be harnessed to promote hand hygiene? : experimental and field-based tests. Social science & medicine ; vol. 68, no. 6 ; p. 1006-1012, doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.01.013
Two studies carried out in Sydney, Australia explored whether inducing disgust may be a useful addition to hand-hygiene interventions. Experiment [...]
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Akvopedia Sanitation Portal updated
Akvopedia, the open water and sanitation resource of Akvo.org, has updated its Sanitation Portal with over 50 technologies from the Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies, published by SANDEC/EAWAG and WSSCC in 2008.
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Upgrades In Rural Sanitation Could Save 1.2 Million Lives Annually
Below is a summary and link to the full-text of a recently published study:
Determinants of National Diarrheal Disease Burden, (full-text)
IN: Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009, 43 (4), pp 993–999, Jan 2009
Sean T. Green*†, Mitchell J. Small† and Elizabeth A. Casman†*
Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Baker Hall 129, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Improving rural sanitation by [...]
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India - Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation’s Growth
India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation’s Growth, By Jason Gale
March 4 (Bloomberg) — Until May 2007, Meera Devi rose before dawn each day and walked a half mile to a vegetable patch outside the village of Kachpura to find a secluded place.
Dodging leering men and stick-wielding farmers and avoiding spots that her [...]
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India - National Workshop on Urban Water and Sanitation
WaterAid India in collaboration with UN-HABITAT and Government of Madhya Pradesh is organizing a three-day National Workshop on Urban Water and Sanitation in Bhopal from March 5 to 7 2009.
For details about the workshop, interviews with experts and daily updates on the workshop please contact: Binu Nair 09717397828, or email at binunair@wateraid.org
• Around 40 million [...]WaterAid India in collaboration with UN-HABITAT and Government of Madhya Pradesh is organizing a three-day National Workshop on Urban Water and Sanitation in Bhopal from March 5 to 7 2009.
For details about the workshop, interviews with experts and daily updates on the workshop please contact: Binu Nair 09717397828, or email at binunair@wateraid.org
• Around 40 million [...]
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Sierra Leone: Communities take charge, one latrine at a time
Kadiatou Samura proudly showed her pristine new toilet to her Member of Parliament, the leader of her chiefdom and the head of the UN Children’s Fund’s [UNICEF] district office as they toured her village, Kamayintin, in Sierra Leone’s Bombali district. The village was celebrating its status as the chiefdom’s fifth to be declared “free of [...]Kadiatou Samura proudly showed her pristine new toilet to her Member of Parliament, the leader of her chiefdom and the head of the UN Children’s Fund’s [UNICEF] district office as they toured her village, Kamayintin, in Sierra Leone’s Bombali district. The village was celebrating its status as the chiefdom’s fifth to be declared “free of [...]
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Ghana, Central Region: Coastal Dwellers Cry for Toilet Facilities
The people of Elmina in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem District of the Central Region (KEEA) have made a distress plea to government to provide more toilet facilities for coastal dwellers. Such a move, they argued, would not only reduce the spread of diseases in fishing communities but ultimately help areas such as Elmina increase their revenue from [...]The people of Elmina in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem District of the Central Region (KEEA) have made a distress plea to government to provide more toilet facilities for coastal dwellers. Such a move, they argued, would not only reduce the spread of diseases in fishing communities but ultimately help areas such as Elmina increase their revenue from [...]
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Tanzani, Arusha: Rotary Club Donates Toilet Facilities to Slum Dwellers
Residents of a slum area in Sakina, west of the municipality [of Arusha] who for a long time had no access to toilets are now proud owners of facilities built through the help of the Rotary Club of Arusha. The facilities [...] will be under the supervision of Rotary Community Corps who will collect users [...]Residents of a slum area in Sakina, west of the municipality [of Arusha] who for a long time had no access to toilets are now proud owners of facilities built through the help of the Rotary Club of Arusha. The facilities [...] will be under the supervision of Rotary Community Corps who will collect users [...]
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ADB President Calls on Governments, Private Sector to Do More to Address Sanitation Issue
Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Haruhiko Kuroda has called for regional governments and the private sector to do more to help the 1.8 billion people in Asia who lack access to adequate sanitation. “There is urgency to this moment,” Mr. Kuroda said in opening remarks at the Sanitation Dialogue at ADB’s Manila Headquarters. He added [...]Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Haruhiko Kuroda has called for regional governments and the private sector to do more to help the 1.8 billion people in Asia who lack access to adequate sanitation. “There is urgency to this moment,” Mr. Kuroda said in opening remarks at the Sanitation Dialogue at ADB’s Manila Headquarters. He added [...]
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Hygiene Promotion: A view from Uganda
Hygiene Promotion: A view from Uganda, Source: Action Against Hunger-USA
Date: 02 Mar 2009, ACF-Uganda, courtesy E. Rheinstein.
An up close look at Action Against Hunger’s hygiene promotion programs
Mrs. Oyella Santa, a mother of a household with 10 members, lives in Owak village in Amuru District, Northern Uganda. Ever since Action Against Hunger (ACF) launched [...]Hygiene Promotion: A view from Uganda, Source: Action Against Hunger-USA
Date: 02 Mar 2009, ACF-Uganda, courtesy E. Rheinstein.
An up close look at Action Against Hunger’s hygiene promotion programs
Mrs. Oyella Santa, a mother of a household with 10 members, lives in Owak village in Amuru District, Northern Uganda. Ever since Action Against Hunger (ACF) launched [...]
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Entrepreneurs Tackle Sanitation in Africa
WASHINGTON, Mar 2 (OneWorld.net) - Three local social entrepreneurs have come up with creative — and lucrative — solutions to poor sanitation in their communities in Africa, where six out of ten people do not have access to a sanitary toilet.
Social entrepreneur David Kuria’s Ecotact “toilet malls” in Nairobi, Kenya “toilet malls” provide bathroom [...]WASHINGTON, Mar 2 (OneWorld.net) - Three local social entrepreneurs have come up with creative — and lucrative — solutions to poor sanitation in their communities in Africa, where six out of ten people do not have access to a sanitary toilet.
Social entrepreneur David Kuria’s Ecotact “toilet malls” in Nairobi, Kenya “toilet malls” provide bathroom [...]
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Cambodia: Floating Toilets for Floating Villages
Mr. Sahari Ani, the CEO of Lien Aid, a Singapore-based nongovernment organization, was interviewed by the Asian Development Bank in their “Water Champion” series. Mr Ani spoke about his organisation’s work in Cambodia, in particular on the floating toilets of the “River of life” project (see also an earlier blog post on this project). [...]Mr. Sahari Ani, the CEO of Lien Aid, a Singapore-based nongovernment organization, was interviewed by the Asian Development Bank in their “Water Champion” series. Mr Ani spoke about his organisation’s work in Cambodia, in particular on the floating toilets of the “River of life” project (see also an earlier blog post on this project). [...]
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Indonesia: Educating Kids for a Healthy Future
By teaching children proper hygiene practices, a teacher educates and improves the health of poor river communities.
[...] For 11 years, Nurhayati, or Teacher Nur has been teaching proper hygiene practices and caring for the environment to her students in communities along the Kali Malang and Sunter riverbanks in Jakarta. She also encourages residents to use [...]By teaching children proper hygiene practices, a teacher educates and improves the health of poor river communities.
[...] For 11 years, Nurhayati, or Teacher Nur has been teaching proper hygiene practices and caring for the environment to her students in communities along the Kali Malang and Sunter riverbanks in Jakarta. She also encourages residents to use [...]
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Uganda: Kampala Sewerage System to Be Expanded
A sanitation project worth 61m euro (about sh152.5b) will start in Kampala district soon. The state minister for water, Jennifer Namuyangu, said under the three-year project, sewerage treatment ponds would be constructed. “We are expanding the sewerage system and rehabilitating the old one,” she said.Only 8% of Kampala’s population is connected to the system, Namuyangu [...]A sanitation project worth 61m euro (about sh152.5b) will start in Kampala district soon. The state minister for water, Jennifer Namuyangu, said under the three-year project, sewerage treatment ponds would be constructed. “We are expanding the sewerage system and rehabilitating the old one,” she said.Only 8% of Kampala’s population is connected to the system, Namuyangu [...]
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Rose George - Yellow Is the New Green
Yellow Is the New Green, New York Times Op-Ed, Feb. 27, 2009
By ROSE GEORGE, Woolley, England
IN the far reaches of Shaanxi Province in northern China, in an apple-producing village named Ganquanfang, I recently visited a house belonging to two cheery primary-school teachers, Zhang Min Shu and his wife, Wu Zhaoxian. Their house wasn’t exceptional [...]Yellow Is the New Green, New York Times Op-Ed, Feb. 27, 2009
By ROSE GEORGE, Woolley, England
IN the far reaches of Shaanxi Province in northern China, in an apple-producing village named Ganquanfang, I recently visited a house belonging to two cheery primary-school teachers, Zhang Min Shu and his wife, Wu Zhaoxian. Their house wasn’t exceptional [...]
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World Bank Water Week 2009 sanitation presentations online
Water Week took place at the World Bank headquarters in Washington DC from February 17-20, 2009. The event was organized by the Water Anchor in partnership with the Water Sector Board. Titled “Tackling Global Water Challenges”, the discussions focused on the urgent challenges currently faced by the water community including inter alia: adapting to climate [...]Water Week took place at the World Bank headquarters in Washington DC from February 17-20, 2009. The event was organized by the Water Anchor in partnership with the Water Sector Board. Titled “Tackling Global Water Challenges”, the discussions focused on the urgent challenges currently faced by the water community including inter alia: adapting to climate [...]
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Mali: Raising money and hygiene standards
Women in one of the poorest areas of Mali’s capital, Bamako, have found a way to tackle hygiene issues and earn money at the same time - by making soap.
[...] “Hygiene standards in the Nafadji [slum] area of town were very very low, due to lack of infrastructure and because of ignorance,” Djibril Coulibaly, hygiene [...]Women in one of the poorest areas of Mali’s capital, Bamako, have found a way to tackle hygiene issues and earn money at the same time - by making soap.
[...] “Hygiene standards in the Nafadji [slum] area of town were very very low, due to lack of infrastructure and because of ignorance,” Djibril Coulibaly, hygiene [...]
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China: Toilet relief for Shanghai’s World Expo
Shanghai has sought to reassure visitors to next year’s World Expo that they can expect relief from the city’s sometimes foul public toilets. The city will clean up and renovate more than 5,200 public toilets to meet an expected 70 million Expo visitors’ “urgent needs,” according to Ma Yun’an, head of the city’s urban management [...]Shanghai has sought to reassure visitors to next year’s World Expo that they can expect relief from the city’s sometimes foul public toilets. The city will clean up and renovate more than 5,200 public toilets to meet an expected 70 million Expo visitors’ “urgent needs,” according to Ma Yun’an, head of the city’s urban management [...]
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SONG YOUNG-GON interview, head of the World Toilet Association
Q&A: Sanitation Crisis Runs Deep in Africa, Asia
Thalif Deen interviews SONG YOUNG-GON, head of the World Toilet Association
UNITED NATIONS, Feb 24 (IPS) - As part of the International Year of Sanitation (IYS), the United Nations launched an aggressive campaign last year to fend off what it called a “silent global crisis”: the woeful lack of [...]Q&A: Sanitation Crisis Runs Deep in Africa, Asia
Thalif Deen interviews SONG YOUNG-GON, head of the World Toilet Association
UNITED NATIONS, Feb 24 (IPS) - As part of the International Year of Sanitation (IYS), the United Nations launched an aggressive campaign last year to fend off what it called a “silent global crisis”: the woeful lack of [...]
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WSP - Empowering Urban Areas to Better Manage Water Supply and Sanitation
Empowering Urban Areas to Better Manage Water Supply and Sanitation, 2009 (pdf, full-text)
Dar Es Salaam, February 19, 2009—The Water and Sanitation Program today released a practical course manual for trainers of urban communities in Tanzania to improve water supply and sanitation management practices.
The seven modules are meant to equip communities with the tools to eliminate [...]
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India, Bangalore: Changing the Sanitation Landscape
The residents of Sudhamnagar, a slum community in Bangalore, made the big leap from defecating in the open until 2007 to having household latrines in 2009, proving that once people understand what they’re missing, they will find ways to get it.
Sudhamnagar comprises 300 households of mostly daily wage earners. For a long time residents had [...]
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ADB-DMC Sanitation Dialogue, 3-5 March 2009, Manila, Philippines
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is inviting developing member country (DMC) Ministers of Finance, Health, Water and Sanitation, Environment, and Water Resources or their senior executives and city mayors to the ADB-DMC Sanitation Dialogue to discuss DMC’s sanitation needs, barriers, options, and actions.
Economics of sanitation: (benefits and costs) covers public health and environmental issues, and [...]
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Zimbabwe: cholera still not under control, repairing sewage systems essential
Despite a decrease of the crude case fatality rate, the cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe is still not under control, says OCHA, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs . As of 19 February 2009, there have been 80,250 registered cholera cases and 3,759 deaths. Case attendance to health facilities is improving as a [...]
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Workshop: Developing Innovative Approaches to Environmental Water and Sanitation in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Abbottabad, Pakistan, 2-4 March 2009
The workshop ‘Developing Innovative Approaches to Environmental Water and Sanitation in Afghanistan and Pakistan - Linking Applied Research, Capacity Building and Institution Building’, will be held in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on March 2nd-4th, 2009.
The workshop is funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), and run jointly by the NORAGRIC - Department of International Environment [...]
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Clinton visits USAID-sponsored toilets in Petojo
US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited on Thursday a toilet-provision project sponsored by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Petojo Utara in Central Jakarta as part of her two-day visit to Indonesia.
Tempointeraktif.com reported Clinton arrived at the subdistrict after she had met with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
During a press [...]
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Nepal - Girls dropping out of schools due to lack of toilets
KATHMANDU, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) — Lack of proper and safe toilets in school premises is one of the reasons for Nepali girl students’ dropping out before reaching the secondary level education, local newspaper The Rising Nepal reported Tuesday.
According to surveys on water and sanitation (WATSAN) carried out by government and private organizations and UN [...]
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Viet Nam: school toilets inadequate
Ngo Doan Huan is very proud of the school he is managing in the remote northern province of Lai Chau’s Tam Duong District, but the toilet is another story. More than 150 students in his two-storey school campus in Bo Village have to share a narrow double-tank latrine in which the dung is kept for [...]
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Toilet titan’s simple slogan for success: keep it clean
WHEN a three-year-old business renting out portable loos to building sites manages to raise $4 million from private investors in the space of two years, you take note.
You ask “what sets this business apart from the tens of thousands of hopefuls with their hand out looking for capital?”
Mechanical engineer turned entrepreneur Jim Noort has [...]
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Asia: Unilever to take Project Shakti global
Unilever has begun replicating Hindustan Unilever’s (HUL) rural micro-enterprise [in India], led by women-entrepreneurs, Project Shakti in several international markets.
The project was started in 2001 to empower underprivileged rural women by providing income-generating opportunities [by selling soap, shampoo and other pesronal care products], health and hygiene education. Rural women are appointed as Vanis (communicators) and [...]
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Uganda - First Lady to promote hygiene
THE First Lady, Janet Museveni, is set to spearhead a countrywide campaign on sanitation.
The First Lady agreed to become a sanitation advocate during a meeting with the Sanitation Working Group at State House on Monday.
“You have my assurance that I will be there for you,” she said.
“We are working towards the same [...]
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Peru, Lima: Sedapal to build wastewater treatment plant for irrigation
Peru’s state water and sewerage utility Sedapal, serving Lima and neighboring Callao, will sign an agreement with the Pueblo Libre district to build a wastewater treatment plant [that will] irrigate the district’s green areas with treated water instead of polluted water from the Surco river.
“Pueblo Libre will be the first ecological district in the city [...]
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Ghana - Toilet War Lingers
REPORTS REACHING DAILY GUIDE indicate that the struggle to take over public toilets by some National Democratic Congress (NDC) adherents in parts of the country still remains a ritual even though the practice has widely been condemned.
The latest facility to fall prey to this untoward attack is the Mallam Tunga public toilet in the [...]
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Costs and economics of sustainable sanitation (SuSanA fact sheet)
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) has published a draft 8-page fact sheet for review by its members on Cost and Economics. The fact sheet introduces the concepts of costs and economics, presents simple analytical tools for comparing sanitation interventions, and illustrates these concepts and tools using evidence from previous economic studies. The fact sheet serves as [...]
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“Sanitation Is Becoming a Social Movement” - Therese Dooley, UNICEF
Q&A: “Sanitation Is Becoming a Social Movement”
Nergui Manalsuren interviews THERESE DOOLEY, UNICEF sanitation advisor
UNITED NATIONS, Feb 6 (IPS) - While 2008 - declared by the U.N. as the “International Year of Sanitation”, came and went with 2.6 billion people, including almost one billion children, still living without basic facilities, UNICEF’s sanitation and hygiene senior advisor, [...]
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Japan: sewage yields more gold than top mines
A sewage treatment facility in [Nagano prefecture,] central Japan has recorded a higher gold yield from sludge than can be found at some of the world’s best mines. [T]he high percentage of gold found at the Suwa facility was probably due to the large number of precision equipment manufacturers in the vicinity that use the [...]
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9th SuSanA meeting, 16-17 May 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The 9th meeting of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) will be held in Addis Ababa, directly prior to the 34th WEDC international conference. The meeting will be hosted by WSP and the Ethiopian WASH coalition.
Day 1 (Saturday) will focus on working group meetings.
Day 2 (Sunday) will focus on presentation of results [...]
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Cholera under-reported, infects millions a year - WHO
Cholera infects millions of people each year, 10 times the number of cases reported by countries who fear losing tourist or trade income by acknowledging the real scale of an outbreak, experts said
Claire-Lise Chaignat, cholera coordinator at the World Health Organisation, said [in the Feb 2009 issue of WHO Bulletin] the diarrhoeal disease that [...]
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South Africa - The quiet water crisis
JOHANNESBURG, 4 February 2009 (IRIN) - Concerned with a cholera threat from its northern neighbour, Zimbabwe, South Africa could be overlooking a creeping water crisis of its own, as ageing infrastructure and rising demand spew potentially deadly bacteria into its water systems.
When apartheid crumbled in 1994, an estimated 14 million South Africans lacked access [...]
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Governance in Urban Sanitation, e-Learning Course, 23 March – 15 May 2009
Please note that application deadline for this course is 06 Feb 2009
The goal of the course is to enhance the capacity of local decision-makers to make the most efficient and pro-poor choices and investments in urban sanitation. The course provides analytical tools to understand the financial and institutional framework of the sanitation sector, creating the [...]
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Water, sanitation and hygiene standards in schools in low-cost settings
The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking assistance from those with suitable experience to review the draft - Water, sanitation and hygiene standards in schools in low-cost settings Draft- WASH Standards in Schools. A “Response Form” which details the type of review being sought g can be found here Response Form . Responses [...]
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India, Bihar: Gram Gaurav Yatra launched to Promote Sanitation
In order to sensitise people towards health and hygiene, Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Government of Bihar, WaterAid and UNICEF have taken up a month long Gram Gaurav Yatra to promote sanitation in Bihar. PHED Minister Ashwani Kumar Choubey announced the launch of Bihar Gram Gaurav Rath Yatra on January 28, 2009, that embarked on [...]
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India: a silent revolution
The Total Sanitation Campaign is taking clean sanitation to rural households, making a quality difference to their lives.
Two silent revolutions are sweeping rural India. One, of mobile telephones, primarily pushed by the aggressive private service providers, and the second, that of sanitation driven by the rule-bound, governmental agencies with non-governmental organisations taking the campaign forward [...]
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Sierra Leone: Kenema Hospital Undergoes Toilet Rehab
The Kenema district development mission, a group of Sierra Leoneans based in the United States, has commenced the rehabilitation of the deplorable state of the toilets at the government hospital following persistent cries from patients and members of the public for the facilities to be improved.
Chairman of the group, Francis Samba said as Sierra Leoneans [...]
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Uganda: Dfcu Bank Supports Sanitation
DFCU bank has earmarked sh200m [US$ 102,000] for improving water supply and sanitation in Kampala, Lira and Arua. The bank signed a partnership deal with WaterAid [in July 2006] to implement the three-year Sanitation Improvement Project.
Susan Nsibirwa, the dfcu marketing manager, said at the launch of a modern water kiosk and a public toilet facility [...]
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Uganda: Schools Without Pit Latrines Will Not Open for First Term
Education officials in Nyadri district have said schools with dilapidated pit-latrines will not open for the first term.The district inspector of schools, Flavia Droti, said six schools had so far been identified and they would only open after new latrines had been constructed. The first term starts on February 2, [2009].
Droti [...] said: “A report [...]
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Uganda, Mukono District: local government offices lack toilets
Mukono district lacks toilets in the main administrative departments. The toilets at the treasury have been out of use for two years while the local administration Police station and the education department have not had good toilets for years. In 2004, Crest Tank donated mobile toilets to the two departments but no renovation has been [...]
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Ghana - Government urged to formulate comprehensive sanitation policy
Dr. Yasmin Ali Haque, representative of the United Nation’s Children Fund (UNICEF) in Ghana, on Thursday urged government to formulate a comprehensive national sanitation policy.
She said this would ensure effective sanitation delivery for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals on sanitation.
Dr. Haque made the call in Sunyani at the opening of the 2008 annual [...]
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Jackie Chan urges fans to flush toilets!
Speaking at a Go Green initiative for Segway the action star encouraged his fans to help protect the environment and conserve water.
“Do you know how much water we waste when each of us visits the washroom twice a day?” the Daily Express quoted him as saying.
“When I go to the washroom, I will [...]
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Zimbabwe: Worst-case cholera scenario getting worse
Zimbabwe’s worst-case cholera scenario, as predicted by the World Health Organization (WHO), is likely to be surpassed within a few weeks and there are still about two months of the rainy season left.
In December 2008 the WHO said cholera cases could balloon to 60,000 before the rainy season ended in March 2009, but Gregory Härtl, [...]
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Indonesia: The challenge of piped water and sanitation
Like many villages in Madiun District, East Java Province, Geger [...] for years lacked piped water or adequate sanitation facilities.
While the water problem was partly addressed by installing wells, the issue of adequate sanitation remained a concern. A stream that snakes through the village served as a natural latrine, with the downstream current relied on [...]
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Sierra Leone - Plan Observes ‘Kaka Free Environment’
Sixteen latrines have been constructed using local materials and with the effective involvement and participation of children and women.
Ward councilor Sulaiman Sesay commended the initiative of community involvement and participation in development activities as ‘a worthy venture and one that is sustainable’.
He commended Plan Sierra Leone for the strategy and encouraged other communities to emulate [...]
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Get serious about sewage, theologian tells sustainability activists
The way society deals with its sewage is indicative of its commitment to sustainability, a South African academic has told a gathering of theologians in Brazil in advance of the World Social Forum, a global event questioning exploitative globalisation.
“Our thinking about sustainability must deal with sewage because we have to live with our waste. It [...]
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India: world’s highest drug levels entering stream in Andhra Pradesh
PATANCHERU: When researchers [led by Joakim Larsson of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden] analyzed vials of treated wastewater from a plant where about 90 Indian drug factories dump their residues, they were shocked. Powerful antibiotic was being spewed into one stream each day to treat every person in a city of 90,000.
And it’s not just [...]
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Mr. Toilet, World Toilet Association founder Sim Jae-duck, dies
Nicknamed “Mr. Toilet”, the Korean sanitation campaigner and founder and first president of the World Toilet Association (WTA), Sim Jae-duck died on 14 January 2009. Parliament member Sim Jae-duck earned his nickname for improving public restrooms for the 2002 Football World Cup as mayor of Suwon city. Since 1999 he was president of the Korea [...]
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Burkina Faso: Schoolchildren adopt improved sanitation and hygiene practices
For the students at the Weotenga Primary School [in Weotenga village] in central Burkina Faso, handwashing with soap is anything but a chore. In fact, it’s the latest craze, thanks to efforts by UNICEF to elevate the importance of personal hygiene in the region.
“I always wash my hands with soap after going to toilet,” says [...]
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Can S Leone flush away corruption?
It is not very often that a toilet sparks political debate.
And it is even rarer for a VIP ministerial toilet to be opened up for journalistic inspection.
But a little over a year ago I began a journey in a ministerial bathroom that would take me down an unusual path of inquiry - and end up [...]
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Community-Led Total Sanitation website
This site replaces the Livelihoods Connect hot topic on CLTS. It is currently still under construction.
The CLTS website forms a part of the project: Going to Scale? The Potential of Community-Led Total Sanitation. This research project is managed by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
The [...]
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Tanzania - Poor water supply, sanitation disrupt school attendances
Poor water supply, sanitation disrupt school attendances
It has been observed that poor state of water supply and sanitation facilities in schools is a major factor for the declining of pupils` class attendance and their ability to learn.
The observation was made yesterday by different professionals at the annual national debate on water and sanitation in [...]
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Dubai Cares roundtable on water/sanitation and primary education
Dubai Cares and Global Partners Place Water Sanitation on Global Humanitarian Agenda
NEW YORK - Dubai Cares is chairing the first in a series of roundtable forums on the link between Water Sanitation and primary education.
NEW YORK - (Business Wire) Dubai Cares is chairing the first in a series of roundtable forums on the [...]
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The Adventures of Super Toilet: new WaterAid sanitation promotion video for kids
“The Adventures of Super Toilet is a fun, but important, reminder to kids everywhere of the importance of clean toilets, safe drinking water and good hygiene…”.
Will Vinny the Poo succeed in his mission to make the school kids sick? Not if the Super Hygiene Team - Super Toilet, Soapy Hero and Driplette - has anything [...]
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Flash Squat: UK sanitation campaigners “squat” within sight of Houses of Parliament
Squatting in public is what millions of people have to do every day. So [ UK sanitation campaigners] are going to risk [their] dignity at [a] mass squat to draw attention to one of the biggest and most neglected development issues - lack of basic sanitation.
The “Flash Squat” is being planned by WaterAid for Wednesday [...]
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Philippines - Dagupan okays first of its kind health, sanitation code
DAGUPAN CITY, Jan. 16 (PNA)–The city council here has passed Dagupan’s own comprehensive health and sanitation code which was dubbed as a “milestone legislation”.
City Health Officer Leonard Carbonell hailed the code authored by Councilors Jesus Canto and Michael Fernandez, that codified all national laws and existing city ordinances dealing on health and sanitation.
He [...]
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Singapore NEWater: From Sewage to Safe
Singapore has taken recycling to a whole new level, in the process, securing safe, drinking water for its citizens for centuries to come.
The world can learn a thing or two on water recycling from Singapore. Faced with diminishing freshwater sources, its national water agency, the Public Utilities Board (PUB), has tapped an unlikely resource-used, dirty, [...]
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Africa still stuck with its flying toilets
Although Kenya and other eastern African countries committed themselves to increased financing for sanitation at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in 2002, the issue has not been prioritised in national budgets since then.
NAIROBI (IPS) - In 1925, Mahatma Gandhi remarked that “Sanitation is more important than political independence.
More than 80 years later, [...]
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Zambia - Street vending contributes to cholera
Government has observed that street vending and unsanitary conditions at public places were some of the major contributing factors to the out break of cholera in the country.
Lusaka Province Minister, Lameck Mangani, said the general public should be mindful of the manner they dispose off refuse in order to avoid and control diarrheal diseases.
Mr. [...]
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Hygiene studies from Pakistan, Mexico and other countries
The latest issue of the Urban Health Buletin, Nov/Dec 2008 (pdf, 125KB) contains hygiene studies from several countries. Compiled by Environmental Health at USAID, this issue contains an introduction by Anthony Kolb, USAID’s Urban Health Advisor, and abstracts of 11 recently published studies on urban health issues.
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India, Goa: Govt planning to subsidise sewage connections
Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat [of the Indian state of Goa] has announced that the government would [...] subsidise sewage connections [in] Margao as he made an impassioned plea to the household owners to connect their septic tanks and soakpits to the sewage plant and avoid a health hazard.
Expressing his commitment to complete the Margao sewage [...]
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India, Punjab/Haryana: court ets up panel to evaluate reforms in working condition of sewerage workers
In order to evaluate and recommend reforms in the working conditions of labourers in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh, the Punjab and Haryana High Court has set up an expert committee, headed by former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Justice S S Kang.
[...] The orders were passed in wake of a public interest litigation (PIL) highlighting the [...]
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Netherlands: electric fence to stop open defecation
Contrary to what you would expect, open defecation is not only a problem in developing countries. PWN, the provincial water company for North Holland in The Netherlands, has been forced to install barbed wire and electric fencing to stop tourists from using a water catchment area as a public toilet.
Regularly, toilet paper and human excrement [...]
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Nepal, Lalitpur: new sanitation initiative benefitting Lubhu people
Lalitpur: The people living in Lubhu [or Luboo], and its vicinity are now happy that they now [have improved sanitation and ended the practice of open defecation]. ”After two years of continuous efforts made by the [Lubhu Infrastructure and Environment Improvement Committee (LIEIC)], most of the villages in the areas have been free from this serious [...]
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Nepal: lack of toilets trouble girls
Ramechhap: The girl students studying in the secondary and higher secondary schools in Ramechhap district [Janakpur zone, Central region] are facing problems due to lack of toilets. Many girl students do not go to school and some suffer from different health problems due to the lack of toilets in the schools.
Most of the government [...]
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CDC/Safewater & USAID fact sheets on household water treatment
Below are links to Fact Sheets posted today on the Environmental Health at USAID website:
- Boiling: Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries. January 2009. CDC Safewater/USAID. (pdf, 538KB). Boiling is arguably the oldest and most commonly practiced household water treatment method, and it has been widely promoted for decades. Organizations recommend boiling both [...]
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Call to submit IYS projects and events
The International Year of Sanitation (IYS) is over. Now the important follow-up work begins. IYS organizers are preparing a summary of IYS events and outcomes for the next session of the United Nations General Assembly [in September 2009]. If you or your organization has undertaken an initiative, the IYS team would like to hear about it. [...]
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Bangladesh: Caritas Helps Flood-prone Villagers With Sanitary Facilities, Hygiene Awareness
Samiran Bibi is on the frontline of a Caritas Bangladesh-inspired effort to keep illness at bay in [Tarash], a flood-prone area in northwestern Bangladesh. Each morning the mother of two goes with other members of her Magura Mukundu Dal (village group) to inspect the new toilets in her village in Tarash sub-district, about 150 kilometers [...]
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Nigeria: DMT Mobile Toilets to produce gas from human waste
DMT Mobile Toilets, has unveiled a programme [to] generate at least 35 per cent gas for domestic use and electricity from human and animal waste for the Lagos mega city project [in 2009]. The mega city project is jointly being promoted by the Federal Government, Lagos and Ogun State governments.
According to the Chairman of DMT [...]
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Mozambique: “Model Institutions” in Hygiene Campaign
The national hygiene and sanitation campaign, launched ten months ago, has succeeded in creating a series of “model institutions” across Mozambique, according to Health Minister Ivo Garrido.
[T]hese were institutions that had followed basic hygiene rules, provided access to clean water, and had decent sanitation facilities for their workers.
Among such institutions, said Garrido, were the Angonia [...]
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IDS Conference discusses scaling up Community Led Total Sanitation
A conference at the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), Brighton, UK, from 16-18 December [2008] brought together professionals from around the world to share research and insights on Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS).
The conference was the culmination of an IDS-led research project [Going to Scale? The Potential of Community-Led Total Sanitation], funded by DFID.
CLTS is [...]
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Cambodian comedian takes rural sanitation to the Kingdom’s TVs
TV personality Chab Chean has been chosen as the government’s spokesperson in a push to promote sanitation throughout the countryside.
The government is hoping a little toilet humour will go a long ways in bringing its pro-sanitation message to the countryside, where millions live without access to running water and the nearest rice field often passes [...]
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Cambodia: Singaporean group introduces “floating” toilets
In rural Cambodia, only 16 per cent of residents have a proper toilet — the lowest rate in Southeast Asia.
[...] On Cambodia’s great lake, Tonle Sap [...] homes are floating platforms and must move seasonally, and outhouses are simply a wooden plank over the open water. People have no choice but to contaminate the very [...]
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East Africa: Sanitation - ‘This Is the Way We Live’
In East Africa, not one country is on track to meet Millennium Development Goal Seven, which aims to reduce by half the number of people without access to clean drinking water and decent sanitation by 2015.
Despite governments in the region being signatories to several declarations on improving sanitation, many East African households still lack access [...]
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India, Orissa: dead man builds road, latrines “stolen”
The head of a village in Kendrapara district, Orissa has accused her predecessor of embezzlement of government funds. According to Ms. Mamatarani Dasthe, Sarpanch (viilage head) of Gangapada, Rs 30,000 was spent in 2003-2004 on road that was never constructed. In addition “the work order was issued against a man who was dead well before [...]
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India, Andhra Pradesh: public toilets lie in neglect
In a country where a huge chunk of population defecates in the open, Andhra Pradesh has grabbed the dubious record of being the state with the lowest number of `working’ public toilets.
The irony is that the state topped in constructing the maximum number of public toilets in the country, but almost 70 per cent of [...]
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Poop-Powered Hydrogen Cars Show Promise
New research from Kajima, a Japanese company, and Tokyo University, suggests that microbes from human waste could be a good source for hydrogen fuel cell cars. According to a report yesterday on Japan’s Nikkei, the company has produced a fuel cell that has generated 130W from each cubic meter of waste. Kajima believes it will [...]
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Looking Back at International Year of Sanitation
Popular it is not, but 2008 has been a year of major significance. 2.6 billion people do not have access to even the most basic of sanitary services and this humanitarian deficiency is responsible for over 3/4 of all diseases in the poorest corners of our earth. Whatever odorous connotations you might conjure, the International [...]
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Innovative Projects To Support Water And Sanitation Solutions To Receive $1M In Funding From The Coca-Cola Foundation
Innovative Projects To Support Water And Sanitation Solutions To Receive $1M In Funding From The Coca-Cola Foundation
The Coca-Cola Foundation will award a total of $1M to support four innovative projects to improve water resources and sanitation in developing nations. The projects were selected by the Global Water Challenge (GWC) business coalition and Ashoka’s Changemakers through [...]
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India: seventy per cent of schools in seven states without toilets, national survey reveals
[...] Seventy per cent of [elementary] schools in as many as seven states are without toilet facilities and 20 per cent elementary schools in over 10 states have no drinking water facilities, [a new] study said.
[In] Arunachal Pradesh [...] 78 per cent schools [are] without toilet facilities, it said.
The study, compiled by National University of [...]
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India - Use loos or flush your allowances
Pune: In a bid to make the Nirmal Gram Yojana more effective, the Pune Zilla Parishad (ZP) recently issued notices to 50 of its employees for having failed to construct toilets in their homes.
The ZP had recently decided to withhold the house-rent allowance of all such employees and initiate an enquiry against them after [...]
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Cambodia: hand washing a low priority in rural areas, ARDA study says
Only one in four rural Cambodians practice appropriate hand washing regardless of access to clean water and hygiene knowledge, according to a recent study presented by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) at the World Federation of Public Health Associations/American Public Health Association (WFPHA/APHA) Annual International Health Breakfast held in San Diego, California.
Dr. Leonard [...]
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Nepal: success of cholera mitigation campaign celebrated
The number of cholera cases in the Kathmandu Valley dropped drastically after a various intervention programmes, according to a study carried out by an NGO. The month-long Cholera Mitigation Campaign launched in September 2008, reduced the number cholera cases from 315 to zero. During the campaign 250 volunteers were engaged in awareness raising and chlorine [...]
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iToilet: flushing made easy
Some light “relief’ on the last day of 2008 …
While the “iToilet” “may very well be the lamest running joke in all of Appledom” according to Paul Miller, these two examples may amuse the readers of Sanitation Updates.
In 2002, Steven Murray of Electric Chicken produced a spoof ad for the iToilet to vent his then “frustrations [...]
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China, Beijing: all sewage to be reused within three years
The Beijing Sewage Association [said] that within three years, all water processed in the city’s sewage treatment plants will meet requirements for reuse. The annual capacity of Beijing’s nine sewage treatment plants totals 900 million tons, but only 100 million tons of treated water is qualified for reuse. [...] The total quantity of treated water [...]
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Two innovative sanitation solutions to get funding from Coca-Cola Foundation
The Coca-Cola Foundation will award a total of US$1 million to support four innovative projects to improve water resources and sanitation in developing nations. The projects were selected by the Global Water Challenge (GWC) business coalition and Ashoka’s Changemakers through the “Tapping Local Innovation: Unclogging the Water and Sanitation Crisis” competition.
Two of the projects involve [...]
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Liberia: No relief as most Monrovians go without toilets
With just one in 25 Liberians having access to a toilet, most [practice open defecation].
Liberia’s 3.5 million people share just 19,690 toilets, according to a government water and sanitation sector assessment from October 2008, and fewer than one in three Liberians have access to safe drinking water, according to the head of Liberia’s Water and [...]
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Film: Sanitation Kinshasa
Filth, dust and stench have reached extraordinary levels during the last two decades in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Solid waste management, storm drainage and infrastructure designed for 400,000 people in the 1960s when Kinshasa was establised, now must serve 8 million in 2008.
The post-electoral emergency programme, planned for 2 [...]
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Resource recovery - not wastewater treatment, 22 Jan 2009, London, UK
A one day conference organised by Aqua Enviro Technology Transfer at the Geological Society in London looking at options for a “sewage treatment revolution” in the UK. The basic principles of wastewater treatment have remained unchanged for at least one hundred years. In principle wastewater contains many valuable resources, namely: water, energy, nitrogen and phosphorus. [...]
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Zimbabwe: Nigel’s Story - the tragedy of country’s cholera outbreak
[Nigel Chigudu lost] five siblings in five hours to the cholera epidemic that has been sweeping across Zimbabwe. “They started vomiting and had serious diarrhoea,” recalls Nigel, 15. “The youngest, Gamu, was 14 months old, and Lameck was 12 years old. It was in the middle of the night; I could not take them anywhere. [...]
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Right to sanitation - contributions sought for World Water Forum
Contributions are requested for four sessions on the subject of the Right to Water and Sanitation for the Fifth World Water Forum in Istanbul (Theme 4: Governance, Topic 4.1)
Guidelines on how to contribute for these sessions are available on the Freshwater Action Network (FAN) web site.
Topic 4.1: Implementing the Right to Water and Sanitation for [...]
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Malaysia - Toilet king says dirty toilet days are numbered
DIRTY public toilets have gotten the toilet king of Malaysia fuming these days.
Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew, who got this nickname (toilet king) because of his zest to “flush out” out the thousands of stinking cubicles in the country, vows that their days are numbered.
»When using the [...]
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Tanzania: First Hygiene and Sanitation Week held
The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) launched the first Hygiene and Sanitation Week from 13-14 November 2008, with support from the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), along with UNICEF, WaterAid, PSI and others.
[...] A special message was delivered in Dar es Salaam that emphasized the government’s commitment to achieve the national sanitation targets [...]
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Philippines - Awards for barangays best sanitation practices
ILOILO CITY, Dec. 16 – Two barangays in Western Visayas won the title as “Barangays with Best Sanitation Practices for Environmental Health” under the urban/city and rural municipal categories.
The winners were recognized during the 2008 regional awarding for stakeholders and partners of the Department of Health-Center for Health Development 6 (DOH-CHD 6) held at the [...]
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Ghana: Presidential candidates quizzed about sanitation on prime time radio
Candidates for the Ghanaian presidential election scheduled for December 2008 answered questions on prime time radio about their sanitation plans if they are elected.
The candidates took turns to answer questions on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show over three days from 23 to 26 September 2008. The media platform dubbed Flag bearers on Environmental Sanitation was [...]
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Pakistan: stopping open defecation through behavioural change
“I remember the time when I’d get up to the chirping of the birds, walk across to a nearby field, relieve myself in the fresh, open air -undisturbed - go to the nearby canal, take a bath and then come home to a hearty breakfast… before going off to work in the fields,” said an [...]
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Congo: Red Cross sets sights on cholera
The lack of clean drinking water and proper hygiene fuelled the spread of cholera in the south and southwest of the Republic of Congo [Brazzaville], says the Congolese Red Cross, which has just completed a campaign to teach people how to recognise and stem the spread of the disease.
[B]y the end of November [2008], 127 [...]
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South Africa - Q&A: South Africa Suffers Sanitation Backlog
Kristin Palitza interviews Gertrude Matsebe and Louiza Duncker, Sustainable Human Settlement group, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
PRETORIA, Dec 15 (IPS) - Sanitation is a key element of health, and hygiene a basic need for survival. Yet, millions of South Africans, especially those living in rural areas, do not have access to basic services, [...]
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Nigeria - Sokoto Establishes Sanitation Mobile Courts
Following the re-introduction of monthly sanitation in Sokoto by the state government, sanitation mobile courts are to be established to try violators of sanitation laws.
Permanent Secretary, Sokoto State Ministry of Environment Engr. Muhammed Jabi Shagari said this while addressing offenders during the flag off of the monthly exercise at the weekend. Six vehicles and 32 [...]
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India Sanitation Portal launched
Arghyam and the WASH Institute have launched the India Sanitation Portal, as a sister web site of the India Water Portal. The new Portal is a collaborative effort with content initially provided by Arghyam, Plan International, Stockholm Environmental Institute, UNICEF, WASH Institute, WaterAid, Water and Sanitation Program, Water for People, and Wherever the Need.
An important [...]
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Angola: Sanitation Priority for 2009, Says Luanda Governor
Luanda — The approval of the sanitation steering plan for the capital city is one of the priorities of the Luanda provincial government, on Wednesday here announced governor Francisca do Espírito Santo, at the end of a Cabinet Council meeting.
According to her, there is the need for repairing infrastructures and sewerage system as they are [...]
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India - Schools Without Toilets Undermine Orissa’s Education
“Who will clean my toilet - is the refrain from schools. The government cannot clean toilets in thousands of schools, many tucked away in rural corners,” says Prashant Panigrahi, Chief Engineer, Rural Water Supply & Sanitation (RWSS), Government of Orissa. “The schools will have to develop their own mechanism to keep their toilets useable.”
Maintaining toilets [...]
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India, Sikkim: first state to achieve 100% sanitation
Sikkim, the second smallest state of India, was recently declared a ‘Nirmal State’ for being completely free of open defecation. It was honoured with a gold medal by Indian President Pratibha Patil for setting an example for others states to follow.
“I congratulate Sikkim for becoming a state with 100% sanitation facilities and I hope that [...]
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Nepal, Kathmandu: squatters find way to rid of river pollution
Until a year ago, life was like a nightmare for squatters of Narayan tole behind the Maharajgunj-based Kanti Children’s Hospital: [a] pungent smell emanated from the polluted Samakhusi River [and] the squatters [suffered from] diseases, including diarrhoea, eye shore and dysentery.
[T]he squatters sought help from [...] Lumanti, an NGO working in the slums, Water Aid [...]
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Art Museum Toilets Elevated to an Art Form
The Art Museum Toilet Museum of Art is taking toilet homage to a new level. The organization has launched a Web site which displays a large selection of its collection of images of toilets taken at various art museums from around the world. Ranging from exclusive images of the Metropolitan, to the behind-closed-doors shots of [...]
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Bangladesh: some 22 million children immunised against polio
Health experts in Bangladesh have successfully immunised 22 million under-five children [or about 97 percent of that age group] against polio. [...] Polio (poliomyelitis) is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus [that] enters the body through the mouth, or in water or food that has been contaminated with faecal material from an infected [...]
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PERUSAN 2008 “Proposals for Sustainable Sanitation” Launches
Approximately 1,200 people attended the opening ceremony of the First Peruvian Conference on Sanitation, PERUSAN 2008. The conference, “Proposals for Sustainable Sanitation,” is an initiative led by the Ministry of Housing, Construction, and Sanitation, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of the Environment. The international cooperation agencies forming part of the Grupo Agua support this [...]
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Sri Lanka: Red Cross promotes wastewater reuse for gardens
As you enter Nilanthi’s backyard in a resettlement village in Dadalla, Sri Lanka-a small community three miles from the southern coastal city of Galle-you’re immediately drawn to her lush green garden, full of fresh papayas, pomegranates, bananas, okra, squash, kankun (a local kale-like vegetable) and spinach. [...] The plants are growing over a household seepage [...]
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Sri Lanka, Kurunegala: Wilgodapura benefits from improved sanitation
In Wilgodapura, a remote hamlet close to Kurunegala, Wayamba Province, the entire community of over 400 villagers had to manage with just three water spouts and 14 latrines, of which only two were functional. As a result, most of the people were forced to use the canal as a toilet.
The EU funded project “Water and [...]
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Community-managed toilets: Tiruchirappalli, India, shows the way
The city of Tiruchirappalli in Tamil Nadu, India shows a way out of the sanitation crisis. The Tiruchirappalli model of community-managed toilets with bathing and washing facilities is an example of a partnership between sensitive city authorities, communities and NGOs, working together to address these problems. The work undertaken by these partners over the last [...]
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Indonesia: Clean Future for World’s Dirtiest River
Indonesia’s efforts to clean up the Citarum River, often called the world’s most polluted river, received a major boost [on 05 December 2008] following the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) approval of a $500 million multi-tranche loan package ]extended over a 15-year implementation period]. The first loan tranche is for $50 million.
The Citarum River Basin Territory [...]
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India, West Bengal: hygiene matters - self-help group manufactures cheap sanitary napkins
For several communities in India, menstruation is an excuse to treat women as `untouchables’ for seven days a month, and denied the right to participate in social customs. But women in the backward Purulia district of West Bengal have managed to destroy taboos related to the monthly cycle through a project that aims at providing [...]
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Zimbabwe declares national emergency over cholera
Zimbabwe has declared a cholera outbreak that has killed more than 560 people [with the capital Harare the worst affected] a national emergency and appealed for international help to deal with the crisis.
[...] “Our central hospitals are literally not functioning. Our staff is demotivated and we need your support to ensure that they start coming [...]
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India - Celebrating sanitation
KURUKSHETRA, Haryana State, Dec 4 (IPS) - Everywhere there was the seductively deep bass sound of Indian drums as crowds of local villagers shouted ‘Jai Swachhta’ (long live cleanliness) and punched the air.
Small elevated mud pathways dividing black fields dotted with stone and mud houses facing drying mounds of grain stalks were crowded with celebrating [...]
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Kyrgyzstan: Safe and Sustainable - New Sanitation System
An international conference on Ecological Safety, held [in November 2008] in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, called attention to a dangerous sanitation issue by offering an inspiring and feasible solution.
The problem: international donors are still promoting pit latrines, says Dr. Claudia Wendland of Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), but most families can’t afford to pay [...]
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Uganda: Kayunga leaders arrested over latrines
ABOUT 26 people, one of them a sub-county councillor and four LC1 officials, have been arrested for lack of pit latrines [and taken to court]. This follows [an] operation by the Police led by the Kayunga sub-county health inspector, Abasa Kaneha.
[...] Most of the residents did not have pit latrines and many, including the NRM [...]
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Malawi: Justice is seen to be done as Elephant Toilet puts paid to the inconvenient courtroom
Hundreds of villagers sit silently on the hard stone floor of the courthouse in Chikako. [...] It is striking, that in this conservative and patriarchal society, the crowd is half male, half female. Until only a few months ago, justice was a strictly male affair and women rarely travelled to the courthouse.
The reason was [...] [...]
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Ethiopia: Researchers to Tighten Gap in Water, Sanitation Policies
Adama — Researches and intensive discussions help to tighten the gap between policy issues of the Water and Sanitation Sector (WSS), said the Research, Development and Coordination Department of the Ministry of Water Resource.
At the consultative forum held on Friday under the theme of “Financing WASH” in Adama, Abity Getaneh, Department’s Irrigation and Drainage Research [...]
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USA - Restroom Guardian
For further information on the Restroom Guardian, contact: Keith Worrel, Restroom Guardian, 11615 S. Walnut St. Olathe, KS 66061, USA. Email: kworrel@comcast.net
Phone: (913)780-9663
Dear Director,
I am contacting you and your organization about reviewing my recent press release and possibly writing an article and promoting my new revolutionary restroom hygiene product called Restroom Guardian. This [...]
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Ghana - Zoomlion Calls For Sanitation Court
The Accra Zonal Supervisor of Zoomlion Ghana Limited, Mr Robert Coleman, has urged the government to, as a matter of urgency, create a special court to prosecute people who disobey sanitation regulations.
That, he observed, would go a long way to help the country to resolve the increasing sanitation menace.
“If the government endorsed the creation [...]
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Recommendations on the Strategy and Road Map for the Implementation of the eThikweni Declaration
The Executive Committee of the African Ministers’ Council Water (AMCOW) met from 24-28 November 2008 at the UN Office in Nairobi, Kenya, under the theme “Carrying forward the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration and Commitments on Water and Sanitation (adopted by the African Union Summit, Egypt, June 2008).”
The meetings included that of the AfricaSan Taskforce [...]
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Bangladesh: Willingness to pay for sanitation in the BRAC’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme
Bin Seraj, K.F. (2008). Willingness to pay for improved sanitation services and its implication on demand responsive approach of BRAC Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme. (RED working paper ; no. 1). Dhaka, Bangladesh, BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED). 16 p.
Download here
This study aimed to provide some insights into sanitation-related strategies taken by the BRAC [...]
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Pakistan sanitation album on Picassa
This album by Tariq Jahangir has 230 photographs covering solid waste, public toilets (including school toilets and mosque toilets), wastewater, drains, sewerage, wastewater treatment plants, and hospital waste.
Mosque, washing hands, arms, face, feet before prayers Hygiene sanitation for muslims five times a day. Photo: Tariq Jahangir
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Nepal: loss worth Rs. 10 billion due to lack of sanitation
Nepal continues to bear a loss of some 10 billion rupees [US$ 127 million] annually [in terms of health expenses, loss of productivity and adverse effects in tourism] and 13,000 children under the age of five die every year from the diseases caused by unsafe drinking water and lack of sanitation.
According to the statistics of [...]
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Ghana - The Accra Sewerage Improvement Project to improve services
(ASIP) to improve and expand sewerage and sanitation facilities in the city of Accra and its environs was on Tuesday launched in Accra. The project also seeks to replace the current on-site human waste treatment systems with an environmentally friendly off-site treatment. The government of Ghana and the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) are funding [...]
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India: public hygiene initiative for villages has not worked, says NGO
Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP), which translates as clean village prize, was launched five years ago to promote sanitation in rural India with a [Rs 500,000] cash reward for villages [which achieve 100% sanitation coverage in terms of (a) 100% sanitation coverage of individual house holds, (b) 100% school sanitation coverage (c) free from open defecation [...]
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Mali’s water and sanitation champion
A jocular former paratrooper, Amadou Toumani Touré was once dubbed Mali’s “soldier of democracy”, the man who ousted a dictator in a 1991 coup before organising elections and handing power to a civilian administration the following year.
He was elected president himself in 2002 and has since acquired a new title: he is, in the [...]
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India: Sanitation Concerns Shift Into Space
NEW DELHI, Nov 21 (IPS) - India may be grappling with problems of basic sanitation but, at another level, its top scientists are turning their attention to human pollution in space.
India’s four-decade-old space programme, that successfully landed a spacecraft on the moon on Nov. 4, 2008, is now concerned about polluting space with human [...]
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SACOSAN-III concludes with a call for according national priority to Sanitation
The Third South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-III) concluded here today with a call for according national priority to Sanitation. The Delhi Declaration has been approved by the Heads of Delegations from Afganistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Srilanka.
The declaration recognises that access to sanitation and safe drinking water as a basic [...]
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India sets target of 28 toilets a minute
INDIA has to do a big job. More than half a billion citizens don’t have a toilet and the country needs to build 28 new loos every minute over the next four years to meet the Indian Government’s ambitious sanitation target.
One in two Indians, or about 650 million people, now defecate in the open and [...]
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Tanzania: 90 pc of Tanzanians don’t use latrines
Over 10 per cent of Tanzanians pass waste from their bodies, including faeces and urine indiscriminately in the bush or around water bodies for lack of latrines. Statistics made public here shows that of all the existing latrines, about 52.8 per cent are either in a dreadful state of dilapidation or of sub-standard, while only [...]
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Pakistan ‘to surpass MDGs sanitation target soon’
Federal Minister for Environment Hameed Ullah Jan Afridi has said that Pakistan is not only well on its way towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target for sanitation, but would also surpass it soon.
The minister stated this while addressing the ministerial segment of the third South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-III) currently underway in [...]
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SACOSAN-III concludes with Delhi Declaration; calls for national priority to sanitation
NEW DELHI, Nov 21 (APP): The weeklong Third South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-III) concluded here with a unanimous declaration by heads of delegations, calling for national priority to sanitation being basic right of citizens.
“Access to sanitation and safe drinking water is a basic right, and according national priority to sanitation is imperative, says the [...]
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Ghana: CONIWAS advocate right to improved sanitation
Many homes in Ghana lack improved toilets as most households toilets are converted to living rooms and some houses built without toilet facilities. As a result a lot of people, especially in the city centres roam helplessly daily looking for toilets to use. Some resort to public toilets while others defecate in the open, irrespective [...]
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The Atieno Family - the whole story
Artists Joseph Nzomo and Salim Busuru from Kenya created the Atieno family and the comic strip which tells the story of their lives in the slums. The comic strip was commissioned for the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre symposium ‘Sanitation for the Urban Poor: Partnerships and Governance’ (19 - 21 November 2008, Delft, the [...]
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‘Shit’ Matters: Community-Led Total Sanitation and the MDGs
Robert Chambers - 19 November 2008
Wednesday 19 November is World Toilet Day - but this is no time for toilet humour. Almost 6,000 people, mainly children under five, die every day because of poor sanitation, hygiene and lack of access to clean water, making sanitation one of the most important challenges for developing
IDS [Institute of [...]
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Bhutan, Trashigang: country’s first eco-friendly sewerage treatment plant commissioned
With the country’s first eco-friendly sewerage treatment plant commissioned on Monday, 17 November [2008], residents of Trashigang town finally got a solution to an ever-mounting problem.
Dedicated to the coronation and centenary celebrations, the new plant, built with a Nu 9.1 m DANIDA funding, will collect sewage from 58 houses in town.
[...] “The plant uses only [...]
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Catarina de Albuquerque: appointed as Independent Expert on right to water and sanitation
In March 2008, the Human Rights Council, by its resolution 7/22, decided to appoint an Independent Expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation. At its September 2008 session, the Human Rights Council appointed Ms. Catarina de Albuquerque as Independent Expert, for a period of three [...]
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Pakistan, Peshawar: Voices from behind the veil
Inside their veiled compounds, women mumble and feet shuffle as they enjoy the only privacy they have in the sprawling Kacha Garhi camp in Peshawar that houses more than 6,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) fleeing the fighting in north-west Pakistan’s tribal and border areas between government troops and militants.
[...] While the purdah [veil, in the [...]
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India: PM addresses the Third South Asian Conference on Sanitation
The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh inaugurated the Third South Asian Conference on Sanitation in New Delhi today. Following is the text of the Prime Minister’s speech on the occasion:
“I am delighted to be here today at the Third South Asian Conference on Sanitation. This Conference has a very special significance because the year 2008 [...]
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Sanitation goal needs fresh impetus
World Toilet Day tomorrow (November 19) is a reminder that over 2.6 billion people lack any form of ‘improved’ sanitation; one-sixth of the world’s population get their water from sources contaminated by human and animal faeces; half of all people in developing countries have an illness related to sanitation and water quality; and every six [...]
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Sanitation goal needs fresh impetus
World Toilet Day tomorrow (November 19) is a reminder that over 2.6 billion people lack any form of ‘improved’ sanitation; one-sixth of the world’s population get their water from sources contaminated by human and animal faeces; half of all people in developing countries have an illness related to sanitation and water quality; and every six [...]
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World Toilet Day: The Royal Society For Public Health Asks ‘How Healthy Are Our Loos’?
Poor hygiene is threatening public health and The Royal Society for Public Health believes that, on World Toilet Day - Monday November 17, the developed world has no reason to be complacent about its loo routines.
Toilet germs are spreading fast, with almost 50% of adults in the UK failing to dry their hands after using [...]
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Sanitation costs: cash, lives
A World Bank report draws attention to the financial costs of the Kingdom’s poor levels of sanitation and says up to 10,000 lives a year are needlessly lost.
DIARRHOEA and other diseases related to poor sanitation kill nearly 10,000 people a year in Cambodia and cost the Kingdom US$448 million annually, said a recent report from [...]
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Third South Asian conference on sanitation to open in Delhi
New Delhi, Nov 17 (ANI): The Ministry of Rural Development will organise a third South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-III) here from tomorrow.
The four day long conference will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.
Besides, the members of different UN and International Agencies, International and National NGOs, State officials, members of Panchayati Raj Institutions, [...]
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India trails Pakistan, Bangladesh in sanitation
New Delhi, Nov 17 (IANS) India might be an emerging economic power, but it is way behind Pakistan, Bangladesh and even Afghanistan in providing basic sanitation facilities, a key reason behind the death of 2.1 million children under five in the country.
Lizette Burgers, chief water and environment sanitation of the Unicef, Monday said India is [...]
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SACOSAN III - 3rd South Asian Conference on Sanitation, Nov 17-29, 2008
Conference Website
Theme for The Third South Asian Conference on Sanitation
“Sanitation For Dignity And Health”.
The related areas have been grouped into the following FOUR sub-themes:-
(i) Sanitation and Sustainability
This sub-theme may cover topics such as: -
(a) People and Community Centered Sanitation
(b) School Sanitation & Hygiene
(c) Sustainability of Sanitation Services
(d) Social Sanitation
(e) Women Issues in Sanitation
(f) Personal and [...]
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Zimbabwe: Derrick Jimu, “I put the blame for his death squarely on the city officials and the government”
Derrick Jimu, 56, has still not come to terms with the death of his son from cholera in the low-income suburb of Budiriro, in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare. So far more than 20 lives have been lost in this area, and the epidemic has now spread beyond the city.
“Samson had just graduated with a degree in [...]
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Zimbabwe: Disaster unit deployed in response to cholera outbreak
Zimbabwe has activated its national disaster response agency, the Civil Protection Unit (CPU), to counter the spread of cholera. [...] The CPU is usually deployed in the wake of national disasters, such as floods and droughts. [It had been] mandated to provide clean water [with assistance from UNICEF and WHO], even though this was the [...]
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Kenya, Nairobi: Fatuma Mohammed: “We fear the sewage is getting mixed up with clean water”
Residents of Nairobi’s Pumwani Estate, in the east of the capital, have lived with the foul smell of sewage for three years because a sewage line serving the estate bursts regularly, despite several attempts to repair it.
“We no longer stay indoors because of the smell, we make sure we are out of our homes as [...]
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Zimbabwe: cholera stalks our streets
Rodgers Matsikidze, a human rights lawyer and resident of Budiriro, a high-density suburb in the capital Harare, told IRIN that persistent sewer pipe bursts had exposed the community to disease, especially cholera.
“Our dilemma is that we have not had running water for close to a month. In addition we had sewer pipes bursting, resulting in [...]
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Sudan: eye disease rampant in the south - study
A large number of people living in Ayod County, Jonglei State, Southern Sudan, are suffering from severe trachoma [...] at least one person with clinical signs of trachoma was found in nearly every household, and one in three households had a person with severe blinding trachoma,” [according to a recent study], The Burden of Trachoma [...]
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CNN - Toilet training: Taking sanitation seriously
(CNN) — The number of people worldwide without access to a toilet — no public restroom, no outhouse, no latrine, no smallest room — is a whopping 2.6 billion. That’s four out of ten people.
According to the World Toilet Organization, 2.2 million people, predominantly children, die every year from diarrhea — more than from malaria, [...]
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Improving community sanitation in Uchi, Nigeria
UCHI, Nigeria, 12 November 2008 – UNICEF Nigeria Country Representative Dr. Suomi Sakai visited Uchi Community Primary School, located in Benue State, Nigeria recently, where she toured the school’s improved water and sanitation facilites. (…)
After the tour, the pupils gave Dr. Sakai a demonstration of how to properly wash your hands. Dr. Sakai said that [...]
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India: Cities told to come out with sanitation plans in 2 yrs
States and cities in the country will have to come out with their sanitation strategies in the next two years, according to a national urban sanitation policy unveiled by the government today.
The strategies would be prepared with the financial help from the Urban Development Ministry, which has funds worth about Rs 50,000 crore for the [...]
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India - Launching of National Urban Sanitation Policy
Dr. M. Ramachandran, Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development has urged states to start the process of drafting individual state sanitation strategies taking into account their own particular circumstances and focus mainly on achieving outcomes and not on blindly creating infrastructure.
Dr. Ramachandran was speaking at a workshop organized by the Ministry of Urban Development to [...]
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Indonesia - More cities to join urban sanitation development program
Four more cities will take part in an urban sanitation development program that has been jointly funded by the Indonesian and Dutch governments since 2007, an official says.
The four cities, which will join the program next year, are Semarang (Central Java), Kediri (East Java), Padang and Bukittinggi (both in West Sumatra). Ten other cities [...]
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Pakistan - Managing solid waste in the city: a dirty business
KARACHI: Environmentalists have warned that the approach of civic bodies towards solid waste management in Karachi will prove to be hazardous to the people living in the already congested city.
Spread over an area of 3,365 square kilometres, Karachi is the largest urban centre in Pakistan. The city houses more than 16 million people and is [...]
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Bush Sewage Plant plan flushed
The Republican brand may have stunk on Election Night, but not enough for San Francisco voters to rename a sewage treatment plant after President George W. Bush. [Voters rejected a proposition to change] the city’s Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant to the George W. Bush Sewage Plant. Apparently they did not think the prank on [...]
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Indonesia: More cities to join urban sanitation development program
Four more cities will take part in an urban sanitation development program that has been jointly funded by the Indonesian and Dutch governments since 2007.
The four cities, which will join the program next year, are Semarang (Central Java), Kediri (East Java), Padang and Bukittinggi (both in West Sumatra). Ten other cities joined the program in [...]
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Rural Sanitation in India
Drivers for Achievements
Political will and the creation of an enabling environment
A robust third party monitoring system is put in place by the Government of India
Capacity building and communication
Concurrent monitoring, evaluation, and research
An ambitious goal has been set in 1999 by the GOI to increase coverage in all the 578 rural districts of the country. The [...]
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India - Govt approves National Urban Sanitation Policy
New Delhi, Nov 10 (PTI) The government has approved the National Urban Sanitation Policy which aims to make sanitation facilities universally available in urban areas.
The policy specially focuses on hygienic and affordable sanitation facilities for the urban poor and women and will ensure improved cleanliness in cities and towns, said a senior Urban Development Ministry [...]
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Pakistan: Municipality Heralds Water and Sanitation Reforms
The Chitral Municipality in the extreme north of Pakistan announced a reward of half a million Pakistani rupees (US$6,550) for the first Union that attained Open Defecation Free (ODF) status. Previously, sanitation schemes were put on priority and allocated 20 percent of annual development funds of the municipality to benefit 14 unions with a population [...]
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India, Assam: Water-borne diseases claim 9 lives in Dibrugarh
Water-borne killer diseases continue to haunt the workforce of the tea gardens, with as many as nine deaths reported during the current year [2008] in the district. The recent four deaths were reported from Azizbagh tea estate while one death was reported from Nilmoni tea estate. [D]iarrhoea disease has been acute with as many as [...]
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Bangladesh: Inadequate sanitation biggest killer of children under five
While the government claims at least 88 percent sanitation coverage, WaterAid Bangladesh said the actual sanitation coverage in the country is not more than 39 percent.
Speakers at the launching ceremony of the Water Aid Global Report on ‘Tackling the silent killer: The case for sanitation‘ said the gap must be covered by analysing the real [...]
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Bangladesh: Concerted efforts to attain 100 pc sanitation target in Gaibandha by 2010 underscored
National Sanitation Month-08 is being celebrated in all the seven upazilas of [Gaibandha] district [pop. 2.1 million], [in Rajshahi Division, northern Bangladesh] from October 01 with much enthusiasm aimed at achieving 100 percent sanitation target by 2010.
[The] Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) and different NGOs organised various programmes [...] rallies, discussion meetings and debating [...]
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India, Sikkim: state set to achieve 100 pc sanitation cover
The Union Rural Development Minister Dr Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, on Sunday [19 October 2008], said that one of the main aims of the government would be to put [the] North East on the fast track for achieving total sanitation.
The Union Minister further divulged that Sikkim [pop. 540,000] is likely to become the first State to [...]
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Call for papers: Dry Toilet 2009
Dry Toilet 2009 The 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference will be held in the middle of August 2009 in Finland in Tampere University of Technology. Preliminary leaflet (pdf, size 223 Kb) and 2nd announcement (pdf, size 479 Kb).
The Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland is a registered Finnish association founded in 2002 to promote the [...]
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Nepal, Biratnagar: Toilet problem remains unchanged
There is not a single toilet constructed in Dume tole [500 people, 52 families] at ward no. 15 of Biratnagar municipality. The locals told that they have been living in the public land for the past 50 years and have not been able to construct toilet for not getting land and permission to construct toilet. [...]
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Uganda - Home sanitation can halve your medical bills
There is a saying that health is made at home and only repaired in health units. Whether this is real in the Uganda context is still a matter of debate. The health system emphasises curative approaches and management of health units without removing the root cause of ill health.
With mere effective washing of hands and [...]
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USA - Handwashing: women lead men in bacteria
WASHINGTON (AP) — Wash your hands, folks, especially you ladies. A new study found that women have a greater variety of bacteria on their hands than men do. And everybody has more types of bacteria than the researchers expected to find.
“One thing that really is astonishing is the variability between individuals, and also between hands [...]
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Bangladesh, Chittagong: Sanitation for all by 2008
Speakers at a dialogue on “Sanitation for All Within 2008″ [arranged by Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Bangladesh in Chittagong on 2 November 2008], stressed the need for good governance and transparency in the government for the poor people to achieve the goal for sanitation for all.
The representatives of the grassroots level people in [...]
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Great stink, great disgrace
More than 1 billion people in developing countries still have no toilets and 900 million people no clean water, International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander [from DFID, the UK Department for International Development] said [on 28 Oct 2008] on the 150th anniversary of the Great Stink in London.
Douglas Alexander announced an increased effort to bring an [...]
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DFID (UK): New water and sanitation policy launched
Twenty-five million people across Africa could gain access to safe water and basic sanitation over the next five years as a result of a new policy launched today by International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander [of DFID, the UK Department for International Development].
The policy will see DFID work to meet its £200 million commitment to address [...]
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Clean Bhutan: a gift to the King
Determined to offer a “Clean Bhutan” as a gift to the new King, about 1,300 civil servants, police, business people, school children and local villagers equipped with shovels, sickles, spades and RSPN sacks carried out the “Clean Bhutan” campaign in Trashigang municipal area
[...] Trashigang Dzongda Dorji Norbu addressing the gathering said that it was a [...]
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World Toilet Summit 2008 Update - November 4
MACAU, Nov. 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ — The eighth annual World Toilet Summit and Expo will commence in Macau today with a keynote address from His Royal Highness, Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, Chair of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation.
The summit, organised by the World Toilet Organization (WTO), MP Asia (MPA) and [...]
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India, Jharkhand: Hygiene model draws foreign team
After bagging the Centre-sponsored Nirmal Gram Puraskar award in May 2008, the district of East Singhbhum, Jharkhand, was visited on October 21st by an international team researching successful Unicef-sponsored projects across the world. The 17-member team comprising representatives from eight countries of Asia and Africa team visited four villages and schools which had benefited from [...]
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India: Deprived, sweepers seek permission for mass suicide
Ahmedabad, November 2 : Sweepers from the Valmiki and Dalit community of Gandhinagar have written to the President of India, Pratibha Patil, requesting her to permit them to commit mass suicide.
Deprived of proper wages, housing, sanitation and other basic amenities, about 35 sweepers have signed the petition for mass self-immolation. (…)
As many as 94 labourers [...]
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India: Cleanliness conquers indignity in modern Kurukshetra war
Kurukshetra (Haryana), Nov 3 (IANS) At the arena of the war in the Indian epic Mahabharata, another age-old evil is about to be conquered. In about 400 of the 417 villages of this district, people have stopped defecating in the open heralding a sanitation revolution in these parts.
Villagers in this district no longer greet each [...]
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World Toilet Summit, Nov 4-6, Macau
The Business Case for Alleviating Poverty
The ‘bottom of the pyramid’ (a term coined by CK Prahalad) is a huge emerging market that businesses can tap on. The result is a win-win situation that will:
– eradicate poverty,
– improve bottomline for commercial organisations while serving public causes, and
– provide the impetus [...]
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South Korea - Two cities bag best public toilets award
Manila - Two South Korean cities have flushed away competition and won a best public toilets contest in Asia, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Monday. WHO said Seongbuk, which is part of Seoul, and the city of Jinju bested other cities in Asia in providing well-maintained public sanitary facilities.
The mayors of Seongbuk and [...]
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India - Manual scavengers given a new lease of life
USHA Chaumar was seven years old when she began collecting human excrement with her mother in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan.
By the age of 10, she had married and, with her mother-in-law, continued going from house to house performing this demeaning task.
“They used to call me Bhangi (part of the lowest of Indian [...]
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Ghana: Plan Ghana Assists Five Communities With Toilet Facilities
In Bawjiase in the Central Region, Plan Ghana, is assisting five communities to construct improved household pit latrines. A total of twenty-seven toilets that have so far been completed, were inaugurated at Obo Yambo and Aboano, two of the beneficiary communities. The facilities were built with local materials under the supervision of the Professional Network [...]
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Myanmar: Promoting hygiene in cyclone-affected areas
With the rainy season almost over, health officials are concentrating on providing sanitary facilities in the cyclone-affected areas in Yangon and Ayeyarwady divisions.
“Most of the cyclone-affected people are using unsanitary latrines …We need to help them build sanitary latrines to promote good hygiene practices,” Prasad Bhagwan Sevekari, WASH cluster coordinator for the UN Children’s Fund [...]
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India, Tamil Nadu: Manual scavenging continues in State: SKA
Murugamma and Thirupalamma leave their homes early morning to clean human excreta. They are safai karamcharis, who are permanent employees of the Chennai Corporation and perform this daily chore at the dry latrines in Gandhi Nagar, Pallavan Salai, near General Hospital.
Inspite of earning Rs 6,000 per month, they are still looked down upon and treated [...]
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In Mozambique, Singing a Song of Sanitation and Hoping to Change Habits
FELICIANO DOS SANTOS is one of southern Africa’s leading musicians, and while he sings beautifully about the usual things - love and longing and sorrow - he is better known in the highland villages near here for catchy lyrics of a more peculiar sort, songs about going to the bathroom and washing your hands when [...]
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Namibia: Rural Sanitation Services Now Under Agriculture Ministry
Cabinet has endorsed the implementation of the Revised Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Policy (WSASP-2008) and the transfer of the provision of sanitation services in rural communal areas to the Directorate of Rural Water Supply in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (MAWF). This function resorted under the Ministry of Health and Social Services [...]
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Researcher tackles global sanitation crisis
Feces, fluids, fields, fingers and food. Combine these with a susceptible host and you get easily spread, yet easily preventable, diarrhea-related diseases.
The image isn’t pleasant, but neither is the reality, says Pavani K. Ram, assistant professor in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health and Health Professions.
Before Ram joined the UB [...]
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Africa - Water and improved livelihoods
“Sanitation may hold the key to success or failure of the MDGs. It is really a time bomb in terms of health and the environment, waiting to be detonated,” Professor Damas Mashauri told participants at a seminar on water and sustainable development taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Water is a basic necessity, but more than [...]
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UNICEF Jaipur (India) awards for best papers on sanitation at Hydro 2008 conference
In the light of International Year of Sanitation, UNICEF Jaipur has announced awards for the best two papers contributed in the Hydro-2008 conference on the theme “Sanitation and Health”.
Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur, Indian Society for Hydraulics (ISH), Pune and UNICEF State Office for Rajasthan, Jaipur are organizing the [...]
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DFID: European Union raises profile of African sanitation
In this, the International Year of Sanitation, a group that is co-chaired by DFID is helping to improve water and sanitation throughout Africa by strengthening the links between African countries and the European Union.
Through a number of key meetings, the EU Water Initiative-Africa Working Group has brought about policy dialogue at the highest level and [...]
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Compendium of sanitation systems and technologies
Tilley, E. … [et al.] (2008). Compendium of sanitation systems and technologies. Dübendorf, Switzerland, Eawag/Sandec and Geneva, Switzerland, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC). 158 p : ill. Includes references and glossary.
ISBN: 978-3-906484-44-0
Download: high resolution version [5.4 MB] | low resolution version [4.0 MB]
Hard copy version: US$ 30
This compendium provides helps identify and evaluate [...]
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ADB - Conference on Sanitation Options in the Asia Pacific
The SEAWUN Network and the International Water Association (IWA) agreed to organize jointly 3 annual conferences to address water and sanitation issues in the Asia-Pacific region.
This first of these annual conferences focuses on Sanitation Options in the Asia-Pacific, in line with 2008 being the International Year of Sanitation. It will feature leaders in the field [...]
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Sri Lanka: capital to get better wastewater system
The Asian Development Bank is helping to fund the [Greater Colombo Sewerage System] project to improve wastewater disposal in the Sri Lankan capital Colombo under which only treated effluent will be discharged into the sea. The 135 million dollar project covers the Colombo municipal area as well as suburbs to the north and south of [...]
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Pakistan: MoE confident to achieve IYS 2008 targets
The Ministry of Environment is making concerted efforts to achieve the targets set for International Year of Sanitation-2008 [...] in collaboration its partners like UNICEF, RSPN, PPAF, Water Aid, WSP-SA, USAID.
The Ministry has prime focus on four targets set for IYS-2008.
The targets one and two include; Finalization and approval of Provincial Sanitation Strategies/Action Plans by [...]
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Sri Lanka: raising awareness for sanitation and handwashing
The Sanitation Task Force (STF) in Sri Lanka [urged] politicians, teachers, households and communities to ensure sanitation in their localities by creating adequate awareness and understanding of its importance in maintaining the health of the nation. STF made this statement on 15 Oct 2008 at a function held to mark the International Year of Sanitation.
[...] [...]
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UK: Pupils learn about healthy eating
CHILDREN welcomed a special guest to their school as they learned about the importance of healthy eating and personal hygiene.
Reading mayor Peter Beard visited Micklands Primary School in Caversham as staff and pupils took part in National School Meals Week and Global Handwashing Day. (…)
Read all Henley Standard
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Nepal: Toilet use campaign
Butwal: A campaign for children, youth and elderly has been started to change the habit of people who defecate in the open despite having concrete toilet in their homes. The campaigners visit all houses every day, monitor toilet and teach children and elderly people how to use toilet [and to wash hands with soap and [...]
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Nepal: Students suffering due to lack of toilets
[For the past 4-5 years, some 1,300] students of a secondary school in Saptari district are compelled to visit bushes and river banks for defecation due to lack of toilets in the school.
[...] A toilet constructed in the school with support from the Government of Germany is in a dilapidated condition. Former student of the [...]
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Nepal: School hand-washing promotion picks up
[On 15 October 2008, Global Handwashing Day] Private and Boarding Schools’ Organisation, Nepal (PABSON) announced that every member school under PABSON would [get] soap and water in the school toilets, bathrooms and canteens. “We will arrange that the school children will wash their hands before and after eating and after using the toilet,” said Bhoj [...]
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UK - Toilet attendant’s roll of honour
A great-grandfather who takes pride in keeping a public toilet immaculate has been named loo attendant of the year.
Bernie Morgan, 67, took the British Toilet Association award for his work at the King Square public convenience in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan.
He was praised by the local council for his high standards, friendliness and [...]
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India, Tamil Nadu: Human entry into manholes barred
No human being should be allowed to get into sewerage and drainage lines to clear blocks, the Madras High Court said on Monday [13 Oct 2008].
Passing interim orders on a public interest litigation petition[...] said if any drain was choked, it was the responsibility of the authorities to get the block cleared, using mechanical devices. [...]
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Nepal: Sanitation For All Challenges Ahead
Even as political leaders chant the Mantra of New Nepal, a grim reality is that over 60 percent of Nepalese are yet to have access to toilet [and the country] is in no position to achieve a target to provide sanitation for all by 2017. The recent sector review on community level models for financing [...]
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UN study says toilets can help combat poverty
WASHINGTON (AFP) -– Installing toilets and ensuring safe water supplies where needed throughout the world would do more to end poverty and improve world health than any other possible measure, according to a new UN study.
“Water problems, caused largely by an appalling absence of adequate toilets in many places, contribute tremendously to some of the [...]
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Nigeria: N198 Million Released to States for Sanitation - Unicef
Daily Champion (Lagos)
More than N198 million has been released for the implementation of International Year of sanitation (IYS) activities in 33 states of the federation for this year. (…)
Mr. Bisi Agberemi, UNICEF Water and Sanitation (WASH) activities specialist disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) in Abuja last Sunday. (…)
At the [...]
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Malawi: Cabinet passes sanitation policy
Cabinet has finally nodded to the Sanitation Policy, a provision that would give the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development enforcement mechanisms on sanitation especially in the provision of clean water to Malawians.(…)
“For example, a Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey by the National Statistical Office (NSO) in 2006 indicates that hand washing, probably the most [...]
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Pakistan, NWFP: Militants cause gastroenteritis in Swat Valley
Militants blow up a an electricity sub-station, causing tube wells and the water supply to be disrupted; people resort to using dirty water and then fall sick. This, in a nutshell, is what has happened in parts of Swat Valley in North West Frontier Province.
Over 2,000 {people] have visited [the Saidu Teaching Hospital (STH) in [...]
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Afghanistan: medical waste poses health risk in urban areas
Solid waste produced by the health-care system in Kabul and other major cities is not being properly managed and poses a serious public health risk, according to health experts.
Medical waste - including used needles and syringes, soiled dressings, body parts, diagnostic samples, blood, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and medical devices - is lying in open rubbish dumps [...]
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Afghanistan: UN assisting Afghan authorities to respond to diarrhoea outbreak
United Nations agencies are helping authorities to respond to a diarrhoea outbreak in Afghanistan, where only about a quarter of the population has access to safe drinking water and 20 per cent of child deaths is attributed to the easily preventable disease.
According to the Afghan Ministry of Public Health, the outbreak is located mainly in [...]
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Toilet talk can save lives
If someone compiled a list of things people would prefer never to talk about, somewhere near the top would be human excrement. It is, to say the least, hardly a topic of public conversation.
Unfortunately, our nose-wrinkling aversion to toilet talk can hinder what in fact are important discussions about sanitation. (…)
Because taboos have always surrounded [...]
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Ghana: 84,000 die of diarrhoea in 4 years
A total of 84,000 deaths were caused by diarrhea as recorded in the country since 2004, accounting for 25 per cent of deaths among children under age five.
Theodora Adomako-Adjei, Executive Service Coordinator of Community Water and Sanitation Agency, disclosed this at the launch of the Global Handwashing Day in Accra. (…)
Read all MyJoyOnline
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Gambia: UN International Year of Sanitation and Global Hand Washing Day Commemorated
The Gambia last Wednesday joined the rest of the international community to commemorate UN international year of sanitation and global hand washing day.
Global hand washing day, the first of its kind, focuses on children and schools in order to raise awareness and promote behavioral change. (…)
Vice president Njie-Saidy highlighted the importance of washing hands with [...]
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A loo with a view: The world’s most scenic lavatories
We spend a large part of our lives in the smallest room, yet rarely do we give it a second thought. One man, however, has travelled the world in search of the most breathtaking lavatories.
Luke Barclay, author of Loo With a View, set off on a two-year global mission: to find bathrooms, dunnies, restrooms and [...]
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Zimbabwe: cholera outbreak threatens to become endemic
A cholera outbreak that has bridged Zimbabwe’s dry season is proving difficult to contain and has spread from the cities to rural areas.
There are fears that the onset of the rainy season could make the waterborne disease endemic if the authorities fail to address the water and sanitation crisis plaguing the county.
The UN noted that [...]
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India, West Bengal: NCC cadets start sanitation awareness drive
National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets in West Bengal have started a sanitation campaign to educate people in the remote villages of poverty-stricken Purulia district about the use of safe toilets.
“The cadets have taken up a 6-month programme to make people aware about the use of latrines. Apart from organising workshops and training, cadets will also [...]
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Providing toilets, safe water is top route to reducing world poverty: UN University
Mapping vulnerable communities essential to global health and poverty
Simply installing toilets where needed throughout the world and ensuring safe water supplies would do more to end crippling poverty and improve world health than any other possible measure, according to an analysis released [on 19 Oct 2008] by the United Nations University - International Network on [...]
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Cameroon: 1.5 Million Toilets to Improve Sanitation
UNICEF, October 10, in Yaounde, launched a project to construct some 1.5 million toilets throughout the country [...] in three years at the tune of FCFA 3.4 billion per year. According to the programme, households and public establishments would have to do the digging of the toilets after which a subvention would be given to [...]
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Uganda: Hepatitis E spreads, IDPs most vulnerable
Hepatitis E is on the increase in Uganda’s northern district of Pader, where it has claimed scores of lives and infected thousands in the past year, officials said. Since May, there have been 55 new infections and seven deaths in Pader, according to Angelo Luganya, a health official in Pader.
Since 2007, the viral disease has [...]
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India - Sulabh to expand sanitation campaign to include handwashing
New Delhi, Oct 16 (IANS) Sulabh International, an Indian NGO working in the field of sanitation, Thursday announced that it will expand the campaign for hand-washing to cover mothers, doctors and others taking care of children.
We can significantly reduce the mortality rate among children caused by diarrhoea and pneumonia if those handling children ensure that [...]
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Global Handwashing Day: A Little Bit of Soap, A Powerful Effect on Human Health
WASHINGTON, Oct 14, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/
Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) Offers Year-Round Resources for Educators, Consumers on the Connection Between Hygiene and Health - New Book Against Disease Reminds Us “That sanitary diligence is as pertinent to health today as it was a century ago.” The message of the first-ever Global Handwashing Day on [...]
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Millions lather up to save lives as UN observes Global Handwashing Day
15 October 2008 – Nearly 200 million people from over 70 countries participated today in United Nations events marking the first ever Global Handwashing Day, held to raise awareness about how a lack of effective sanitation and poor hygiene practices can bring death and disease.
Handwashing with soap – particularly before eating and after using the [...]
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Global Handwashing Day videos
On 18 October 2008, Global Handwashing Day was celebrated for the first time in over 70 countries.
Watch below the official Global Handwashing Day video, with Nelson Mandela and clips from Africa, Asia and Latin America - also available on the Global Handwashing Day web site. The song is by UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, The Wiggles, a [...]
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From Thrones to Robo-Commodes: The Pitfalls of Inventing a Better Toilet
The flush toilet is a curious object. It is the default method of excreta disposal in most of the industrialized, technologically advanced world. It was invented either 500 or 2,000 years ago, depending on opinion. The ancient inhabitants of the mighty Indus Valley, in present-day Pakistan, had privies above channels of running water, whereas King [...]
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Go Ahead, Say It: Shit–There, Now We Can Seriously Discuss Sanitation
Sanitation doesn’t get a lot of headlines but, all told, its absence kills 6,000 children a day, according to British charity Water Aid. And the solution chosen by the developed world—the flush toilet—is running up against limits in the amount of water available to flush away human waste.
The United Nations has attempted to fill this [...]
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India: Daily soap
Global Handwashing Day aims to control communicable fatal diseases and thus control mortality rate among children.
Up to a million microbes could have touched your child’s lunch before they do! Whilst you – and they – think that they’re tucking into a healthy meal of roti and sabzi or daal and rice, chances are that they’re [...]
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1m Ethiopian children take part in Global Hand Wash Day
(…) Ethiopia is mobilising close to 5,000 schools nationwide to have 1,000,000 children participate in the challenge towards a world record.
A half-day national launching event will kick-off at Maskal square in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, to bring together children and stakeholders from government, public and private sectors, NGOs, the media, school teachers, parents and [...]
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Namibia: Today Is Hand Washing Day
By Petronella Sibeene, WINDHOEK
Today, Namibia joins the rest of the world in commemorating the first ever Global Hand Washing Day. (…)
In Namibia, the main event is scheduled to take place in the Ohangwena Region today. (…)
Namibia, particularly the northern regions, have just come out of a cholera outbreak that claimed 37 lives. In addition, in [...]
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Hand Washing: So Important, It Gets a Day Of Its Own
Transcript of radio broadcast: This is the VOA Special English Health Report. Wednesday, October fifteenth, is the first Global Handwashing Day. Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap.
For example, private donors will give one hundred fifty thousand bars of [...]
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Bangladesh: Kids wash hands across country, Asia
Dhaka, Oct 15 (bdnews24.com)—More than 120 million children across South Asia will have clean hands Wednesday as they mark Global Hand Washing Day.
“From Kabul to Karachi, Kathmandu to Kerala and Colombo, Wednesday is likely to break all records as millions and millions of children practice the power of proper sanitation through soap suds,” Unicef said [...]
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Millions mark UN hand-washing day
Millions of children around the world are marking the United Nations’ first Global Handwashing Day.
In India, cricket star Sachin Tendulkar will be leading the campaign that will see children across South Asia simultaneously washing their hands.
The UN says it wants to get over the message that this simple routine is one of the most effective [...]
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Handwashing could save lives
Switzerland is backing an international campaign to promote the washing of hands with soap and water that could save over a million lives a year. (…) The campaign, supported by the Swiss Health Office and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, aims to ingrain the habit of washing hands before eating and after using [...]
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Wash hands with soap to prevent disease, UNICEF tells kids
UN holds Global Handwashing Day as part of International Year of Sanitation
Millions of children around the world will be encouraged to wash their hands with soap on Wednesday to mark the UN’s first Global Handwashing Day.
The campaign, to be carried out in part by UNICEF, is designed to send the message that handwashing with soap [...]
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How to make a tippy tap
Westra, M.T. and Holtslag, H. (2008). How to make a tippy tap : a hygienic hand washing device with running water. Enschede, The Netherlands, Werkgroep OntwikkelingsTechnieken, University of Twente and Leiden, The Netherlands, Connect International. 7 p.
Download from: WOT or Connect International
This document describes how to make a Tippy Tap, a simple handwashing device with [...]
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India - Naga villages to get award for sanitation
Kohima | October 14: Nagaland is all set to receive a prestigious award from the Government of India, the Nirmal Gram Puraskar Award 2008 in sanitation. Minister for PHED Dr. Ngangshi K. Ao today said that under Nirmal Gram Puraskar Award 2008, after a thorough inspection by a central team from Government of India, eight [...]
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Cambodia: City Hall awarded Asean eco prize
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PHNOM [...]
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Philippines: Capiz to join 1st Global Handwashing Day
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Roxas City (13 [...]
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India: Clean habits help win award
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Jamshedpur, [...]
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Macau to Host the 2008 World Toilet Summit & Expo
<!– /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:”"; margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:none; text-autospace:none; font-size:12.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”; mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”; mso-ansi-language:EN-GB; mso-fareast-language:FI; mso-bidi-font-weight:bold;} @page Section1 {size:21.0cm 842.0pt; margin:72.0pt 89.85pt 72.0pt 89.85pt; mso-header-margin:35.45pt; mso-footer-margin:35.45pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} –>
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HONG KONG, Oct. [...]
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Sanitation and the MDGs: Making the politics work
In his opinion piece (Sep 2008, ODI Opinion 109), Peter Newborne of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), ask “why is it that Sanitation and Hygiene (S&H) policies, backed by sound epidemiological evidence, and supported by solid socio-economic arguments for increased investment, are still being overlooked by so many governments?”
Using an example of successful sanitation policy-making [...]
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India: the sanitation war triggers social crisis
IT IS early morning. The long queues near the Okhla Subzi Mandi [New Delhi] may give you the impression that some foodstuff is being distributed for the poor labourers. But [...] the labourers are in the queue for their early morning ablutions.
Those who cannot withstand the pressure, rush to the open pavement on the other [...]
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India, Manipur: new Act ends manual scavenging
The Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993 which the state {Manipur State] Assembly resolved to adopt [...] aims at prohibition of employment of manual scavengers as well as construction or continuance of dry latrines and for the regulation of construction and maintenance of water-seal latrines.
The Act which has been [...]
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Pakistan, NWFP: current status of water and sanitation related MDGs
The Water and Sanitation Program-South Asia (WSP-SA) office in Islamabad, Pakistan has researched the current status of water and sanitation related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP).
NWFP has already met its quantitative MDG Targets in sanitation: Household surveys indicate that 75% of the population has access to a latrine, with [...]
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Pakistan: CWS water programs promote health and self-sufficiency
From model villages to interactive theater, Church World Service- Pakistan/Afghanistan is using innovative techniques to create water projects that combine water infrastructure development with education, advocacy and awareness.
Water systems in many of Pakistan’s communities were destroyed in natural disasters, including the October 2005 earthquake and the 2007 cyclone. Other communities, such as those in the [...]
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Nepal: concrete toilet in temporary houses
Tanahun: Locals of Panibote village of Tanahun Vyas-5, who previously defecated in the open, have constructed concrete toilets in their temporary houses.
A local Jit Bahadur Bote told that the Woman Development [Committee], municipality and District Development Committee provided materials worth Rs. 2000 [US$ 27] per house to construct the toilets. The village was declared an [...]
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Nepal: civil society consultation on SACOSAN
A consultation programme with civil society representatives was organized in [...] Narayangadh on September 23, 2008 for the preparation of third South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN). In the programme organized in the coordination of NGO Forum for Urban Water & Sanitation and Freshwater Action Network (FAN) Nepal, the participants have strongly demanded that the [...]
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Tycoon behind US$ 4.9m golden toilet dies
A jewellery tycoon famed for creating the world’s most expensive toilet has died suddenly at his Hong Kong home on 26 September 2008, local media says. Lam Sai-wing, 53, was the creator of a $HK38 million (US$ 4.9 million) gold toilet listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Thousands of people visit his company’s showroom [...]
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India: West Bengal: village opens new chapter in sanitation
Five years ago it was difficult to enter or walk past the narrow by-lanes of Hadipur Jhikra-I Gram Panchayat of Deganga block in the North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal because of overbearing stench, dirt and flies. Today the scene is different. The village panchayat has overcome the challenge of open defecation. Every house [...]
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Bangladesh: addressing the market place to ensure sanitation for all
Development in Bangladesh is usually segregated into two broad contextsurban and rural. However, between these two defined areas lie many market places and growth centres which do not fall within either category and are therefore escaping the eyes of the development planners.
In Bangladesh, the exact number of hats or bazaars is not known to me [...]
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Uganda: 11 million lack latrines
Speaking at the opening of a two-day sanitation workshop at Mt. Elgon Hotel in Mbale town, state minister for water, Jennifer Namuyangu, urged the public to practice hygiene and proper sanitation in order to control diseases.
According to the health ministry statistics, about 11.2 million people in the country do not have latrines.
Namuyangu said safe water [...]
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Kenya: sanitary pads reinvented
Every week of the month one or two girls have to stay away from school when they are menstruating.
This means that each girl has to be away from school for three weeks in the 12 weeks that they have to be in school.
The impoverished girls of Budalang’i do not look forward to that time of [...]
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India: manual scavengers given cold carts to sell vegetables
In an attempt to give manual scavengers a better life, the Delhi government in collaboration with NGO We the People and technology major ACME, has given them carts that keep fruits and vegetables cold.
The campaign, “Sampoorna Samridhi” (complete prosperity), envisages improving the financial condition of scavengers, increasing their social acceptability and upgrading hawker practices through [...]
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India: shedding indignity
A marriage at 16 ended her schooling. By 18 she was carrying human excreta, collected from dry toilets; detesting it each day, yet doing it, as women in her community had done for generations. Fortunately, those days are behind her now.
Kiran is one of the 250 women from a Dalit community from Dewas district of [...]
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Angola launches third national de-worming campaign in schools
Over the next month, primary school children in all of Angola’s 18 provinces will receive de-worming tablets as part of a national campaign that is now in its third year. The campaign aims to ensure that the country’s children have better health for better learning.
Parasitic infections, or intestinal worms, can lead to malnutrition, anaemia and [...]
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Canadians are not practicing what they preach when it comes to hygiene
TORONTO, Oct. 8 /CNW/ - An international survey on hygiene practices has shown that for the third consecutive year, Canada tops the charts when it comes to knowing the importance of infection prevention. Nine out of 10 Canadians (90%)(1) believe “washing hands regularly” is the most effective way to help protect against catching the flu [...]
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THE BIG NECESSITY: Adventures in the World of Human Waste
By Rose George, 304pp / Metropolitan / USD 26
What happens to the feces that you flush down the toilet? Rose George, a journalist who used to write for British newspapers The Guardian and The Independent, has traveled all over the world to uncover the mystery of the world’s sanitation systems and to map the terrain [...]
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South Africa - Transkei schools sanitation programme on course
THE first phase of the provincial Education Department’s multimillion rand school sanitation programme in the rural Transkei is nearing completion and dozens of schools have benefit ed from it.
Seventy schools are being supplied with water tanks and toilet structures as part of the R40 million first phase, expected to be completed soon.
According to [...]
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Afghanistan: El-Tor cholera leaves 17 dead
An outbreak of El Tor cholera in northern, eastern and southeastern Afghanistan has killed at least 17 people - mostly women and children - in the past few weeks, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) said on 6 October [2008].
Over 1,100 people with diarrhoea and vomiting caused by the outbreak have received treatment at medical [...]
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Handwashing behavior in rural Bangladesh
The International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) conducted a baseline evaluation for a large intervention project [SHEWA-B: Sanitation, Hygiene Education and Water supply-Bangladesh] that has a primary objective of promoting handwashing with soap or ash at key times–before preparing food, before eating or feeding a child, after defecating and after cleaning an infant [...]
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India can achieve total sanitation by 2016
KOLKATA: West Bengal is well on its way to be the first State in the country to achieve open defecation free status by 2010 followed by Andhra Pradesh that is likely to achieve the target by 2013. Chhattisgarh is at the bottom of the list with the target year being 2022. Almost 80 per cent [...]
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Sanitation and Water Conference 2008, 27-29 Oct 2008, Melbourne, Australia
Meeting the Challenge in East Asia and the Pacific
An international conference hosted by World Vision Australia and the Watsan Reference Group and supported by the Australian Government, AusAID
Conference Objectives
The conference will seek to review the status of sanitation and water in East Asia and the Pacific region, review best practice and key entry points, and [...]
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India - National Urban Sanitation Policy
The Government has identified 100% sanitation as a goal during the 11th Five Year Plan. The ultimate objective is that all urban dwellers will have access to and be able to use safe and hygienic sanitation facilities and arrangements so that no one defecates in the open.
The vision of the policy is that all [...]
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Afghanistan: Waste management slipping out of control in Kabul
Population growth and the construction boom in Kabul over the past few years have resulted in the daily production of over 3,000 tonnes of solid waste. Some of this has been accumulating, causing serious health and environmental damage, according to Kabul Municipality.
The municipality reckons there is now a daily build-up of at least 300 tonnes [...]
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Mauritania - UNICEF program increases school enrolment, especially for girls
“The programme has vastly improved the learning environment by helping to provide separate latrines for girls, facilities for hand washing, a safe water supply and solar energy equipment. Using a community-based approach, it has improved the environment in modern schools as well as traditional religious schools.”
NEW YORK, USA, 1 October 2008 – Mariem Saidou [...]
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USA: Leadership needed for sewer projects
(…) These lawmakers are looking at the staggering evidence that two out of every three West Virginia families still don’t have acceptable sewage facilities. The reason? Most people living in smaller communities have incomes of less than $20,000 and can’t afford basic sanitation service. (…)
Read all The Lincoln Journal
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World Bank taps Grey for Global Handwashing Day drive
HANOI - The World Bank has appointed Grey to promote the first ever Global Handwashing Day in Vietnam. (…) The appointment followed work done by Grey in mid-2008 to launch a social awareness drive – which included a TVC and events – to encourage rural communities to adopt better hygiene practices in 50 communes in [...]
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Sri Lanka: USAID assists Sri Lanka’s local governments in sanitation management
Oct 02, Colombo: United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Water and Drainage, and the Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Government have sponsored a national workshop in Sri Lanka to disseminate best practices in sanitation management. (…)
Read all ColomboPage
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WaterAid - Sanitation and Water - Why we need a global framework for action
Sanitation and Water - Why we need a global framework for action ( PDF, 174Kb). WaterAid; Tearfund. 2008.
“This report highlights the weak global response: aid for water and sanitation is declining as a proportion of overall aid and is extremely poorly targeted plus there is a total lack of coordination and accountability [...]
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Book review - A brave author boldly ventures into our waste lands
Below is a review of The Big Necessity : Adventures in the World of Human Waste by Rose George pp326, Portobello , £12.99.
Mention Agincourt and English hearts stir with pride. The victory on 25 October 1415, by a ragged army of around 10,000 soldiers over a French army vastly superior in numbers, still [...]
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Ban Ki-moon addresses water scarcity and sanitation
28 September 2008 [MEDIAGLOBAL]: Since 1990, 1.6 billion people have gained access to safe drinking water, and more than 1.2 billion have gained access to improved sanitation. Much of this progress is attributable to the seventh Millennium Development Goal (MDG): Ensure Environmental Stability. Over the past decade and a half, improved sanitation services have reached [...]
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Nepal, Hetuda: municipality earned Rs. 0.8 million from public toilets
Public toilets have been a good source of income for the municipality of Hetuda. [Income from] the public toilets operated by Aadarsha Tole Development Organization through a [public-]private partnership programme [has been shared equally between] the municipality and Tole Development Organization.
The organization had collected toilet fees worth Rs. 777,000 [EUR 7,300 = US$ 10,700) and [...]
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Nepal, Parbat: students go to jungle for toilet purposes
The students of Khaulalankuri Secondary School in Parbat (Dhawalagiri, Western Zone) are compelled to go to bushes and jungle, 30 minutes walk from the school, to defecate as there is no [proper] toilets in the school. [T]he two chambered toilet constructed in the school some 28 years ago is dilapidated.
Principal of the school Dal Bahadur [...]
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India, Chhattisgarh: flushed out for failing to flush
Officials in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh are being removed from their elected seats for not constructing flushing toilets.
Bilaspur district administration says it has sacked about 100 members for not building toilets in their homes.
Many people in India do not have access to flush toilets or other latrines.
But under new local laws, representatives are [...]
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Nepal: actress Jharana Thapa named sanitation ambassador
Jharana Thapa [right]
KATHMANDU, Sept 19 (PR) - The End Water Poverty Campaign (EWPC) in Nepal, a coalition of civil society members working in the sector of water and sanitation has nominated actress Jharana Thapa as a sanitation brand ambassador for a year at an awareness-raising function in Kathmandu on 19 September 2008. The nomination is [...]
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Millions to benefit from UK-Dutch water and sanitation initiative
Millions of people in Africa and Asia will be provided with clean drinking water and decent sanitation thanks to a new joint initiative from the UK and the Netherlands.
Announcing UK support for the “Framework for Action”, DFID Minister Gareth Thomas spoke of the need for greater progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on water [...]
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Get involved on Global Handwashing Day
15 October is Global Handwashing Day, a day to remind people of the importance of washing their hands. In
2008 the actions for the day focus on schools. On its web site, WaterAid provides tips and resources for schools to get involved.
Resources include:
The Gingerbreadman, a story for Global Handwashing Day ( PDF 721Kb)
A slideshow on [...]
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WaterAid release toilet viral films
The UK Secretary of State for International Development, Douglas Alexander, was among the audience at a sneak preview of WaterAid’s latest toilet viral films when they were screened at the Labour Party Conference in Manchester on Tuesday, 23 September 2008.
The short films [see below], featuring actress Brooke Kinsella and top chef Jesse Dunford Wood, have [...]
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UNICEF Nepal support helps maintain sanitation and hygiene at relief camps
(…) UNICEF has mobilized 80 hygiene volunteers and helpers in 27 temporary shelters to spread the message on hygiene. They are using hand-held loud speakers to disseminate messages to each family, since almost no one has access to other media such as radios, televisions or newspapers.
To further secure the environment in the camps, UNICEF has [...]
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CAMBODIA: Rural sanitation in crisis
PHNOM PENH, 25 September 2008 (IRIN) - At the rate rural communities are gaining access to sanitation, it will take Cambodia 150 years to achieve a government goal of universal coverage in 2025, specialists warned.
According to a recent report by the World Bank-sponsored Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP), only 16 percent of rural Cambodians have [...]
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UN-Water Global Annual Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS)
The Global Annual Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) is a UN-Water pilot initiative led by the World Health Organization (WHO). UN-Water GLAAS constitutes a new approach to reporting on progress in the sanitation and drinking-water sectors that aims to strengthen evidence-based policy-making towards and beyond the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Read all and down load [...]
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Maggie Black - ‘Name and shame’ policy gets results
The millennium development goal for sanitation was the blank spot in the international mind - not even articulated in the original line-up. Only in 2002 was a goal to halve the proportion of people who in 1990 were without sanitation added to the identical goal for water. Since the existing base was so low - [...]
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USA: resolution in support of International Year of Sanitation takes effect
On August 1st, 2008, the United States Senate passed H.Con.Res 318, supporting the goals and ideals of the United Nations’ declaration of 2008 as the International Year of Sanitation. Introduced by Congressman Donald M. Payne and Senator Richard J. Durbin [D-IL], the concurrent resolution encourages the US government and other relevant stakeholders to recommit to [...]
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Namibia: A Toilet With No Tang
Close to 400 households in Otjiwarongo were recently fortunate recipients of the environmentally-friendly dry toilets labelled the Otji-toilet in Orwetoveni.
The facilities were handed over to the households in the central town by the European Commission (EC) in Namibia.
The dry toilet system has the capacity to save households at least in the margin of N$100 per [...]
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Ghana: Investing in Sanitation, a Public-Private Sector Call to Action
(…) Admittedly, about 80% of cost of the treatment of preventable diseases and the heavy investments made in the health sector by government could profitably be channeled into other job creating ventures to accelerate economic growth, if Ghanaians took good sanitation seriously. (…)
Read all GhanaWeb
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World Sanitation Project Map (Sanimap)
The World Sanitation Project Map (Sanimap) was launched in August 2008 at the Stockholm World Water Week.
“Sanimap” aims to be a portal to match donors and projects more efficiently. Users can upload the following 3 types of information [in brackets the number of items as of 22 Sep 2008 is given]:
Sanitation NOW - Up-to-date sanitary [...]
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Ghana: ‘PRAYE’ group on sanitation campaign
By Regina Ani-Awukubea , 20/09/2008
One of Ghana’s hottest groups of hip-life artistes has embarked on a sanitation campaign to help Ghana maintain clean and healthy environment in the various communities. (…)
Read all The Statesman
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IDB offers grants to jump-start water and sanitation projects
Aquafund will finance project preparation and technical assistance to develop solutions for pressing water and sanitation problems.
Latin American and Caribbean governments that want to improve water and sanitation services can now apply for grants from the Aquafund, a new source of financing approved by the board of the Inter-American Development Bank today. (…)
Read all: Environmental [...]
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Sulabh to showcase its sanitation expertise in US
New Delhi, September 22: Clinton Global Initiative has taken cue from an Indian organisation for mission sanitation in the third world countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Sulabh International, an NGO in the field of sanitation, will showcase its expertise at the CGI’s 2008 Annual Meeting in New York starting from on [...]
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Nigeria: 1 Million Latrines - Benue to Get 29,000 Units
Benue State is expected to get 29,716 out of the one million latrines to be provided in the 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Nigeria by the Federal Government and UNICEF.
The latrines, according to reports, are to be provided between now and 2015 for improved health of the people, as provided for in the Millennium [...]
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Guinea-Bissau: Cholera epidemic out of control
DAKAR, 17 September 2008 (IRIN) - With 6,461 cholera cases and 122 deaths, experts say the cholera epidemic in Guinea-Bissau is out of control. The number of reported cases has doubled in the past three weeks. All of the country’s 11 health regions have been affected.
According to Franck Bouvet, UNICEF’s regional water, hygiene and sanitation [...]
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USA - Portable restrooms set up for homeless
DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO – It took three years to obtain facilities for homeless people in East Village that most people take for granted.
For the scores of people who bed down or congregate in the area, the two portable restrooms – one for men, one for women – are a big hit. They were installed [...]
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Mozambique, Niassa Province: Celebrating sanitation
The Murarange community, in the Niassa Province of northern Mozambique, celebrated its status as a 100% sanitation zone with a day of food and music.
The government backed project, known as community lead total sanitation, was funded by WaterAid and community development association ADECO. All of the 95 families in Murarange now have latrines in their [...]
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India: Haryana Health dept to implement BCC scheme in rural areas
CHANDIGARH: Haryana Health Department has decided to effectively implement its Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) strategy in rural areas, where about 70 per cent of the population resides, so as to create an awakening among masses about prevention of diseases and make them conscious of a healthy life style.
While stating this today, Haryana Health Minister, Mrs [...]
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India: ‘1 in 5 Indians doesn’t wash hands before eating’
KOLKATA: The next time someone offers you something to eat, be wary lest you catch an infection.
A survey conducted by the Global Hygiene Council, an independent body, and supported by Dettol, a Reckitt Benckiser brand, has revealed the deplorable hygiene standards of Indians.
It found that a startling 18% of people do not wash their hands [...]
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Uganda: Panic as Govt Closes School Over Facilities
AS schools swung their gates open a few days ago, thousands of teachers and parents did not know if their own children were to study this term.
(…) In some of the schools sanitation conditions were abhorrent. At Trusted Kids primary school, the pupils were sharing one latrine with teachers! At some other schools, the latrines [...]
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USA: Seven Soaper-Heroes Search for the Cleanest Hands in America’s Classrooms
ANN ARBOR, Mich., Sept. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Scrub Club’s seven Soaper-Heroes are challenging elementary teachers and students across the country to lather up and demonstrate their best handwashing habits. On Tuesday, September 16th, the search for the cleanest hands in America’s classrooms will begin. Created by NSF International, the Scrub Club(R) is a fun, [...]
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Haitian Women and Girls Require Life-Saving Assistance in the Wake of Severe Weather
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Sept 16, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ — More than 800,000 people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance in Haiti in the wake of hurricanes Fay and Gustav and tropical storm Hanna. Houses, medical facilities, main roads and bridges have been destroyed, and an estimated 100,000 people have sought refuge in temporary [...]
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GHANA: Dodging faeces on the beaches
ACCRA, 16 September 2008 (IRIN) - In the hot airy afternoon at Jamestown beach, once considered to be one of Accra’s most famous beaches, 25-year-old Francis Cudjoe and his three friends squat in the open air while in conversation.
They are defecating in full view on the beach, and they are not alone. Off in [...]
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South Africa - Rural sanitation project creates jobs, saves lives
Nokuthula Mamkayi was one of hundreds of jobless youth in the Eastern Cape. Feeding her two young children presented a daily challenge. But all that changed this year for the young 28-year-old, with the rollout of a sanitation project in the Alfred Nzo District Municipality.
Ms Mamkayi is one of the 87 community members taking [...]
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India - Gandhiji’s mobile toilet to be displayed in Ashram
AHMEDABAD: A replica of the ‘mobile toilet’ used by Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi will soon be displayed at the Sabarmati Ashram here, along with his other belongings.
The Ashram will also be displaying replica of a system designed by Gandhiji for washing utensils using minimum amount of water. These models will be open for [...]
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Malawi: Improved sanitation keeps more girls in school
By Kusali Kubwalo 12 September, 2008 01:01:00
(…) When she reached puberty the school environment no longer offered her the protection and facilities she needed, such a separate latrines for girls. “I decided to drop out. When I told my elder sister she laughed and told me that school is for boys and girls are for [...]
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India not on path to achieve UN millennium goals
NEW DELHI: Halfway into the period timeline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) suggested by the UN, India seems to be slipping on most of the eight goals, as per the latest findings of the international organisation. (…)
(…) Around 40 million households in rural areas do not have a safe source for drinking water [...]
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Toilet training
By Chris Chambers, 12-09-2008
2008 is the United Nations International Year of Sanitation - and there’s a good reason for it with an estimated 2.6 billion people, forty per cent of the world’s population, having no access to a toilet. And in many cases, a toilet that is available can be a health hazard in itself. [...]
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IWA urges action, investments to stem sanitation crisis
VIENNA, Austria, Sept. 11, 2008 — Meeting in Vienna, IWA members noted that it was unacceptable that 2.6 billion people do not have access to improved sanitation, that the professional community has the skills and know how to solve the problem today, and called for leaders to give this issue the priority is deserves. In [...]
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Flying toilets; throwing away the problem
What is a flying toilet? Any ideas? A modern design in aeroplanes? A portable toilet at concerts? Unfortunately, it’s nothing as mundane. A flying toilet is the name given to a plastic bag filled with excreta that is flung away after use. It’s causing big problems in some of the poorest areas in the world [...]
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India, Bihar: disease kills children in flood camps
Children who fled their homes to escape floods in northern India are dying from disease because of dirty contaminated water and a lack of decent toilets and washing facilities in the camps where they are living.
Tuesday 9 September 2008
Save the Children has heard reports that 32 children have died from diarrhoea, vomiting and fever in [...]
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Bangladesh: sanitation coverage reaches 88 pc in rural areas, says government
Officials of the Water and Sanitation Wing of the Local Government Division said [...] that the sanitation coverage in rural areas already reached 88.22 percent in June [2008] against 28.77 percent achieved during the period of baseline survey in 2003. [S]anitation coverage in the municipal areas went up to 88.12 percent in 2008 from 33.21 [...]
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India - The toilet test
With one in two people lacking access to a toilet, India urgently needs a Sanitation Act.
As a traveller, you often judge a country by its public toilets. India fails this toilet test miserably. For even as our country appears poised to become an economic giant at some future date, one of the many appalling [...]
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USA - If You Think You Can’t Replace a Toilet, Think Again
It may be surprising to learn (well, I was surprised, anyway) that toilets use 30-40 percent of the water in our homes, far exceeding all other single activities. Delivering water takes energy, electricity to be specific, since it’s pumped to our homes from great distances.
While we do take advantage of the natural fall from [...]
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Uganda: Masindi fights poor sanitation
By Wilfred Sanya
MASINDI district has passed a bye-law to ensure that district leaders have sanitary facilities in their homes by the next 2011 elections.
The district engineer, Davis Byaruhanga, said: “Leaders found without toilets in their homes will be exposed.”
Byaruhanga also said the voters had to ensure that the leaders had sanitary facilities before they registered [...]
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Sub-Saharan Africa ‘will be without sanitation till 2100
The population of sub-Saharan Africa will not have access to adequate sanitation until the 22nd century unless international efforts are dramatically stepped up, charities have warned.
They also claim that such little progress has been made on poverty targets that the population will also lack adequate access to safe water until 2035.
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) Tearfund and [...]
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Cholera outbreak spreads in Iraq
Babel, a central Iraqi province, is on alert after Iraqi authorities declared it a disaster zone marking the country’s latest cholera outbreak. (…)
In a statement released on Thursday, WHO officials said “Experience has shown that long-term prevention of cholera depends on access to safe water and adequate sanitation to prevent exposure and interrupt transmission.
“Improving water [...]
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Nepal: cholera mitigation campaign launched
Kathmandu: Guthi, a non-governmental organisation, launched a cholera mitigation campaign with a slogan of ‘Build Good Habit, Drink Pure Water’ with the assistance of the Nepal government, UNICEF and UN-HABITAT. [The launch was held at the] Ganabahal unit of Nepal Red Cross Society.
According the figures from Valley-based hospitals, 4,000 people suffered from diarrhoea [in 2007]. [...]
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Nepal: stress on giving priority to drinking water and sanitation
Constituent Assembly members from several parties and the media criticized the government for not investing enough and making drinking water and sanitation a priority, even though it is included as a basic right of the people in the interim constitution.
They expressed their concerns in an interaction programme entitled ‘Drinking water and sanitation are the basic [...]
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Nepal: sanitation campaign for model village
Diktel (Khotang): Locals of Dharapani village of Chyamsitar VDC [Village Development Committee] are engaged in a campaign to make their village a model in sanitation. All the 31 households in the village have constructed toilets after a local organization ‘Janachetana Misrit Samudayik Sanstha’ launched ‘One House One Toilet’ campaign in the village.
The organization has supported [...]
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Turkey, Istanbul: Toilets being modernized for 2010 European Capital of Culture
The poor hygiene of public toilets is a serious issue as it is the primary reason for the spread of diseases such as hepatitis B, cholera, jaundice and typhoid.
2010, the year in which İstanbul will serve as the European Capital of Culture, is fast approaching and Turkey has a long way to go to improve [...]
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Make sure world leaders talk toilets at the UN
UN Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals, 22nd-25th September 2008
22nd-25th September 2008 sees world leaders gather at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to discuss plans to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Following on from the G8 summit, this is the next big chance for the End Water Poverty coalition to get world leaders [...]
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Uganda: Cobra Attacks Stubborn Man’s ‘Loo’
A man who had for years refused to construct a latrine at his home was nearly bitten by a cobra as he attempted to ease himself atop an anthill near his home.
Musoke, 48, of Namuganda sub-county in Mukono district, has for long given local council authorities a headache for refusing to construct a pit latrine.
But [...]
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Uganda: School Head Jailed Over Lack of Latrine
SEVEN people, including a headmaster, will spend six months in jail for lacking latrines at home.
The prosecutor, Patrick Tigawalana, told court that lack of latrines was likely to lead to an outbreak of cholera in the district. Francis Kyakulaga, the district health inspector, ordered the swoop in which 30 people, 23 of whom are yet [...]
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Ghana - Poor sanitation poses threat to child survival
More than 15,000 children die in Ghana annually of sanitation related diseases before attaining the age of five, a United Nations Human Development report has revealed.
The diseases include malaria, diarrhoea, typhoid and cholera.
Mr Kweku Quansah, Programme Officer at the Environmental Health Sanitation Directorate of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Environment disclosed this [...]
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Cambodia - Poultry vendors educated about bird flu, sanitation
Cambodia’s widespread trade in live chickens and ducks poses a health risk; it is the easiest way for bird flu to spread
The government is urging poultry vendors to implement good sanitation practices. THE sixth market forum to educate poultry vendors about bird flu prevention and to encourage good sanitation practices was held on Friday [...]
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Summer School: ‘Sustainable Sanitation’, 22-26 Sept 2008, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands
Summer school which aims to highlight key aspects of sustainable sanitation of domestic wastewater. In particular the course focuses on characterisation of waste and wastewater streams, centralised and decentralised systems, innovative post-treatment systems, recovery and reuse of resources, public and environmental health and the economic and institutional barriers for the introduction of sustainable sanitation.
More information
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Uganda, Kampala: lack of public toilets
Toilet coverage [in Uganda] is at an average of 80% in urban areas. In the slum areas, it is less than 40% and is 60% in rural areas. There is, for instance, only one public toilet each for the new and old taxi parks [in Kampala].
Overall, there are 108 public toilets around Kampala, for a [...]
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Ghana: Seminar on sanitation for media men in Northern sector
Kumasi (Ash) Sept. 8, GNA - More than 15,000 children die in Ghana annually of sanitation related diseases before attaining the age of five, a United Nations Human Development report has revealed. The diseases include malaria, diarrhoea, typhoid and cholera. Mr Kweku Quansah, Programme Officer at the Environmental Health Sanitation Directorate of the Ministry of [...]
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Zimbabwe, Harare: Residents Slam ZINWA After Fatal Cholera Outbreak
The Combined Harare Residents Association has called for the Zimbabwe National Water Authority to hand over control of water supply and sewer reticulation management to the Harare city council.
It comes after one person died and almost 30 more people have been hospitalised [...] following an outbreak of cholera in the crowded Harare township, Chitungwiza. It’s [...]
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Pacific Partnership Meeting and Sanitation event 10 September 2008
The Pacific Water Association (PWA) and the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) are holding the Pacific Water Association Conference in Apia from 9-11 September, 2008 at the Hotel Kitano Samoa.
Besides the Annual General Meeting of PWA, a 3rd Steering Committee Meeting for the Pacific Partnership Initiative on Sustainable Water Management will be organised as [...]
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Pakistan: IDPs face cholera, difficult camp conditions - ICRC warns
PESHAWAR, 7 September 2008 (IRIN) - After prayer time at mosques in Peshawar, the provincial capital of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP), donations are collected for charity during Ramadan. [...] Among those for whom funds are being allocated this year are internally displaced persons (IDPs) from conflict-affected Bajaur Agency, on Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan. [...]
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Bangladesh: Living off the sewers of gold
By Mark Dummett, BBC News, Dhaka
The sewers of Dhaka, Bangladesh’s overcrowded and polluted capital city, are as unpleasant as you could imagine.
But they are also an incredible source of income for a small group of men who do not mind getting their hands dirty. They earn their living by finding tiny specks of gold that are accidentally [...]
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Cambodia - Good sanitation celebrated
ABOUT 1,000 villagers and primary school students in Russey Keo district’s Tuol Sangke commune attended a ceremony Wednesday celebrating Phnom Penh’s first Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) day.
WASH day emphasised the importance of washing hands in order to prevent the spread of disease.
Mann Chhoeun, deputy governor of Phnom Penh, and Katherine Crawford, director of USAID’s [...]
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UK: Wash your hands, NHS staff reminded
03 September 2008
The National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) is reinforcing its message to NHS staff to clean their hands at the point of care, with the reissue of its alert on hand hygiene.
(…) In addition, the advice includes the internationally recognised World Health Organization (WHO) Five Moments for Hand Hygiene (July 2007).
Read all hesmagazine.com
Related web-site: [...]
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Australia - Sanitary Stories: A New TV series
The Jacobson brothers plumbed the world’s dunnies for a TV series. By Bridget McManus.
THERE was a time, after the runaway success of Kenny the movie, that Shane Jacobson seemed hell-bent on proving he could play other parts. After all, like most overnight successes, he has been in showbiz nearly all his life.
Just as the [...]
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Burkina Faso: Association of Municipalities launches EUR 1.6 million rural WASH project
Burkina Faso’s Association of Municipalities - Association des municipalités du Burkina Faso (AMBF) - officially launched a programme to expand water and sanitation services in Bam, Kourweogo, and Mouhoun provinces. Funded to the tune of EUR 1.63 million by the NGO SOS Sahel International - Burkina Faso and its partners in France and Monaco, the [...]
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Nigeria: Landlord beats 70-yr-old tenant to death - For failure to flush toilet
A landlord in Benin City, the Edo State capital, [...] allegedly beat a 70-year-old tenant to death following disagreement over the use of a toilet in the house.
The landlord of the house, located at Isirukhe Street in Benin City, who was said to have inherited the property from his late father, reportedly beat the septuagenarian [...]
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Urban Health Bulletin, July/August 2008
September 2, 2008
The latest issue of the Urban Health Bulletin (pdf, 81KB) from Environmental Health at USAID features summaries of 5 presentations from the Sustainable City Workshop at World Water Week 2008.
The summaries are:
• Planning for Sustainable Environmental Sanitation Infrastructure and Services in Cities, Roland Schertenleib - Eawag/SANDEC, Switzerland
• Sustainability of Local Sanitation [...]
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Grant: IFAD supports the linkages between sanitation and agriculture
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has awarded a grant to CREPA and SEI to manage a project entitled “Testing a nutrient recycling system (Productive Sanitation Systems) in Niger with a view to measuring its potential for improving agricultural productivity”.
In the context of the soaring world fertilizer prices, the ca. billion poor smallholder farmers [...]
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Global Handwashing Day - 15 October 2008
The practice of handwashing with soap tops the international hygiene agenda this year with the first-ever Global Handwashing Day, slated for Wednesday 15 October 2008. With 2008 as the UN International Year of Sanitation, the Global Handwashing Day will echo and reinforce its call for improved hygiene practices.
The agencies leading the Global Handwashing Day efforts [...]
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Ethiopia - Public role crucial to raise potable water, sanitation coverage
Addis Ababa, August 27 (WIC) - Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) said priority should be given to a technology that extensively involves the public so as to raise the potable water and sanitation coverage in rural areas of the country to 98 percent by 2012.
Speaking at a workshop organized here to evaluate performance of the [...]
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India - Impressed with LSR girl’s report on public toilets, HC asks MCD to study paper
New Delhi, August 27 It started with an observation. A 20-year-old student of the Lady Sri Ram College, “admittedly not very expressive about women’s issues”, saw a frail old woman cleaning a public toilet on Yusuf Sarai Road through her bus window.
“The toilet was full of filthy, mud-coloured water. A man was relieving himself [...]
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Information Kit on the Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture
Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched an information kit on how to safely use wastewater in agriculture during World Water Week celebrations in Stockholm, Sweden, August 17-23.
The kit explains how to responsibly and feasibly apply the Guidelines for [...]
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India - Women manual scavengers demand dignity of labour
New Delhi, Aug 27 (IANS) Demanding dignity of labour and implementation of existing laws and provisions to eradicate the practice of manual scavenging, women from scavenging communities from Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat are set to meet the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) here Thursday.
‘The National Human Rights Commission is meeting with these women tomorrow. [...]
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Nepal: WB provides grant of US$ 127M
Kathmandu, August 26. The World Bank has provided a grant of US$ 127 million to help the Government of Nepal consolidate the peace process and to scale up the delivery of basic services to under-served rural population.
(…) The US$ 27 million grant for the Second Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project will scale up the [...]
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Sierra Leone: As Community Led Total Sanitation kicks off Open defecation in middle of Kenema City
The Ministry of Health and Sanitation Health Education Division has held a one day sensitization meeting with Paramount Chiefs, teachers and other opinion leaders in the eastern region at the Kenema District Council office along Maxwell Khobe Street in Kenema.
The programme coordinator at the education division Samuel Sesay in his statement said the ministry is [...]
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Economic costs of poor sanitation and Asia Day at World Water Week
By Graham Owens gowens@csr-asia.com
World Water Week concluded its annual get together in Stockholm last week and the 2,400 scientists, government leaders and civil society representatives declared that slow progress on sanitation will cause the world to badly fail the Millennium Development Goals. It said that water and sanitation looms behind food, energy and climate crisis [...]
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Indonesia: Nationwide campaign to improve sanitation
JAKARTA, 27 August 2008 (IRIN) - Indonesia has launched a nationwide campaign to improve access to sanitation and clean water.
According to the World Bank-administered Water and Sanitation Programme, about 100 million of Indonesia’s 220 million people had no easily accessible, private and safe place to urinate and defecate in 2004, and a recent World Bank [...]
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India: Going Beyond Sanitation in Andhra Pradesh
What started as a campaign to improve rural sanitation in Andhra Pradesh, has galvanized communities to address through collective behavior change a broadening range of issues, from planting tress to improved management of disposed plastics.
Andhra Pradesh has benefited from both the national Total Sanitation Campaign and the Nirmal Gram Puraskar (clean village award) program [...], [...]
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ITT unveils ITT Watermark, announces strategic partnership with Water For People
Philanthropic program to provide water and sanitation to 300 schools in Asia and Latin America
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, August 18, 2008 - ITT Corporation today announced a new corporate philanthropy program, ITT Watermark, which includes an initial three-year, $3 million commitment to help provide safe water, sanitation and hygiene education to 300 schools in the developing world [...]
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Brazil - Sanitation is an issue of national policy
Sanitation is one of the worst public services in Brazil. While 92.7% of homes have electricity and 75.2% have access to the water network, only 47% of households have sewage collection services.
Moreover, only one in three Brazilians have sewage collection and treatment services simultaneously.
Only 20% of sewage produced is treated, meaning the other [...]
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India - Rising costs hit Centre’s sanitation scheme
Just as several flagship development projects like the construction of rural roads have been hit by rising input costs, the government has been forced to take a hard look at its cost estimates for building toilets for families below the poverty line in rural India. Soaring steel and cement prices have already hit the Centre’s [...]
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Uganda: Lake Victoria degradation threatening livelihoods
A few years ago, Charles Kyagaba used to sell up to 300kg of fresh fish at the Gaba landing site near the Ugandan capital of Kampala each day, but now the situation is markedly different.
According to environmentalists, over-fishing, pollution and other human activities along Lake Victoria as well as climate change are threatening to destroy [...]
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Video clip: Life without a toilet
Aug 21 - With 2.5 billion people around the world living without a toilet, sanitation experts are pushing to get this most basic need onto the political agenda.
Better sanitation improves human health, promotes economic and social development and also helps the environment.
These are the arguments development professionals are using to try to persuade governments and [...]
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Nepal: mobile toilets in the Valley
The Kathmandu Municipal Corporation (KMC) is planning to construct mobile toilets in 50 different locations in collaboration with private sector. KMC has stated that these mobile toilets will solve the problem of lack of public toilets in the municipality.[...] An agreement was made among the stakeholders including the KMC, the Department of Roads and traffic [...]
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Nepal: Government to add water, sanitation in school curriculum
The Ministry of Education and Sports, Nepal is going to introduce value based education programme on water and sanitation with special focus on school students. The programme has developed and included value based education in the school syllabus with an objective to conserve water sources and promote proper sanitation.
The programme will be carried out jointly [...]
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Domestic wastewater treatment and reuse for engineers, architects, builders [training course], New Delhi, India, 22-26 Sept 2008
Organised by: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
The course explores the current wastewater situation, pollution management practices and policies and their drawbacks. It will also suggest an alternative paradigm suited to the Indian situation. Hands-on design workshops will teach participants how to design and implement localised wastewater treatment systems.
Course modules:
Status of water and excreta management [...]
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China: sewage plant study raises concerns
Many water treatment facilities in China are failing to remove toxic organic chemicals and levels of some chemicals are actually increasing during treatment, according to researchers from Nankai University, Tianjin.
One of the chemicals monitored is nonylphenol, released during the breakdown of nonylphenol polyethoxylate detergents. Nonylphenol is an endocrine disrupter and, together with nonylphenol ethoxylates, is [...]
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Madagascar: Mobile cameras and water problem - Cameramen will face residents in eleven regions
The “Diorano WASH” project on Madagascar is seeking input from the public. Cameramen will roam around 11 regions interviewing villagers about their water and sanitation problems. The objective is to get a better idea of grassroots opinions and needs, explained Diorano WASH executive Vero Maminiaina. After the interviews, a workshop will be held to find [...]
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Iraq: After 5 years of war, Iraqis desperate for water
Water and sewage are perennial challenges in {Iraq], where the overhaul of decrepit public works has been hindered by years of war and neglect.
Nearly a billion litres of raw sewage is dumped into Baghdad waterways each day — enough to fill 370 Olympic-sized pools.
Since 2003, the United States has spent about $2.4 billion on Iraq’s [...]
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Iraq: IDPs in tent camps continue to suffer - IOM
While the rate of people fleeing their homes in Iraq has decreased during the first half of 2008, daily life for the thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in tent camps remains grim, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said.
“Tent camp residents have little or no access to basic services, cannot protect themselves against [...]
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Bhutan: despite the “toilet revolution”, high coverage has not lead to high use
Having worked as a primary health care professional for over a decade, Dr. Damber Kumar Nirola, Psychiatrist at the Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (JDWNRH) has “witnessed a slow but steady “toilet revolution” over the years”. He personally witnessed the “the evolution of toilets from open fields to gunny sack structures to simple pits [...]
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Bhutan, Gelephu: mosquitoes breed in delayed sewerage system
Stagnant waters fill the trenches dug all over town and pipes lie along the roadside. Gelephu’s modern sewerage system, aimed at improving hygiene and sanitation and controlling mosquitoes in summer, is now helping to breed mosquitoes.
[The sewerage system] was supposed to have been completed on February 4 this year but got delayed because of the [...]
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Indonesia: Sanitation in 10.000 Villages to Improve by 2012
The government has announced plans to implement a program to improve sanitation in 10.000 villages by 2012. The program has been running since 2005, by building sanitation facilities and access to clean water in 500 villages.
“We hope to apply this program in all provinces,” said Health Minister, Siti Fadilah Supari, officially opening the Household Drinking [...]
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Getting poor to use toilets a major health conundrum, forum told
21/08/2008 15:29 STOCKHOLM, Aug 21 (AFP)
(…) What’s becoming quite apparent is that the way you actually have an impact on health, development and poverty alleviation is when people adopt certain behaviours,” Clarissa Brocklehurst, the head of UNICEF’s water, environment and sanitation programme, told AFP.
In recent years, experts have found that the best method has been [...]
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Wastewater crops feeding millions
Thalif DEEN: Vegetables, rice and other cereals in at least 53 cities in Asia, Africa and Latin America may someday come with warning labels that read “this is a byproduct of raw sewage”.
Against the backdrop of rising food prices and a shortage of drinking water worldwide, urban farmers are being forced to use either untreated [...]
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Even in Europe, 20 million people without toilets: forum
STOCKHOLM - A surprising 20 million people in the European Union do not have access to decent toilets and suffer from a lack of hygiene, posing serious health risks, experts meeting at World Water Week in Stockholm said.
“People think that in countries so bright, so rich, they don’t have this kind of problem,” Sascha Gabizon, [...]
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Taps and Toilets: Access to safe water is a cheap and highly effective lifesaver
Two out of five people worldwide lack access to a toilet. One out of six does not have access to safe drinking water. This lack contributes to two million child deaths a year, reduces school attendance, and is a fundamental deprivation of human dignity. Lack of sanitation pollutes water resources.
Much of Bank investment in middle-income [...]
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Developing world needs sanitation revolution
Britain’s sanitary revolution took place 150 years ago, but what is preventing so much of the developing world from catching up?
Exactly 150 years ago, an exceptionally hot spell of summer weather reduced the Thames flowing through London to a scandalous condition known as The Great Stink. Queen Victoria, travelling down [...]
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Uganda: new research to examine the sanitation crisis in slums
An interdisciplinary research program entitled “Integrated approaches and strategies to address the Sanitation Crisis in Unsewered Slum Areas in African mega-cities (SCUSA)”, funded by the UNESCO-IHE Partnership Research Fund (UPaRF), will be carried out by UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (Delft, The Netherlands), Makerere University, and the Kampala City Council, both in Uganda.
The SCUSA research [...]
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Ghana - Engineer Invents Revolutionary Sanitation System
When Ghana joined the United Nations General Assembly in declaring 2008 the International Year of Sanitation, most thought the year would be spent merely removing the stigma around sanitation issues so that awareness could eventually flourish into solutions. Basically, only a few people imagined a solution was readily available.
Kweku Anno, manager of Anno Engineering Ltd., [...]
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South Asian Sanitation edition of Waterlines
There are more people in south Asia without adequate sanitation than anywhere else in the world. Nevertheless, this is a region where great progress is being made, where there is much to learn about approaches that work, and where the optimism is tangible.
The July 2008 edition of Waterlines, which includes papers from IRC/WaterAid’s South Asian [...]
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Maggie Black - Creating a stink about the world’s wastewater
Exactly 150 years ago, an exceptionally hot spell of summer weather reduced the Thames flowing through London to a scandalous condition known as The Great Stink. Queen Victoria, travelling down the river to Millwall docks, had to contain her nausea by clamping a bouquet to her nose. The fumes were not only foul but terrifying, [...]
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Asia Water Day highlights leadership role in solving region`s water problems
Inspired leaders who champion reforms, mobilize resources and involve communities can play a key role in helping Asia meet its many water and sanitation supply challenges, said Xianbin Yao, Acting Director General of Asian Development Bank’s Regional and Sustainable Development Department.
Speaking in Stockholm, Sweden at the first ever Asia Water Day to be held during [...]
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Madagascar - President determined to solve sanitation and water problem
President Marc Ravalomanana of Madagascar is the only president in the world who is attending the current World Water Week being held in Stockholm, Sweden. About 2500 experts and government leaders are here discussing all kinds of issues and experiences relating to water.
At the opening session of the conference on Monday President Ravalomanna said he [...]
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Sanitation and sustainability
Jaehyang So, WSP, Jakarta
Every year in mid-August, the world’s leading water experts gather to focus on one subject that preoccupies the international community. This year, the Stockholm International Water Institute is hosting those experts in World Water Week as they turn their attention to the under-appreciated yet critical development issue of sanitation. (…)
Read all Jakarta [...]
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Marking World Water Week, UNICEF calls for boost in sanitation
18 August 2008 – The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has stressed the importance of sanitation and hygiene in schools as events are held around the globe to mark World Water Week, which began yesterday.
Over 170 organizations have converged in Stockholm, Sweden, this week to discuss issues surrounding this year’s theme for the Week, “Progress [...]
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DEVELOPMENT: Water Progresses, Sanitation Regresses
STOCKHOLM, Aug 18 (IPS) - The world’s poorest nations are making halting progress in water, but little or no tangible improvement in sanitation — two of the basic necessities of life.
As far as the global state of sanitation is concerned, says Anders Berntell, executive director of the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), “It’s one of [...]
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Indonesia: Poor Sanitation Still Causes Heavy Health and Economic Losses
The economic costs of poor hygiene and sanitation in Indonesia reached an estimated US$6.3 billion, or 2.3 percent of GDP in 2006, according to a new report today released by the Water and Sanitation Program.
The study, Economics Impacts of Sanitation in Indonesia, finds that the lack of access to sanitation poses heavy financial and economic [...]
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WSP’s ACCESS is now available on www.wsp.org
WSP’s ACCESS is now available on www.wsp.org
Click here for the August 2008 issue of ACCESS.
Inside this edition of ACCESS: New Handwashing Record in Indonesia
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Ghana: Volta Region marks sanitation week
The 2008 Volta Regional International Year of sanitation has been launched in Ho with a call on the media in Ghana to give special attention to sanitation as a national issue. The Regional Environmental Health Officer, Mr. Albert Kpodonu made the call during a press briefing and photo exhibition to highlight concerns on the sanitation [...]
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UNICEF urges collective action on sanitation in Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Improved sanitation Ethiopia could save lives of millions of children and raise the status of local women, only if its policymakers and the general public collectively took up the challenge to bring about change, a UNICEF official said here Monday. (…)
Noting that 35 million people in Ethiopia, about half of the [...]
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World Water Week kicks off in Stockholm
STOCKHOLM (AFP) — A week-long conference on the impact of lacking water resources around the world began in Stockholm Monday with calls for radical changes in behaviour and mentality when it comes to water usage. (…)
“Sanitation is one of the biggest scandals of all times. It’s something that we have to put on our radar [...]
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Global study shows widespread sewage use on farms
STOCKHOLM, Sweden: People in developing countries are facing growing health risks caused by the widespread use of raw sewage to irrigate crops, according to a study unveiled Monday at a global water conference in Sweden.
The report, by the International Water Management Institute, says more than half of farmland near 70 percent of cities in Third [...]
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USAID - Investments in drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene
Investments in Drinking Water Supply Projects and Related Water Resources Activities-Report to Congress, Fiscal Year 2007. (pdf, full-text)
This is the fiscal year (FY) 2007 Report to Congress from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) about obligations made during the year in drinking water supply projects and related activities. The figures presented in this report [...]
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Nepal, Siddhipur: Ecosan toilets bring multiple benefits
Until a few years ago, Saraswati Maharjan-33, a resident of Siddhipur-8 on the outskirts of Kathmandu, had to walk 10 minutes from her home to attend nature’s call in the open communal defecation area. But that’s happily a history now. The lives of villagers in Siddhipur-8 has radically changed after the introduction of Ecosan toilets.
[...]. [...]
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Nepal: Mobile toilets under operation in Lalitpur
Considering the difficulties people face due to lack of public toilets, mobile toilet is constructed for the first time in Lalitpur. The Centre for Energy Studies, Institute of Engineering and Kantipur Research Academy have constructed the public mobile toilet with technical and financial support of UN-HABITAT and handed it over to the Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan City [...]
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Nepal: 1,026 toilets along Rolwaling trekking route
A total of 1,026 [composting] toilets have been built in various villages along the Rolwaling trekking route. According to the Austrian NGO Eco Himal, the toilets were constructed in 24 various settlements as part of their Rolwaling Ecotourism Project.
Eco Himal said that all schools along the trekking route have restrooms, compared to only 27 per [...]
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Child friendly schools in Sri Lanka: How children can learn the importance of safe drinking water
(…) The “child friendly concept” has been developed by Malteser International and UNICEF for 53 schools in Galle, Matara, Hambantota and Ampara Districts. Around 16,000 pupils have already or will soon get access to child friendly water and sanitation facilities. The need for this intervention has been identified by the Sri Lankan government, and thus [...]
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India: Neen gets cleanest panchayat award, Kandror ranks second
Shimla, August 14
Making a significant headway in the state’s rural sanitation project, a community-driven campaign, the Himachal Pradesh government has decided to confer Maharishi Valmiki Sampooran Swachhta Puruskar (MVSSP) to Neen panchayat in Basantpur Block of Shimla district.
Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal, who had introduced the reward scheme, will present the cheque to panchayat pradhan [...]
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FP blog: ‘Toilet revolution, changing the world’
This spring, Beijing Olympic organizers went to extraordinary lengths to ensure athletes had the most comfortable sanitation facilities. (…)
So, in this week’s FP List, “The Hardest Places in the World to Find a Bathroom,” we highlight five countries, by geographic region, where safe sanitation is in short supply. (…)
Read all Blog / Foreign Policy
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Canada: Talking Toilet Taking to the Streets
This will likely draw some attention in downtown St.John’s today. There will be a walking and talking toilet on Water Street between 11am and 1pm. Local Oxfam spokesperson Daniel Miller says it’s all about raising awareness of sanitation issues. (…)
Read all NewCap Radio
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Nepal: unsafe drinking water and sanitation in jails
The National Human Rights Commission Regional Office Banke has demanded an explanation from the chief district officer and jail administration on the issue of the 85 prisoners in Bardiya jail who are compelled to drink arsenic contaminated water. The Commission asked why no alternative source of drinking water was found for the prisoners despite the [...]
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Nepal: Government prepares for possible diarrhoea epidemic
Health workers at Nepal’s Epidemiology and Disease Control Division (EDCD) in the Department of Health Services (DHS), are making preparations to control a diarrhoea outbreak, which occurs during the annual monsoon season between July and September in rural areas.
Rapid Response Teams (RRT) have been formed at the central, regional and district level and more than [...]
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First Global Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) in Emergencies Survey
The first ever on-line global survey of the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector of humanitarian response is now open to all sector professionals. The survey seeks to identify gaps in WASH response during emergencies by asking respondents about their experience in emergencies.
The survey is being conducted by the Global WASH Cluster, [...]
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Benin: recurrent cholera still not a priority
At least 50 cholera cases have been recorded in Benin’s capital Cotonou since 24 July, according to local hospital officials.
These cases have been reported in the capital’s eastern districts of Enagnon, Dedokpo, and Segbeya, neighbourhoods that lack clean drinking water, waste disposal services, and indoor plumbing.
The Benin government has renewed an education campaign on sanitation [...]
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UK: Boris Johnson calls on London businesses to open their toilets to the public
The Mayor of London Boris Johnson today, August 12th, called on businesses across London to open their toilets to the public to help ease the problems caused by the lack of public lavatories. The Mayor wants every London borough to sign up to the Community Toilet Scheme, which provides businesses with small grants to open [...]
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Israel: Cholera prevention program developed by Hebrew U. students adopted by International Red Cross
13 Aug 2008
A cholera prevention program developed by students of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School’s International Masters in Public Health Program has been adopted by the Red Cross in Kenya, and is currently under consideration by the Kenyan Ministry of Public Health & Sanitation.
Read all Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Press release
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Ghana: Media urged to alert public on deteriorating sanitation situation
The media have been urged to draw the public’s attention to the deteriorating sanitation situation in the country. (…)
The Health Officer, who was addressing the media on the sanitation situation in the country in Koforidua on Wednesday, said the role of journalists was crucial in drawing people’s attention to sanitation issues and called for collective [...]
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Stockholm Water Week 2008 special focus on sanitation - update
The 2008 Stockholm World Water Week has a special focus on sanitation, including over 40 sessions on the topic, to evaluate and drive forward progress made during the International Year of Sanitation. The Water Week organiser, the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), has produced a Sanitation, Health and Hygiene theme sheet with an overview of [...]
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Tanzania: Osunyai school striving for better hygiene
Hygiene education is part of the curriculum at Osunyai Primary school some 6 kilometres from Arusha in northern Tanzania. However, the poor sanitation conditions prevent pupils and teachers from maintaining the minimum level of hygiene.
The school has 2426 pupils (1175 boys and 1251 girls) and 44 teachers. There are only 8 latrines for 1175 boys [...]
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SuSanA updates web site
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) has updated its web site.
New features of this website include a “news” section on the start page and a “capacity development area” as an open source database for thematic publications, teaching course material, workshops, conference proceedings and videos.
SuSanA will be holding its 7th meeting in Stockholm, Sweden from August 22nd [...]
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India: Deliberations on “Urban Sanitation” in state of Maharashtra
The “Consultation Meet on Strategies of Urban Sanitation” Maharashtra, was organized by WSSD-GoM (Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Government of Maharashtra) in Mumbai on 10th July 2008. The 18 participants included Chief Officers of Municipal Councils, experts in the sanitation sector, Environment officers, Section Engineers and Water and Sanitation Programme-South Asia (WSP-SA) team.
Presentations included:
“Introduction to [...]
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India, Maharashtra: community-managed toilet complexes opened in Kolhapur
The operationalisation and functioning of community toilet complexes at Rajendra Nagar and Salokhe Park, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, commenced on 15th June 2008. These community toilet complexes are managed by “Community Sanitation Committees (CSCs)” formed in both communities. The CSCs thus not only manages the maintenance of the complex but also ensures cleanliness of the complex and [...]
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India: BORDA introduces Health Impact Assessment and -Monitoring for all Community Based Sanitation Projects
BORDA and its 16 network partners in India are implementing sanitation projects including the construction of DEWATS [Decentralized Waste Water Treatment] in slums and poor peri-urban settlements for the last 8 years. Due to time and resources constraints, a systematic evaluation of the achieved impacts on the health and hygiene condition of the direct beneficiaries/users [...]
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Indonesia - Information request on sanitation in lake/sea areas
Please see the information request below from Foort Bustraan, Municipal Water Services Advisor, USAID / Environmental Services Program (ESP). If you have information or contacts that would be useful, please email Mr. Bustraan at: foort_bustraan@dai.com
What I am also looking for is experience from other regions of improved sanitation for poor communities living above lakes/ sea [...]
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Indonesia: Pampanga dengue cases up by 200%
CITY OF SAN FERNANDO - Health officials in Central Luzon recorded a whooping 238 percent increase in dengue cases in the region compared to the same period last year.
(…) The DOH is calling on local communities to actively participate in environmental sanitation activities like clean up drives.
Read all Sun Star
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Canada: Toilet Festival Starts Today
August 11, 2008. The St. John’s Toilet festival gets underway today. It’s a week of events organized by Oxfam and dedicated to raising awareness about water and sanitation issues in developing countries. (…)
Read all NewCap
Oxfam Canada
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Bangladesh: $165.7m WB project to improve city water, sanitation services
The World Bank (WB) funds a new project to improve water and sanitation services by Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority (Dwasa), says a press release. To improve sustainable delivery of stormwater drainage, wastewater and water services by the Dwasa, the government has initiated the ‘Dhaka Water Supply and Sanitation Project’ with funding from the WB. [...]
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India - Water Advocates Speak Out for Improved Sanitation
The Ganges is proof that even the holiest of nature’s creations can fall victim to the destructive powers of pollution.
Thousands of Hindu followers have their bodies committed to the Ganges each year in belief that the river’s waters will carry their souls to eternal salvation. With nearly 89 million liters of raw sewage flowing [...]
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Uganda: EABL Donates Sh175 Million for Sanitation Projects
EAST African Breweries (EABL) Foundation has donated sh175m for water and sanitation projects that will benefit over 30,000 people within Kampala and its environs.
The projects involve provision of a 10,000 litre water tank at Kampala Dispensary and Maternity Centre, which will provide clean water to patients and health workers.
EABL Foundation partnered with the Agency for [...]
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Australia: Hand washing in doctors remains poor
7th August 2008, AUK Staff
Hand washing amongst doctors remains poor according to results of an Australian study. This is despite both local and national education to promote the benefits of having clean hands when seeing patients. Doctors have come out worse than other healthcare professionals in their adherence to keeping their extremities free of germs. [...]
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Uganda: Local government ministry asked to streamline urban development
By Josephine Maseruka
Local leaders have asked the local government ministry to speed up the urbanisation of towns. Through their umbrella organisation, the Urban Authorities Association of Uganda, they pointed out that it would be more expensive for the Government to rebuild or renew messed up towns.
(…) In a six-page statement, Kabuye noted: “Many towns continue [...]
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Uganda: Poor hygiene fuelling Hepatitis in north
KAMPALA, 7 August 2008 (IRIN) - Bad hygiene and lack of adequate sanitation facilities in northern Uganda, a region still recovering from two decades of conflict, have fuelled the spread of the Hepatitis E viral infection in several districts, a senior official said.
“The major challenges are inadequate access to safe water, unhygienic disposal of faeces, [...]
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Ghana ranked 48th in Africa for poor sanitation
A Snapshot of Sanitation in Africa has ranked Ghana the 48th country in Africa with the worst progress in sanitation.
The report, which assessed 51 African countries, also ranked Ghana the 14th out of 15 countries in West Africa with poor sanitation record. (…)
The country would therefore achieve about 15 per cent reduction by 2015, instead [...]
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Philippines: Suspected cholera outbreak in Philippines kills 21
MANILA, Philippines: A suspected cholera outbreak in a remote southern Philippine township has killed 21 people and sickened at least 50 others, the mayor and the Red Cross said Wednesday. (…)
Read all International Herald Tribune
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Nigeria: Nigeria: ‘Improved Sanitation Will Lead to Development’
This Day (Lagos), posted to the web 6 August 2008, Yinka Kolawole, Osogbo
In line with the International Year of Sanitation in the country, the Osun State Government has mapped out strategies to combat factors militating against improved environment sanitation in the state. Speaking with THISDAY exclusively, the State Commissioner of Environment Alhaji Ademola Adio Kazeem [...]
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Fiji: New Sanitation Park for school
THE South Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) in collaboration with the Fiji School of Medicine (FSM) re-launched the Sanitation Park at the school yesterday. The Sanitation Park housed at FSM was developed to help address local sanitation and hygiene issues.
Fiji School of Medicine, Director Research Dr Graham Roberts said that as a community we [...]
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Ghana: Minister deplores sanitation situation in Ghana
The sanitation situation in the country is deteriorating by the day and this might lead to increase in sanitation related diseases among children and the most vulnerable. It is estimated that an appreciable number of children die annually before the age of five mainly from preventable sanitation-related diseases, said Kwadwo Adjei-Darko, Minister of Local Government, [...]
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India: Toilet seats: BMC eats its own words
MUMBAI: When American talk show host Jay Leno quipped that Indians can send a rocket into space but cannot build a decent toilet, he probably had the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in mind.
The BMC’s tall claims of constructing 20,000 toilet seats in one year stands exposed after it was revealed that it managed only 120 [...]
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Ghana: Zoomlion Contracted to Improve Sanitation At Markets And Garages
Ama Achiaa Amankwah, Accra
A project designed to improve the physical environment at garages and markets throughout the country has been launched at Mankesim in Central Region. Known as the Domestic Trade and Industrial Services Improvement Project (DOTIP), it is expected to provide among others refuse containers, toilet facilities, construction of drainages and roads and lighting [...]
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China - Plans to conduct China’s rural pollution survey
When the central government announced plans to conduct China’s first rural pollution survey last December, some took it as a sign that the authorities were serious about tackling the serious issue.
And a first-ever State Council meeting on environmental protection in the countryside two weeks ago carried more significance.
Within a mere 10 months, the world’s most [...]
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Guinea Bissau: Cholera Epidemic Lessons Ignored
A cholera epidemic sweeping across Guinea Bissau has now infected 1,077 people - three-quarters of them in the capital Bissau - and killed 25, leading experts to ask why lessons from previous epidemics have not been taken on board.
Cholera killed 400 people and infected 25,000 across the country in 2005. “We wrote reports and made [...]
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India: Day-ling seminar on sustaining sanitation solutions
BANGALORE: With rapid urbanization, sanitation in the state is a major cause for concern. According to a human development report, nearly two-thirds of Indians have no access to sanitation and out of 1.8 million diarrhoea deaths in the world per year, 45,000 are in our country. Many NGOs say although several projects are being taken [...]
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Uganda: Latrine Crackdown in Pallisa District
HEALTH officials in Pallisa district have launched a crackdown on family heads whose homes have no pit-latrines and rubbish disposal pits.
The move, said Wilson Namungha, the district health inspector, was prompted by the recent cholera outbreak in the area that killed nine residents in five sub-counties.
The home-to-home operation, led by Namungha assisted by the [...]
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Bangladesh - Hygiene promoters teach safe sanitation practices
HATITILA, Bangladesh, 31 July 2008 – At the community development centre in Hatitila, a remote village in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, Athoi Marma, 19, teaches songs about safe hygiene practices to 20 pre-school children. The songs are in Marma, an indigenous language spoken by only around 150,000 people in Bangladesh.
Athoi is one of [...]
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South Africa - Pay-per-bag may be Cape’s new mantra
CAPE ELIZABETH (July 31, 2008): Cape Elizabeth town councilors are considering regulations that would decrease town waste disposal bills by cutting down the amount of waste Cape residents throw out.
The proposed regulations would create a so-called “pay-per-bag” system for residents, require businesses to handle their own waste and not use the Cape Elizabeth transfer [...]
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Ghana - Keeping our gutters tidy
A healthy mind, it is said, is in a healthy body. And a body can be healthy if it lives in a healthy environment.
Apparently, the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Sheikh I C Quaye, is alive to this simple and age-long adage, and this has culminated into his cautioning the residents of Alajo, a suburb of [...]
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India - Garbage Politics Spreads Stench
For a city that boasts of IT hegemony in the country, Bangalore has a dismal record of garbage management. The Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (BBMP), whose obligatory function is to collect, transport and dispose of the municipal solid waste (MSW), is apparently caught up in the politics of one-upmanship.
On the garbage management, Rs [...]
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Nigeria: Govt To Build 1,000 Toilets
Worried by the sanitary condition and manner its citizens openly deficate on the ground, Plateau State government yesterday announced that it has concluded arrangements to construct over one thousand public toilets across the state before the end of this year.
The Commissioner for Water Resources and Rural Development, Mallam Idi Waziri, made this disclosure at the [...]
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World Health Organization: 2.5 Billion Live With Poor Sanitation Facilities
UNITED NATIONS - / MaximsNews Network / 30 July 2008
Every day, over 2.5 billion people suffer from a lack of access to improved sanitation and nearly 1.2 billion practise open defecation, the riskiest sanitary practice of all, according to a report issued today by the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation. The [...]
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South Asia not on track to meet MDG sanitation goals: UNICEF- WHO report
South Asia has the highest rate of open defecation in the world at 48 percent, and is closely followed by sub-Saharan Africa (28 percent), says a report issued today by the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Drinking-water Supply and Sanitation (JMP).
According to the report, 63 percent (750 million people) of all open defecation takes place [...]
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Botswana wins water race, loses on sanitation
The National Water Resources Management Conference was yesterday told that there should be concerted efforts to manage water resources through prevention of pollution and siltation of the resource.
Speaking at the 4th annual water conference, the Minister of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources, Ponatshego ‘PHK’ Kedikilwe, revealed that the problem of pollution is made worse [...]
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Kenya - Cholera outbreaks blamed on contaminated water
NAIROBI, 29 July 2008 (IRIN) - Recurrent outbreaks of cholera in the western province of Nyanza are caused by widespread water contamination, including seepage from latrines, health officials said.
“The major contributor to the recent outbreaks in the area was unsafe water,” Shahnaaz Sharif, the senior deputy director of medical services in Kenya’s health ministry, [...]
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Kenya - Teachers, students united by a toilet
Until recently, students at a mixed school in Kisii were forced to share a pit latrine with their teachers in an unusual arrangement. To avoid embarrassment, they had a unique plan that relied on timing.
The teachers of Eronge Secondary School in North Mugirango constituency were only allowed to use the facility during daytime. On the [...]
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Nigeria: … Frowns At Poor Sanitation in States, LGs
Federal government has lamented the abysmal state of affairs regarding the implementation of sanitation projects by the lower tiers of government, saying such a situation was constituting a major draw-back to the national aspiration to achieve a clean and healthy environment.
Minister of Environment, Housing and Urban Development, Mrs Halima Tayo Alao, made the federal government’s [...]
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Nigeria: Why Country Lags Behind in Sanitation Practices - Don
Nasidi Adamu Yahaya
Nigeria is falling behind in its efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals [MDGs] on sanitation practices because children, especially girls are denied the right to education because their schools lack private and decent sanitation facilities.
This was disclosed at the weekend by Lagos University Teaching Hospital Chief Medical Director, Professor Akin Osibogun, at [...]
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Bangladesh - Rundown public toilets
Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) has set up only 69 public toilets for more than One crore people of the city but about half of the toilets are either closed or unusable at present, resulting in immense sufferings of the city dwellers when outside home.
In recent years, DCC set up 38 public toilets, mostly at parks [...]
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India - Wrong priorities?
In our quest to become an economic and nuclear power, are we losing track of the basic needs of ordinary people?
One out of every two persons in the world compelled to defecate in the open is an Indian. This is one of several unsavoury facts brought out in a recent report by the World [...]
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Uganda - Tooro NGO Wins Sanitation Award
Community Empowerment Initiative has won an award in Water and Sanitation project sustainability for Uganda, Daily Monitor has learnt. CEI is an NGO which operates in Kamwenge, Kabarole and Kyenjojo districts.
According to the coordinator, Mr Asuma Kisembo, CEI undertakes projects of water and sanitation, helping Orphans and vulnerable children and HIV/Aids control programmes.
More - [...]
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Tanzania - Upcountry travel: No more roadside calls of nature
Infrastructure Development ministry has directed upcountry bus operators, drivers and conductors in the country to discontinue the tendency of calling anywhere on the highways for letting passengers alight for short or long calls in adjacent bushes.
The minister, Dr Shukuru Kawambwa, issued the directive in Parliament here yesterday when responding to a supplementary question posed [...]
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Vietnam - Modern school latrines to be built across the nation
HA NOI — The Ministry of Education and Training plans to introduce standard latrine designs in school across the country following the success of a pilot project in Thua Thien-Hue and Son La provinces.
The latrines were designed by architects from the ministry’s School Design and Research Institute.
The institute’s Le Thai Tuyen said the latrines would [...]
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Bathrooms are cleaner than kitchens - international study
Kitchen a haven for germs: Study
If you want to eat dinner from a clean surface, you might try your bathroom.
A study released Wednesday found that kitchen sinks have more germs than bathroom sinks. The study also found that three-quarters of kitchen cloths and sponges are heavily contaminated with harmful bacteria, meaning proper cleanup can be [...]
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Sierra Leone - Rampant disease washes in with flood water
With malaria, diarrhea and vomiting, pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory infections, worm infestations, scabies, abscesses, sores, and boils all common ailments in the Kroo Bay community of the Sierra Leone capital Freetown local medical official Amadou Kandor says it’s little wonder 35 is an average life expectancy for the slum’s 6,000 inhabitants. Kroo Bay, one [...]
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Ghana - ‘I will solve sanitation problems when elected’ - Nduom
The Presidential Candidate of the CPP, Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom says when elected President, the first 100 days of his government will focus on issues of climate change as well as sanitation. He said well meaning but ineffective efforts to deal with the problem of sanitation can engender a national cancer. Dr. Nduom [...]
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Philippines - Asian Development Bank 2nd National Sanitation Summit
The Asian Development Bank advocates that sanitation be an urgent priority for governments in Asia. It promotes the need for better and affordable facilities for individuals, disease prevention and healthy environments for communities, and financial viability of sanitation services for provider governments and utilities.
ADB also invites other agencies—public and private—to help governments, utilities, and communities [...]
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G8 leave 2.6 billion people with no place to go
“Hopes of a breakthrough in the global sanitation and water crisis at the G8 summit were [...] dashed as the G8 delivered a communique largely devoid of concrete actions to help the 2.6 billion people lacking access to a safe toilet, and the 1.1 billion people lacking access to clean water”.
“Instead of agreeing an action [...]
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Mexico - Study on rapid assessment tool for compost toilets by David Bates
This is a dissertation by David Bates - Moderately-Rapid Assessment of Alkaline Desiccation Environmental Systems (pdf, 14.4MB).
ABSTRACT: A moderately-rapid assessment tool was developed to analyze the waterless desiccation compost toilet investigated in a rural Mexican setting. Over 100 social factors were identified along with the applicable technical factors that influenced the low acceptability of [...]
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Namibia - Water, Sanitation Policy Reviewed
More than US$350 million will be needed for Namibia to attain Vision 2030’s long-term targets for sanitation services and improved water supply.
According to 2001 statistics, 78 percent of rural folk still answer to nature’s call in the bush. Only 12 percent have access to proper toilets, while 10 percent use non-improved facilities. Although the [...]
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USA - Texas: Thousands Live in Filth as Millions of Dollars to Improve Border Towns Go Unspent
SANTA ROSA, Texas — Along the Rio Grande, more than 400,000 mostly poor people live in ramshackle neighborhoods where sewage runs in open ditches. Although the U.S. Congress has set aside $300 million to improve sanitation, more than a quarter of that has gone unspent, a federal audit shows.
The need for better hygiene was [...]
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UNICEF/WHO - Progress on Drinking-water and Sanitation: Special Focus on Sanitation
Progress on Drinking-water and Sanitation: Special Focus on Sanitation (pdf, 17MB) is now on the WHO Water Sanitation Health website and will also soon be on the UNICEF/WHO Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) website at: http://www.wssinfo.org/.
This report introduces a new way of assessing global, regional and country progress using the “ladder” concept for both sanitation and drinking-water. [...]
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Costa Rica: Congress approves bill to exempt wastewater treatment plants from taxes
The special environment commission of Costa Rica’s legislative assembly approved a bill exempting wastewater treatment plants from paying taxes as a means to mitigate contamination and improve the quality of national water resources. The bill also declares wastewater treatment “a matter of national interest.”
Implementation of the bill is being coordinated by the finance ministry and [...]
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Keeping it clean: New landmark study confirms the importance of home and personal hygiene in reducing infectious diseases and infections
“ACCORDING to results from the Hygiene Promotion and Illness Reduction study, children aged five years or under experienced significantly fewer respiratory, gastrointestinal, and skin diseases when their families participated in intensive hygiene education plus the use of hygiene products.
The results of the three year study, which was conducted in impoverished urban communities in South Africa [...]
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Ghana - Pan latrines outlawed in Accra
The ages-old practice of carrying human excreta in pans has been outlawed in Accra with effect from July 8, 2008.
A Supreme Court ruling on Wednesday banned the use of pan latrines and ordered the Accra Metropolitan Assembly to phase out the use of pan latrines completely by 2010 and arrest and prosecute people who engage [...]
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Nigeria - Equal access to sanitation for those living with disabilities
BUNGUDU, Nigeria, 15 July 2008 – Nafisa Salisu, 16, whose legs were deformed by polio, manoeuvred her wheelchair into the specially designed Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine for physically challenged pupils at Bungudu Primary School.
This is the first time an equal-access latrine has been constructed in Nafisa’s school. The UNICEF-supported structure offers a concrete [...]
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India - Sanitation university for hygiene and waste management
NEW DELHI: Known for its efforts to provide better sanitation facilities to the masses, Sulabh International is coming up with a sanitation university to spread education about cleanliness and waste management across the globe.
The proposed varsity will be set up near Delhi-Jaipur National Highway in Gurgaon for which 44 acres of land has already [...]
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UNICEF/WHO to release major report citing new sanitation and water figures
Press centre, Media advisory
UNICEF/WHO to release major report citing new sanitation and water figures
More people using drinking-water from safe sources; far too few using improved sanitation
All information under embargo until Thursday, 17 July at 10:30 EST
*****Telephone briefing ****
WHO: Clarissa Brocklehurst, Chief, Water and Environmental Sanitation, UNICEF and Tessa Wardlaw, Chief of Statistics and [...]
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Kenya - Kisumu health officials face sanitary crisis as toilets fly
Public health authorities in Kisumu now face a new sanitation crisis — flying toilets and careless disposal of human waste.
As the officials are still reeling from a fresh cholera outbreak, residents are emptying their toilets and septic tanks and dumping the waste near schools, churches and private plots, fuelling fears of yet another outbreak of [...]
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Ghana - Poor Sanitation Tops Causes Of Death
Inadequate sanitation leads to eight deaths in the country every hour, topping the list of all causes of mortality, Health Minister, Major (rtd) Courage Quashigah, has disclosed.
He was speaking at the launch of the Sixth National Food Safety Week in Accra yesterday.
He said that the total number of yearly out-patient cases reported with [...]
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World Bank - Sanitation, Hygiene and Wastewater Resource Guide
Service provision in sanitation and hygiene involves four main components that must be understood and addressed when designing or implementing a new sanitation project:
- institutions required to implement and sustain improved sanitation and hygiene at scale.
- infrastructure itself (the physical hardware of latrines and sewers);
- promotion of behavior change, both for hygiene, and for [...]
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Water Sanitation Program - Public Toilets in Urban India
Public Toilets in Urban India: Doing Business Differently. Water and Sanitation Program. (pdf, full-text).
Summary: Today, pay-and-use public toilets have become well established across India, most of them funded by municipalities and a large proportion operated by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) or small contractors. These are often better maintained than standard municipal toilets and are consequently [...]
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Uganda: Kampala Slum Dwellers Turn to ‘Flying Toilets’
“Kampala’s population is soaring with many people living in slum areas. However, the law does not allow KCC, the major provider of sanitation services, to work with informal settlements, writes Frederick Womakuyu.
An overflowing pit latrine empties its contents into a worm-infested drainage channel in front of Catherine Namubiru’s home in Kisenyi, a Kampala slum. Less [...]
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Ghana: Shared Latrine Facilities - Safe Or Unsafe?
“Ghanaian institutions believe that about 61% of the people have access to improved latrine facilities. However, international reports especially coming from the UNICEF/WHO Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) say it is only ten percent of the people”.
“A recent JMP report, “A Snapshot of Sanitation in Africa,” produced for the AfricaSan+5 International Conference on Sanitation held in [...]
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Warning: Habits May Be Good for You
A FEW years ago, a self-described “militant liberal” named Val Curtis decided that it was time to save millions of children from death and disease. So Dr. Curtis, an anthropologist then living in the African nation of Burkina Faso, contacted some of the largest multinational corporations and asked them, in effect, to teach her how [...]
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India - From ‘untouchable’ to role model
ALWAR, India (CNN) — At birth, Usha Chaumar’s life story had already been written.
Illiterate and married off at age 10, Chaumar was forced into the only livelihood her family has known for generations.
As a Dalit, the lowest level in India’s complex caste system, she was a so-called scavenger, a person who collects the garbage, feces [...]
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Uganda: Washing Hands Campaign On
The Uganda Water and Sanitation Network (UWASNET) has launched a hand washing campaign to improve sanitation in the country. [...] The officer in charge of the project, Alex Mbagutta, said that most households especially in upcountry districts were still ignorant about sanitation. The campaign has been started in the districts of Lira, Mbale, [...]
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Uganda: European Union and UNICEF launch major water-sanitation project
UNICEF and the European Union have launched the “Sustainable WASH Initiative for the Rural Poor in 21 Districts in Uganda contributing to the attainment of the MDGs” project on 1 July 2008 at Bukuku Primary School in Kabarole District.
The 4-year EU Water Facility (EUWF) project (2008-2011), is being implemented by UNICEF, the Ministries of Water [...]
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Gunea-Bissau: Cholera epidemic reaches capital, Bissau
“Cholera which first broke out in Guinea Bissau in May in the southern region of Tombali has now broken out in the capital Bissau killing four people and infecting 214, according to Daniel Kertesz, representative of the World Health Organization (WHO).
So far across the country 325 cases have been reported and twelve people have died.”
The [...]
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Ghana - Conference on Sanitation opens in Koforidua
Koforidua, July 10, GNA - Mr Kwadwo Adjei- Darko, Minister of Local Government, Rural Development and Environment, on Wednesday observed that the filth that had engulfed towns and cities was more of bad attitudes and behaviours of the citizenry than funds and capacity as was often indicated. “It is common to see people throwing garbage [...]
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Sanitation ‘crucial’ for tackling water-borne disease
Effective and affordable interventions that provide the global population with access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation are needed if water-borne diseases are ever to be controlled.
This is the conclusion of a World Health Organization (WHO) report entitled ‘Safe Water, Better Health’, released in June.
The report provides for the first time country-by-country estimates [...]
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USA - Why public toilets should pay you
What? You’ve been giving away your urine for free?
All these years, you’ve been sitting there like an idiot—or standing, or squatting, or whatever it is you do—pissing away a perfectly good liquid asset. Turns out, you could have sold it.
Many of us haven’t just been giving our waste away; we’ve been paying to unload it. [...]
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Uganda: Otaala Tips On Avoiding Hepatitis B
THE spread of Hepatitis B viral disease can be avoided through cleanliness, state minister for primary health care Dr. Emmanuel Otaala has said.
Reports indicated yesterday that the highly-infectious disease had killed 67 residents and left over 4,000 others bedridden in Kitgum district.
The minister observed that there was no definite treatment for the disease, which was [...]
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South Africa - Ecotoilets worm their way into many hearts
NON–FLUSH, totally organic and self-emptying portable toilets which make use of hungry earthworms are being made in Knysna.
Knysna entrepreneur Adrian Wilson-Forbes said two test toilets at the Pezula resort had been operating successfully for the past seven months without any need for servicing.
This self-sustaining ecosystem houses earthworms in so-called worm houses made from recycled plastic [...]
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UNDP - Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor
Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor is the new and groundbreaking report by the UN Development Programme (UNDP). Over a billion people do not have access to drinking water, 1.6 billion do not have access to electricity and 5.4 billion have no access to the Internet. Yet the poor [...]
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Kenya: Kibera’s Bio-Latrine
By Francis Ayieko, Nairobi
(…) Mary is a beneficiary of a new technology referred to as bio-latrine technology, which uses human waste and water to produce gas for lighting and domestic cooking - just like the biogas system. The gas is harvested from modern latrines that have been constructed in the slums with funding from the [...]
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The Case for Sanitation: Government failure to tackle global child mortality
Every year 9.7 million children die before reaching their fifth birthday. A new WaterAid report “Tacking the silent killer: The case for sanitation” asserts that improved sanitation could bring the single greatest reduction in these child deaths.
WaterAid’s report reveals that the current statistics on child mortality may be underestimating how many child deaths are attributable [...]
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Financial Times: Action urged on sanitation for children
By Fiona Harvey, Environment Correspondent
Poor sanitation is the biggest killer of children in the world but its effect has been underestimated and the issue looks set to be ignored by the Group of Eight this week, according to a new analysis.
A report published Monday by WaterAid, the UK-based charity, (…) says the extent of the problem [...]
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Indian city pays residents to use toilet
By CNN’s Saeed Ahmed, CNN: It pays to go in a small south Indian town.
The remote town of Musiri in the Tamil Nadu state has hit upon a unique idea to teach its residents proper hygiene: pay them money each time they use the toilet. Users can make up to $0.14 a month to relieve [...]
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G8 to hear sanitation cash plea
By Mark Doyle, BBC News
Piped water can bring huge benefits, says Water Aid. The charity Water Aid is telling the G8 summit in Japan that investing in sanitation would be the single most effective way to cut child deaths.
Water Aid is lobbying the summit with a new report that says 40% of the world’s population [...]
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Uganda: Kampala to Get Sh480 Million Sanitation Project
John Kasozi, Kampala
THE Ministry of Water and Environment and the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), have launched a public-private initiative to improve access to sanitation for the urban poor in Kampala.
The project will be implemented in partnership with Crestanks and Poly Fibre, private companies that produce and distribute plastic toilets. (…)
Read more Allafrica.com
New Vision (Kampala)
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India - City pays residents to use toilet
The remote town of Musiri in the Tamil Nadu state has hit upon a unique idea to teach its residents proper hygiene: pay them money each time they use the toilet.
Users can make up to $0.14 a month to relieve themselves in a specially constructed toilet. Not a princely sum, but it’s extra cash flow [...]
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India: former scavengers take fashion show to UN Headquarters, New York
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Kenya: Acute diarrhoea reported in western region
At least 34 cases of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) have been reported in the Rift Valley town of Nakuru in the western region, a senior health official has said.
The cases were attributed to the contamination of a spring in the Mbaruk area in the district.
Intervention measures included supplying the residents with clean water, a ban [...]
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India: Sulabh features in UNDP report on business strategies that engage the poor
Sulabh International ’s work on low-cost sanitation in India and abroad was chosen as one of the 50 successful business models for targetting the poor that feature in UNDP’s new report “Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor” released on 1 July 2008. The full case study “Sulabh International: A Movement [...]
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Ethiopia: Sewage and garbage fill Addis Ababa streets (BBC)
By Ernest Waititu, BBC Focus On Africa magazine
Sanitation in Ethiopia’s capital city leaves a lot to be desired - and it is the poor who are most vulnerable as a result. (…) The government is aware of the problem, admitting that dilapidated sewers, a lack of toilet facilities and general poor sanitation in the city [...]
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India: Eco-friendly methods to handle sanitation problems
MUMBAI: Public sanitation, which has been a chronic problem at most religious congregations in the country, can now be handled in a natural and eco-friendly manner, say experts. (…) Public sanitation infrastructure is grossly inadequate in most of the religious places where lakhs of people congregate. (…) For one million people, at least 40,000 to [...]
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India - New toilet technology empowers low-caste Indian women
UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — Usha Chaumar was seven years old when she began collecting human excrement with her mother in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan.
By the age of 10 she had married and, with her mother-in-law, continued going from house to house performing this demeaning task.
“They used to call me ‘Bhangi’ (part of the [...]
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Caribbean - Addressing sanitation issues critical
Many areas of the Caribbean, both urban and rural, still do not have access to proper sanitation facilities, and sustained policies must be developed to address the issue.
While more developed countries like the Bahamas, Barbados, and the British Virgin Islands, have near 100 per cent access to potable water and sanitation services and facilities, [...]
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Congo - 6 billion FCFA for sanitation in Brazzaville
Brazzaville, Congo - The Congolese government Monday released 6 billion F CFA to improve sanitation in the capital, Brazzaville, which is facing serious sanitation problems.
The Congolese minister of the Economy, Finance and Budget, Pacifique Issoïbeka, and the MP and Mayor of Brazzaville, Hugues Ngouélondélé, signed an agreement Monday facilitating the release of the money.
More - [...]
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Dutch crown prince broaches ‘deadly taboo’ of African toilets
Crown Prince Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands raised eyebrows at the African Union summit in Egypt on Monday after broaching what he called the “deadly taboo” of toilets.
The Prince of Orange told leaders from 53 African nations that “perhaps you, like many others, will find it difficult to go home and speak passionately about sanitation and [...]
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Bangladesh - Poor sanitation management making the City more polluted
Zahura Begum lives in a city slum. She works in a number of houses as a maid in her Tejgoan neighbourhood. Though she cleans others’ houses, her own home always remains dirty.
There are about 500 rooms in the slum she lives in. There are only four toilets for nearly 4,500 people. Hence, many residents [...]
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United Kingdom - Ultra green NI school in UK first
A County Down primary school has become the first building in the UK to be awarded the top grade in a government energy efficiency scheme.
Victoria Primary School in Ballyhalbert’s ‘A’ in the ‘Energy Performance Certificate’ scheme comes after it was recently rebuilt.
It now boasts toilets which use rainwater and its own biomass boiler. [...]
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Namibia: French Give N$365000 for Toilets
Donations aimed at helping thousands of Namibians who were severely affected by floods in most northern parts of the country continue to pour in.
On Friday, the French government donated N$365000 to the Namibia Red Cross Society to be channelled towards the construction of toilets. Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Libertina Amathila, received the donation.
Lack of toilet [...]
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Ghana: Millennium development goals beyond reach for Africa- says report
Presenting the findings of the report “MDGs and the Environment- Agenda Inclusive Sustainable Development” in Accra last Friday, an Economist of the World Bank, Punam Chuhan-Pole, noted that the aggregate picture of Sub-Saharan Africa hid the progress made in many African countries towards achieving the MDGs.
(…) The report said Ghana ranked in the top five [...]
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Bangladesh: Poor sanitation management making the City more polluted
(…) According to a World Bank report, Dhaka is the fastest expanding city in the world. It has now got nearly 1.2 crore people with approximately 3-4 lakh poor joining it every year. The city’s population is apprehended to hit 2 crore in 2020, making it the World’s third largest city. (…)
Unfortunately, Dhaka cannot cope [...]
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Lancet: How to prevent a tenth of the global disease burden
Improving access to water, sanitation, and hygiene is discussed in this week’s lead Editorial and podcast. A new WHO report highlights how 10% of the global disease burden could be reduced by improved access to water and sanitation and by a staggering 15% in the 32 worst affected countries.
Read more The Lancet.com
Listen to The Lancet [...]
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Tender for knowledge-sharing on sustainable sanitation and waste management
On behalf of the Programme Board of the Integrated Support for a Sustainable Urban Environment (ISSUE) programme, WASTE advisers on urban environment and development, Gouda, the Netherlands puts out an open tender.
This is an invitation for a bid for the provision and distribution of ‘knowledge’ for the implementing partners of the ISSUE programme for a [...]
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USA: Tropical disease still common in poor areas in the US
A group of germs, viruses and parasites that are typically associated with tropical developing countries are still plaguing poor areas of the United States, according to a new study published in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. (…)
(…) The commonly neglected diseases often result from poor sanitation or inadequate healthcare and [...]
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Kenya: Cholera confirmed in western region
An outbreak of cholera has been confirmed in the Kisumu municipality in the western region, a senior health official has said. (…)
“The new outbreak is attributable to the onset of recent rains in the region that have resulted in the contamination of water wells - the main sources of water for the residents,” he said.
This, [...]
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Uganda: Cholera hits Eastern Uganda- 33 dead
Ultimate Media
A cholera outbreak reported in Eastern Uganda in the four districts of Mbale, Manafwa, Pallisa and Butaleja, has already claimed thirty three lives leaving over two hundred and sixty patients bedridden (…)
He noted that the disease had been accelerated by poor sanitation, poor hygiene, and lack of safe water sources which need to be [...]
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India: Strategic tie up with Sulabh International for Hygiene projets in Punjab
CHANDIGARH: Celebrated global social service organisation, Sulabh International, today firmed up a strategic tie-up with the Punjab government for a statewide hygiene programme.
The Sulabh would join up the state government initially for the construction of public & private hygiene units, including improvised, low flush toilets for the rural and the urban poor in three districts [...]
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New WHO Report: Safer water, better health: Costs, benefits and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health
The first-ever report depicting country-by-country estimates of the burden of disease due to water, sanitation and hygiene highlights how much disease could be prevented through increased access to safe water and better hygiene.
This comprehensive overview provides the epidemiological evidence and economic arguments for fully integrating water, sanitation and hygiene in countries’ disease reduction strategies — [...]
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Wales - Action over dirty school toilets
A review into school toilets across Wales has been ordered by the education minister amid concerns about health, hygiene and safety.
Jane Hutt wants to know what facilities are available to pupils and what improvements are needed by councils.
It follows findings by inspectors which estimated that toilets in more than half of primary schools [...]
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ADB: Asia needs sustainable cities
Asian countries need help to build cities that can cope with the region’s “unprecedented” urban expansion of more than 100,000 people a day over the next two decades, the Asian Development Bank said Wednesday.
(…) The study also said that cities needed to better control their waste and improve sewer systems, particularly [...]
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Japan - An Extravagant Indulgence: Posh Privies
TOKYO — When it comes to saving energy, the Japanese have much to teach the United States and other rich countries, whose leaders descend on Japan next month for a Group of Eight summit.
Energy consumption per person here is about half that in the United States, and the growth of greenhouse gas emissions is slower [...]
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South Africa - Women still face raw deal
A damning report has highlighted horrific shortfalls in the provision of water and sanitation and the failure to end violence against women and children in some of South Africa’s poorest provinces.
The report by the Presidential Working Group on Women (PWGW) comes as women and gender rights groups yesterday called for stronger political leadership in the [...]
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Ghana - Hygiene on the timetable
Given the headache that sanitation currently presents for communities all over the country, it is surprising that emphasis is not being put on teaching sanitation and hygiene in schools to inculcate such habits in children at an early age – as used to be the practice in the past.
People of a certain age still speak [...]
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China: Beijing enlists Olympic size toilet army
By AMANDA L. PENTLER, Tuesday, June 24th 2008, 12:04 PM
Beijing has dispatched 8,000 personnel for a mass toilet maintenance staff, and each will be responsible for a specific restroom in the city during the Olympics.
Reuters reports that the staff is trained in hygiene standards, knowledge of the Olympics and basic English expressions. (…)
Read all nydailynews.com
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Pakistan: Govt schools sans toilet, drinking water
KHALID GUL, Islamabad, June 23
More than 70 per cent schools in this south Kashmir district lack drinking water and toilet facilities. Out of 972 schools, 707 are without toilets while as 680 do not have a drinking water facility. Primary schools are the worst hit as out of 632, 536 are without toilet facility while [...]
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USA: One big drug test for L.A.: sewage analysis
Experts are examining the outflow in several U.S. and European cities, and the data can be revealing. Which city uses more cocaine: Los Angeles or London? Is heroin a big problem in San Diego? And has Ecstasy emerged in rural America?
Environmental scientists are beginning to use an unsavory new tool — raw sewage — to [...]
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India, Himachal: Award to boost sanitation campaign
Cleanest gram panchayat at the block, district, divisional and state levels would be awarded by the state government every year under the reward scheme to motivate the state panchayati raj institutions in scaling up the Total Sanitation Campaign (…)
Read all Merinews.com
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Global Sanitation Fund Takes First Steps Forward
Launched on 14 March 2008 by the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), shortly after confirmations of contributions from donors totaling more than $50 million, the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) is taking its first concrete steps in Nepal, Madagascar and Uganda. Scoping work is under way in the above countries, discussions with the [...]
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Nepal: sanitation cartoons in 2008-2009 WASH Calendar
A popular WASH calendar has been produced in Nepal since 2004/2005. On the occasion of the International Year of Sanitation, 2008 the government desk of the International Year of Sanitation under the Steering Committee for National Sanitation Action suggested to increase distribute WASH Calendar more widely. With the support of the Water Supply and Sanitation [...]
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Bangladesh - Sanitation in tea gardens very poor
Safe water supply and sanitation in the tea gardens of the country is very poor, said the speakers at a consultation yesterday.
Moreover, the administrative barriers make it hard to carry out development programmes there, they added.
The stakeholder consultation on ‘Promotion of total sanitation in tea gardens’ was organised by NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply [...]
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Nepal: engaging the media for sanitation awareness and advocacy
“The Nepal WASH Coalition is able to leverage media coverage and establish the ties needed to bring lasting change in the sanitation and water supply situation in Nepal. It has successfully increased coverage of sanitation issues in the media, educated communities and villages on the benefits of good hygiene practices, and has been able to [...]
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Kenya: School hygiene and sanitation project, Kenya
AMREF has put into action the Personal Hygiene and Sanitation Education (PHASE) programme in rural Kenyan communities where hygiene and sanitation conditions are often poor, resulting in the spread of dysentery, diarrhoea and cholera.
PHASE is also being implemented in the urban ‘slum’ settlement of Kibera, in Nairobi. Living conditions are particularly poor because the government [...]
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India: When sanitation workers walked the ramp in national capital
By Lavanya Kumari, New Delhi , June 22 (ANI)
About 30 women, who were long related to scavenging jobs, had an unusual cheer of pride on their faces on Saturday here when they walked the ramp with top Indian models like Carol Gracious, Jessie Randhawa and Nethra Raghuraman.
The event Mission SanitationFashion Fiesta’08 is being jointly promoted [...]
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Nigeria: Minister Seeks Support for FG’s Sanitation Programme
Onyebuchi Ezigbo, Abuja
As part of efforts to promote good sanitary condition and hygienic practice in the country, the Minister of Environment, Housing and Urban Development, Halima Tayo Alao has called for a positive attitudinal and behavioral change among Nigerians to enhance their health and well being.
The Minister made the remarks in a keynote address presented [...]
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Hesperian Foundation - A Community Guide to Environmental Health
“A Community Guide to Environmental Health,” an Essential Tool Kit for Global Communities Tackling Environmental Problems
Jeff Conant, Project Coordinator and Editor of Hesperian’s “A Community Guide to Environmental Health” is available for interviews to discuss Hesperian’s unique collaborative process for creating their “How-to Books” as well [...]
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Uganda: School sanitation and the dependency syndrome
Susan Karungi, Education Advisor for SNV Uganda, uses a school sanitation project to illustrate “how the dependency syndrome is crippling Uganda’s progress”.
“Last year I witnessed proceedings of a joint session of a school management committee (SMC) and a parents-teacher association (PTA) aimed at formulating a work plan for the improvement of school sanitation”.
“The leader of [...]
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Nepal: Distillery in toilet, defecation on road
There are toilets in every house in the remote settlement of Tistung [Makwanpur, district] but the roads and courtyards stink due to open defecation. No one in the area defecates in the toilet but on roads and courtyards. They use the concrete toilets near their houses as a storeroom for fodder and firewood or use [...]
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Nepal: 9th National Sanitation Week celebrations
The 9th National Sanitation Week was celebrated in Nepal from 1-7 June 2008 in support of the International Year of Sanitation 2008.
The Department of Water Supply and Sewerage said the objective of the Sanitation Week was to promote the construction of latrines and to declare open defecation free zones. The government plans to provide 60% [...]
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Ethiopia: Plan Ethiopia’s activities on CLTS
News on Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) activities in Ethiopia is provided in the latest issues of Plan Ethiopia’s WaSH-AcSearch Newsletter of Action Research for Scaling Up Community-managed Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Services.
The January-March 2008 issue of WaSH-AcSearch features Plan’s participation at AfricaSan, the one day CLTS Sharing and Learning workshop conducted on 17 February [...]
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DFID Research strategy 2008-2013, implementation timetable for WASH-related research
From October - December 2008, UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) will be scoping:
research on how to achieve better sanitation coverage, and
a potential research-into-use programme in water and sanitation
Subject to approval, possible invitations for research will be sent between April 2009 and March 2010.
The above is mentioned in DFID’s Research strategy 2008-2010 implementation timetable.
Read more: [...]
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Latrines Trounce Toilets
Newswise — While Americans may consider flush-and-forget-it indoor plumbing to be the pinnacle of sanitary science, the lowly latrine could be a far better solution for many parts of the developing world, say researchers at Michigan Technological University.
Associate Professor David Watkins, Professor James Mihelcic and PhD student Lauren Fry of the [...]
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Kenya - UNEP joins Nairobi River clean-up campaign
June 18, 2008: The Nairobi Metropolitan Development ministry has entered into a technical arrangement with Unep to bring rapid results in green initiatives. The two immediate projects on their agenda are cleaning up of the Nairobi River and solid waste management.
Previous attempts to tackle the twin problems suffered from private sector apathy and lack of [...]
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United Kingdom - Pioneering cholera scientist celebrated
Health secretary Alan Johnson is leading a tribute in memory of the pioneering Victorian scientist who helped banish cholera from Britain and the rest of Europe.
Anaesthetist John Snow, who died 150 years ago aged 45, showed that cholera was transmitted in water, not air.
After mapping the pattern of cholera deaths in London, he identified a [...]
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UNITED NATIONS - / MaximsNews Network / 13 June 2008 — Geneva - Over 500,000 tonnes of faeces are openly defecated every day to the environment around the world. That’s enough to fill the 30,000-seat Stade de Genève, where the Euro 2008 football tournament kicked off last weekend, three times over.
But the global [...]
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Congo cholera campaign ’should start at lakesides’
Research in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has shown that lakeside communities are often the source of cholera outbreaks.
DRC health department officials plan to alter how they combat cholera following the research, which said that current efforts “failed to achieve long-term control”.
Most previous DRC cholera control efforts have targeted city residents, the researchers say. [...]
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Dubai International Award for Best Practices, submission deadline extended to 30 June
UN-HABITAT is inviting submissions for the 7th Cycle of Dubai International Award for Best Practices to improve the living environment. The award acknowledges outstanding contributions that:
have a demonstrable and tangible impact on improving people’s quality of life, which includes the “extension of safe water supply and sanitation“
are the result of effective partnerships between the public, [...]
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IDB showcases water and sanitation providers from Latin America
To highlight successful solutions to the water and sanitation problems facing low-income communities in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Inter-American Development Bank will sponsor eight participants to Expo Zaragoza, an international exhibition on water and sustainable development in Spain.
The IDB will sponsor the following providers at Expo Zaragoza:
June 27, 2008: Carlos Eduardo de [...]
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India - Conversion of dry latrines into water seal latrines
The Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Smt. Meira Kumar has urged the Minister of Rural Development, Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh to take urgent steps to ensure that all dry latrines in rural areas are converted into water seal latrines by March 2009, which is also the target date for rehabilitation of remaining manual scavengers. [...]
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Cameroon: Urban Bilharzia Infection Spreading
Medical officials in Cameroon say bilharzia, a waterborne larvae which causes life-threatening internal damage if left untreated, is rampant in both rich and poor areas of Yaounde and other cities because of poor water and sanitation infrastructure.
“We found that 32 percent of the inhabitants of Mballa I-Dragage, a very high class residential area minutes from [...]
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Hesperian announces new publication: A Community Guide to Environmental Health
From water quality to social inequality, from toilets to toxics, from raising crops to rising temperatures, how we use natural resources affects our health and well-being. This highly illustrated guide will help health promoters, development workers, educators, activists, and community leaders take charge of their communities’ environmental health.
The book is available for free download on [...]
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Africa: Women, Water And Sanitation - Going the Extra Mile
This year’s African Union Summit, 24th June to 1st July 2008, will be on ‘Meeting the Millennium Development Goals on Water and Sanitation’. What should African leaders take into account when thinking about how to meet these goals and those of The African Union Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa? Catherine Irura tackes [...]
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Africa - Gender Perspective On Water And Sanitation
What does gender have to do with issues of sanitation and water? Roselyenn Musa gives us a multi-faceted gender perspectives that consider the role of African governments, gender awareness and water privatization amongst others.
The upcoming mid-year African Union (AU) summit of heads of state and government has as its primary agenda as ‘Water and Sanitation.’ [...]
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Uganda - Prisons Run Out of Latrines
Hygienic conditions in prisons countrywide have reached a very worrisome state, Prison Service authorities told Parliament yesterday.
Uganda Prisons Service officials led by the Accounting Officer, Mr Simon Kimono, said inmates now ease themselves in buckets and in some prisons they use polythene bags.
“Due to over congestion in prisons, everything has run down,” Mr Kimono said. [...]
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USA - Boy George says thanks to sanitation workers with private concert
Boy George is saying thanks to the city’s sanitation workers with a concert.
Boy George is putting down his broom and picking up a microphone.
The flamboyant singer plans to hold a private concert for city sanitation workers and their families in August to thank them for treating him kindly during his five days of community service [...]
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Indonesia - Market goes green with new composting program
Operator of Perumnas Klender traditional market in East Jakarta is optimistic about a newly launched composting project, despite lack of enthusiasm from vegetable vendors.
“The compost can be used for internal greening in our market complex and can be sold to hundreds of plant vendors along nearby Jl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai,” said Sugionono of city-owned [...]
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USA - E. coli Outbreak Associated with Lettuce Prompts Call for Better Sanitation
MINNEAPOLIS–BUSINESS WIRE–According to Pritzker Ruohonen & Associates, P.A., ten cases of E. coli O157:H7 in the state of Washington have been associated with the consumption of lettuce. Based on interviews of those sickened, health officials believe the source of the outbreak is bagged, commercial romaine lettuce.
Six of the people sickened were Pierce County residents. Five [...]
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Uganda - 80% slum dwellers lack pit-latrines
CLOSE to 80% of slum dwellers in Kampala lack access to toilets, a study conducted by Action Aid International has said.
The study that was carried out in Kawempe division attributed the problem to inadequate funding by the Government to the water and sanitation sectors.
“It is rather unfortunate that in this era, 79% of the slum [...]
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Call for Comments: Sanitation - A human rights imperative
COHRE, WaterAid, UN-HABITAT and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) are collaborating on a publication that discusses definitions, the legal basis and standards for the right to sanitation. The publication clarifies the benefits of using rights based principles in addressing the sanitation crisis and outlines priorities for governments, international organisations and civil society [...]
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Germany - Bring on the Trash, Hamburg tells Naples
The Italian city of Naples, rocked by a series of garbage crises in recent months, can count on some German help in taking care of the stinky situation.
From Naples, the Italian city with nowhere to dump its rubbish, the freight trains take 44 hours to reach Hamburg, a German city that is only too happy [...]
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Conference on Sanitation Options in the Asia-Pacific, 18-20 Nov 2008, Hanoi, Viet Nam
The first of three annual conferences to be jointly organised by the International Water Association (IWA) and Southeast Asian Water Utilities Network (SEAWUN), the 2008 Conference will have a specific theme on Sanitation Options in the Asia-Pacific, in line with 2008 being the International Year of Sanitation.
The objective of the conference is to attract top [...]
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Millennium Development Goals on Sanitation [conference], 30 Sep - 1 Oct 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Organised by the International Water Association (IWA) in co-operation with the Royal Netherlands Waternetwork and Aquatech Amsterdam 2008.
Best practices and case studies will be presented on the following themes:
New technologies
Experiences with Water Operator Partnerships
Sanitation and Urban planning
Best practices of sanitation solutions
Technical design of new sanitation concepts
Utilization and adaptation of existing infrastructure
Cost recovery in sanitation
Legislation and [...]
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China - Red Cross delivers clean water, sanitation to townships
The International Red Cross movement is mounting a major effort to provide clean water and sanitation facilities to quake-hit townships in Sichuan’s Mianzhu prefecture as part of ongoing work to prevent a post-disaster epidemic.
Read More - China.org
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Pakistan - Underlining water and sanitation problems through theatre
The theatre on water and sanitation problems attracted community members in the fishermen locality Ibrahim Hyderi on Sunday evening. In an effort to highlight the sanitation and water problems of the fishermen locality, the performance was given by Murk Theatre, Hyderabad.
The event was organised jointly by the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF), Pakistan Institute of Labour, [...]
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UK: Study reveals UK is dirtiest developed country
New research reveals Britain is the dirtiest country in the developed world – despite two thirds of Brits claiming they are more aware of the importance of hygiene now than last year. The first-of-its-kind study, which swabbed 140 homes from seven countries across the globe, found that:
A quarter of UK kitchen cloths harbour E. Coli [...]
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Kenya: Residents battle disease as taps remain dry for months
A complex sanitation problem, which claims dozens of lives every year in Kitui Town is likely to get out of hand if not urgently dealt with. The area is synonymous with severe and frequent water shortages, which also threaten to halt the operations of colleges, schools, hospitals and prisons. (…)
Read all nationmedia.com
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World agencies: G-8 should help more with public health
GENEVA (AP) — The heads of key organizations involved in public health called on leading industrialized countries Monday to invest more in fighting disease.
The G-8 leaders should step up long-term efforts to combat AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, polio and other health threats to build on progress they have made from previous commitments, said the heads of [...]
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Web Based Training: Sector Governance in Urban Sanitation, 29 Sept - 30 Nov 2008
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) InWEnt Capacity Building International, Germany in cooperation with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the World Bank Institute (WBI/WB Water Anchor) are organizing an elearning training course on sector governance in urban sanitation.
Content, Exercises and Case studies in [...]
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Pakistan - World Bank Citizen Report Card on water and sanitation
KARACHI: Gulshan-e-Iqbal and Gulberg towns are best served and Gadap and Bin Qasim towns are worst served in terms of water and sanitation services.
These are the findings of the Citizen Report Card on the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board that surveyed 4,500 households of nine towns under the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program South [...]
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1% of the military spending will meet MDG sanitation goal
Using existing proven approaches and technologies and for about 10 billion US dollars a year which is less than 1 percent of global military expenditure, the world could meet the Millennium Development Goal sanitation target. That is to halve the number of people without sustainable access to basic sanitation by 2015.
This remark was made by [...]
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Nicaragua: new publication from WSP
New document from the Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP): Sanitation in Nicaragua (El estado del saneamiento en Nicaragua - Resultados de una evaluación en comunidades rurales, pequeñas localidades y zonas periurbanas). In Spanish only.
See also: Water and Sanitation Programme and Agua Latina
Read more: Agua potable y saneamiento en Nicaragua
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Mercy Corps and ESI Design Launch Significant Global Video Field Dispatch Program to Support Aid Projects
NEW YORK, NY — 06/04/08 — Mercy Corps, a global relief and development agency, and ESI Design, a world leader in experience design, today announced the launch of an intensive development phase for possibly the first broad-scale video field dispatch program by a major non-governmental organization (NGO). Produced with inexpensive off-the-shelf technologies [...]
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International Year of Sanitation 2008 in Nepal [web site]
This web site provides background information, resources and news about the International Year of Sanitation in Nepal, in both English and Nepali. It is maintained by the Steering Committee for National Sanitation Action (SCNSA). The SNCSA is an apex body, chaired by the Director General of the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) and [...]
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Beyond construction [publication]
A collection of case studies from the South Asian Sanitation & Hygiene Practitioners’ Workshop, held in Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 29-31 January 2008
WaterAid, BRAC and IRC jointly organised a 3-day learning and sharing workshop from 29-21 January 2008, in Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Over 50 people were invited to participate in the workshop including NGOs working on [...]
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Sanitation: A human rights imperative
At CSD-16 in New York, COHRE, WaterAid, UN-HABITAT and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) organised a side event on 13 May 2008 to discuss their draft paper on the right to sanitation. The paper “Sanitation: a human rights imperative” looks at definitions, the legal basis and standards for the right to sanitation. [...]
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UNITED NATIONS - / MaximsNews Network / 03 June 2008 — Tokyo - Japan concluded the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV) setting a framework for a “century of African growth”.
Convening in Yokohama, Japan last week, representatives from 51 African countries, including 40 Heads of State and Government, deliberated over [...]
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Blessed and Cursed by Water - By Tarjei Kidd Olsen
OSLO, Jun 3 (IPS) - Millions of people are threatened by poor, unreliable, or non-existent water resources, and climate change could make things worse. IPS looked at some of the issues before participants at a World Bank conference on water and sanitation issues held in Oslo last week.
In 2008, the United Nations (U.N.) International Year [...]
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Sierra Leone - Moa Wharf Faces Poor Sanitation
Moa wharf is home to an estimated population of seven thousand people, many of them children. Many of these children are affected illness due to the poor sanitation of the community.
Many of the children of Moa wharf do not attend school, as they are too busy working as fisherman.
These young children, between the ages of [...]
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China: Which toilet to use? Squat vs sit-down in Beijing
BEIJING - Among all the protests, pollution concerns and talk of boycotts surrounding the Beijing Olympics, a more basic problem has arisen for organizers: the toilets.
At the more than 30 test events held by organizers, the presence of squat toilets at many of the new and renovated venues has drawn frequent complaints.
(Copyright Associated Press) Read [...]
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India: Women get gun prize for toilet training
Bhopal, June 1: The Madhya Pradesh government has rewarded women with guns for encouraging villagers to use hygienic toilets instead of defecating in the open.
Nineteen women in Rewa district bordering Uttar Pradesh have been given gun licences for their exemplary work under the Nirmal Gram Yojna, which aims at achieving “total sanitation” in rural areas.
Chief [...]
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A crap job - manual scavenging
‘Nothing highlights the absurdity of India’s caste system more than the practice known as ‘manual scavenging’, argues David Griffiths of Christian Solidarity Worldwide.
I met Peddanna in his village in Andhra Pradesh, near the main highway linking two of India’s most prominent ‘hi-tech’ cities, Hyderabad and Bangalore. His pre-defined role in life is to scoop up [...]
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Bangladesh - Ecosanitation as future sanitation and fertilizer
The decreasing quality and quantity of fresh water is one of the biggest challenges for developing countries like Bangladesh. Water used to wash human excreta is not recycled, rather it becomes contaminated by hazardous substances causing serious water-borne diseases”, said Dr. Mujibur Rahman, Professor of Civil Engineering Department of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [...]
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Nigeria - Country May Not Meet MDG Sanitation Target - Unicef
The United Nations Child Education Fund UNICEF has ruled out Nigeria’s chances of meeting the millennium development goal target of 70 per cent population access to sanitation facilities by 2015.
Deputy representative of UNICEF in Nigerian made this observation in an interview in Abuja where he attributed this to the country’s large population.
According to Limlim, poor [...]
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India: Sonia blesses United Nations-bound manual scavengers
Kay Benedict, Friday, May 30, 2008
The 28 women will walk the ramp at the UN with top models on July 1
(…) Bindeshwar Pathak, founder of NGO Sulabh International, which played a major role in changing the fate of the scavengers, said, “Mrs Gandhi blessed them and wished them all the success. They were very happy [...]
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Africa: Unicef Reports Five Million Child Deaths Every Year
Stephanie Nieuwoudt
(…) The report, “The State of Africa’s Children 2008,” was launched on May 28 at the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development in Japan.
(…) The facts are shocking. Although Africa accounts for only 22 percent of births globally, half of the 10 million child deaths annually occur on the continent. Africa is the [...]
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India: Chief Minister to launch WASH on June 5
Reema Narendran
T’PURAM: On June 5, the World Environment Day, Chief Minister V.S.Achuthanandan will launch the state-leg of the national campaign titled WASH, abbreviation for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. The year 2008 being the campaign year for sanitation, WASH aims at the improvement of water, sanitation and hygiene conditions for all.
(…) “In the first phase of [...]
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NASA packs new toilet parts on shuttle for ISS
WASHINGTON (AFP) — NASA stowed replacement parts aboard the Discovery shuttle Thursday to be sent up to the International Space station to fix its broken Russian toilet, the US space agency said.
After the main ISS toilet broke down Tuesday, forcing the three astronauts aboard to use the facility on the Soyuz capsule moored at the [...]
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India - Bangalore: Urine-treated Plants Yield Bigger Bananas
Bangalore, May 29: Nagasandra, a village 50 km from Bangalore in Doddaballapur taluk, isn’t any different from the hundreds of others surrounding it. But in a remote corner of this small village is a 1-acre banana plantation that has been part of a unique research project: a study on the effect of anthropogenic liquid waste [...]
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Cameroon - Diarrhea: a rampant disease among children below 5?
Most kids in Cameroon battle diarrhea from time to time, but the good news is that it’s often caused by infections that don’t last long and usually are more disruptive than dangerous.
Still, it’s important to know what to do to relieve and even prevent diarrhea. In an interview conducted by Elvis Teke, Dr. Serge [...]
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Ghana: A Welcome Initiative
The Accra Metropolitan assembly appears to be taking a very proactive step by tackling pragmatically the crucial issue of sanitation in the national capital, but we wonder if the way it is going about it is the best way to achieve good results.
A current AMA advertisement in the press reads in part:
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Tanzania: Farmers to Use Human Waste As Fertiliser
Farmers in Bukoba rural will soon start using sanitised human waste to fertilise their crops, an official has said. Kagera Development and Credit Revolving Fund (Kadetfu) executive director Yusto Muchuruza said that the idea follows the introduction of the ecosan toilets.
Four villages in the district have initially been earmarked for the Ecosan toilet project: Mulaya, [...]
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Africa Day 2008: “Meeting the Millennium Development Goals on Water and Sanitation”
Africa Day, celebrated annually on 25 May, is the official day of the African Union (AU). This year, on the 45th anniversary of Africa Day, the theme is “Meeting the Millennium Development Goals on Water and Sanitation”. In his official statement, Jean Ping, the Chairperson of the AU Commission said that Africa’s “Heads of State [...]
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Namibia: VIP Loos Provide Some Hope
The construction of 146 ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines in Opuwo, northern Namibia, which began in September 2007 is nearly complete. This is part of an initiative of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) to stem the spread of cholera. Opuwo made headlines in 2006 after more than 400 suspected cholera cases were [...]
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Bangladesh: Washing hands before eating food can halve diarrhoea, RTI patients
13 Percent Still Practise Open Defecation - Washing hands before eating food can halve diarrhoea, RTI patients Reveals ICDDR,B survey
The Health Impact Study Baseline Survey, conducted by Institute of Cholera and Diarrhoeal Diseases and Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) last year, revealed that still 13 percent people are practising open defecation and the practice is most common [...]
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Brazil: BNDES approves US$459mn in loans for sanitation projects
Brazil’s national development bank BNDES has approved three loans totaling 768mn reais (US$459mn) for sanitation projects, the bank announced in a statement. All the projects are part of the federal government’s growth acceleration plan PAC and will create 3,300 direct and indirect jobs, and provide services to 4.8mn people.
Published: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 14:06 (GMT [...]
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South Africa: minister launches National Sanitation & Hygiene Week 2008
On 26 May 2008, Mrs LB Hendricks, Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, officially launched South Africa’s National Sanitation & Hygiene Week 2008. The minister called on senior national and local government officials at the gathering to help further develop the draft national action plan for sanitation, as agreed at AfricaSan 2008 in February.
Mrs Hendriks [...]
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Bangladesh - Eco Sanitation: A new concept
In order to set up hygienic systems of human waste disposal, to retrieve and re-use the nutrients from human waste, and to economise water use, the concept of eco sanitation has been developed.
A contentious approach to sanitation is eco sanitation where sanitation can be viewed as a three-step process dealing with human excreta, containment, sanitization [...]
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Myanmar: Finding ways to address urgent water and sanitation needs
More than three weeks after Cyclone Nargis tore across Myanmar’s Irrawaddy delta, assessments still place the provision of clean water as one of the top priorities for survivors.
The International Federation, in close cooperation with the Myanmar Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) continues to explore ways of trying to meet [...]
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India - Biocon Foundation - Irish Aid Sanitation Programme launched in Huskur Gram Panchayat
Bangalore, May 24: Biocon Foundation in collaboration with the Embassy of Ireland has announced the launch of the Biocon Foundation – Irish Aid Sanitation Programme on Saturday. HE Mr. Kieran Dowling, Ambassador, Republic of Ireland inaugurated the first phase of the sanitation project. Phase I of the sanitation project will cover 800 toilets in [...]
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South Africa - No more bucket system for Cape
The department of water affairs and forestry in the Western Cape on Sunday announced that it had reached President Thabo Mbeki’s target of eradicating the bucket toilet system in all formal areas.
This means none of the province’s municipalities use the bucket system anymore. Bucket toilets pose serious health and environmental risks.
Department of water affairs and [...]
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South Africa - Gauteng Committed to Providing Proper Sanitation to All
The Gauteng provincial government says it’s committed to providing proper sanitation to its residents with the same vigour and determination it is showing towards the water supply backlog.
Addressing delegates at the launch of the South African Sanitation Week at the Sandton Convention Centre on Monday, MEC for Provincial and Local Government Qedani Dorothy Mahlangu said [...]
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Flushing away old ideas about pipes and potties
DESPITE recent progress, more than one billion people still lack decent water supplies, and more than 2 billion go without sanitation services.
But, while we often assume that the benefits of improving water and sanitation systems always outweigh the costs, this is not always true.
Piped water and sanitation networks are expensive. Consumers in most countries don’t [...]
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USA - A Setback for Public Toilets in New York City
There are lots of problems with public toilets in New York City, starting with the fact that there aren’t any.
New Yorkers have long been promised relief in the form of high-tech European toilets that take coins and clean themselves, but even though a few demonstration models have been installed here and there, they have never [...]
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WaterAid launches sanitation animation
WaterAid has just launched a 3D animated film illustrating the disease burden that comes with open defecation, and what communities in Bangladesh are doing to address the issue.
Using still photography to bring the issue of sanitation to life, Ten steps to total sanitation shows how sanitation works at the rural or small town community level.
Read [...]
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India - Flood-prone Bihar to get ‘eco-sanitation’ toilets
PATNA: Around 300 special ‘eco-sanitation toilets’ are to be constructed before the rainy season in flood-prone areas of Bihar in a bid to prevent spread of water-borne diseases so common at that time in the state.
With over a month left for the monsoons, the Bihar Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development (BIPARD) and Unicef [...]
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Nigeria: Yar’Adua’s Wife Begins Handwash Campaign
Commitment to wash hands at critical moments can mark an end to many diseases like diarrhea, which health experts say is second leading cause of death amongst Nigerian children after malaria. It is also said to be a key strategy for controlling the spread of Avian Influenza. This development led the Federal Ministry of Environment, [...]
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India: Flood-prone Bihar to get ‘eco-sanitation’ toilets
PATNA: Around 300 special ‘eco-sanitation toilets’ are to be constructed before the rainy season in flood-prone areas of Bihar in a bid to prevent spread of water-borne diseases so common at that time in the state. (…)
Read all EconomicTimes
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India:Rs 101 Crore For Himachal’s Total Rural Sanitation Program
Shimla:Though the total rural sanitation program was launched late in the hill state but it had bettered the national average in targets achieved. Deva Singh Negi, a government administrator of the program speaking at a World Bank sponsored workshop today stated this and added that the rural development department had a Rs 101 crore budget, [...]
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Myanmar: send in the latrines
Cyclone Nargis destroyed not only houses and killed people and livestock. The storm also devastated toilets.
So what? There are other priorities, aren’t there? Food, shelter and clean water are what aid agencies emphasize. But human excrement is a weapon of mass destruction. A gram of human feces can contain up to 10 [...]
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Nigeria - Edo, promote good hygienic practice, launches hand washing campaign
EDO State Government has launched the UNICEF-Assisted Hand Washing Campaign aimed at promoting good hygienic practices and reducing sanitation-related diseases.
Performing the official launch of the Campaign, the State Governor, Prof. Oserheimen Osunbor observed that the campaign could not have come at a better time than this year which has been declared by the United Nations [...]
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Uganda: Kampala’s Sanitation Situation Appalling
The state of sanitation in Uganda’s urban areas is very poor, with only 59 per cent of people reported to have access to safe sanitation services.
The situation is not any different in Kampala city, where the available sanitation facilities both in commercial and residential areas cannot meet the needs of the ever increasing population. Kampala’s [...]
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Nigeria: Edo, promote good hygienic practice, launches hand washing campaign
Monday, 19 May 2008
EDO State Government has launched the UNICEF-Assisted Hand Washing Campaign aimed at promoting good hygienic practices and reducing sanitation-related diseases.
Performing the official launch of the Campaign, the State Governor, Prof. Oserheimen Osunbor observed that the campaign could not have come at a better time than this year which has been declared by [...]
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Zambia: Sanitation addressed
The government is developing a programme that will adress lack of acess to water and sanitation in rural parts of the country. Local Government Minister Silvia Masebo said co-operating partners and other stakeholders have come together to form a sanitation group that will provide a forum for co-ordinating the programme. (…)
Read all Zambia National Broadcasting [...]
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India: National Workshop on Sustainable Sanitation
A two day long National Workshop Workshop on Sustainable Sanitation as an initiative began here today with a clarion call to assess the resources, identify the needs, and address sector specific intervention to meet the infrastructure and human resource requirement on hygiene education, community mobilization and behavior change programme. Organised by the Department of Drinking [...]
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Peru: Government announces 60-day sewage emergency in Lima, Callao
Peru’s government has declared a 60-day state of emergency in the sewerage system in capital Lima and neighboring Callao, to speed up repairs and new construction works. The executive decree will allow the La Perla pipeline to start operations, in spite of the local population’s protests; works to stabilise the retaining walls of the San [...]
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Nepal: user-friendly water and sanitation services for the disabled
Traditional coverage of access to basic amenities like water and sanitation has inadvertently excluded the needs of the disabled.
Creating user-friendly water and sanitation services for the disabled: the experience of WaterAid Nepal and its partners, a discussion paper by WaterAid Nepal outlines the problems faced by the disabled in the country in accessing water and [...]
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Global Risk - Infection By Deadly Bacterium Can Be Prevented With Proper Sanitation
As urban sprawl spreads throughout the globe, so do poor urban ghettos and the infectious diseases that are perpetrated by unsanitary slum conditions. Weill Cornell researchers stationed in the urban slums of Salvador, Brazil, have discovered that certain unhealthy living conditions lead to transmission of leptospirosis, a life-threatening disease caused by the bacterium Leptospira. Over [...]
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Sudan: People with HIV demand safe drinking water
For years, Lole Laila Lole, chairperson of an association for people living with HIV/AIDS in southern Sudan, had to drink, cook with, and bathe in the dirty, contaminated water he fetched from the River Nile. “There was no other way,” he told IRIN/PlusNews.
Due to their weakened immune systems, people living with HIV are particularly susceptible [...]
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Warning that a global water and sanitation crisis was looming, development experts and Government and civil society representatives called for accelerated action on water-management issues in general, and sanitation in particular, as the Commission on Sustainable Development devoted a second full day to reviewing water and sanitation decisions taken at its thirteenth session.
Also today, Commission [...]
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Ghana - Experts look at new technology for treating wastewater
Imroving sanitation and wastewater treatment in Ghana’s cities and towns is the focus of a week-long event being led by a De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) researcher.
Parneet Paul, of the University’s Water Software Systems Research Group, has organised the workshop, which will be held in the West African country’s capital, Accra and will be attended [...]
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Nepal: Diarrhoea tops summer disease list
Kathmandu: This is summer time. This is the season of diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, jaundice and typhoid. But, hospitals in Kathmandu have been witnessing lesser number of dysentery, cholera, jaundice and typhoid patients during the past few summers. The only water-borne disease whose number of cases still keeps going up is diarrhoea.
Dr. Mahendra Bahadur [...]
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Nepal: Toilet in every household of dalit settlement
Ghorahi: A dalit [low caste] settlement in Aspari of Dhikapur-6 is becoming a model in the district in terms of sanitation. All the households in the settlement have constructed concrete toilets after the Drinking Water and Sanitation Division Office Dang provided loan assistance to construct toilets.
A local Sita Ram Bika said, “We used to defecate [...]
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Nepal: Water Treatment Plant not in full operation
Hetauda: The Water Treatment Plant, constructed two years ago by Environment Area Assistance Programme (ESPS)* with financial aid worth Rs. 550 million from the Danish Government, is not in full operation. Only 15 per cent capacity of the treatment plant is under operation as some of the big industries producing wastewater in the industrial area [...]
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Plan UK - Empowering communities to achieve total sanitation
Plan UK recently launched a handbook on Community Led Total Sanitation to enable communities analyse their sanitation conditions and collectively understand the impact of open defecation on public health and their environment.
About Community Led Total Sanitation Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is an approach that focuses on igniting a change in sanitation behaviour through community participation [...]
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USA: Aging systems releasing sewage into rivers, streams
By Larry Wheeler and Grant Smith, Gannett News Service
America’s aging sewer systems continue to dump human waste into rivers and streams, despite years of fines and penalties targeting publicly owned agencies responsible for sewage overflows, a Gannett News Service analysis shows.
The analysis of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data found that since 2003, hundreds of municipal [...]
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India: Theft of community latrines alleged
KENDRAPARA, May 13: Ever heard of theft of a pucca house?
The sarpanch of backward Gangapada gram panchayat has alleged that concrete structured community latrines were stolen from the village. (…) “I was shocked to be informed that there is no physical trace of the recently built latrines. Thus I take it for granted that either [...]
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Namibia: Poor Toilet Facilities Hamper Cholera Efforts
Lack of pit latrines and general toilet facilities in the northern regions of the country is likely to compromise health officials’ efforts in curbing cholera, a disease that has since early this year claimed more than 37 lives.
Regional Health Director for the Ohangwena Region Dr Naftali Hamata has said if no drastic measures are taken [...]
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Solomon Islands - Proper Sanitation in Villages Required
The Coalition for National Unity and Rural Advancement Government would like as many villages as possible in Solomon Islands to have access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation during its term.
Prime Minister, Dr. Derek Sikua, made the statement while addressing villages he visited on North-East Guadalcanal during his current seven-day constituency tour.
Read More [...]
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India - He put his village on global map through a 100% sanitation drive
Jalilpur (Chandauli), May 12. In the era of gram pradhans owning palatial houses and zipping in snazzy MUVs, the head of this village lives in a rented house. And despite international renown, he has not even a cycle of his own.
Sri Prakash Singh (51) is a clutter-buster. Not just of this village 15 kms [...]
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The role of septic tanks in the spread of dengue
The implementation of a dengue control programme in Puerto Rico led to the discovery of previously unknown mosquito breeding sites underground. Research published in the March 2008 issue of Medical and Veterinary Entomology showed that large number of mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti), which transmit dengue fever to humans, were found to breed in septic [...]
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Malaysia - Starting them young, teaching children how to stay away from germs
Teaching children how to stay away from germs can be a powerful tool to help prevent some communicable diseases.
ABOUT 30 minutes into the interview with Cheng Chee Fong, director of a language enrichment centre for children, four-year-old Christopher poked his head into the room. Spotting me, a stranger, he veered a little towards us on [...]
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Pakistan: Efforts afoot to observe IYS 2008, implement Sanitation Policy
Efforts afoot to observe IYS 2008, implement Sanitation Policy, ISLAMABAD, May 10 (APP):
Ministry of Environment in collaboration with partners like UNICEF and WSP-SA is devising a strategy to observe 2008 as International Year of Sanitation. Number of activities are going on side by side effective implementation of National Sanitation Policy devised in 2006 as well [...]
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Ghanaians Urged To Change Attitudes To Sanitation
By Anita Nyarko, Sat, 10 May 2008, General News
THE Minister of Local Government, Rural Development and Environment, Mr Kwadwo Adjei Darko, has advised Ghanaians to change their behaviour and attitudes towards environmental sanitation.
He said environmental sanitation must be a collective effort of all, and not for the government alone adding that ‘we must ensure compliance [...]
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UNICEF - Promoting sustainable sanitation as a development cornerstone
NEW YORK, USA, 8 May 2008 – Water and sanitation experts joined financing professionals at UNICEF House in New York yesterday to identify sustainable methods of providing clean water and safe sanitation to those who lack these basic rights.
At the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance meeting – organized by UNICEF, Ashoka and the German Technical Cooperation Agency [...]
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Burma: Waterborne diseases biggest risk
David Batty, The Guardian, Friday May 9 2008 (This article appeared in the Guardian on Friday May 09 2008 on p21 of the International section. It was last updated at 00:41 on May 09 2008 )
What is the main health risk after the cyclone? The primary risk following the flooding of the delta region is [...]
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UNICEF: Promoting sustainable sanitation as a development cornerstone
By Elizabeth Kiem, NEW YORK, USA, 8 May 2008
Water and sanitation experts joined financing professionals at UNICEF House in New York yesterday to identify sustainable methods of providing clean water and safe sanitation to those who lack these basic rights. At the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance meeting – organized by UNICEF, Ashoka and the German Technical [...]
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Symposium: Coupling Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater Protection
Coupling Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater Protection
Symposium to the International Year of Sanitation (IYS), 14-17 October 2008
WHO and UNEP are co-sponsoring this International Symposium, organized by the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), 14-17 October 2008 in Hannover. The objective is to provide a forum for interaction between practitioners and decision makers, with the [...]
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Nigeria - WaterAid Sanitation/Hygiene Officer Job Opening
Programme Officer-Sanitation & Hygiene
Candidate will lead our research in the sanitation and hygiene sector to strengthen our policy and advocacy work. And will support the development and evaluation of pilot sanitation and hygiene service delivery models and strengthen WaterAid’s contribution to the sanitation and hygiene sector.
Candidate will bring excellent organizational, planning and report writing skills [...]
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2nd International WASH Practitioners’ Marketplace and Fair, 11-13 Nov 2008, Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh
Streams of Knowledge (STREAMS) together with its member, the NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation, a leading WATSAN apex organization based in Bangladesh will be the leading organizers of three-day event, which will include two days of workshops and a one-day visit to a Community-Led Total Sanitation Project.
Addressing environmental vulnerability through Integrated Water [...]
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South Africa: Strategic Framework on Water for Sustainable Growth and Development
The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) has invited public comment on the Strategic Framework on Water for Sustainable Development: Discussion document. The deadline for written comments is 30 May 2008.
Source: Participation Junction
The discussion document is quite frank about current failures/shortcomings in water and sanitation service delivery. Some quotes:
“When 77 WSA managers surveyed for [...]
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Training Course: Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into Water, Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation Programmes, 14-20 July 2008, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Organised by: Regional Capacity Building Partners (RECABIP), Nairobi, Kenya
Many development institutions have done very little to understand the contextual impacts of HIV and AIDS on Water, Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation programmes and have not integrated programmatic actions to halt the spread of HIV and AIDS, and mitigate its impact in their programmes. Similarly, AIDS service [...]
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Philippines: San Fernando’s Dry Alternative
Three years ago, residents of coastal and upland villages in San Fernando City polluted their drinking water with their own excreta. Today, they take pains to practice safe hygiene and sanitation. An innocent looking dry toilet (UDDT - urine-diverting dehydration toilet) and an untiring city mayor propelled this shift through a 2-town ecological sanitation pilot [...]
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China: Rising Eco-Town Boasts “No-Flush Toilets”
A big housing development project is bringing ecological sanitation toilets that do not require water, to a water-scarce municipality in the northern region of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The largest urban project of its kind in the PRC, the project also boasts of an onsite eco-station complete with greywater treatment and thermal composting [...]
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Sulabh International plans to open branches in 50 countries
Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak, founder of Sulabh International Social Service Organisation, India, revealed in an interview published in April 2008 in the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) “Water Champion” series, that his organisation plans to open branches in 50 countries. Sulabh has already constructed and is maintaining public toilets in Afghanistan and Bhutan and has provided training [...]
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India: A GP pradhan who proves his worth
Total sanitation in action:
How did you provide sanitation coverage for all the 12 villages under your Chakchaka GP?
It was not easy at all. We made it mandatory for all residents of this GP to ensure that there were sanitary toilets in their dwellings and they use only those. To get any certificate or facilities from [...]
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Pakistan: Child Health and Sanitation Week promotes hygiene to save young lives
By Sandra Bisin
TAKHTBAI, Pakistan, 5 May 2008 – In the remote town of Takhtbai in the North West Frontier Province, people took to the streets recently in a march to raise awareness during Pakistan’s biannual Child Health and Sanitation Week.
In the course of the week, events to reduce child deaths and disease by promoting better [...]
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UK - Scandal of school toilets
CHILDREN’S health is under threat from school toilets, according to a report out today that condemns poor education funding.
Many of them are so disgusting the National Assembly’s Enterprise and Learning Committee is calling for urgent action.
“We are living in the 21st century, yet many school toilets are like something from the Dark Ages,” said Sharon [...]
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Toilet cleaning as performance art
Let’s have a show of hands from everyone who loves to clean their toilets.
Come come, don’t be shy. Raise those hands.
(Longer pause.)
OK, I think we can conclude that cleaning toilets is not high on anyone’s list of Really Fun Things to do.
Then why do we clean our toilets? The answer is obvious: We like [...]
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Nigeria: Country ‘Needs N14 Billion to Provide Toilets for Citizens’
Nigeria requires more than 120 million dollars (about N14 billion) to provide 62 million citizens access to basics anitation and hygiene by 2015.
The statistics were provided by the UNICEF”D” Field Office in Bauchi in response to anational survey on sanitation and hygieneundertaken by the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN). The target is in line with the [...]
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Uganda: First Lady Launches Sanitation Competition
RUHAAMA county in Ntungamo district celebrated this year’s International Women’s Day in style by introducing a domestic health and sanitation competition among its 40,000 homesteads.
MP and wife of the President Janet Museveni organised the competition. The judges looked out for a clean house, kitchen with a katandaaro (cutlery rack), clean toilet or latrine, mosquito nets, [...]
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Water Sanitation Program (WSP) - New sanitation reports
Below are links to interesting WSP reports from the WSP May 2008 Newsletter:
1 - Title: Lessons from a Low-Cost Ecological Approach to Sanitation in Malawi (pdf, full-text)
Low cost Ecological Sanitation programs in Malawi have led to the building of over 11,000 compostproducing toilets since 2003. While the toilets are affordable and simple to construct, the [...]
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Ghana Launches Sanitation Campaign Strategy
The vice President of the Republic of Ghana, H.E. Alhaji Aliu Mahama yesterday, in Accra, launched the Ghana sanitation campaign and called on all stakeholders to see environmental sanitation as a key challenging issue which requires immediate attention. He said funding of sanitation services are generally capital intensive and therefore the responsibility must not be [...]
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Zimbabwe: Govt Signs Agreement for MDGs Sanitation Targets
GOVERNMENT has signed an agreement with three organisations to mobilise financial resources to improve sanitation in Zimbabwe to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goals Sanitation targets.
Permanent Secretaries of the Ministries of Health and Child Welfare, Water Resources and Infrastructure Development, Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development, Finance, Economic Development and representatives of Unicef, Worldwide [...]
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Sudan: Water, water everywhere – but it’s not fit to drink
Malakal, on the banks of the world’s longest river in Sudan’s Upper Nile State, should have enough water to quench thirst and clean itself; instead the town was grappling with serious challenges as it marked the international week of sanitation in March. With the onset of the rainy season, aid workers worry that cholera could [...]
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India: Unholy water - Delhi’s rotting river
The Yamuna is the largest tributary of the revered Ganges, but its polluted waters pose an increasing health hazard to the Indian capital. Now campaigners are calling for urgent action to clean it up.
The Yamuna, which passes through Delhi, represents both a terrible irony and one of India’s great unsung scandals. The largest tributary of [...]
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Keyboards ‘dirtier than a toilet’
Some computer keyboards harbour more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat, research has suggested.
Consumer group Which? said tests at its London offices found equipment carrying bugs that could cause food poisoning.
Out of 33 keyboards swabbed, four were regarded as a potential health hazard and one harboured five times more germs than one of the office’s [...]
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India - Polio cases highest in India
NEW DELHI: India continues to have the world’s highest number of polio cases this year, with the disease having crippled more children till April than it did during the same period in 2007.
The children who got polio despite multiple doses, did not get enough number of doses to develop adequate protection to polio virus,” a [...]
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UK: Farewell to ‘flush and forget’
Posted: 01 May 2008, by Lester R. Brown
The Internation Year of Sanitation has called for urgent action urgent action on behalf of the more than 40 per cent of the world s population who continue to live without improved sanitation. But as water scarcity spreads and the cost of water increases, the existing water-based waste [...]
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Ghana Launches Sanitation Campaign Strategy
The vice President of the Republic of Ghana, H.E. Alhaji Aliu Mahama yesterday, in Accra, launched the Ghana sanitation campaign and called on all stakeholders to see environmental sanitation as a key challenging issue which requires immediate attention. (…)
He called on public and private sector players, development allies, traditional rulers and the civil society to [...]
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Nigeria: Imo Sanitation Agency Carts Away 724 Metric Tons of Refuse
Imo State Bureau for Sanitation and Transport has between October 2007 and March 2008, carted away an estimated 724 metric tons of refuse, even as the body has declared its intention to increase the tempo on daily basis.
The Special Adviser (SA) to the Governor on Sanitationand transport, Chief Willie Amadi, who stated this during a [...]
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Ghana - US/Coca-Cola Launch Clliance To Support Tano River Basin Communities
The water needs of communities along the Tano River Basin received a boost as the Coca-Cola Africa Foundation and the United States Government yesterday launched a 500,000 dollar initiative to improve access to safe drinking water and sanitation services in the area.
The project dubbed: ‘Transboundary Community Water Management Alliance,’ located at the Tano River Basin [...]
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India - Vote for “Community led women centered approach to water and sanitation”
Dear Friends,
On behalf of Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP), I am pleased to inform you that our organization has been chosen a finalist in the Ashoka’s Changemakers “Tapping Local Innovation: Unclogging the Water and Sanitation Crisis” competition.
Read More - Reuters
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Bhutan: International Sanitation Day observed
On 12 April students from the capital Thimphu performed dances and skits with the theme “Sanitation Matters” to observe International Sanitation Day/World Water Day. Even though water and sanitation are government priorities and coverage levels have increased, water-related diseases are still among the leading causes of child mortality in Bhutan. The World Food Programme (WFP) [...]
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Kenya: World Bank to Launch Handwashing with Soap Campaign
The World Bank is set to launch a public health and sanitation programme in the country to curb diarrhoea related diseases.
The project dubbed Hand Washing With Soap (HWWS) has already cost the institution $50,000 (Sh4 million ) in a baseline survey and will be launched in September this year in selected towns across the country.
Speaking [...]
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Nepal: Open defecation in Kathmandu
Kathmandu: Many passers-by walking in the city defecate in the open. Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) stated that over 50 per cent passers by defecate on the footpaths despite having the facility of public toilets. “Four years ago, about 1100 people used to use public toilets every day. Number of toilet users have decreased by half [...]
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Brazil: Impact of Environment and Social Gradient on Leptospira Infection in Urban Slums
Leptospirosis, a life-threatening zoonotic disease, has become an important urban slum health problem. Epidemics of leptospirosis now occur in cities throughout the developing world, as the growth of slum settlements has produced conditions for rat-borne transmission of this disease. In this prevalence survey of more than 3,000 residents from a favela slum community in Brazil, [...]
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Jamaica - Gov’t to create master plan
HEALTH and Environment Minister Rudyard Spencer yesterday announced Government’s intention to create a master plan for sewerage as part of efforts to improve Jamaica’s sanitation.
The plan, the minister said, will include the institutional arrangements for the provision of sewerage services in Jamaica.
Read More - Jamaica Observer
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Kenya: World Bank’s Sh12 Million Hand Washing to Fight Cholera
The East African Standard (Nairobi)
28 April 2008, By Jane Akinyi
A national hand-washing programme funded by the World Bank and other donors has been unveiled. The Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP) is supporting the Ministry of Health in a campaign that will have hand washing as part of its activities, to check cholera.
The first phase of [...]
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Uganda - Sanitation message spreads through laughter
Harriet Achen stands in front of an expectant crowd, betraying no sign of nerves. The 14-year-old’s portrayal of a rural Ugandan mother of five is convincing. She busies herself setting children tasks to help prepare a family meal and her fellow actors scuttle around obeying Achen’s every command.
The floor is swept, each dish is properly [...]
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Namibia - Lagging in sanitation
Although Namibia is ahead in meeting its Millennium Development Goal on access to clean water, it is lagging far behind in providing adequate sanitation to its people.
This was said by EU Ambassador Elisabeth Pape at the official opening of the Luederitz sewage treatment facility on Friday.
Pape said Namibia was too slow in improving sanitation in [...]
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Uganda: National sanitation awareness drive on
Wednesday, 23rd April, 2008
THE water minister, Maria Mutagamba, has launched a national sanitation campaign. The drive is sponsored by the Government, the National Sanitation Working Group and WaterAid Uganda.
“The overall aim is to ask stakeholders at all levels to prioritise and improve sanitation. We want to declare 2008 a year of sanitation,” Mutagamba said on [...]
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Brazil: Basic Sanitation, the Movie
NEW LATIN AMERICAN CINEMA: Basic Sanitation, the Movie (Saneamento basico, o filme), JORGE FURTADO, Brazil, 2008, 112 minutes, Color
“In order to stem “the smell of poop” in the river that runs through the Italian immigrant village of Crystal Line in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul, Marina Marghera Figueiredo applies for government money to build a [...]
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Nigeria: Waging War Against Open Defecation
Daily Trust (Abuja), Posted to the web 25 April 2008, Abdul Hassan
As health experts explore how to make the Nigerian society healthy, one worrisome impediment is the common act of open defecation.
The practice, hitherto restricted to the rural areas, is now a common sight in the urban centres. In Abuja, the nation’s capital for instance, [...]
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Angola: Environment Ministry And Unicef Cooperate in Sanitation
Angola Press Agency (Luanda), posted to the web 24 April 2008
A memorandum of understanding in the area of basic environmental sanitation was signed Wednesday, in Luanda’s Talatona Conventions Centre, in Luanda, where the fourth conference of environment ministers of CPLP is taking place, between the Angolan Ministry of Urbanisation and Environment (Minua) and the United [...]
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Gaza’s sewage ‘tsunami’
By Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East editor
(…) Until that day their home was just downhill from a deep pond of sewage, pumped into a depression in the dunes and held there by earth walls because the water authorities in the Gaza Strip had nowhere else to put it.
‘Wall of human waste’
On 27 March 2007, the [...]
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USA: Cities allowed to discharge wastewater more than industry
BY CHRISTINE KRALY. ckraly@nwitimes.com, 219.662.5335 | Sunday, April 20, 2008
In addition to the industrial complexes dotting the lakefront, municipal sanitation sites also expel millions of pounds of chemicals and treated wastewater into the Lake Michigan basin every year.
And some Calumet Region and Chicago-area municipalities are allowed to discharge far greater volumes of pollutants into the [...]
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Pakistan: Multiple activities to reduce child deaths being launched today
Multiple activities to reduce child deaths being launched today
4/21/2008, Islamabad
A series of activities to reduce child deaths and disease by promoting better health, sanitation and hygiene practices will be launched in six districts across the country during the Child Health and Sanitation Week 2008 beginning today (Monday) and continuing till April 26.
(….) Pakistan’s Child Health [...]
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Uganda: workshop on HIV/AIDS and Sanitation
New Vision (Kampala), 20 April 2008, Posted to the web 21 April 2008.
Aidah Nanyonjo, Kampala
Uganda: Clean Water Essential for People Living With Aids
LACK of clean water increases the risk of diarrhoea among people living with HIV/AIDS, the executive director of the Uganda Water and Sanitation Network, John Byarugaba, has said.
The immuno-compromised status of people living [...]
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Mozambican singer shines light on sanitation
A Mozambican musician who campaigns for clean water and sanitation has been awarded a top environmental prize. Feliciano dos Santos won a Goldman Environmental Prize for using his music star status to raise awareness about health, water and HIV/Aids issues. Santos received his award of US $150,000, described as the Nobel Prize of grassroots environmentalism, [...]
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Taking Community-Led Total Sanitation to Scale: Movement, Spread and Adaptation [publication]
Andrew Deak - 2008
ISBN 1 85864 677 4
48 pages
Price £12.95
IDS Working Papers - 298
When a practice becomes widespread enough, then it has ‘gone to scale’. But increasing the intensity and spread of a particular practice is not a linear or obvious endeavour. The paper proposes that going to scale is multi-dimensional and complex. It focuses [...]
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Sharing experiences : sustainable sanitation in Southeast Asia and the Pacific [publication]
Coinciding with World Health Day on April 7, Australian Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance Bob McMullan, MP launched Sharing Experiences: Sustainable Sanitation in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, a joint publication of WaterAid Australia and the International WaterCentre.
The publication presents nine case studies from: Indonesia, Vietnam, Vanuatu, Fiji, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, [...]
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How Epidemics Helped Shape the Modern Metropolis
By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD, Published: April 15, 2008
On a Sunday in July 1832, a fearful and somber crowd of New Yorkers gathered in City Hall Park for more bad news. The epidemic of cholera, cause unknown and prognosis dire, had reached its peak. (…) The epidemic left 3,515 dead out of a population of 250,000. [...]
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Ghana - Water And Engineering Conference Ends
The 33rd Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) International Conference ended in Accra last Friday with a call for strong advocacy and political will to address sanitation issues in Africa.
The five-day conference, which attracted over 300 participants from Africa and Asia, called for hard work and frank discussions on sanitation to save over 2.6 billion [...]
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British charity call on G-8 summit to agree to forge global sanitation plan
LONDON, April 14
A British-based charity is calling on the Group of Eight summit in Japan later this year to agree to take a global action plan meant to improve water supply and sanitation. WaterAid believes the G-8 summit in Hokkaido in July is the ”last best shot” for raising the issue — which is often [...]
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Kenya - Prison inmates pioneer sanitation project in East Africa
Washington, April 15 (ANI): Inmates at a prison on the East coast of Africa are pioneering a sanitation project that would work with nature to neutralize human wastes.
According to a report in ENN (Environmental News Network), apart from wastewater management, the project is to assess using the wetland- filtered water for irrigation and fish farming, [...]
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Costa Rica: Only 3.5% of wastewater treated before discharged into rivers
Only 3.5% of Costa Rica’s wastewater is treated before being discharged into the country’s rivers, water utility AyA chairman Ricardo Sancho said. Costa Rica has only five operating wastewater treatment plants, which can only serve one-third of the population. The San Isidro treatment plant, in Choluteca municipality, has collapsed while Limón province only has a [...]
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Improving on haves and have-nots - the need for smarter WASH monitoring
In a commentary published in Nature on 20 March 2008, Jamie Bartram (WHO) calls for a smarter system of indicators to monitor progress in achieving the MDG goals for safe water and sanitation. The current way of measuring progress shares “a basic weakness in regarding every human as either ‘having’ or ‘not having’ these key [...]
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Sierra Leone - Rokupa-Portee Wharf Faces Poor Sanitation
As the rainy season approaches, fears of a cholera outbreak have spurred the chief of Rokupa-Portee Warf to ask for help from government for his community. Highly congested and overpopulated, the Wharf is situated in the eastern part of Freetown on the sea.
The shamble houses of fishermen and wood sellers fill a densely packed cove [...]
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Uganda: 400 Die of Diarrhoeal Diseases Daily
11 April 2008, Posted to the web 14 April 2008, Juliet Waiswa and Aidah Nanyonyo, Kampala
OVER 400 people die of diarrhoeal-related diseases each day in Uganda, the assistant commissioner in charge of environmental health, Paul Luyima has said. Luyima was opening a workshop to raise awareness on the need to intergrate sanitation issues in HIV/AIDS [...]
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Mozambique - Singer shines light on sanitation
Mozambican musician who campaigns for clean water and sanitation has been awarded a top environmental prize.
Feliciano dos Santos won a Goldman Environmental Prize for using his music star status to raise awareness about health, water and HIV/Aids issues.
Read More - BBC News
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Indonesia: Govt focuses on climate-related health
The government is launching a campaign to protect and secure natural resources, such as water, saying climate change is seriously affecting Indonesians’ health and is a burden on the national health system.
Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari, speaking during a World Health Day event here Sunday, said, “Climate change is directly and indirectly profoundly affecting people’s [...]
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AfricaSan 2008 presentations online
All the Powerpoint presentations made at the AfricaSan 2008 conference, held in February in Durban, are now available online.
There are presentations on:
Status of sanitation and hygiene in Africa
Sub-regional and country papers
Case studies on sanitation in low-income and rural areas, and large-scale hygiene programmes
Community-Lead Total Sanitation and sanitation marketing
Partnerships for hygiene and handwashing
Sanitation [...]
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Sanitation and the Global Monitoring Report 2008
Chapter: Water and Sanitation
While wide agreement exists on the need for adequate water and sanitation, progress has been slow, particularly compared with progress on other MDGs. (…) The most recent assessment suggests that the world is roughly on target for reaching the MDG goal of halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe [...]
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Philippines: LGUs told to observe sanitation in facilities
The executive director of the National Water Resources Board in Dumaguete City is calling on local chief executives to make sure that sanitation is observed in public facilities in their localities. Ramon Alikpala of the NWRB said public places such as city and municipal halls should have safe, clean water and soap in the public [...]
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Nigeria: Minister Faults Area Council Chairmen On Sanitation
Minister of state for the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mr. James Akpanudoedehe, yesterday told the six local government chairmen in the FCT that he was not satisfied with their performance in the area of sanitation just as he enjoined them to make relative improvement to ensure that Abuja maintains its standard as a world class [...]
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Kenya : Cholera outbreak kills 59
A cholera outbreak in Kenya has killed 59 people and lef t 1,200 people hospitalised over the last two months, affecting 16 different districts across northern and western Kenya, medical authorities confirmed on Thursday.
Kenyan Director of Medical Services James Nyikal said since the first case was cited in January, the cholera outbreak has spread across the [...]
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Uganda: Building closed for lacking latrines
By Luke Kagiri
Health officials in Mityana town council have closed a building for lacking latrines. The complex, located in Toninyiramukange Market, belongs to the Mubende District Teachers’ Association. It houses shops, a metal workshop, a bar, restaurant and over 10 families. It is one of the busiest and biggest in the town.
The assistant town clerk, Gonzaga Ssebulime, [...]
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IRC - 2008 Notes and News on School Sanitation
This issue of Notes & News focuses on some of the activities and initiatives undertaken in the framework of the International Year of Sanitation related to WASH in Schools. Two non-traditional approaches are highlighted. The School Sanitation Fund by the Dutch NGO Simavi and the Global Awareness Raising campaign by the German Toilet Organization. Marni [...]
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BBC News - Who’d be a toilet attendant?
You visit a fancy bar. You go to the toilet. As you wash your hands, a man passes over some nice paper towels. He seems to expect a tip. Welcome to one of the UK’s grimmest workplaces.
At 10pm on a Friday, among the drinkers gathering in pubs and bars around the country, Samuel arrives for [...]
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India - 900 million litres of urine a day
India produces an estimated 900 million litres of urine every day, of which an ample volume is piddled in public spaces — on walls, inside parks, besides rail tracks, and, sometimes, even on the back seat of cabs. Men mostly do the mischief, a popular, intricate ritual with its own rules. First, there is the [...]
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Angola: Reduction of Environment Impact On Health Needs Strong Sanitary Network
Angola Press Agency (Luanda) 8 April 2008, Posted to the web 8 April 2008
The reduction of the impact of environmental degradation on health requires the reinforcement of the sanitary network, implementation of preventive measures and active participation of citizens in preservation programmes. This was said Monday in Sumbe, central kwanza Sul province, by the deputy [...]
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USAID And UNICEF Dissemenate Best Practices From Successful School Sanitation Program
Article Date: 08 Apr 2008 - 4:00 PDT
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) celebrated the success of their five-year partnership to enhance environment safety and hygiene conditions in thousands of schools across Jharkhand and Karnataka. The close-of-project dissemination meeting was held today at the UNDP Conference Hall [...]
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Nigeria: Declare state of emergency on sanitation, body tells FG
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008
The federal government has been called upon to declare a state of emergency on environmental sanitation in the country. This is in view of the deteriorating sanitary standards of the country’s urban and rural areas and the glaring failure of curative health services. This is one of the recommendations contained in the [...]
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190m people in Asia Pacific without basic sanitation, says Australia
Source: Australian Government
Published Apr. 8, 2008
The Australian Government has reaffirmed its commitment to improving sanitation services in the Asia-Pacific region. Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance, Bob McMullan, said improving access to clean water and sanitation services is crucial to raising the health and living standards of people in the Asia Pacific. ‘About 190 million [...]
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Peru: industries must adopt developed country standards for wastewater
Industries in Peru will have to accommodate environmental standards for wastewater treatment set by developed countries, otherwise they cannot export their products, said José Salazar, president of Sunass, the national water authority. To comply with the free trade agreement with the USA, Peru also needs to raise industrial water use rates. A study on water [...]
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VOA - Ghana Conference Examines Ways to Improve Water and Sanitation in Africa
Experts in the field of water and sanitation have gathered to share their knowledge at an international conference opening Monday in Accra, Ghana. The meeting is a collaborative effort by Ghana’s Ministry of Works and Housing and the Water Engineering and Development Center (WEDC) at Loughborough University in Britain. Minta Aboagye is the chairman of [...]
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UNITED NATIONS - / MaximsNews Network / 07 April 2008. Conagua, Mexico’s national water authority, recently approved a budget of 1.8bn pesos (US$168mn) for sanitation and infrastructure projects along the Balsas River.
The river flows through eight states in the country’s central region. It is one of the country’s [...]
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USA - Austin, TX residents hold potty protest
Karen Flanagan and her neighbors take pride in their toilets, but not the porcelain thrones in the bathrooms of their homes. Flanagan lives in northwest Austin in a neighborhood off Duval and 183 and if you take a ride through the neighborhood you’ll notice decorated toilets in more than a dozen yards.
Laura Arbilla’s yard is [...]
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Philippines - Contaminated wells, lack of toilets linked to typhoid cases
ASTURIAS Mayor Allan Adlawan said his office would take over water distribution in barangay Sta. Lucia after tests showed bacteria contamination of wells and faucets in the waterworks reservoir.
One person died and 15 others fell ill of typhoid fever in the barangay.
Tests on seven water sources showed that five of these were contaminated with salmonella [...]
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El Salvador - Sanitation is a national priority in 2008
El Salvador’s government is making sanitation a national priority and increasing coverage throughout the country, national aqueduct and sewerage authority Anda sanitation department director Rubén Alemán told BNamericas.
Although sanitation has not been a priority in this country for many years, we are beginning to incorporate it in a nationwide policy,” he said.
“In 2008 we are [...]
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Tackling the poo-taboo in the Pacific
What does the word “sanitation” mean to you? Going to the toilet, washing your hands, flushing the germs away out of sight and often out of mind? Or perhaps more practically, dealing with solid and liquid human waste on small islands, and even at the extreme end—the cause of diseases [...]
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Africa: Address Sanitation to Break Cycle of Poverty
A speech by Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organisation.
Let me go straight to the point. An estimated 40 per cent of the world’s population lives without one of the basic amenities of modern life: a toilet.
This means that 2.6 billion people are forced to relieve themselves in open spaces - in fields, [...]
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Nigeria: Meet Target On Latrines, Unicef Urges Kebbi Govt
United Nations Children Education Fund (UNICEF) has challenged the Kebbi State government to meet its target of constructing household latrines and compartments in schools across the state.
The government has set a target to construct 31,480 household latrines, 270 compartments in 45 schools, 189 compartments in 63 health centres and 394 compartments in public places.
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CLTS Toolkit (in Nepali)
On 5 March 2008 the Resource Centre Network Nepal (RCNN) launched the CLTS Toolkit booklet during the Symposium on ‘Sanitation Approaches and Technologies in Nepal’.
The booklet focuses on Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) practices and awareness raising to be used by facilitators in the communities.
Inspired by the success of the approach in Bangladesh, CLTS was [...]
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Vietnam - Washing dirty hands
The practice of hand-washing with soap in Vietnam’s rural areas is not common, a conference heard last week.
According to the National Baseline Survey on the Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Situation in Vietnam conducted by the Ministry of Health (MoH) and other partners, 12 percent of rural people wash their hands with soap before meals and [...]
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Call for abstracts: sanitation for the urban poor
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre organises a symposium ‘Sanitation for the Urban Poor: Governance and Partnerships’, from 19 – 21 November 2008, in Delft, the Netherlands. Abstracts for the symposium papers on the following five topics – urban governance and sanitation, innovative finance for sanitation, partnerships for sanitation, dynamics of urban settlements, and technological [...]
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El Salvador: Sanitation is a national priority in 2008 « WASH news Latin America and Caribbean
El Salvador: Sanitation is a national priority in 2008 « WASH news Latin America and Caribbean
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Uganda - Kalyango to Be Model Health Village
THE district has launched a campaign to make Kalyankoko Landing Site a model village in health and sanitation. Located on Lake Wamala in Maanyi sub-county, the landing site has been one of the worst in sanitation. This is why the district health department selected it.
The Maanyi sub-county LC3 chairman, Leonard Ntambi, said the people suffered [...]
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Pakistan well on its way to achieving Millennium Development Goals
Wednesday, 02 April 2008
Prime Minister Mohammedmian Soomro has said that Pakistan is well on its way to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially for reducing to half the proportion of people lacking basic sanitation services by 2015, and moving onwards to our vision-2030, for ensuring sanitation for all.
“The government is committed to [...]
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Philippines: Sanitation in public facilities urged
Sanitation in public facilities urged
By Rachelle Nessia
Dumaguete City (3 April) — A high-ranking government official has called on local chief executives to make sure that sanitation is observed in public facilities in their localities.
Ramon Alikpala, executive director of the National Water Resources Board, said in a press conference yesterday that public places such as city [...]
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Cote d’Ivoire: Clean up campaign for hospitals
ABIDJAN, 31 March 2008 (IRIN) - Hygiene in most hospitals in Cote d’Ivoire is so low that the ministry of health has launched a nationwide clean-up campaign. […] The director of public health Alexandre N’Guessan said he believed that most of the infections occur because medical waste has not been properly disposed of as health [...]
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Angola: Flooding brings surge in cholera
Widespread flooding in southern Angola has been blamed for a surge in cholera, with 4,500 cases of the waterborne disease reported this year, and 150 fatalities.
“Stagnant ponds create further breeding sites for malaria-carrying mosquitoes; wells and latrines have been contaminated with floodwater, and local communities are cut off from their usual water sources. Without [...]
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India - Deep in filth
While India celebrates the International Year of Sanitation, little has been done for the abolition of the degrading work of manual scavenging.
Bezwada Wilson, national convenor of Safai Karamachari Andolan, told Hardnews, “For us it’s not just about how much they (scavengers) earn. We are looking at it as a work below human dignity. They are [...]
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Engineers Without Borders - Water, Sanitation, Public Health in Honduras
The Virginia Hospital Center Medical Brigade (VHCMB), through its Remote Village Project, has partnered with Engineers Without Borders (EWB) to provide potable water and sanitation to the community of Valle Bonito. Further information about the project and instructions on how to donate funds for the project are at the link below:
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India - Rotary Club to construct 104 toilets
BHUBANESWAR: In a novel initiative aimed at providing proper sanitation facilities to the deprived sections, Rotary Club of Bhubaneswar, Toshali, has got into constructing a pucca toilet for each household at the Gandahrpur village under Kalyanpur Panchayat of Bhubaneswar block.
The club has adopted the entire village for execution of its Total Sanitation programme and develop [...]
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Philippines - USAid helps in Oro sanitation
MAYOR Constantino G. Jaraula on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with an American company supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAid) for the implementation of a sanitation project in Cagayan de Oro City.
The MOU was formally sealed with Jaraula signing on behalf of the City Government and Lisa Kircher Lumbao [...]
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Mexico - Conagua approves US$168mn for sanitation of Balsas river
Mexico’s national water authority Conagua approved a budget of 1.8bn pesos (US$168mn) for sanitation and infrastructure projects along the Balsas river, which flows through eight states in the country’s central region, the entity reported in a release.
Read More - Business News America
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Vis-Min regional sanitation summit kicks off tomorrow
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The Department of Interior and Local Government will hold a regional summit on sustainable sanitation tomorrow and Thursday at the Negros Oriental Convention Center, Dumaguete City. The event, in partnership with the provincial government and the German Agency for Technical Cooperation, aims to take action on the crises in sanitation, and its [...]
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Kenya: Sanitation Must Be Public Health Issue
The East African Standard (Nairobi) 31 March 2008
Posted to the web 31 March 2008
Outbreaks of cholera in Nyanza Province have put the spotlight on a problem that doesn’t seem to get much Government attention - rural sanitation.
There have been more than 450 cases and 39 deaths reported since January, the beginning of the International Year [...]
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Conference highlights African sanitation plight
The lack of decent sanitation is a significant challenge that faces the whole African continent.Speaking at the AfricaSan conference in Febuary this year, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (Dwaf) Minister LindiweHendricks said, “It has become clear that not having access to basic services such as sanitation holds back development, and has health, economic, educational and social [...]
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Experts Look to Solve World’s Growing Water Shortage
Experts are franticly searching for a solution to the world’s growing water footprint, as urban populations increase and demand for biofuels cause water problems for farmland.As many as 2.5 billion people (half the population of Earth) have no access to sanitation - most of them living in urban slums. The world’s cities are booming by [...]
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Burkina Faso: Flush With New Funds for Water and Sanitation
OUAGADOUGOU, 28 March 2008 (IRIN) - Donors announced in March that they will invest US $1.2 billion into Burkina Faso’s water sector, to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of halving the number of people in the world who lack access to safe drinking water by 2015. (…)Ambitious infrastructures The new funds, which mostly come from the African [...]
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Lancet editorial - Keeping sanitation in the international spotlight
From the March 29, 2008 issue of The Lancet
Editorial - Keeping sanitation in the international spotlight
2008 is the International Year of Sanitation. At this year’s World Water Day (March 22) sanitation was at last given the spotlight to help catch the attention of the international community. Although such attention is most welcome, [...]
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Bangladesh - Ecological sanitation urged for hygiene, natural manure
Ecological management of human excreta and urine would not only help keep the environment clean and the people safe from many diseases but also meet the entire need of fertiliser for agriculture, a workshop on water supply and ecological sanitation was told in Dhaka yesterday.
The workshop, organised by the Bangladesh Water Partnership (BWP) in observance [...]
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India - Over 87,000 toilets built in Nellai
TIRUNELVELI: Of one lakh toilets planned under the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) in the district, 86,644 have been constructed at houses and another 551 at women sanitary complexes in rural areas with the objective of eradicating open defecation, said the District Collector G Prakash.
Inaugurating a three-day training programme on ‘Planning International Year of Sanitation’, organized [...]
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Uganda - Journalists in Sanitation Crusade
JOURNALISTS in the district recently carried out a massive cleaning of Kayunga town. The campaign, dubbed Keep Kayunga Town Clean, aimed at promoting hygiene among residents.
Over 14 journalist working with different media houses, under their umbrella organisation, Kayunga Journalists’ Association (KAJA), participated in the exercise. The campaign involved cleaning trenches, sweeping and collecting garbage along [...]
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Philippines - Regional sanitation summit convenes
Dumaguete City (27 March) — The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) in partnership with the Provincial Government of Negros Oriental and the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) will hold a two-day regional summit on sustainable sanitation this coming April 2-3, 2008 at the Provincial Convention Center, Dumaguete City.
Responding to the urgent call [...]
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Netherlands donates US$ 44 million to Global Sanitation Fund
The Netherlands have kick-started the Global Sanitation Fund with US$ 44 million, Dutch media reports. The Fund was launched by the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) on 14 March 2008. WSSCC Executive Director Jon Lane said in a radio interview that he hopes the fund will operate with US$ 100 million a year.
Read [...]
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USA - Honors for women in Sanitation
More than 20 years ago, a handful of women proved you don’t have to be a man to be part of New York’s Strongest.
They were the first female sanitation workers to jump on the trucks and haul the city’s trash.
But women have been helping the Sanitation Department do its job for years.
This Friday, sanitation officials [...]
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Vietnam - Kids threatened by poor sanitation
HA NOI — A lack of toilets and hand-washing facilities in homes and at schools seriously affects the health of children in rural Viet Nam, said UN Resident Co-ordinator in Viet Nam John Hendra.
A new nationwide survey conducted by the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the UN Children’s Fund on sanitation and hygiene, concluded 88 [...]
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Gaza - Sewage system in crisis
JERUSALEM/GAZA, 25 March 2008 (IRIN) - Design errors, a fast growing population, the halting in recent years of development projects, and restrictions on imports have rendered the Gaza Strip’s sewage system incapable of handling the enclave’s waste, experts said.
The result is the pumping of partially treated or untreated sewage directly into the sea and the [...]
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Nigeria - Towards campaign on schools sanitation
Recently the Lagos State Government in collaboration with (UNIECF) organised a “Hand Washing Campaign” to kick-start the International Year of Sanitation. It was aimed at reducing the incidence of disease as well as improving hygiene behaviours among its citizens particularly among pupils and students.
The purpose of this project is to develop and institute state standards [...]
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AWWA Urges Awareness of Water Sanitation Issues on World Water Day 2008
DENVER, March 21 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The American Water Works
Association (AWWA), the authoritative resource on safe water, today joined
the United Nations, Water for People and water advocates throughout the
world in recognizing World Water Day, observed March 22, 2008.
The theme for World Water Day 2008 is “Sanitation Matters.” This year’s
theme highlights the fact that “adequate sanitation [...]
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35 Million Ethiopians lack adequate sanitation facilities
ADDIS ABABA, 22 March 2008 - UNICEF today announced that it is possible to achieve universal access to sanitation in Ethiopia, where at present approximately 35 million Ethiopians are deprived the dignity of adequate sanitation facilities to safely contain and dispose of human faeces.
In order to achieve this goal, [...]
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Nepal: PM receives 100,000 signatures from sanitation campaign
On World Water Day, 22 March 2008, more than 100 thousand signatures collected from 35 districts of the country were handed over Nepal’s Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala calling for increased funding and a national master plan for sanitation. The signatures were submitted by representatives of WaterAid Nepal, Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH), NGO Forum [...]
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End Water Poverty writes an open letter to UK Prime Minister
To mark World Water Day, members of the End Water Poverty coalition published an open letter in The Times newspaper to the UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, calling on his government to commit to making 2008 the year to change the lives of billions of people in the developing world.
Read the open letter here
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Nepal: Waste of Zoo in packets
The garbage and animal waste produced in the Central Zoo of Kathmandu is being composted and sold as fertiliser. The Nepal Pollution Control and Environment Management Centre (NEPCEMAC) sells packets of 1, 5 and 25 kg at Rs. 20 [21 Euro cents = 32 US dollar cents] per kg. The zoo produces 9 tons of [...]
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33rd WEDC International Conference, 7-11 April, Accra, Ghana - update
Below is an update on the conference programme. Several side events and workshops are focus on sanitation. Delegates will receive the Conference Proceedings and a CD of Sanitation Publications by WEDC, WSSCC, IWA and UNICEF.
Side events:
fresh thinking on urban sanitation planning (IWA/WEDC)
national capacity development in support of Community Led Total sanitation (UNICEF/WEDC)
sustainable approaches for [...]
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Climate Change Deepening World Water Crisis
United Nations, 21 March, (IPS): When U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addressed the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last January, his primary focus was not on the impending global economic recession but on the world’s growing water crisis.
“A shortage of water resources could spell increased conflicts in the future,” he told the annual gathering [...]
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Canada - Fight Global Poverty by Investing in Sanitation and Water
OTTAWA, March 20 /CNW Telbec/ - On the eve of World Water Day (March 22), a coalition of Canadian organizations concerned about the global sanitation
crisis is calling on the Canadian government to make investment in sanitation
and water a foreign aid priority. In an open letter sent to Minister of
International Cooperation Beverley Oda, Sanitation & Water [...]
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Ireland - Pupils tap into water project for developing countries
Pupils from a Belfast primary school have been taking part in an innovative project organised by the British Red Cross to mark World Water Day today.
Children from Strandtown Primary have been keeping water diaries detailing each time they have used or come across water during a typical day.
The pupils [...]
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Voice of America - Development Agencies Call for Improved Sanitation
Sanitation is the theme of this year’s World Water Day (March 20). UN development agencies are calling for greater public awareness and donor support for improving sanitation in the developing world - where, for example, more than two-billion people lack access to toilets. From Washington, VOA’s William Eagle reports on the some of [...]
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WHO-UNICEF Advocacy for World Water Day 2008
WHO, together with UNICEF and WSSCC under the aegis of UN-Water, developed an Advocacy Guide for World Water Day 2008. This advocacy guide outlines the steps for groups or interested individuals at the country level to participate in the campaign to improve sanitation conditions.
Links to Advocacy Guide, Programme and Speeches
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Cambodia - Water diaries tell of life
Even now, during the dry season, water seems to penetrate all aspects of Cambodian culture. Thousands of Cambodians earn their living by rice farming, while many more live on floating villages - whole communities set adrift along the river. Life for people here is ruled by water - too little rain and the rice production [...]
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Asia: Sanitation Experts Call For All-Out Efforts
BANGKOK, Mar 20 (IPS) - New technology, religion and the market must be harnessed to secure basic toilet facilities for Asia’s rural and urban poor, sanitation experts from the region said here Thursday.
Currently, over 2.6 billion people across the world have no access to an organised system of toilets, of which some 1.5 billion [...]
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10 ways to save water and money
With a few small, simple changes, you can help reduce your water use, leaving more water in the rivers, lakes and other freshwater sources. These changes will also result in a lower water bill so should benefit your home finances as well:
1. Consider cutting a little water usage from your morning routine. Does [...]
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World Water Day: 1.5 million children’s lives could be saved if provided with proper water and sanitation
World Water Day is celebrated every year on March 22. This annual event offers an opportunity to highlight the necessity to do more to bring access to clean water and appropriate sanitation to more than a billion people who still lack access to basic water supply. We asked Uli Jaspers, Head of the Water and [...]
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UNICEF - 6 in 10 Africans remain without access to proper toilet
GENEVA, 20 March 2008 – Sixty-two percent of Africans do not have access to an improved sanitation facility — a proper toilet — which separates human waste from human contact, according to the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation. A global report will be released later this year, however, preliminary data on [...]
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New Virtual Village Explores Global Drinking Water Crisis
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 20 /PRNewswire/ — You may not be able to
travel to a developing country and see the global water crisis first hand,
but now you can visit WaterPartners Village — a virtual exploration of
the water crisis — launching across social networking sites, like Second
Life, on World Water Day, March 22.
“The purpose of [...]
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World Water Day focuses on sanitation
With World Water Day being celebrated on 20 March, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) urged governments, businesses and NGOs alike to step up efforts to reduce uncontrolled dumping of waste in rivers - in both poor and rich nations.
“Sanitation, human health and the environment are inextricably linked. Adequate water supply and sanitation means a clean environment and [...]
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On World Water Day, a mighty global thirst
Oceans splash across most of the earth’s surface. But they contain saltwater, unfit for human consumption. Only a tiny fraction of the world’s water – about 2.5 percent – is drinkable. That still would be an ample supply if it were clean and available where needed.It’s not. Today some 1.2 billion people lack access to [...]
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Nigeria: FG Backs Construction of 1m Latrines
The Federal Government has expressed willingness to support the construction of one million latrines throughout the country.
In his welcome address at the celebration of the 2008 World Water Day, the Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources, Dr. Sayyadi Abba Ruma, said the ministry will collaborate with other relevant agencies in the sanitation sub-sector to attain [...]
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WHO - 10 facts on sanitation
Lack of sanitation facilities forces people to defecate in the open, in rivers or near areas where children play or food is prepared. This increases the risk of transmitting disease. The Ganges river in India has 1.1 million litres of raw sewage dumped into it every minute, a startling figure considering that one gram of [...]
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Germany - Welthungerhilfe calls for greater sanitation measures
Bonn, 19.03.2008. Welthungerhilfe is calling for greater measures to improve sanitation and hygiene facilities in international development projects as well as emergency aid. “This isn’t a popular subject,” explains Martin Wolff, Welthungerhilfe’s Programme Manager for Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, “but installing latrines and raising hygiene awareness are essential if people’s health is to improve in [...]
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Opportunities for Sanitation Marketing in Uganda
In October 2007, a team of consultants from the Hygiene Improvement Project (HIP) visited Uganda to determine if sanitation marketing would be a viable approach in Uganda, and to make specific recommendations to HIP and the donor community that would move the sanitation marketing agenda forward. This report presents the key findings and recommendations stemming [...]
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Kazakhstan - Improving water supply and sanitation
Improving water supply and sanitation in poor countries is essential to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and reducing poverty. What lessons to help meet this challenge can be learnt from a recent survey of water and sanitation in Kazakhstan?
Research from the University of Nottingham in the UK and the United Nations Development Programme in [...]
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Pakistan: Children and women lead the way to ‘total sanitation’ in earthquake zone
The School-Led Total Sanitation project was piloted by UNICEF in Pakistan-administered Kashmir in mid-2007. Drawing from experience gathered by UNICEF and its partners, the programme initiates change by developing useful health and hygiene skills in school to encourage life-long positive habits.
“With this approach, we use teachers and children as entry points into the communities,” explains [...]
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USA - Congressman Payne Champions International Year of Sanitation
Congressman Donald M. Payne, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health, today introduced a concurrent resolution supporting the United Nations’ declaration of 2008 as the International Year of Sanitation.
Representative Payne affirmed, “Sanitation is the foundation of health, dignity and progress. Economic and social development are its offshoot. It [...]
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Maggie Black - An unmentionable global crisis
Exactly 150 years ago, an exceptionally hot summer in 1858 reduced the Thames flowing through London to a scandalous condition known as the ‘Great Stink.’
The smell off the river was so excruciating that Parliament could barely sit. Fear of pestilence had a powerfully concentrating effect on MPs legislative capacities.
The smell off the river was so [...]
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Bangladesh - Clean break from cycle of disease
Bangladesh is facing an environmental crisis.
It has the highest population density of any nation on the planet; and a half of its people are without adequate sanitation.
As a result, the rivers and fields are polluted with human waste that enters the food chain.
According to figures from Water Aid, 125,000 children under the age of [...]
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World sanitation goals slip; nature can help
OSLO (Reuters) - “The history of men is reflected in the history of sewers,” French 19th century author Victor Hugo wrote in Les Miserables. “The sewer is the conscience of the city … A sewer is a cynic. It tells everything.”
Judged by its sewers, the world is not doing well. Only 3 in 10 people [...]
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Zimbabwe: Engulfed by sewage
BULAWAYO, 14 March 2008 (IRIN) - To get to Sinikiwe MaKhumalo’s doorstep in Zimbabwe’s second largest city, Bulawayo, visitors have to step on a thin plank perched precariously over a trench that prevents sewage from flowing into her house. The 57-year-old grandmother has endured this arrangement to access her home in the city’s Old Magwegwe [...]
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Clean Living - TVE’s Earth Report examines Community Led Total Sanitation in Bangladesh
In the International Year of Sanitation, Earth Report travels to Bangladesh to discover changing attitudes to hygiene. No more ‘open defecation’: instead of top-down solutions, the new Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach has eradicated open defecation in more than 300 villages. Earth Report investigates. The programme features CLTS guru Kamal Kar. Read the transcript [...]
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Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement Training (SHIT series) kicks offs in Nepal
“Ecological Sanitation: Concept to Practice” is the first course offered by ENPHO (Environment and Public Health Organization) in the SHIT series. This three day course runs from 26-28 March 2008 in Kathmandu, Nepal (application deadline 22 March). Four other courses are planned: Constructed wetlands; Solid waste management; Biogas for sanitation; and Total sanitation campaigns. Costs [...]
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USA - Water-for-Schools Plan Launched
WASHINGTON, Mar 13 (OneWorld) - Activists working to improve lives and livelihoods around the world gathered in the United States capital Wednesday to launch a new initiative to bring water and sanitation facilities to schools that currently lack them.
The WASH-in-Schools initiative aims to bring clean drinking water, toilet facilities, and hygiene education to 1,000 schools [...]
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Cayman Islands - Water Day to focus on our good fortune
Most people in the Cayman Islands regard sanitation as a norm, something rarely meriting thought.
But maybe we should occasionally pause to consider what Cayman would be like if we lacked human waste disposal facilities, laws and regulations. Many places across the globe offer neither proper sanitation nor access to clean drinking water.
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Philippines - Eastern Samar hosts launch of Int’l Year of Sanitation
Tacloban City (March 14) — The First Provincial Launch of the International Year of Sanitation will be conducted today at the province of Eastern Samar particularly at the picturesque municipality of Guiuan.
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Botswana - Sanitation managers urge use of ‘wastewater’
The department of water affairs, local government, waste management and pollution control, crop production, environmental health and the University of Botswana have agreed to work together to achieve global sanitation targets.
They made the pledge at a press conference at Cresta Lodge on Monday, marking the National Week on Sanitation celebrations, which will be held [...]
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South Africa - People need water, houses and toilets
The total eradication of the bucket system and the provision of clean water and proper houses remain elusive to many South Africans.
Statistics South Africa yesterday released results of a survey conducted last year.
Despite numerous promises since 1994 that the much-loathed bucket system would be totally eradicated, 12percent of the people in the Free State [...]
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United Kingdom - “PAWS” joins Loughborough University
A national organisation that supports water and sanitation projects in developing countries is celebrating a move to Loughborough University today (12 March).Partners for Water and Sanitation (PAWS) was established in 2002 in response to the United Nations Millennium Development Goal targets to reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking [...]
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Pakistan - 200 AJK villages to be made open defecation-free by year end
ISLAMABAD, Mar 13 (APP): About 200 villages in earthquake-hit Muzaffarabad will be made open defecation-free by the end of current year under a pilot project launched by the UNICEF and its partners in the mid 2007.
In the quake-ravaged areas of Azad Kashmir, 14 villages have already been granted open defecation-free status by the UNICEF [...]
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WSSCC launches Global Sanitation Fund on 14 March 2008
Geneva, 7 March 2008 - The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is launching on 14 March 2008 in Geneva the Global Sanitation Fund, the first global financing mechanism to increase expenditure on sanitation and hygiene.
For more info see the article published earlier in Source Weekly
Read more about the launch here
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Uganda - Tororo to Fine Homes Without Pit-Latrines
THE Tororo district council is to impose a sh50,000 fine on homesteads near schools that lack pit-latrines. The district health and education committee chairperson, Jacinta Ayoo, said about 50% of communities living around schools lacked pit latrines.
She said the communities instead use the school pit latrines, which fill up faster and constrain authorities in terms [...]
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Ethiopia: Where’s the Loo?: Earth Report documentary premieres on BBC World, 21 March 2008
WHERE’S THE LOO? is an Earth Report exploration of what the Ethiopian Government with support of Development Partners is doing to meet to the target of 100 percent sanitation coverage by 2012, and positive behavior change on hygiene practices. From the vast highlands of Amhara Region to rubbish tips in the middle of Addis Ababa, [...]
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Nepal - Country plan for the International Year of Sanitation 2008
Over 80 percent of diseases (including diarrhoea, cholera, intestinal worms, trachoma, typhoid) among adults and children are caused by lack of basic sanitation, according to a new government report entitled Nepal Country Plan for International Year of Sanitation 2008.
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Philippines - DOH promotes National Year of Sanitation
Tacloban City (10 March) — Centered on the theme “Sanitasyon ang Solusyon”, 2008 has been declared as the National Year of Sanitation through a Presidential Proclamation, based on the United Nations General Assembly declaring 2008 as the International Year of Sanitation.
One of the activities identified and to be implemented by the National Center for Health [...]
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Afghanistan: Poor sanitation, bad toilets cause deaths, misery
ASADABAD, 5 March 2008 (IRIN) - Saliha still mourns the death of her three-year-old daughter, Halima, who died due to severe diarrhoea at a hospital in Kunar Province, eastern Afghanistan, on 11 January.
The child had drunk contaminated water which Saliha’s family collects from a nearby river and uses for all purposes, including drinking, cooking and [...]
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India - Contest to award photo coverage of sanitation
To commemorate the “International Year of Sanitation - 2008,” the Water and Environmental Sanitation Network India (WES-Net India) and its constituent member organizations, UNICEF, WaterAid; Plan India, invite photojournalists working in newspapers and magazines across India to take part in a photo contest on themes related to sanitation. Entries must be received by April [...]
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Yemen: Sanitation services limited, sewage treatment plants poor
SANAA, 5 March 2008 (IRIN) - Sanitation services in Yemen are limited. Almost all villages in rural areas, where 75 percent of Yemen’s 21 million people live, still use traditional means: Sewage is either dumped in watercourses or piped onto open ground.
Officials at the Ministry of Water and Environment said the government was striving to [...]
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Jordan: Sewage network crumbling in city of Zarqa
AMMAN, 4 March 2008 (IRIN) - A crumbling sewage system in the city of Zarqa, 30km east of Amman, could trigger the spread of diseases on a large scale, according to community leaders and residents.
“We warned officials at the Ministry of Water on several occasions that the city’s sewage network is collapsing at a [...]
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Bangladesh: Towards “sanitation for all by 2010”
DHAKA, 4 March 2008 (IRIN) - “Half the slum is knee-deep in water during high monsoons. There is no electricity, no water supply. And the worst is that we do not have toilets,” said Tara Mia, a vegetable hawker who lives with his wife and three children in a Dhaka slum.
From 2010-2015 Bangladesh will be [...]
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Pakistan: Open defecation-free communities - one village at a time
KAMRA, 6 March 2008 (IRIN) - Until recently, Mohammad Nafees was like most children in his village when it came to relieving himself.
“I used to poop outside. Just over there,” the nine-year-old giggled, pointing to the green field near his family’s home in the mountain village of Kamra, about 70km east of Islamabad.
With UK funding, [...]
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Essential environmental health standards in health care [publication]
Essential environmental health standards in health care
Edited by John Adams, Jamie Bartram, Yves Chartier
World Health Organization, 2008, 57 p.
Health–care associated infections affect between 5 and 30% of patients. The associated burden of disease is extremely high, and is a significant drain on health-sector resources and households. Ensuring safe environmental health conditions in health care can [...]
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Pakistan - Diarrhoeal diseases cost country
ISLAMABAD: The diarrhoeal diseases are costing Pakistan Rs 55 billion to Rs 84 billion annually, as 91 million population – 74 million in rural areas and 17 million in urban areas – lack access to improved sanitation in the country, said Caretaker Minister for Environment Syed Wajid Ali Bukhari on Tuesday.
He was addressing the inaugural [...]
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New paradigm for periurban WatSan
Prof. Duncan Mara, University of Leeds, has made the paper he co-authored with Dr Graham Alabaster of UN-Habitat, “A new paradigm for low-cost urban water supplies and sanitation in developing countries” [Water Policy 10 (2), 119−129, doi:10.2166/wp.2008.034] available on-line − pdf here, and more info here.
In his blog Mara says: “the New Paradigm is very [...]
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Honduras: Poverty and Sanitation
Poverty and Sanitation: An Analysis of the Linkage between Poverty and Basic Sanitation in Honduras, Water Sanitation Program, 2008.
This document presents an analysis of poverty levels mong rural and urban households of Honduras and their access to sanitation solutions. It identifies key spects for improving services and contributing to ector policies, strategies and investment plans [...]
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Namibia: ‘Flying Toilets’ a Health Hazard in Informal Settlements
Sanitation remains a great concern in the country’s informal settlements as many inhabitants resort to “flying toilets” in their moments of need, observed President Hifikepunye Pohamba.
Flying toilets are plastic bags slum dwellers usually use to relieve themselves after which they discard them onto the streets, alleys, ditches or even rooftops - anywhere out of sight. [...]
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Pakistan - March 4 launch of IYS 2008
Pakistan would formally launch the United Nation (UN)’s declaration of 2008 as International Year of Sanitation (IYS) by kicking off its activities on Tuesday. The UN General Assembly at its session had declared 2008 as IYS with the overall objective of accelerating progress on sanitation to help saving lives and foster economic and social development. [...]
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PAKISTAN: Mindset change key to changing rural toilet habits
MIR GHULAM SHAH, 3 March 2008 (IRIN) - Until just a year ago Jan Bibi and her five daughters aged 6-18 began their day by getting up before sunrise, walking a couple of hundred metres from their home to a filthy enclosed communal space, digging a small hole and relieving themselves. The alternative was to [...]
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EGYPT: Lack of modern sanitation systems threatens groundwater, health
CAIRO, 3 March 2008 (IRIN) - Nearly all Egyptians - 98 percent of the population - have access to piped water but only some have proper sanitation facilities. Not much attention has been paid to the effective and safe disposal of sewage, especially in rural areas, say specialists.
In rural areas - deserts and agricultural areas [...]
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Dignity for All: Sanitation, Hygiene and HIV/AIDS [presentation]
A Powerpoint presentation by Merri Weinger, USAID, given at the Side Meeting on Sanitation, Hygiene and HIV/AIDS Sanitation, Hygiene and HIV/AIDS at the AfricaSan 2008 Conference.
Read the presentation (PDF, 380 KB)
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China cracks down on water polluters with new law
28 Feb 2008 11:15:49 GMT
Source: Reuters
BEIJING, Feb 28 (Reuters) - China heightened pressure on polluters on Thursday, passing legislation that allows for stiff fines against heads of companies that foul its scarce water resources.
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Ghana - International Year of Sanitation launched
The Mayor of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, Stanley Nii Adjiri Blankson has said that good sanitation is the foundation of health, dignity and development. He said this at the launching of the International Year of Sanitation held in Accra.
Speaking on the theme ‘Building partnership for improved sanitation’, he said sanitation issue are not the responsibility [...]
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