Ethiopia Publications and Resources

Publications and other products from HIP's program in Ethiopia.

FileResource Book for Amhara Region WASH Friendly Schools

Resource book developed to support making schools in the Amhara region WASH friendly -- safe and healthy learning environments for boys and girls who will be the leaders and role models of future generations. HIP, WSP, Amhara Regional Health and Education Bureaus, July 2010

Ethiopia Resource Book for WASH-Friendly Schools.pdf  (2.7 MB)

FileTraining Manual for Preparing Parents, Teachers and Students for Preparing WASH Friendly Schools

Traning resource developed to complement the Resource Book for WASH Friendly Schools. HIP, WSP, Amhara Regional Health and Education Bureaus.

Ethiopia WASH- Friendly Schools Training Manual - July 2010.pdf  (1.3 MB)

FileTrainer's Guide to Integrating Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene into HIV Programs in Ethiopia

HIV/AIDS organizations working with PLWHA do not routinely integrate WASH into their programs. To address this, HIP engaged interested partners and formed a national community of practice in Addis Ababa to explore feasible, effective actions for improved WASH practices in the home-based care (HBC) context. To support this effort HIP developed this module, which can be integrated into existing training for HBC workers, HIV case managers, and nurses working in counseling and testing, PMTTC and antiretroviral therapy programs. (Related participant guide available below.)

Ethiopia WASH & HIV HBC Trainer's Guide.pdf  (372.3 kB)

FileIntegrating Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene into HIV Programs in Ethiopia - Participant's Guide

Ethiopia WASH & HIV HBC Participant Guide.pdf  (121.3 kB)

FileTrials of Improved Practice: Determining Feasible Water and Feces Management Small Doable Actions for HIV Programs in Ethiopia. February 2009

Summarizes trials of improved practices (TIPs) research conducted in Ethiopia to develop simple, feasible actions for use by home-based care workers for diarrhea and water management in households affected by HIV/AIDS.

Ethiopia TIPS Report.pdf  (486.5 kB)


English version of a field tool to assess hygiene practices at the household level.

Mikikir card eng.pdf  (712.8 kB)

FileHow to make a Tippy Tap

Instructions for making a simple hand washing device.

tippy tap[1].pdf  (207.9 kB)

FileWoreda Resource Book: Community-Led Total Behavior Change in Hygiene and Sanitation.

This resource book published by the Amhara National Regional State Health Bureau, with HIP and WSP, outlines 12 key doable and achievable steps identified and tested through a "learning by doing" experience to help people change unsafe behaviors to improve basic hygiene and sanitation. These steps can be customized to fit different circumstances and tailored to community settings with diverse cultures. October 2008.


FileTraining in Community-led Total Behavior Change in Hygiene and Sanitation: Facilitator’s Guide.

Amhara National Regional State Health Bureau, World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, USAID Hygiene Improvement Project. January 2009.

This manual provides a comprehensive training to build capacity of health extension workers (HEWs) and development agents to support total behavior change in hygiene and sanitation. Complete with exercises, facilitators notes, and tools. Also contains a separate training for community volunteers, to support HEWs to recruit and train volunteers to support village-level hygiene and sanitation improvement activities.

Facilitators Guide for Training Community-Led Behavior Change.pdf  (1.2 MB)

FileHealth Extension Worker Handbook: Community-led Total Behavior Change in Hygiene and Sanitation.

Amhara National Regional State Health Bureau, World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, USAID Hygiene Improvement Project. January 2009.

This resource source book is the participants manual to accompany the district level training in community-led total behavior change. Full of activity worksheets, reference tools and resources for implementing household and community behavior change activities, including assessment tools and construction of latrines and hand washing stations.

Health Extension Worker Handbook.pdf  (2.2 MB)

FileAmhara Regional Behavior Change Strategy for At Scale Safe Water, Hygiene & Sanitation Improvement

Developed for the Amhara WASH Steering Committee by the USAID Hygiene Improvement Project in close consultation with the Water and Sanitation Program/World Bank, the Amhara Bureau of Health, and the Ministry of Health, Environmental Health Department. This draft reflects the October 2007 review of the strategy by the WASH Steering Committee.

Amhara Behavior Change Strategy 2007.pdf  (418.2 kB)

FolderEthiopia Monitoring and Evaluation

Reports on progress to measure the effectiveness of the Learning by Doing Initiative of the Amhara National Regional State Health Bureau's program for at scale hygiene and sanitation. The Learning by Doing Initiative takes various levels of stakeholders through a process to ignite change at the regional, woreda, and community levels, bringing Amhara closer to goals of universal hygiene and sanitation by 2012. M&E activities are supported by the USAID Hygiene Improvement Project and its partner the Water and Sanitation Program.

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FileWhole System in the Room Multi-Stakeholder Meeting Report

HIP held a Whole Sytem in the Room Multi-Stakeholder Meeting during October 24-25, 2006, in the Amhara region of Ethiopia, on the theme "Aligning for Action: Sustainable Development through Safe Water, Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene." More than 90 key stakeholders working in health, water, and the environment, government officials, religious leaders and others participated in this meeting to construct a Common Action Agenda to implement the National Hygiene and Sanitation Strategy in the Amhara region. The meeting was hosted by the Amhara Regional Health Bureau, with support from USAID/HIP and the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program.

WSR Oct. 2006 Final Report.pdf  (1.5 MB)

Web LinkVideo Highlights of Whole System in a Room Meeting, October 2006, Ethiopia

Highlights of the WASH multi-stakeholders Whole System in a Room meeting, held from October 24 -26, 2006 in the Amhara region of Ethiopia.

Video Highlights of Whole System in a Room Meeting, October 2006, Ethiopia

FolderEthiopia Presentations

Presentations on scale approaches to improving hygiene practices.

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