Peru Publications and Resources
Publications and other products from HIP's program in Peru.
The resources on these pages were developed by HIP and its partner, Management Sciences for Health (MSH), for the USAID/Peru Health Municipalities and Communities project training-of-trainers workshop in late 2007. The training materials, outreach worker reference guide, and user reminder materials were developed to encourage families to treat their water before consuming it, wash hands with soap, and dispose properly of feces.
Training Manual - Manual de Capacitación para el Mejoramiento del Agua y la Higiene Familiar
This training manual was developed to train local community outreach staff or trainers on, how to implement a series of group activities (which take a total of 4 hours) at the community level to reduce diarrhea, and how to train other people so they can implement the activities.
Training Objectives: At the end of this training participants will be able to:
- Describe the contamination cycle and how to break this cycle by treating water at home, washing hands, and properly disposing of feces;
- Implement activities with community members to help them change their behavior; and
- Use diagnostic and data tracking tools to measure behavior change at the household and community level.
manual_capacitacion.pdf (1.7 MB)
Training Manual in English
Peru Training Manual in English.pdf (986.7 kB)
Reference Guide -- Guía Comunitaria para el Mejoramiento del Agua y la Higiene Familiar
This reference manual is intended to be used by outreach workers when working with community members to help them implement behavior change related to water treatment/storage/handling, hand washing and feces disposal in order to reduce diarrhea. This reference manual is divided into five chapters addressing the following topics:
(1) Questions and Answers: This section provides basic information on diarrhea, water treatment (chlorination, boiling, SODIS), hand washing, and feces disposal.
(2) Activities: This chapter provides detailed instructions for how to carry out interactive activities with community members on the contamination cycle, water treatment (chlorination, boiling and SODIS), hand washing and feces disposal. Each activity has step-by-step instructions and supporting materials needed to meet activity objectives.
(3) Diagnostic Tool and Data Tracking Instruments: This section describes how to use a tool (“Diagnostico: Agua en Nuestra Casa”) to determine current water treatment/storage/handling/use behaviors in a household and to negotiate improved behaviors. This chapter also describes how to use three additional tools to monitor behavior changes at the household and community level and to provide feedback to the community members on their progress.
(4)Tool Box: This chapter provides information on (a) how to manage/lead a group during a training or group activity, (b) Improve interpersonal communication skills, and (c) negotiate adoption of improved behaviors.
guia.pdf (6.1 MB)
Reference Guide in English
Peru Reference Guide in English.pdf (1.8 MB)
Wall Hangings/ Large Banners
These materials are large enough to be hung on a wall and are used during the training of facilitators and when working with a group or family in the community. They summarize key information about water treatment/storage/handling, hand washing and feces disposal, and data monitoring. The wall hangings/large banners cover the following topics:
- Contamination cycle/diarrhea,
- Water use/management/source protection,
- Hand washing,
- Feces management, and
- Data gathering/monitoring.
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Reminder Brochures
The reminder brochures cover the following topics:
- Contamination cycle/diarrhea,
- Water use/management/source protection,
- Hand washing, and
- Feces management.
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Field Water Quality Assessment and Design of Comprehensive Systems to Improve Water Quality – Curimaná District, Ucayali Region, Peru. Final Report.
This report presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of an assessment conducted in the Curimaná District of the Ucayali Region, Peru, over nine days in October 2006. The objective of this assessment was provide information to permit the MSH/Peru Healthy Municipality Project to address water quality management and monitoring issues in its client municipalities and schools. HIP provided technical assistance to help MSH/Peru build an internal team to implement these interventions.
USAID-HIP, MSH. Feb. 2007
Field Water Quality Assesessment Curimana District - Peru Final 2007.pdf (1.4 MB)
Research Brief: Case Studies in Microfinance in Peru
This brief examines two promising project activities in the micro-finance sector under the Creating Sanitation Market Initiative (CSMI), a multi-stakeholder initiative led by the Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank in Peru: 1) in Cusco, activities with the Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito del Cusco (CMAC Cusco) a Municipal Savings and Loan Fund owned by the municipal government of Cusco; and 2) In Cajamarca activities to establish Village Banks that administer loans for household sanitation improvements. The brief was prepared with support from the USAID-funded Hygiene Improvement Project, a CSMI partner, which provided technical assistance for monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management. Nov. 2010.
Peru Case Study Brief Nov. 2010.pdf (236.5 kB)
Assessment of the Water and Sanitation Program/Peru Alternative Pro-Poor Sanitation Solutions Initiative
A formative assessment of Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)/Peru’s Alternative Pro-poor Sanitation Solutions (APSS) in Peru Initiative. The APSS Initiative was to reach 8,000 families with toilets promoted as part of an integrated package (sanitation options, installation, use, and maintenance sanitation services, financial products, and adequate health and hygiene practices) in five localities, targeting a wide range of climates and demographics with the objective of testing multiple approaches and tools. Scott Tobias, Sanitation Specialist, and Patricia Fuertes, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, USAID Hygiene Improvement Project. 2009
Peru APSS Formative Assessment.pdf (749.0 kB)
PPPHW in Peru
Description of the Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing Initiative in Peru.
PPPHW.pdf (17.3 kB)