Prepared by CDC in conjunction with the USAID Point-of-Use Partners Working Group, these fact sheets highlight household water treatment and storage options including boiling, solar disinfection, chlorination, ceramic filtration, and flocculent/disinfection.
HWTS Options - Boiling
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Boiling. January 2009
Factsheet on Boiling.pdf (537.9 kB)
HWTS Options - Filtration & Chlorination
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Filtration and Chlorination. January 2009
Factsheet on Filtration & Chlorination.pdf (150.0 kB)
HWTS Options: Reducing Turbidity
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Simple Options to Reduce Turbidity. January 2009
Factsheet on Options to Reduce Turbidity.pdf (172.2 kB)
HWST Options - Safe Drinking Water Storage
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Safe Storage of Drinking Water. January 2009
Factsheet on Safe Water Storage.pdf (254.0 kB)
HWTS Options: Slow Sand Filtration
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Slow Sand Filtration.
FactSheet on Slow Sand Filtration.pdf (140.7 kB)
HWTS Options: Microbiological Indicator Testing
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: FactSheet on Microbiological Indicator Testing. December 2010
FactSheet on Microbiological Indicator Testing.pdf (448.3 kB)
Diarrhea Prevention Interventions
Preventing Diarrheal Disease in Developing Countries: Interventions to Reduce Diarrheal Disease. January 2008
Hygiene Interventions for Diarrhea Reduction.pdf (191.0 kB)
Proven HWTS Options
Preventing Diarrheal Disease in Developing Countries: Proven Household Water Treatment Options. November 2010
FactSheet on HWTS Options.pdf (1.2 MB)
HWTS Options - SODIS
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Solar Disinfection (SODIS). January 2008
HWTS Option-SODIS.pdf (236.6 kB)
HWTS Options - Flocculant/Disinfectant
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Flocculant/Disinfectant Powder January 2008
HWTS Option Flocculant-Disinfectant.pdf (237.0 kB)
HWTS Options - Chlorination
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Household Chlorination. January 2008
HWTS Options-Household Chlorination.pdf (288.8 kB)
HWTS Options - Ceramic Filtration
Household Water Treatment Options in Developing Countries: Ceramic Filtration. January 2008
HWTS Options -Ceramic Filtration.pdf (203.9 kB)