Overview of HIP in Madagascar
In Madagascar, HIP is working with the national water, sanitation, and hygiene network, DIORANO-WASH, to promote improved hygiene practices at scale. This partnership combines the power of over 130 government agencies, NGOs and PVOs, formal and non-formal, religious and social leaders, journalists and the private sector to bring about real, sustained change in hygiene and sanitation practices. HIP is promoting behavior change around hand washing, latrine use, and the treatment and safe storage of water. HIP has also developed relations with a network of established USAID partners in the areas of health, the environment, and water and sanitation to incorporate the adoption of its “small doable actions” for improved hygiene into their existing program activities, greatly increasing the scale of the population that has access to, will use or acquire knowledge of improved hygiene behaviors.
HIP Madagascar Overview.pdf (88.3 kB)